Sa Sativa

Charlotte's Web


Charlotte's Web is a sativa that has gotten popular, mostly because it has astonishing medicinal uses. With less than half of a percent of THC (0.3% on average), Charlotte's Web is the perfect strain to treat seizures. It has high levels of CBDs, meaning it does not get the user incredibly buzzed or “high”, like many strains do, but it will treat ailments such as epilepsy. The first patient that was given the Colorado-grown strain was named Charlotte and it is said that the trichomes create a sort of “web”, giving the strain its namesake. The strain smells strongly of pine and other heavy woods. It is known to grow long, narrow leaves, just like most sativas, whilst sporting sticky trichomes. Being used primarily for pain, epilepsy, and even anxiety. The problem with Charlotte's Web for some is that it has very few psychoactive effects. While this is useful if you do not like your medicinal herb to affect your inhibitions, it can be a negative. Although Charlotte's Web is known to treat pain, its effects are so hard to pinpoint that it sometimes, it will not help cure pain at all. It is dependent on body chemistry and preference. The most common complaints regarding the strain include headaches and dizziness. Because of the bizarre headband with which it leaves the user, it can be lead to severe migraine. Use with caution, for this is a unique strain that may affect you differently than any other cannabis strain you have had before.

Strain Attributes:












Medical Uses




Dry Eyes

Dry Mouth




Dry Eyes

Dry Mouth


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