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The only life that
remained was in his dick, which had stayed hard. It twitched and
bobbed against one of the lifeless legs. All Katy had done was knock
out eight of the man’s front teeth, top and bottom. They scattered
across the carpet like dirty, yellowed pieces of a broken necklace.

"That was easy," Erin said, but Rachel could tell by her voice that it
hadn’t been easy at all.

"Now," said Katy, "Where’s Miss Arson?" While Rachel and the others
stood, gaping mouthed, over the body of the man, wondering if he was
dead or not, finding their answer in the heave of his chest, the bob
of his dick, Katy followed a faint sound into the night.

Later, she would tell Rachel about it before she told the others,
because Rachel had been so helpful in keeping them on the trail to the
cabin. Because Rachel had been the lookout and Katy needed a lookout,
because what she’d seen was so terrible she could no longer keep it to

The cabin had a back door, which stood open. Without the glow of the
city, the moon and stars shone brightly, casting a glowing light onto
the scene before Katy. Miss Arson hung limply by her wrists between
two trees, chained with handcuffs to a branch on one side, a tight
knot of rope on the other.

At first, Katy thought she was dead, but then she heard something deep
and guttural. At first, she thought Miss Arson was crying, but as she
inched closer, she realized she was laughing maniacally. Like the man
inside, she was completely naked. Like the man, she looked
unconscious, but her eyes were open and she was staring blankly at the
ground, laughing now and then. Blue bruises bloomed at her hairline
and on her cheeks, only just visible in the moonlight. Her large
breasts were black-and-blue, as well. Her legs were spread out, just
barely supporting her, and her pussy was visible, hanging open like a
gaping wound. Under her spiky pubic hair, she’d been rubbed red, and
blistered in some places. Her vagina had gotten the worst of it. Her
inner labia were caked with dried blood and opened to reveal a
stretched and bleeding hole. Gobs of semen leaked from the hole,
tinged with bright red blood, trailing down her legs to the ground.

"Did you really see her that vividly—all the colors, the dried blood
and the bruises, in just moonlight?" Rachel asked when Katy told her.

"Yes," Katy said, "And if you’d have followed me out there, you would
have seen it, too." It was an image Katy would never quite get out of
her mind.

Katy moved forward and put her hand on her teacher’s shoulder. "Miss
Arson?" Miss Arson bucked backward, now done laughing and trying to
scream, but all that came out was a hiss of air. She couldn’t back
away from Katy; the trees were strong and did not bend. "Miss Arson,
it’s Katy." As Miss Arson leaned forward, a lattice of whip marks was
revealed, along with deep, animal scratches that led from her
shoulders down to her hourglass hips and the indentation that marked
the top of her buttocks.

Katy pursed her lips when she told Rachel this part. Rachel knew
exactly what Katy had realized at that moment—he’d had the dog rape
her, too. Strong as she was, Katy wanted to throw up. She choked
back the bile in her mouth as she untied the one wrist, leaving Miss
Arson standing like a zombie, one hand raised and handcuffed to a tree

She ran into the room. "We need to find a handcuff key. Miss
Arson’s out back." The girls rifled through the cabin; Leah looked
through animal bones on rustic shelves, Rachel looked under one cot,
Katy looked under the blankets on another. Finally, Erin found them.
The keys were hiding in plain sight, sitting on the bearskin rug
beside the still-unconscious man.

Katy released Miss Arson and led her into the cabin, still zombie-like.

This was the first look the rest of the girls got at her. They were
shocked. Rachel, in particular, started crying all over again.

Miss Arson was indifferent to them. Her eyes were blank and now she
was staring up at the ceiling, even though nothing was there. "Come
on," Katy said. "Miss Arson, please, we need to get going." Miss
Arson tried to hiss something, but her voice was still gone. Her face
was so pale, her body so shaky. Katy found her clothes stashed in a
corner and began to dress her, bra first, then shirt, then panties
over the horrible and weeping wound between her legs. As she was
trying to get Miss Arson into her jeans, Samantha spoke.

"We can’t just leave this... thing," she said, gesturing toward the man.

