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" She looked at Dryden.
"Is this true Dryden?" She struggled to say.
"Do not worry about this now I will explain it all when you are well. There are also a few other things on my mind that I wish to speak to you about as well." He then kissed her forehead and laid down on the floor next her bed.
"We will discuss this later Leandra now leave me to rest." She said to her softly.
"Yes of course dear sister you get well we shall talk later." She replied back and then left her to rest.
"Well what is to be done with the little bastard?"
"They are going to discuss it when she is feeling better and stronger to deal with him in her own manner. Come now brother they are both asleep." She then walked away leaving Darien in front of her door. He stood there for several minutes just staring at it before he finally walked away blood still dripping from his nose and lip.

"Dryden come to me." He heard her whisper.
"Yes my lady what is it?" He asked as he rushed up to her side. "Come and sleep with me hold me let me know that I am safe and that you will never let anything happen to me." She then placed her hand in his and held it tightly.
"Never my lady I will never let anything happen to you." He squeezed her hand back and then crawled into bed beside her. "You should not be sleeping in these clothes would my lady like for me to undress her?" He asked smiling at her. She then looked up at him smiled back and nodded her head. From there he proceeded to undress her removing her dress then her corset, her panties and stockings. So that when he was done she was as naked as he was. "How are you feeling?"
"Better actually thank you again for being there for me. Not just with this but my brother as well. Yes I know about it I was awake for a short moment earlier. But you will still have to be punished for it and not only by me. But by him now as well. When you placed your hands on him you gave him full right to do to you as he pleases and I can not do anything to help you. Do you understand this?"

"Yes my lady but it was worth all the punishment that I am going to receive. As are you." He kisses her gently.
"Well then let us get back to your training then. Guards come and take him away he is my brothers now until I wish to have him back." At once they entered the room and hurried him away from her before he could tell her that he loved her.
"Well now you belong to the prince." Dryden then spit in the guards face.
"I belong only to my lady." The guard then threw him against the wall and pinned him there by his throat. But did not hit him. "You are lucky you are the princes or else I would hand you over to the slave hall." He then knocked on the prince’s door. The prince opened the door and smiled at the sight of Dryden.

"Well then it looks like my sister has given in."
"Not exactly my lord she said she will come for me when she is ready and that you must be the one to punish me. Though I would gladly do it again." Dryden said glaring at the prince. "Yes well that was your first mistake." The prince then grabs Dryden by the balls and drags him into his chambers and kicks the door shut in the guards face. He then walks him over to a hook hanging from the wall.
"Do you know what this is used for slave?"
"Is it for all of your failed attempts to kill yourself?" He said back sarcastically.
"Hmmm...A wise ass I like that." He chuckled a bit and then punched Dryden in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. "But sadly you are wrong this where I hang my slaves for there training. This is where you will be pleased when told to be pleased and so on. You are mine now and you will not enjoy this I am not you precious princess."
He then grabbed another pair of leather shackles placed them on Dryden’s hands and locked his hands above his head onto the hook from the ceiling. He then grabbed the chain that the hook was attached to raised the hook up until Dryden was on standing on his tip toes.
"Are we comfy yet you dog?" Darien asked.
"Sure why not, not the first time this has happened to me." Dryden said back.
"Well then how about this?" All Dryden heard was something open then a sharp, hard and painful thrust as something was jabbed into his anus. He screamed out in pain.

"Yes that's it take it enjoy it there is more to come of this." The prince continued to move the object in and out of Dryden’s anus slowly at first then he began to thrust it harder and deeper into him. As Dryden continued to scream in pain. But for some reason despite all of the pain he found himself in he was hard as a rock maybe it was do to the cock strap still on him or he was really enjoying this.
"That's right get hard bitch enjoy it you know you do. Do you want more? Answer me or I go for something bigger." Dryden did not answer him. So Darien pulled the object out and lowered him so that he was level with Darien’s waist as he thrust himself into him. Dryden again cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. After a few good thrusts into him Darien released himself. But this did not stop him he kept going until he was hard again and once again was able to release himself. Dryden’s moans had gone from pain to pure pleasure. His penis so hard and throbbing how it wanted to be touched to feel some release like it had done with lady Leandra in the rose garden. Darien then pulled himself out washed himself off and put his pants back on. "Guards!" He called as one of them entered the room.
"Yes my lord."

