Can I order Honey Oil - Co2... online?

Ex Extract

Honey Oil - Co2 Subcritical Extraction, Restocked Now Jan 05/18

Restocked Now, Mar 05/18 **Minimum order 5 grams - $125 per 5 grams** Though hard to come by, honey oil is up to four times stronger than the cannabis it was created from. Due to this, please respect its potency by using it in moderation.. Great for Dabs, Spliffs, Vape Pens. At $125.00 per 5 gram vial this is the very best oil on the market!! ** note on vials. Honey Oil is sold in one Dram vials. This is how oil has always been sold!! It's by volume. A one dram vial, depending on the density of the oil, is about 5 grams.