"What do you mean?" Katy asked. "We need to get Miss Arson down the
hill so we can get her to a hospital."

"I think we’ve got time enough to make this fucker pay," Samantha
said, an evil grin on her face. "Do to him what he did to Miss
Arson." Rachel thought she knew her friend, especially after their
filthy episode of shower sex. She knew that Samantha was sexually
experienced but a bit naive about the kinkier side of things. She
also knew that Samantha was up for nearly anything; her work with the
shampoo bottle proved it. What she didn’t know was just how twisted
Samantha would get. She was about to find out.

- Chapter Ten -

Saturday Night

Samantha was thinking of the way Mason had fucked her, in more ways
than one. She was thinking about his big, long dick, which he’d named
"The Monster." Lying on the floor at her feet was the real monster.
Two monsters, really—the man and his dick. The second monster, the
one Samantha was interested in, twitched between the man’s legs, long
and hard, tantalizing, already dripping with cum. Samantha had been
fucked by a guy. She’d fucked a girl with a shampoo bottle. She’d
never fucked a guy, never been in control. She was about to. For
revenge, for pleasure, it didn’t matter. She was slick inside, slick
and smooth and wet. She could feel her body pumping hormones, pumping
adrenaline. She wanted to ride this man until his cock broke off.

"Do to him what he did to Miss Arson," she repeated, and started to
unzip her pants.

"Wait, wait, wait," said Rachel. "Do what? Torture him?"

Samantha was more blunt about it. "Rape him," she said. "And torture him."

Katy, who was struggling to get Miss Arson’s shoes back on feet
swollen and covered with claw marks, looked up for a second. "That
sounds fair, Samantha," she said. She stood, leaving Miss Arson to
struggle with her own shoes. "Move the cot to the center of the room.
Tie him to it with the same rope and handcuffs he used on her."

It took four of the five girls to lift the man. Samantha ended up at
his head, hands under his big, sweaty shoulders. She peered down at
the man’s face, his toothless lips sputtering as he breathed. He
didn’t deserve to breathe, she thought. Not after what he’d done. In
the meantime, Katy led Miss Arson into a corner. Samantha heard Katy
speak gently. "You stay here. You don’t need to see this, but we’re
going to get him for you." Miss Arson, who had yet to say a word and
was still drooling and barefoot, obeyed and Katy rejoined the group.

The girls dropped the man onto the cot. Katy returned with the rope
and handcuffs, which they used to hook the man to the cot—cuffs
locking his arms underneath it, rope securing his legs. His penis
stood erect, the highest point on his body. "Look at that monster,"
Samantha marvelled.

"We should cut it off," said Katy.

"Oh, no," said Samantha. "Not until I get to ride it."

"What are you, sick?" Rachel asked. "A soap bottle is one thing, but
that’s really, really big." Luckily, nobody asked about the soap
bottle; Samantha wasn’t quite ready to explain what had gone on in the
shower yet. She was, however, ready to take her anger out on this
guy, and boy was she angry. She finished unzipping her jeans, kicked
them to the side along with her underwear, and lifted her shirt. The
other girls stared at her as she stood there, wearing only her black
sports bra, gazing down at the man she held captive.

He was quite disgusting, really, except for his marvellous cock. He
was fat and stinky, covered with hair. While Samantha was deciding
where to start, Katy brushed her arm. "Here’s the whip he used on
her," she said. They joined hands and whipped him together, starting
at the chest and moving downward to the man’s legs. When the third
blow landed, the man’s eyes snapped open and he looked right at

Samantha squeezed the whip harder and gave him ten more blows. The
whip left red, angry cuts with ragged edges. The man groaned in pain.
"You sorry for what you done?" Erin asked, stepping forward. Leah
huddled behind her. The man clenched his teeth—or, rather, the space
where his teeth should have been, gum on gum, and shook his head no.
Erin unzipped her hiking shorts and tore off her shirt. She took off
her bra, as well, letting her pert, athletic, caramel-colored bosoms
bounce free.