"Have someone come and clean him up at once I am going to supper I want him clean and ready for me for when I return. And if any of you touch him I will make it so you never touch anything again am I clear?"
"Yes my lord." He then rushed to find one of the groomers and have them come to the prince’s chambers at once to ready him for his majesty. After a few moments of being alone and recovering from what had just happened to him a lovely young lady dressed very nicely in an emerald green silk skirt and gypsy shirt.
"Well now you are a lot better than some of the others that I have had to clean." He looked up at her and was at once lost in her beauty.
"Yes well I don’t feel that good looking right now." He whispered back and then hung his head again.
"Yes well you are now. No more talking I must get you ready for this evenings events." She said to him as she walked back out into the hall and wheeled in a cart with a bowl and bucket of water along with a strange device that he had never seen before. "What's that for?" He asked her.
"This thing right here is for cleaning you out. Can't have you dripping the prince everywhere now can we?" She laughed and began washing him down.
"My name is Ren and I am your groomer." She said to him.
"My name is Dryden what do you mean my groomer?"

"I belong to you as you belong to the prince only I wash and take care of. And do not be afraid to talk to me what is said between the two of us stays with us. Normally I would be doing this to you in the slave hall but you haven't made it there yet. Consider yourself lucky on that one with as bad as you have been." Moving from the front of him to the back examining him before washing him gently as to not hurt his already swollen buttocks.
"Well then it looks like you have had a number done on you already. That is nothing though if you keep this attitude up. Why fight it so much just give into it you know you want to I know you want to I can see it in you already. Let yourself be broken." She began to wash his ass as he flinched with pain. "Not to him I will not break to him. My lady yes I will break for her with pleasure but never for him." He said a little irritated.

"But you do not get it as long as you are here you must learn to break for everyone. Not just one mistress. You belong to everyone in this castle do you not understand that? And if you don't then you are going to have many more days like this one. Now tonight’s events are going to be very hard on you." She then moved back to his front again gently washing his still erect penis. He moaned a little when she touched it.
"So teased already I bet it wouldn't take much for you to go right now would it?" She then smiled and then began suckling his penis in her mouth. And again before he was able to be released she stopped and continued to wash him.
"Why what is going to happen to me tonight?" He asked her still shaking from her teasing him moments ago.
"Well you are about to be put through the training course which is a series of tests to show how obedient you have become and can be. Now keep in mind that you are not doing this for him but for your lady. For if you fail this so does she and she loses you to her brother." He looks up at her.
"But she was given a two weeks to train me it has only been barley a day."
"Yes well the queen has changed her mind after the stunt that you pulled earlier when you hit the prince. Do not worry though you will do just fine. I'll help you prepare and walk you through what is going to happen to you."

"Thank you for your help." He said and smiled at her.
"Yes well I would rather see you with Princess Devania than Prince Darien." She finished washing him then filled up the device with water and walked behind him.
"Relax yourself it will make this easier." He did so to the best of his ability and she gently placed the device inside of him and used it to flush the prince out of him. As she was doing this she heard him moan a bit so she took advantage of this and began moving it in and out of him slowly.
"Well it seems as though you've taken to this quickly."
"I can't take much more of this teasing. How do you do it?"
"You get used to it that is one the many things your body is going to be trained to do. Learn it quickly it will be easier on you." She finished with his anus and then released him from the hook he was hanging from. As she was unchaining him the prince walked back into the room.
"Well you look a little better now that you are clean but before we finish getting you ready you must be ready for everyone else tonight. Ren you know what to do." He then took a seat on the bed as Ren pulled her panties down and pulled her skirt up revealing her swollen wet pussy to Dryden.
"Fuck her relieve yourself before you go it will be the last chance you get for some time now." He found himself unable to move all he could do was stare at her loveliness.

