Can I order Super Silver Haze online?

Sa Sativa

Super Silver Haze

Her name is Super Silver Haze. This is her story:

She was such a little plant. The only one of her kind in a big group. All the other little plants had sisters or first, second, third, even 10th cousins around them, their leaves waving in the sunshine in a happy family dance.

She was resilient of spirit, however, and made lots of friends in the beautiful greenhouse up on the ridge on The Island in the Sky. Above her towered huge Douglass Fir trees; below her, the oak and madrone were sometimes puddled with the fog that never crested the beach to rise to their paradise of sunshine.

With the help of the sunshine, the cool breeze, the clear water, the organic amendments in her soil and the tea which her human friend Rick so thoughtfully and generously applied to her leaves and stems, she grew.

Her stature was small, as she chose to focus her energies on fostering strength and sweetness, a balanced dance for any cannabis plant to achieve.

Then, when the sun got low and she knew it was time, her flowers came, blossoming in that time honored fullness that nature is so adept at nurturing.

She stood proud, glistening in the late summer sunshine, with her cannabis friends towering above her, she drank deeply from the sun that filtered down to her leaves and flowers

In the end, when Evrett the Reaper came for her, he was gentle and respectful, grasping her trunk gently, cooing to her that it was time to reincarnate into a different form.

She was not scared, only excited, when the sharp crisp blade severed her from her roots and soil, she was lifted to the sky with a sigh, held aloft by her proud grower and taken to the spa for leafing, deboning and spindling.

She was not scared because she knew, in that inherent way that all natural things know, that her energy would not end with the severing from her roots, her energy would TRANSOFRM...indeed, to quote Calvin, it would TRANSMOGRIFY.

She knew that her essence would be carried forward in her flowers, which, like her offspring, would spread into the world, bringing her sweetness and strength to those in need.

Those who were sick, or just tired of life, or needing a new feeling, or heading to a party, or about to surf a wave or receive chemotherapy...

As she dried, in the cool, dark, safe confines of the shipping container, she spent her time listing to the susurrations of drying leaves and the humming OMMMMM of the AC, Dehumidifier and or Swamp Cooler as they kept the atmosphere perfect for her long, slow, 3 week drying.

"Getting trimmed kinda tickles" she thought to her self as the little scissor groomed her to perfection.

Finally, she landed in a clear glass jar... ready to be brought to your home by a beautiful goddess who will arrive with a smile, trasporting the essence of Super Silver Haze, to you so that you may be made well by her presence in your body mind and spirit.