She ripped off her underwear, balled it up, and stuffed it into the
man’s mouth. "I’m not interested in anything you have to say on any
subject unless you’re ready to confess your sins." Samantha couldn’t
help but smile. She sounded just like the teachers at school—all of
them except Miss Arson.

And, while they might have implored the man to confess, they wouldn’t
have approved of what she was about to do, for as soon as Erin stepped
away from the man, Samantha climbed onto him. She straddled his hairy
chest; the hair tickled her shaved, little pussy. She left a slimy
trail of her juices along his chest and got her bearings by gripping
the man’s wrinkly, brown nipples. Erin’s underwear muffled his scream
as Samantha twisted the tender flesh. Now fully balanced, she leaned
back, unhooked her bra, and let her tanned and shiny breasts loose.

Though he was clearly in pain, still bleeding from the whip, the man’s
penis only grew harder. He couldn’t help but be turned on by this
beautiful girl who was riding him. Samantha lifted her body, giving
the man’s nipples another rough twist, and eased herself down on his
penis. She felt it penetrate her, leaking pre-cum already, which
soaked her hairless outer lips. Feeling the full girth of him, she
bore down, shifting back and forth on her hips as he entered her more
fully. It was different being on top. Samantha was in control now.
If she wanted, she could tease this man forever, just allowing the
head of his penis to enter, then drawing back, abruptly, forcing it
out of her body with an audible pop.

But Samantha wanted the whole thing. After teasing for a few moments,
moving up and down, controlling the shallow penetration, she pressed
down as hard as she could and his cock—she’d heard that word
somewhere—slipped all the way inside, opening her up, filling her as
she had never been filled before. She felt rip-roaring pressure on
the walls of her little pussy and her cervix, and had to wait for her
body to adjust before getting into a rhythm with this monster, moving
up and down, up and down, letting the huge member slide all the way in
and then all the way out, twisting the man’s nipples as she moved

She felt the monster cock’s juices mixing with her own. The gooey
mixture slopped out of her, tangling in the man’s thick pubic hair.
Samantha kept riding, using all her force on him. She’d been
powerless before, but now she held the power. She’d been fucked, but
now she was fucking. She didn’t notice Rachel beside her until she
felt a gentle hand under her chin. Samantha turned and Rachel’s lips
met hers. They kissed passionately, moving their lips hard against
each other. Samantha no longer cared if people thought she was a
lesbian, but how could they when here she was, filled to the brim with

When Rachel finally broke the kiss, she said, "Ride ‘em, cowgirl."
And Samantha kept riding, taking every bit of her aggression out on
this man who had hurt Miss Arson. She bounced her way to her first
orgasm; her body curled at the spine and she shook from her head to
her toes, shrieking and throwing her head back at the height of it.
Her pussy squeezed the man’s dick so tight that she thought she was
going to burst it if such a thing was possible. The dick didn’t
burst. The man didn’t even cum. So Samantha kept riding.

She might have gone on all night with the rest of the girls standing
and watching, Katy cracking the whip against one of the man’s arms now
and then, Erin slapping his face to make sure he stayed awake and
focused. But Leah, timid Leah, took her arm, not to tell her that
enough was enough, but to ask for a turn. Samantha slid off of the
monster penis reluctantly, her pussy leaking pre-cum and juices.

Leah had been touching herself and Erin had been fingering her, so she
was ready for it—at least somewhat. She’d never had a dick before, so
she was understandably nervous. But if she was going to be a lesbian
for the rest of her life—and she was pretty sure she was---she needed
to try straight sex at least once. Or at least that’s what she told
the others later when explaining her logic. With Erin guiding her
hips down on the man’s cock, Leah looked terrified as he penetrated
her. "It’s okay, baby," Erin said, pushing her hips down. The entire
group heard the head of the huge cock pop into Leah. Leah gasped.

And then she was off like a madwoman.

She fucked the man every bit as relentlessly as Samantha had done,
twisting his nipples out of spite, following her friend’s twisted
suit. She didn’t take the dick quite as deeply as Samantha had, but
she took it, let it stretch her, and, just as the man’s hips were
tensing, she sprang off of his dick before getting a shot of cum in
her pussy. She smiled. "Dodged a bullet there," she said, making a
fist and punching the man’s penis.

