Can I order Bhang Stick Cartridges ... online?

Co Concentrate

Bhang Stick Cartridges "All Naturals" up to 27% THC Indica and Sativa

Vape pens have flooded the market, but the stylish Bhang Stick is definitely one of the best both in the actual pen itself and the quality of the cannabis oil packaged with it. With a protective aluminum carrying case, each Bhang stick is completed with 300mg cartridge of either indica , sativa or hybrid cannabis oil–test results for concentrations of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids are on the label. When you inhale, the tip lights up so you know when it’s active and when it needs to be charged. As with all vaporizers, there is no smoke and very little taste or smell. The cannabis oil is produced through the Super Critical CO2 Cold Extraction Process which means no benzene, naptha or other solvent residues. Whichever strain of cannabis oil is used, the effects are rapid and pronounced.