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How can I take a student holiday?

With so much homework being asked at universities, it's hard to find time to relax. But sometimes when you have read real reviews about legit and safe homework service and have trusted your assignment to an expert, you have time to rest.

Before we decide how best to rest, let's find out what tires us the most. Although everyone is different, certain patterns do exist.

At the top of the list is the need to keep track of time by sticking to a work schedule. Always in a hurry, looking at the clock with dread, and trying to get everywhere on time.

Sometimes, especially when we have to go to work, we really want to sleep for at least another half an hour. And we make titanic efforts, forcing ourselves to get ready and go. And at weekends, on the contrary, we wake up early and walk half-asleep all day long. And we never get a chance to rest.

For the sake of work or daily chores, we neglect the body's needs. Its reserves are exhausted, and we become irritable or apathetic, even our favourite work does not bring the same pleasure.

The monotony of the rhythm of life is also very tiring. It's not so much the monotony as the impossibility of getting out of the vicious circle. You always owe something to someone - you have to cook breakfast and dinner, to prepare the children for school or kindergarten, to prepare for work yourself.

At weekends they have to do the laundry and ironing, the cleaning, checking their homework. You might go out with your family for a walk, to the cinema or for a visit. Despite the idyllic nature of the picture, the feeling that you are not living for yourself, that you are doing things that are necessary but not exclusively for you, does not leave you. And even though you seem to be doing everything right, it seems more and more often that you are being used, not you living, but living at your expense.

Suitcase without a handle.

The need to do what you have to do and not what you want to do is also very stressful. And "needing" it, of course, is always someone. Even your loved ones, but not you. It's not even so much about the "good deeds" we do in trying to be good, but about the ritualistic communication of nothing at all.

We all have these relationships that psychologists call time eaters. I would add - and energy, which would be better used at least for lying on the sofa and thinking about the meaning of life.

Count up how much time you waste on phone calls or internet correspondence with people with whom you have already exhausted yourselves.

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