The man sputtered and tried to shout through the undies. He’d wanted
to cum inside the pretty little hippie, of course, and he hadn’t been
able to. Rachel stepped forward. She had other plans for his cum.
She stood over the man, opened her mouth, and gave him a toothy
blow-job. He tasted terrible, she would tell the others later. The
only redeeming part of it was the residual taste of Samantha and
Leah’s sweet pussies. Once that was gone, it was like eating
half-liquefied rotten fish that filled her entire mouth. But she
wanted to do it, wanted the pleasure of driving her teeth into this
guy’s dick as he tried to hold back his orgasm.

He lasted about forty seconds. Rachel applied just enough pressure to
his cock, sucking and swirling her tongue around the dickhead between
nibbles into his flesh—that he burst shortly. She held just the head
of his dick in her mouth, wrapping her hands around the monster cock
as she guided it through its orgasm. Rachel didn’t swallow a drop.
She held it in her mouth and proceeded to yank Erin’s panties out of
the man’s mouth. Then, she kissed him roughly, not the way she’d
kissed Samantha at all, and spat all of the jizz into his mouth. She
replaced the panties and let him choke on it.

The girls watched the man’s eyes turning red. Samantha climbed up and
sat on the man’s face, choking the breath from his nose with her
well-used, hairless pussy. She held herself over his nose until he
was out.

"Let’s flip him now," Samantha said. "So we can whip his back."

All five girls flipped the heaving man over. He was taking halting
breaths through his nose now, still alive, but not happy. Katy handed
the whip to Erin, who streaked his back with the same gaping wounds
that graced his front, focusing on his ass, already lumpy and pimpled.
Nobody noticed that Katy had gone outside.

Samantha had found a poker from the fire—not heated up, but still long
and uncomfortable, and was probing the man’s asshole when Katy
returned. "I’ve got a better idea than that," she said. She had the
man’s dog, its penis hard and angry. At first, it took no interest in
the man, but Katy knelt beside it and massaged its penis with her
hand, drawing the bulbous red head even further out of the dog’s
foreskin. She rubbed the penis and its sheath until the dog was
ready, looking around for anything to fuck. Katy was left with a
juicy hand full of dog smegma. Samantha guided it onto the man,
holding his ass cheeks open for easier entry. The dog’s dick was long
and narrow; it found its mark and stabbed.

The man’s scream could be heard, even through the cum-soaked panties.
Katy wiped her smegma-covered hand across his nose. That shut him up
for a while; he gagged into the panties as the dog continued its anal
attack. The girls watched in amusement as the dog pummelled the man’s
anus with his dick, stabbing in and out, changing direction and
eliciting more muffled screams. The dog’s claws traced ugly scratch
marks down the man’s back, crooked series of lines like the girls had
seen on Miss Arson. Amid the pleasure they found in watching the man
get brutally raped, they understood that this had happened to their

By the time Samantha remembered that Miss Arson was right there,
sitting with her head turned to the corner, the dog had shot its wad
and withdrawn, dragging a trail of blood, shit and cum that trickled
down the man’s hairy inner thighs. Samantha looked to the corner.
Miss Arson had turned and was staring at the man’s violated backside,
nodding her head. She had one hand in her jeans; she was touching

"I think it’s time," Katy said, finally. Flip him back over.

Samantha had lost track of Katy while the dog was doing its business.
She’d gone back toward the cabin’s rudimentary kitchen, but for what,
she was not sure. The girls followed Katy’s command, however, and
flipped the man onto his back once again. He was too weak to resist.
His penis had softened, but kept some of its length. It lay, coiled,
in the thatch of pubic hair. Katy took it in her hand, spat on it,
and moved her fist up and down, working him til he hardened again,
against his will.

