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She was still in disbelief that things had went as far as they did, and she knew she had to make sure that things didn't go any further. There had been a few other incidents in the past with other guys, but so far she'd been lucky that her husband never heard about any of them... but with Eddie having a video of her lying in bed with Joseph, she felt like her luck might finally be up. Clutching her towel up against her body, she sternly told Eddie "please, this isn't funny! You have to delete that!". Eddie chuckled as he turned toward her with a smile and said "don't worry, no one else will see it... it can be our secret, hubby doesn't need to find out... right?".

Mary could tell by his choice of words and tone that he was suggesting she would have to do something in order for him to delete it... and she had a good idea what he wanted. "Eddie, I made a mistake and I'm sorry... but I'm not going to make another, I'm not going to let you fuck me". Eddie once again chuckled and said "don't worry, I'm not going to blackmail you for sex". Mary was both relieved to hear that, and confused... "will you please delete the video then?" She asked, starting to calm a bit until Eddie said "I can delete the video... if you can remove that towel... seems fair, doesn't it?". Mary didn't know what to think or say... she felt like she was in over her head, and she hated that the idea of being blackmailed into showing her naked body to Eddie was turning her on as well... she hesitated in deep thought before asking "if I let you look at me naked, you promise to delete the video?". Eddie gave her a wink and said "of course... I wouldn't force you into fucking me", to which Mary replied "no, you'll just force me into showing you my tits". Eddie chuckled and then replied "amongst the rest of your sexy body".

Mary started to calm down more, realizing that she wouldn't have anything to worry about once the video was deleted... and the exhibitionist in her was growing excited at the idea that he would go this far too see her naked. She tried to act reluctant as she slowly responded "ok... as long as you delete the video... you promise you'll delete it?". Eddie quickly and playfully responded "cross my heart" as he flashed her a smile and looked her up and down. Mary acted reluctant again and said "my husband will kill me if he found out...", all while getting turned on knowing she was going to display herself for Eddie... she was already nude besides the one towel preventing his view, and she then said "fuck it, I guess it's not that big of a deal" as she tossed the towel on the bed... she stood there and watched his eyes devour her chest as she told him "No one better hear about this either". She tried to hide the fact that she was aroused, and that she noticed the bulge in his shorts told her he was too.

Eddie tried to play it cool as he stated "wow... I didn't really think you'd do it... I would have deleted the video, I was just teasing you", as he smiled at her pierced nipples. Mary felt her heart jump and her pussy swell as she told him "you're such a jerk... will you delete the video now?". Eddie noticed that even after he told her he was just kidding, she still stood there fully exposed... and he got the impression that she was enjoying it. "Are you pierced anywhere else?" He asked while looking toward her crotch. Mary knew why he asked and replied "I'll let you check for yourself if you delete the video now"... she realized she had said it in a seductive tone, which was unintentional but not unnoticed by Eddie, as he showed her the video on his phone and then deleted it in front of her. Mary let out a small sigh and then smiled as she said "Thank you", to which Eddie replied "I didn't make a video of you to get you in trouble. I never planned on showing it to anyone... after I fucked Christina, I saw you fucking Joshua last night... and I walked in this morning hoping to see more of you".

Eddie noticed she was breathing heavily, and seemed aroused as he reached out and rubbed one of her nipple rings, testing her to see how she'd react as he gave it a slight tug. Mary bit her lip and told him "I guess that's fair... I did watch you cum last night after she sucked your cock". Eddie chuckled as he braved rubbing her nipple slightly and asked "you saw that?... did it turn you on?". Mary let out a heavy sigh as she nodded her head, and Eddie started to caress her breast. She started to get nervous that things were going to go to far again, just like they had the previous night... she told him "maybe I should get dressed now" in between heavy breaths, but still doing nothing to stop him from playing with her tits. Eddie quickly responded "I still need to check you for additional piercings" as he moved closer against her, gently pushing her against the bed so she started to lay down... Mary looked at the door to see if Joshua was awake, and then back at Eddie as she lifted her knees and spread her legs to show him her most intimate spot. "I guess this is what you were wanting to see... it's not pierced though"

Eddie rubbed his cock through his shorts with his right hand, and slid his hand against her slit, amazed by how wet she was. She threw her head back and shuddered as she felt a couple fingers slip inside of her, and grew more concerned she would be getting fucked again soon... or maybe she was hoping she would... she didn't know what to think anymore. She looked back toward Eddie who was pulling his shorts down, and watched as his cock sprung up... she reached between her legs and started to gently rub her clit as she watched him grip his cock and slowly stroke it... but managed to say "we need to stop, I shouldn't be doing this". Eddie smirked at her and said "you shouldn't have let Joshua fuck you either... why not let me now too?". Mary knew he was right, and at this point did it really even matter? Eddie leaned between her legs and started smacking his cock against her pussy before saying "Besides, it's what you want... isn't it?".

