Can I order White Dream online?

Sa Sativa

White Dream

This is an interesting mix that's incredibly effective and heavy for a Sativa. When D-Man first told me the name riding around LA, we both guessed the lineage, and judging from the smell and smoke alone, we were right. When you've got leaves this fuzzy and hairs with a unique light orange color, sprinkled in dust, you know its gonna be good.

The buzz hits immediately and just grows over time. THE EUPHORIA IS EPIC...its to the point where you literally start feeling like your mind is floating. After a good 10-15min, the white widow deathlock that normally takes 45 min or so to drop in shows up, but its not overwhelming like it normally would be, due to a REAL blue dream's ability to completely uplift the smoker.

This is a perfect morning all the way into night time smoke for the intermediate OR veteran, and warning to the novice, this is Professional Grade. For what it is, nearly a pure Sativa, you'll be hard pressed to find better, aside from a Private Reserve Jack Herrer, Charlie Sheen or Mace Windu.


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