His ass must have been stinging because he kept wiggling his hips,
trying to get away from Katy’s hand. Nevertheless, his penis sprang
alive, almost immediately reaching its full length. Samantha was
surprised when Katy climbed onto the man and impaled herself on the
newly hardened penis, but she wasted no time in getting behind her
friend, in between the man’s parted legs, and helping her bounce up
and down as she lost her virginity to the monster. It was an angry
fuck, like Samantha’s had been, and Katy kept her shirt on for it.
Samantha, feeling out of control and incredibly horny, tried to get
the shirt off, copping a feel of Katy’s perky tits as she did. That’s
when she felt it—something hard nestled under Katy’s arm.

Before she realized it was a knife, Katy popped off of the man, penis
sliding out of her, coated in blood and juices. He probably thought
he was going to shoot his load into the crazy goth girl, but he was
wrong—and how. Katy revealed the blade the man had used to kidnap
Miss Arson. She held it in front of his face. And promptly brought
it down between his legs. Without hesitation, she gripped the head of
the man’s penis, brought the knife to its base, and cut it right off.

The gush of blood was instant and overwhelming. It came out in a
pressurized spray, coating the man’s body and the entire cot with
freshly-spilled plasma. Katy held the severed penis over the man’s
face as it softened in her hand. The man was able to see what she’d
done as he lay dying. Erin pulled the panties out of the man’s mouth.
"You sorry now?" she asked.

The man grunted. "Yes," he said, or at least that was what the girls
would believe he’d said.

"I don’t forgive you," Katy said, and she shoved the man’s dismembered
penis into his mouth.

Death came quickly. The pressurized spray of blood, which had been
like a firehose, slowed to a pulsating gush, then a trickle, and then
stopped altogether. The man’s eyes were open, pleading with the girls
for a mercy they could no longer offer. Choking on his own penis,
bleeding from the gaping hole between his legs, he breathed his last
and died in front of them.

Katy, covered in blood, hugged Samantha to her, forming a blood
sisterhood, a twisted sisterhood that would last the rest of their
lives. The others joined them in their embrace. They’d all been
there, had all participated, even if they hadn’t been penetrated.
They hugged tightly, covered with blood and mud, only breaking the
embrace when Katy said, matter-of-factly, "All right, girls, we’ve got
to get down the hill by morning. And we’ve got a body to get rid of."

Chapter Eleven -

Sunday Morning

Katy didn’t realize she’d formulated a plan until she spoke. She’d
never wanted to become a leader; she preferred to stay in the shadows.
But this situation had been forced upon her and she had led her
friends to this strange and bloody victory. She wasn’t about to let
things go wrong at the end.

The man’s body was heavier now that he was dead. They wrapped him in
his own sleeping bag, leaving him handcuffed, keeping his legs tied.
There would be no horror movie scene with this asshole waking up and
staging a final attack. This body would not disappear until she
wanted it to. Erin and Rachel dragged the body along the path while
Leah and Samantha lit a campfire. All of the tension between the
girls had gone, especially now that everyone realized Samantha and
Rachel were just as queer as Erin and Leah. Katy ensured that
everything bloodstained or cumstained went into the campfire, from the
cot’s dirty pillow to Erin’s panties. When the fire was out, all that
remained was ash.

Katy took a final sweep over the cabin. One of the cots was empty.
She glanced back at the other one; they hadn’t touched it. She,
Samantha and Leah, aching to the bone, led Miss Arson down the path to
where Erin and Rachel had the man’s body. They stood at the edge of
the gaping chasm they’d passed before, ready to roll it in. "One,
two, three," they counted, and they pushed the body over. When they’d
thrown rocks into the chasm, they’d heard nothing—not a crash or a
splash. This time, they heard both—the sound of breaking trees and a
hearty splash as the body hit the water. They stood for a moment,
surveying their work, the utter lack of evidence.

"We must never tell anyone about this but each other," Katy said, and
knew that the rest of them understood. They were bonded by these
events, sisters forever, in a way. All of the girls answered in the
affirmative. Only Miss Arson had failed to respond. "Miss Arson, are
you in agreement?"

Finally, the teacher spoke, softly, as though the word caused her
great pain. "Yes," she said. The speech barrier broken, she
continued. "It’s best if we pretend this never happened."

