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10 Advantages of Vaping Over Smoking

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10 Advantages of Vaping Over Smoking

Smoking is a serious risk for human health. Many smokers intend to quit smoking but they can’t succeed. If you are one of those who are struggling to leave this toxic habit then vaping is a safer alternative to help you.

Vaping presents you with the choice of inhaling nicotine without being exposed to hazards of tobacco smoking. There are electronic devices with a charged battery and multiple-flavored e-juices that deliver nicotine to your body. You can select nicotine strength and flavor of e-juice that you like.

There has been a long discussion among researchers on which is a better option smoking or vaping?

Whether vaping is better than smoking or not?

To know the benefits of vaping, without further ado, let’s look into the advantages of vaping over smoking.

1.Vaping is risk-free

Studies reveal that vaping is harmless as compared to smoking. Traditional smoking produces smoke while the vaping yields vapors.

Tobacco smoke has a large number of carcinogens (cancer-causing elements) and other toxic substances. Moreover, the smoker inhales a high-heat smoke that injures the throat.

Since in vaping, no combustion, ash, or tar is involved, it benefits the switching smoker with no-smoking healthy feeling.

It results in better skin health, oral salubrity, lung capacity, circulation, and an ameliorated sense of taste and smell.

2.No toxic odours and smoke

Another big advantage of vaping is that neither you nor the people & environment around you get polluted by the nasty smell and smoke.

Passive smoking is one of the many drawbacks of traditional smoking i.e. smoke of the tobacco not only harms you but it also has adverse effects on the people sitting next to you. Additionally, when you smoke, your mouth and fingers give off a bad smell. On the other hand, vaping produces no such odours.

You can opt for dry herb vaporizer that will allow you to talk without obnoxious odours. Vaping may contain fragrance of the flavors used, yet it isn’t the smell of tobacco leaves. The smell may have a pleasant impact. No matter, if you choose tobacco, its odour won’t be the same as tobacco leaves.

3.Regulated nicotine-intake

You can control the amount of nicotine intake. You can pick from a wide range of no-nicotine e-juices to high potency nicotine.

This facilitates you to customize your nicotine intake following your personal needs. If you are a regular smoker, you can go for high strength nicotine in the beginning and then gradually decrease the intake amount, or completely remove it.

4.Better for Lungs & Overall Health

Smoking induces substantial damage on windpipe and lungs. High level of smoking triggers mucus-producing cells in the throat and they produce excessive mucus. This accumulates in the air passage and blocks it. The lungs are not in a position to clean out this mucus and results in cough.

Vaping prompts no such peril to the lungs. It is better in the way that the vapers are cooler than the smoke generated by traditional tobacco smoking. Neither the vapors have any bad effect on mucus-producing cells.

Smoking also makes the lungs weaker and reduces their natural performance. Your immunity against infections is badly affected too. Whereas, vaping is much safer option to satisfy your craving while staying free of the negative implications of smoking.

Other Perks of Vaping

In addition to the comparative advantages of vaping over smoking, there are some more benefits that you won’t experience in smoking.

Here are the few;

  1. You can control your vapor exhalation

One out of many advantages of vaping is the control of your vapor output. Small devices such as vape pods are created for low vapor and convenient use.

Adjusting the coil type, airflow, and power output permit you to control your vapor volume. You can keep it as low or high as you desire.

  1. Available in different flavors

Vaping provides you with the infinite number of e-juice flavors. New flavors are continuously developed to satisfy the relish of smoking quitters, and that never leaves you with fewer choices.

You have a lot of alternate flavors to choose from; e.g. fruit, beverages, desserts, menthol, foods, and even tobacco.

  1. Instant Satisfaction

Vaping is much convenient and ready-to-go craving gratifier. Although some vapes may need initial preparation, many come in ready-to-use form.

Although all vapes require e-juice and a charged battery to remain functional, an average vape would keep working throughout the day without a keep-up or maintenance.

  1. Cost-efficient for your Pocket

There is an extensive range of vape products for you to suit your budget. The vaping industry has grown tremendously in the previous years and there exists a high competition resulting in comparative advantage to both i.e. users and producers.

You can find a suitable vape product for you at any price range. If you want one with price fewer than 10 dollars, then here’s good news for you, you can get it easily.

  1. No prior experience desired

 Even if you have no earlier experience with vaping, you can comfortably use it. There are products for beginners to cater to their needs.

Devices like vape starter kits and pod vapes are available for the starters. Many of these are draw-activated and all you have to do is to puff on these and start enjoying.

  1. Easy access

Now, vaping products are easily accessible. You may spot vapor products in the local stores, smoke shops, and at gas stations.

Even you can get the desired products at your doorstep by ordering online. Nowadays, almost every single place that deals with smoking merchandise also offers vape products.

Wondering how to find the best-fit vaping product for you?

Whether you are already used to vaping or a beginner, NZO Vape Pods offer a wide range of vapes that are equally valuable for all.

Their starter kits are exclusively designed for the new users. If you are switching to healthier nicotine option, you can delightfully take benefit of these kits with a vast selection of flavors and nicotine strength options.

On top of that, you can find a wide array of products that are cost-effective, multiple-flavored, and easy to use and carry. You can experience fine and tailored-to-your-need vape pods here.


By knowing about all the above shared benefits, we can say that vaping is a better and healthier option for those who want to quit smoking.

E-cigarettes deliver the nicotine without the other toxic substances that exist in traditional smoking. Researchers have observed distinct and positive influences on the health of vapers who switched to smoking. They have relatively lower number of toxins in their bodies than that of regular smokers.

Thus, vaping has a greater advantage over traditional smoking and you can quit smoking and adopt a healthy alternative. Moreover, it is not too expensive and easily affordable.






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