Hy Hybrid THC 13 CBD 0.1

Cali Hash Plant


Cali Hash Plant is an Indica dominant strain of cannabis with a rich historical background. Its story begins in the Netherlands in the 1980s, and it is a descendant of Northern Lights #1 and the original Hash Plant. It didn’t take long for the Cali Hash Plant to spread to the Northwest US and other parts of the world, taking them by storm. The unique woody and earthy aroma of Cali Hash Plant is precisely what makes it so popular among experienced users. Furthermore, since the THC content ranges from 10-13%, it represents the ideal strain of marijuana for beginner smokers. Among the most commonly felt effects from the Cali Hash Plant strain are a happy, relaxed and euphoric vibe. A significant number of smokers also claim that it creates an uplifted feeling that is an excellent cure for stress-induced insomnia, headaches and chronic pain. However, bear in mind that Cali Hash Plant is recommended for night-time use or one of those lazy days when you can afford to be couch-chained. There have been reports of slight negatives to Cali Hash Plant. Commonly, users experience dry mouth and eyes; however, the effects are only short-lived. What sets the Cali Hash Plant strain apart from others is the fact that it has been proven to be highly effective for patients looking to treat inflammation. There truly is no better strain of marijuana for those who use cannabis as medicine.

Strain Attributes:










Medical Uses









Dry Mouth


Dry Mouth

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What is Nanoemulsion and How Does it Affect CBD?

Scientists recently found out how to pass 'nano' droplets into the mouth and blood by using ultrasound waves to blow CBD oil. This nano emulsified CBD has a quick rushing action, almost 5 times proven higher absorption and effective therapeutic effects on a lower dose level. Nanotechnology has been helpful in numerous medical situations all around the world, it has researches done by pharmaceutical companies to prove the effectiveness. Several published scientific studies have been done and so far the FDA had approved over 50 nano-drug applications. Nanotechnology is on the course of changing the game entirely with a proven faster onset and much higher potency at lower doses. Cannabis concentrates and CBD oils are hydrophobic substances. Only a little percentage of the cannabinoids are absorbed by the body because of the poor water solubility that does result in very low bioavailability. One important factor in CBD and cannabis consumption is bioavailability. Enhancing a CBD bioavailability is the best method to increase potency without taking many doses. Because CBD molecule is hydrophobic, oil-based products like CBD creams and oils designed for topical use and ingestion are bound to have low bioavailability.
How To

5 Common Ways To Consume Concentrates

Here’s a guide to the different ways to consume cannabis concentrates so you can decide which one may work best for you.

No More Sales Tax on Cannabis - A Smart Way to Fight the Illicit Market Says Manitoba

A mandate that legal cannabis merchants must pay a 6% "social responsibility fee" based on their total annual sales to the government has been revoked in Manitoba. The action may put around $7.8 million (Canadian) more in the coffers of firms that have been having trouble due to intense competition and low-profit margins.