"I can't she is not mine I can not do this." He answered back. "You will do as you are told to do like a good little slave." Darien then stood up and walked over to Dryden until they were nose to nose.
"Now fuck her so you may be of some use to the others later tonight." He said as calmly as he possibly could.
"Dryden it is okay I want this." Ren said to him. And upon this being said he then walked over to Ren and slid himself into her. She moaned loudly as he began moving back and forth in and out of her wetness. Her moans continuing to grow louder her breaths becoming deeper her hips moving in perfect rhythm with his thrusts.
"That's a good boy feel it all of it take it savor it enjoy it while you can." Darien still behind him begins running his fingers down Dryden’s back gently. "Don't pay any attention to him Dryden." Ren gasped between her moaning.
"Just please yourself do not worry about me." She said.

He then leaned into her and whispered into her ear.
"Not until you do I want you to be as satisfied as I am going to be." He then again thrust himself hard into her.
"I can't I have no permission to do so."
"Pay no attention to him listen to what I say I am all that matters to you at this very moment now let yourself go I will take the blame for this just do it because I don't know how much longer I can control myself." Having said that he ran his fingers into her hair grabbed a handful of it and pulled her head back roughly. She screamed in ecstasy once more hearing this he thrust again harder this time and began moving faster inside of her her hips still moving with his both of them screaming and writhing in pleasure and in one final thrust they both let them selves be relieved at the same time then allowing them selves to collapse onto one another onto the bed. Panting heavily and sweating his body shinning in the gentle glow of the candles lighting the room.
"How beautiful that was to watch you truly are a piece of work aren't you? Now get up it is time you were finished so we can go." Darien then removed the leather strap from his still swollen cock and placed it in a long chest in front of the closet then pulled out yet another device that he had never seen before.

"Down on your knees like the dog that you are!" He commanded harshly but Dryden did not move he stayed there on the bed beside Ren and again glared at Darien.
"I gave you a command." After a few moments of glaring at him he stood up and walked over to Darien and fell to his knees at his feet. Darien looked down at him and smiled.
"Good boy you do learn. Ren clean him up again and dress him for the occasion." Ren did as she was told she stood up and cleaned him off then dressed him in a gold collar and shackles and glued jewels onto his body. Then when she was done with this she attached a heavy golden harness to him and dragged him to the prince’s feet.
"He is ready for you." She said to him.
"Yes he is and now it is time for us to be on our way. The others are waiting for you to be displayed to them." ‘Displayed’ he thought to himself well this was going to be no problem then he could deal with being displayed. When they reached the dinning area it looked very different then it did the last time he was here and in the center of it was a new device that he had never seen before. It was a long wooden table with shackles on it and at the end of it stood a tall wooden column with something attached to it. He could not make out this item for the table was to tall and do to his position he was to short. He was then blind folded and pulled up onto this table where he could feel his hands and feet being shackled down.
"Well he is a magnificent creature isn't he? And he belongs to you?" He heard one man ask.

"Yes he is but no sadly enough he belongs to my sister Devania." Darien replied back.
"Well then he must be in need of some serious training for her to lend him to you my lord Darien." The man replied back to him. "Yes well he will be the best slave in this place when I am through with him now let us end this chatter and begin with this evenings games shall we?" 'Games? What games?' He found himself thinking. He then felt a gag placed into his mouth and the blind fold removed. He turned his head to see what was behind him and there on that large wooden column was a very large iron molded penis. He then heard a large crack and the column began moving closer to his exposed anus. He found himself struggling to get free until he could feel it penetrating him when it finally stopped. He screamed out in a mixture of both pleasure and pain tears flowing from his eyes. He managed to thrust himself forward enough to eject it from him.
"Well now looks like we're going to have to put a stop to this." Darien said.

