Member Since 2016

Urban Earth Med

        not rated yet
2020a Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8T 4L1, Canada
(778) 265-8367


To become a member and be eligible to purchase medical cannabis products from Urban Earth Med, you must complete our application steps: see forms here

Have your health care practitioner (either a Medical Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, Naturopathic Doctors and Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine) complete our Practitioner’s Recommendation Form and fax it directly to our office @ (604)336-4819 from his/her office. (We will also accept Health Canada’s Medical Marijuana Access Division authorizations.)

If you do not have a family doctor that you are comfortable discussing Medical Cannabis with, we offer FREE doctor consultations in-store via Skype.We also offer consultations for patients across Canada via Skype for only $50.

Once your health care practitioner has filled out the Practitioner’s Recommendation form and faxed it to our office, you must then provide 2 pieces of government issued I.D. You must be 19+ years of age.

Fill out the Urban Earth Med Membership Application and Code of Conduct.

Congratulations you are a member

We do not charge any member fees. UEM Membership is absolutely FREE!

The Release of Information form can be signed and given to your doctor to encourage them to sign our Practitioner’s Recommendation Form. Additionally, you can release your medical practitioner from any potential liability by providing a Health Canada Release Form for Medical Practitioners to your practitioner.



Urban Earth Med’s medical marijuana dispensary is dedicated to providing a professional, safe, private environment to qualified members who require access to marijuana in Canada. Find the best medical marijuana strains at our Victoria BC Dispensary located at 2020 Douglas St., or in Vancouver at our new Compassion Club located at 1605 Renfrew St in Vancouver, BC. We provide DR consultations in store and online.

Marijuana is an essential medicine to a variety of individuals for treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. We are proud to assist patients in finding the best ways to treat their condition with the most beneficial strains of medical marijuana grown in British Columbia, Canada.

Urban Earth Med Society is a non-profit society dedicated to offering our members respect, compassion, and ongoing education. In store and online, we strive to help persons with valid medical conditions by providing a selection of high quality strains of medical marijuana. We only provide medical marijuana on a doctor-approved, not for re-sale basis.



MONDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
TUESDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
SUNDAY 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Debit Cards



Menu updated 8 years ago


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