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About Me

Maybe it was the tropical heat, maybe it was relief that the wedding was behind them and they were now husband and wife, or maybe it was guilt from their premarital strays, but whatever it was, they sure as hell knocked the sexy shit out of each other.

They’d lie by the pool, fondle one another, and go back to the room and fuck. They’d be eating breakfast and Ella would peel a banana and seductively slide most of it into her mouth, and they’d go back and she’d suck his cock. They went on a bus trip, snorkeling and some Mayan ruins, but they just wanted to get back to the hotel and fuck. They went to a bullfight, but that was not a good experience for them; they were appalled when they watched the matador stab the bull over and over until it was dead. But when they got back to their room, Max stabbed Ella over and over with his stiletto penis with about the same amount of force.

Max would see a woman that resembled Hannah, and it would make him think of her, and make him want her, and he’d think about getting back home so he could have her again. Then, as if it were overcompensation to cover up his secret, he’d seduce his wife back to the room and bang the bottom out of her.

Ella had similar thoughts. She’d spot a gal around the pool that reminded her of Carly, take glance at her wet bikini-wrapped cameltoe, and imagine her face down there, between Carly’s legs, and she’d get wet, and horny, and she’d lead her husband back to the room where she would be eaten and fucked.

The honeymoon was an amazing, hot success by any measurement. But when the week ended and they flew home, their thoughts drifted back to the reality of their lives. The flight was smooth and on time, and by the end of the day they both had contacted their secret lovers.


"So, Ella, it’s been almost three weeks since our last meeting," Elizabeth said. "You haven’t told me about your wedding and honeymoon."

They were in the therapist’s office, well into their session. It was the Wednesday evening after Ella had returned from Mexico.

"The wedding was beautiful. The weather was good, and the reception was a lot of fun. Everybody said they had a wonderful time. And the honeymoon was really good, and relaxing. A whole week at this luxury resort right on the Caribbean. We did a little sight-seeing, but mostly all we did was eat, drink and have sex."

"That sounds like what an ideal honeymoon should be. Are you both now back into the routine of daily life?"

"Uh, I guess so. Back to the real world. Or bizarre-o world."

"What do you mean? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, things are okay. Just… I don’t know. It’s not quite what I expected a few weeks ago."

Elizabeth waited in silence. Then: "Go on."

"Well," Ella said, and sipped water. "It’s complicated."

"How is it complicated?"

Ella took a deep breath, and said, "I’m kind of having an affair."

Elizabeth’s jaw dropped. "An affair? Already? When did this affair begin?"

"The night before the wedding. At the bachelorette party. Or, actually it was after the bachelorette party."

"How did happen?"

"That’s a good question. I don’t know how it happened, it just did. She was one of my bridesmaids. Her name is Carly. I went home with her. She kissed me, I kissed her. We went to bed. It was incredible. I hadn’t had sex with a woman since Hannah and it felt so good. I saw her again yesterday after work. We were naked in about thirty seconds."

"Hmm, this is a new twist," Elizabeth said. "I see how it could be a complication."

"That’s not all," Ella said, and took another drink of water. "Carly is Max’s sister."

Elizabeth almost dropped her pen. She jotted down a quick note as she tried to figure out where to go next.

"Ella, let me ask you. Does Max know that you and Hannah were lovers?"

"Not really. We’ve never discussed it. But I don’t think it would shock him."

"You don’t? Why?"

"Because we’ve talked about it, uh, having sex with others. Threesomes with another female. We’ve discussed other women we’d like to, you know, go to bed with. And Hannah was the first one we agreed on. He didn’t think it was sick that I’d go to bed with him and my stepmother."

"But what I mean is, do you think that Max expected that it would be two-on-one, as in he would have sex with two women, and the two women would have sex with him, or would he expect that you and the other woman would be having sex independent of him?"

"Uh, I don’t know. I just figured it would be anything goes."

"Well, it might be good to find out."