"Lower the column and strap him on his back to the table. Dryden was then forced onto his stomach as they unchained him and flipped him over onto his back then chained him back up again. Adding another strap around his waist preventing him from moving. A few moments later he heard the crack and felt the iron dildo reentering his anus further than the first time pushing deeper and deeper into him until it was in him all the way. His body arched as much as it could in pleasure he then began slowly grinding on it.
"Beautiful." He heard one man say as he walked over to him and began stroking his erect penis. Dryden moaned in pleasure. The man must have heard him because he stopped and slapped it hard.
"Isn't he though." Another gentlemen said as he did the same walked over to him and began stroking him and rubbing his balls. In this Dryden came instantly all over the mans hand. The man was furious at him as he slapped his penis again and again each time hitting it harder.

"You must learn self control if you are to be a slave in this place." The man snapped.
"Duke! I believe that is enough from you." Dryden could barley see through his tears but he could tell by the voice that this was his princess. Had she come to save him finally?
"My lady he will never learn." He said to her.
"I am aware of that but my brother also knows better he has not been here but three weeks this is to much for him. He may stay on display but is not to be touched am I clear?" She was furious at the events that had just conspired.
"Yes my lady." He then pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned off his hand.
"Sister he belongs to me remember?" Darien said to her sternly. "No he does not he is still mine he was simply leant to you so that you can teach him the ways but I now see that, that was to much for you. I will now take him back. Now all of you leave us while we speak." The chamber quickly emptied until it was just his princess and Darien standing in it.
"You walk a fine line sister dear in telling me what I can and can not do." Her brother replied to her.
"Yes well I guess we have that in common now don’t we? Now about my slave I want him back and I want him back now. You have had and abused him enough." She said to him walking over to Dryden and places a hand on his chest. Dryden breathes deeply at her touch.
"What do you plan to do with him May I ask? If I can not train him then what makes you think that you can?" Darien said to her sternly.
"Because he is mine and I have a different way of doing things than you do dear brother now you will not touch him, go near him, or breath his name ever again or we’ll have to see what mother thinks of your behavior."