Mary knew that how she responded next would decide on whether Eddie fucked her or not... and he was right, she did want him to. She hesitated a moment as she looked into his eyes, and that down toward his cock that was rubbing up and down her slit, and then softly said "oh my God, I'm such a fucking slut". Eddie gave his infamous smirk as he started to line the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy, knowing he had her where he wanted her, when all the sudden her phone started ringing in the other room... and she knew based on the ring tone that it was her husband. It snapped Mary out of the horny drunken spell she was under, and Eddie could instantly see the change on her face. In almost an act of desperation he pushed the head of his cock inside of her, but barely penetrated her before she jumped back and raced into the other room to answer the phone.

Mary answered the phone with heavy breaths as she noticed Joshua was looking at her from the other bed... obviously the phone had woke him up. Bradley asked over the phone "good morning, honey. Why are you breathing so hard?". Mary answered "I was racing from the shower to answer the phone, I didn't want to miss your call". Bradley replied "oh, well I just wanted to let you know I'm about to board the plane and head that way. Can you have the front desk hold a key for me?". "Of course" she replied as she saw Eddie walk into the room, now wearing shorts again... she put her finger up to her lips to signal for them to be quiet, suddenly remembering she was currently nude in front of both of them. "Great, I have a couple of fun things planned for a naughty trip tonight, so I hope you'll be ready once you're done at the conference" he said in a playful tone. Mary smiled, but also felt a tinge of guilt as she told him "I'll be sure to be ready, I'm looking forward to it!". Bradley let her know he had to go as they traded "I love you" to end the call, and Mary looked at the two guys in the room who were currently smiling and staring up and down her body.

Mary didn't bother to try to cover up as she told them "look, anything that has happened is over. My husband is on the way, and we need to work professionally with each other... so let's forget about everything that happened, and get ready for the conference. We need to put this behind us and move forward like it never happened, understand?". Eddie looked disappointed as he said "maybe I can fuck you once before we do all that?". Mary rolled her eyes, despite liking the attention and how much he wanted her, and then responded "you guys go get ready for work, I need to shower and get ready as well... and seriously, I don't want to see any winks or smirks or anything... things stay professional between us from here on out". Mary realized the irony in what she was saying, and the fact that her tits and ass were still on display for them... and their blatant staring at they soaked in the view of her body wasn't going unnoticed either. She had always wanted to expose herself to them, but never planned or expected things to get out of hand like they did. Joshua acknowledged he heard her as he grabbed his clothes, smiled, and walked out of the room... Eddie walked up to her and whispered "I'll stay professional and end things for now... but eventually I'm going to fuck you" as he gave her a small peck on the lips and then turned around and walked out the room.

Mary wasn't sure how to react to that... was that a threat? A promise? Should she be upset, because now she was just aroused with the idea of him using her body for his gratification... but she reminded herself she had to end things now before her husband arrived... she couldn't risk him finding out. She closed the shared adjoining door and went to take a shower... but while in the shower all she could think about is how Joshua and Eddie stared at her... how Joshua had fucked her, and Eddie was just about to as well. She rubbed herself thinking about everything that had happened, and wondered if they were doing the same thing while they showered thinking about her. It was probably a good thing Bradley was coming so she had a reason to put an end to things... but part of her wished she maybe had another day or two alone... but she knew it was best to end things now, even if the idea of both of them using her made her cum during her shower. She took her time to put on her makeup before walking out to get dressed, only to find both Eddie and Bradley sitting on the bed, fully dressed for work and smiling at her.

Mary briefly covered her chest in shock before dropping her arms and asking "what are you guys doing in here? I'm not dressed!". It was obvious she had no qualms with allowing them to continue to look at her as Joshua said "the door wasn't locked, so we just came over to see if you were ready". Eddie added "I have to admit, I was hoping you weren't". Mary rolled her eyes and said "seriously guys, things can't go further than this, we need to stay professional... you can't just walk in here when Bradley is here". Joshua spoke up "we know, no more touching... we just wanted another look before it all ended". Mary was flattered that they enjoyed looking at her so much, it made her feel special and sexy... she giggled a bit and said "I guess it doesn't matter now... but once I'm dressed, no more comments, jokes, flirting... everything stays professional on the job, understand?". Eddie replied "of course" as Joshua answered "understood", and Mary tried to act like she wasn't getting aroused by her coworkers gawking at her as she took her time picking out what she would wear for the day (despite already knowing), all while asking them their opinions. She enjoyed bending over lewdly a she reached into her suitcase to fish out undergarments, making sure they got an eyeful of her ass and pussy from behind... all while trying to act nonchalantly. She made small talk about the weather and about work to help break the tension and keep things from getting awkward, as if walking around naked in front of them was completely normal... but once she was fully dressed she told them she was ready, and to their credit they didn't say anything in disappointment or inappropriate, Eddie just said "ok, let's go" as they all walked out of the room and to the convention.