But the girls, Katy in particular, knew that was impossible. They
would need to talk about it, would need to support each other through
the memories and protect each other from any other threats that came
their way. Having lived through this together, it was the least they
could do.

Katy led her band down the hill, Miss Arson beside her, hands on her
shoulders for balance. She felt the sun rising, sunlight on her face.
Less than half a day ago, she didn’t know if she would live to see
another new day and now there were thousands of new days before her.

Back at the cabin, the shower was pumped and Katy watched as her
friends used it. There was no privacy now. She got a look at
everyone naked, from Erin’s body, dark and athletic, but somehow
gentle as she washed Leah, head to foot, to Rachel and Samantha in
their skinny, valley girl beauty as they kissed passionately under a
stream of water. Katy was back to her role as observer.

She watched Erin rinse the disgusting woodsman’s pre-cum out of Leah’s
vagina, fingering her tenderly, spreading her lips and whispering
something in her ear. Leah responded in turn, fingers inside of Erin,
fucking more roughly. "It was like that," Leah said, this time out
loud. "It hurt, but it felt good, too."

Katy watched Rachel lick Samantha’s pussy clean, Samantha grinning a
twisted and toothy grin as she spread her thin legs further, letting
Rachel get right into it, get all of the sweat and stray hairs out.
She’d ridden the man the hardest and longest and was the dirtiest on
the inside. Rachel didn’t seem to mind, went after her with a broad
tongue in the big places, and the tip of her tongue in the little,
tiny ones. They finished off with a deep kiss and several mouthfuls
of water to get the taste out of their mouths.

When it was Miss Arson’s turn, Katy gave her some privacy. It was
what she felt her teacher would want. She’d always considered herself
a little bit twisted, maybe not as twisted as Samantha turned out to
be, but twisted. She got off watching her friends fool around after
killing someone and disposing of the body, but watching a raped woman
was just too much.

Finally, it was Katy’s turn to shower. She thought over the sexier
events of the day, even thinking back to her encounter with Erin in
the bathroom, and she rubbed her own hardened clit, pressing it
against her pubic bone. She pressed two fingers into her newly opened
vagina, satisfied that she’d lost her virginity on her own terms, and
that something good had come of it—the man’s punishment, the girls’
friendship. She came quickly, water rushing over her, and leaned back
against the shower wall to ride out her orgasm. Fluid squirted out of
her, mixed with the stream of water from the shower, and sank through
the porous surface below.

By the time Katy pulled her clothes back on, she was completely
satisfied, and the school bus had rolled into view. Newly washed, the
five girls and Miss Arson didn’t betray what had happened to them.
The bus driver noticed nothing amiss. He kept his eyes on the road
and pulled away from the campsite.

Katy looked around the bus, at Erin and Leah cuddling together, Rachel
and Samantha whispering secrets in each other’s ears, and finally at
Miss Arson, who looked almost normal. Now and then, she cringed
slightly, a painful memory crossing over her face like a cloud briefly
overshadowing the sun. Katy worried about Miss Arson, and would
continue to worry about her more than the other girls.

And now, thinking back, she was worried about something else. She’d
been sure to burn all of the evidence. The man’s body was rotting in
a river. But something in the cabin left her uneasy—the second cot.
Why would a solitary woodsman have two cots to sleep in? Had there
been someone else living in the cabin? She tried to dismiss her fear,
but no matter how she tried to control her mind, it kept wandering
back to that second cot, made up with another set of blankets. She
bore these thoughts, like a penance, the entire way home.


From behind a rock, hidden amongst the trees and undergrowth, he watched.

He listened and he learned names and places. From the side of the
bus, he learned not only the name of the city but also the name of a

It will take planning and caution, but he will do what must be done.
If he bides his time, vengeance will be his--vengeance for his brother
and vengeance for himself.

Without his brother to rein in his demented and tortured mind, he will
tear them limb from limb. And why not have a little pleasure along
the way?

He reached down and stroked his American Girls doll against his erect
cock as the dust from the departing bus settled on the ground.


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