Elizabeth capped her pen, signaling that their time was about up.

"I’m glad you opened up about this, Ella. You’re being honest with yourself and that’s the first step. But I think you will feel better once you are honest with everyone involved. This affects them as much as you. Think about how you can get it all out in the open. Honesty really is the best policy, and sooner is usually better than later.


Once back from the honeymoon, Ella and Max fell back into the routines of their lives: jobs, socializing, hobbies, exercise, marriage, sex. But in the weeks that followed, neither stopped getting pussy on the side.

Once a week or so, Max would slip over to Hannah’s and they’d spend a couple hours in her bed. The sex was uninhibited and physical, as if they had a lot to do and say with their bodies in a short time and wanted to let it all out in a hurry. It didn’t even feel like cheating because they knew they would have ended up in bed together anyway once Max and Ella followed through on their plan for a threesome. But as the weeks wore on, that feeling of absolution waned.

Similarly, Ella would go over to Carly’s for their trysts. The sex was intense, the orgasms gymnastic, and it didn’t diminish her love and desire for Max. Ella reasoned that she was loving Max’s sister, she was family, it wasn’t like she was running around on her husband picking up skank. But as the weeks wore on, their feelings of absolution waned.

They all knew that at some point, to be fair and honest to all, they were going to have to come clean. On a weekly basis, in their sessions together, Elizabeth would remind Ella of this. But they put it off. Until a particular occurrence pushed the quandary to the top of their to-do list.


It was a Saturday afternoon. Ella had gone to the gym for a workout, then over to Carly’s for some bed time. Once she was back in her car, she called Hannah on her cell. The call went immediately to voice mail without a ring, so she figured Hannah’s phone was turned off or the battery had died. Hannah’s place was kind of out of the way, so normally she wouldn’t just drop by without talking to her first, but she decided to take a chance and drive on over and see if she was at home. She needed to talk to somebody.

Twenty minutes later she drove down Hannah’s street, and was still a half block away from the house when goose pimples covered her arms and a queasiness kicked up in her belly. She saw Max’s car parked out front, and knew instantly what was going on.

She drove a few doors past the house and parked on the street. She walked back to the house and up onto the front porch. She didn’t knock or ring the bell. She peered in the window. The living and dining areas were people-free. She walked around the side of the house and looked in a couple more windows. The kitchen, the office. Nobody. Then she walked around to the back. Where Hannah’s bedroom was. The bedroom they used to share.

The bedroom had a window on the right side of the house, and french doors on the back that opened onto a screened veranda. The closed window was curtained, but there was a two-inch opening Ella could see through. From her angle, all she could see were the bottoms of four legs: Four twiddling feet. And lying on the bed next to the twiddling feet, were a pair of blue and orange-striped socks. A pair usually found in Max’s top dresser drawer. Hannah is knocking his socks off, she thought, and sadly shook her head.

She walked around the back. Hannah had always left the bedroom door open to the air, and this time was no exception. She thought about sneaking onto the veranda and getting a better look, but didn’t want to risk alerting them by opening the screen door onto the veranda. She could hear them just fine.

They were in the middle of what seemed to be a very intense fuck. She could hear the slapping of their wet flesh. Hannah’s breathy sighs and voice saying ‘Yes!’, ‘Oh God!’, ‘Oh fuck!’, over and over. Max’s familiar moans and groans, and finally his crocodile grunts, which meant his cum would be catapulting into her.

Her initial reaction was anger, but that didn’t last long. She knew that she was no better than he. She felt sad, and then she realized what she really felt was jealousy.

She hurried back to her car and drove home to wait for her husband.


When Max got home an hour later, Ella was sitting on an easy chair drinking a beer. She never drank beer.

"We need to talk," she said.

No man on Earth ever wants to hear those words from his woman.

"What’s the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Something’s definitely not right," she said. "Get yourself a beer. Get me one too."

Max went to the kitchen and pulled a couple bottles out from the back of the fridge. It was ice-cold back there. He uncapped them and carried them back to the living room, handed one to Ella and sat on the couch facing her.