Chapter Three
On Display

The prince then left the two of them alone in the hall. My lady please forgive me for all that I have done to you." Dryden pleaded with her.
"Hush now my pet I am here." She said to him as she walked up the platform and sat next to him on the wooden table.
"I have to know something why did you pick me?" he asked her. "Why? Because there was something about you that I fell in love with it told me that I had to have you." She replied to him as she lifts her dress and straddles him.
"My lady please not like this." He found himself pleading with her.
"Of course not I had no intentions of our first time being like this." She said to him leaning in and kissing him deeply as she reaches over and unchains him. He quickly wraps his arms around her and holds her tightly.
"I have missed you my lady. Are you feeling well?" He asked her. "I am thank you my pet. Now I am sorry to tell you this but you must remain here on this table for the next several days. Then after that you will be tested on your obedience and how well you listen to commands even when they are not being issued." she said to him pinning his arms back onto the table.
"When you are done with this you will be mine again then I shall reward you properly." he smiled when she said this to him as she shackled his hands back down to the table. She then slowly kissed down his chest to his stomach until she reached his swollen cock that ached her more than ever. She gently took it into her mouth and began sucking on it. He held himself back until she looked up at him. She didn’t need to tell him he could see it in her eyes that she wanted him to. Then with the loudest moan he had let out since he arrived here he released himself into his ladies mouth. She swallowed every bit of him. This only made him get hard again almost instantly. She then wiped her mouth clean and smiled at him.
"That’s a good boy. I will be back to see you in a few days." She then stood up and left him there alone. But he was not alone for long an hour maybe two then the room was filled with the lords and ladies yet again. He found himself falling into a depression when she did not come to see him again until it was time to. When he heard her voice as she entered the room he found himself as hard as ever and ready to please his lady in more ways than one. He was then released from the table and put to the test. After several hours of testing he found himself on the floor on his hands and knees before his ladies feet waiting judgment. She then stood up and placed a golden collar around his neck.
"Let it be known through out this castle and kingdom that this slave now belongs to me and me alone." He heard her say this brought a smile to his face.
"Now rise slave and carry me to my room." He quickly did as he was told and carried her swiftly to her chambers.
"Shall I put you in bed my lady?" He asked her as they walked into the room.
"No set me down here and undress me." She commanded.
"Yes my lady." He obeyed quickly and undressed her leaving her naked body for him to see.
"Well now you have learned very well I am very proud of you." She said to him walking over to him.
"Thank you my lady." He said to her looking down at the floor. "It is alright you are in my chambers now. There is no need for you to look at the floor you may gaze upon me as I know you want to do." She was right his head quickly lifted up at her and found himself unable to stop as he laid her down in the bed and began kissing her passionately. He then realized what it was he was doing and remembering what happened the last time he quickly fell to the floor.
"Good you remember. But I did nothing to make you stop."
"You also never told me I could either my lady."
"Silly boy I did when I told you to undress me now come here." she said to him taking him by the hand and pulling him on top of her. She then kissed him deeply allowing her hands to caress his beautifully sculpted body. He then rolled off from her and sat up on the bed.
"What is it my pet I thought you wanted this?" She asked him.
"I do my lady I want you more than anything it’s just…"
"What my pet what is troubling you so much that you can not even make love to your mistress?"
"It is just that your sister told me not long ago that you had many slaves like me sex toys if you will. How do I know that I am not just like them?" He asked her.
"Dryden my love you are nothing like the rest of them I never fell in love with any of them. I have with you I know that it is not allowed but I can not help it." She then pinned him to the bed and straddled him. He could feel her warm wet pussy against his penis and he was instantly aroused. "My lady if what you speak is true then I am yours and yours alone." Dryden said to her rolling her onto her back and slowly slid himself into her. She moaned as deeply as he did. She then wraps her legs around him and pulls him down onto her so that there bodies were pressed together as one. He slid himself in and out of her slowly at first then began to move quicker. Her moans becoming louder her breaths deeper there bodies moving in perfect rhythm until they both let each go in one another.
"I was right when I told my mother that you were the best." She smiled at him and held him close to her.
"Not the best my lady." He said back to her.
"So do you want to tell me the real reason you were in jail for?" She asked him. "I already explained that to you I thought and everyone else in this castle." He replied back to her rolling off from her.
"Yes well they may have believed you but I don’t. The least you could do is tell me the truth."
"Yes well…"
"Well what?" she said to him.
"Would you still want me if I told you?" he asked her calmly.
"Of course I would that is never going to change you are mine as I am yours my pet." she responded snuggling up to him.
"Alright but do not pass judgment until you have heard it all." she looked up at him and shook her head in agreement.
"Well as you know my family was killed before my eyes. I told you that it was because I was caught stealing food for them. But that sadly enough isn’t the case. Yes my family is dead and yes they were killed in front of me that much is true. But the rest is a bit more complicated than that."
"I’m sure I can keep up."
"Good because I am not repeating it and you are never to either is that clear. For what I am about to speak of may bring danger to your front door." he continued.
"It was early summer three years ago when a passer by came to our door begging for a place to stay for a day or so. He offered money and paid in advance so we asked nothing of it needing the money and all.
"The next day I went to work as I always do. Pulled a full days work in the fields then went home. When I returned home there he was raping my wife. I could hear her screaming from up the road. I entered my home pulled him off from her and killed him."
"At the same time there were three guards walking by they heard the commotion and rushed into my home to see me kill him. They then finished where he left off and raped my wife and daughter in front of me for hours before killing them both and hauling me off to jail."
"Then you came along and saved me. For that I thank you." he said to her tears running down his face.
"Oh my god. Do you know what these guards looked like?" she asked him.
"You needn’t do that to help me you have done enough by taking me from that place." he then lifted her head and kissed her lips softly. Her body shuttered at his gentleness. She then straddled him once more and feeling his erect sex beneath her she slid her hand down to it lifted it and gently slid it into her. He moaned loudly in pleasure at the feeling of being inside of her. Once inside her he then began moving his hips up and down in a slow steady rhythm. After a few moments he places his hands around her waist, pulls her onto him and begins thrusting fast and deep into her.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






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