Throughout the day, Mary was nervous that something would be said or done... but they honestly acted like nothing ever happened. Not one inappropriate joke, glance... no awkwardness in behavior from either of them... and she was shocked by how well they did so. It made her feel a lot better, and less stressed about anyone finding out about what happened. She slowly started to realize she had nothing to worry about, as even when she was alone with either of them, they never said or did anything inappropriate. The only dirty stares she received were from strangers, which she always appreciated. She checked her phone to see she had received a message from her husband that said "I'm checked in and in the room. I'm really looking forward to seeing you later" which included a picture of his hard cock in his hand... she was eager to both fuck him and find out what naughty fun he had planned for them that night. Once they finished up around the convention, Mary let them know she was heading back to the room to see her husband instead of drinking with everyone, and eagerly made her way to her room to see Bradley laying there openly masturbating while he waited on her.

Bradley gave her a smile and said "I was hoping you'd be here soon" as he wiggled his cock for her attention. Mary giggled as she got on the bed

and devoured his cock, stopping just long enough to tell him "I've missed you!". Bradley smiled at her as he asked "are you talking to me, or my dick?", to which she answered "Mmm, both!". Bradley grunted as he grabbed her head and pushed his cock down her throat, and then told her "I called a strip club here in town, and the owner said you can dance tonight if you want". Mary had done that in the past and loved the attention from all the horny guys, so he knew she would like that. She moaned on his dick while she pulled down her pants, and Bradley continued "it's an all nude place... so you can show off your pussy to all the perverts there... I know you've never done all nude before, and I thought you'd have fun with that". Mary pulled his cock out of her mouth long enough to ask "I can put my naked pussy in front of their face?... that's so fucking hot!... would you like that, baby? Would you like seeing the perverts staring at my open pussy?". Bradley grunted "yes... knowing they wish they could fuck you... and will be jerking off later to the memory of your cunt". Mary laid down with her pussy in his face as she continued to suck his cock... and the excitement of everything they were planning, and the memories of Joshua fucking her and Eddie almost fucking her... it had her pussy gushing, and Bradley was quick to notice.

"Mmmm, it looks like you're really looking forward to it... your cunt is dripping and gaping". Mary couldn't handle it anymore as she turned around and sat on his cock, and furiously started riding him. Mary grunted "I want to see them staring at my pussy... I want to watch them cum while looking at me... wishing they could fuck me". Bradley obviously liked the idea as well, because he grunted out "I'm going to cum" as Mary continued to rapidly grind against him, and before Mary could cum Bradley had already blown his load inside of her and couldn't continue. Mary was frustrated, but knew he'd be ready for more later, as she climbed off of him and said "I'm going to take a bath and get ready". Bradley laid there panting as he said "I'll take a shower after you, and then we can head to the club". Mary asked him "how did you set this up?". Bradley answered "I found the club online, started a correspondence via email with the owner and asked if you could dance there... after sending him a few of your pics, he agreed to let you perform". It made Mary feel pretty knowing he saw her picture and agreed that she was good enough to perform there... she gave her husband a kiss, and said "I'll try to hurry".

Mary started running the the bath water and undressed, thinking about how many guys she would be showing her body off to later, and was honestly excited... her husband knew what turned her on, and she loved him for it... she felt lucky to have a guy that was so understanding... but also wished she could do more... and after the events with Joshua and Eddie, she couldn't stop thinking about how she wish she could let both of them fuck her too. She took her time shaving her legs and her pussy, making sure she was stubble free... thinking about how she'd soon be showing it up close to horny pervs at the strip club. She'd never been to an all nude strip club before, so she wasn't sure what to expect... but she was excited to soon find out! She knew Bradley would want her to take his pen into the locker room area at the club... it had a hidden camera on it, and any time she's been to a club he has asked her to use it to secretly record the girls. Mary didn't mind helping him get his voyeur thrills, and knew it was part of the reason he enjoyed her dancing for others.

Once dried off she put on the sexy short dress that her husband had brought her and fixed herself up while Bradley showered, taking the time to admire the ample amount of clevage that she was showing... she had done so much teasing, and was anxious to do more... and before she knew it, they were on their way to the club. With her heart thumping in anxiousness and nervousness, she knew that the night would be one that stood out over most.

More coming soon...

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