"Okay," he said. "Let’s talk."

"How’s Hannah?" she said.

Silent lightning struck. Max’s face whitened, his body stiffened. He felt fear like he couldn’t remember feeling. Except maybe that time when he was eleven years old and got caught smoking in the boy’s room by that old math teacher, Mr. Pickens. He was kicked out of school for three days, and never smoked again, and never forgot. But now what?

Max stared at his shoes. He felt bad, his eyes watered, he wanted to cry. He couldn’t lie.

"I’m so sorry, Ella. I love you. How did you find out?"

"I went over to see her today, to talk to her. But I didn’t get to see her because there was a minor snag at the time: Your dick was inside her. I was glad to see that you took off your socks before you fucked her."

"Ella. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, I almost did a number of times. I’ll end it. I love you."

"That’s good, I love you too. How, when did it start?"

Max took his first drink of beer, a long one. In a microsecond, it all flashed through his head. How the hell had he ended up here? He took a deep breath.

"It started the night before our wedding. By accident. All of you girls went off to the bachelorette party. Hannah invited me over to her house for a drink, said I shouldn’t be alone the night before we got married. So I went, we had some drinks. We talked about many things, personal things. She made a joke about the I.O.U. you gave me. I told her about us talking about having a threesome with her. I don’t know, she was just so easy to talk to. We hugged. I started to leave, I was in the driveway ready to get in the car. But I went back. She was horny, said it had been a while.

"So, I let it happen. I told myself it was no big deal because you and I were going to have her in our bed before long anyway. Then… we kept doing it. I’m sorry."

He sat back and drained his beer. He told her he needed another one and walked to the kitchen and back to the couch and sat down.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked.

Ella was dabbing her eyes with a tissue. She was crying, partly because of the story she was just told, but moreso because of the story she was about to tell.

"Max, I love you. You are my husband, Hannah is my stepmother. Of course I will forgive you. But my first reaction when I found out today, was anger. But that didn’t last long. I felt sad. And I felt jealous."


"Yes, jealous. Because I wasn’t in bed with the two of you."

Ella let that statement sit there for a moment, but Max stayed silent. She continued.

"I have no right to be angry at you, Max. I need to ask for your forgiveness, too. Because, I too, have been having an affair."

"You have?"

"Yes, it started the same night yours did. At the bachelorette party. We were all partying, having a good time. I became intimate with one of the bridesmaids. I went home with her, we went to bed together. I’ve been seeing her ever since. And like you, I thought it would be a one-time thing. But we kept on. I was with her today before I drove over to Hannah’s."

"Wow. Are you going to tell me who it is?"

"It’s Carly."

Max turned ashen for the second time since he’d gotten home. His heart was thumping double-time in his chest. He’s caught cheating, then finds out his wife is cheating, then finds out his wife is cheating with his sister.

"Carly!? Are you kidding me?"

"No. I’m sorry. Like you and Hannah, it just happened. One minute we were talking, the next minute we were making out, then… She said she liked me the night we met, and wanted me. We were going to be family, she’s my sister-in-law. It didn’t seem that wrong. Oh God, what have we done…"

Ella burst into tears. Now, no man likes a weeping woman, it weakens their knees. Max got up and walked over and took her hand, pulled her toward the sofa. They sat and he put his arms around her.

"It’s okay, Baby, I love you. We’ll get through this."

"I love you too," Ella said, looking up at him through cloudy eyes. "Goddamn, we’re screwed up."

"No. We’re not."

They started kissing, gently at first, but soon more passionately, and before long they were naked in bed. They made love, gently, taking their time, slow-cooking. Crock pot sex. Max ate his second pussy of the day, and lingered down there a long time, egging her on, until he’d gotten a faceful, and Ella’s mouth worked overtime on his bloated member until she got a mouthful. Her pussy swallowed up his cock, squeezed it and sucked it, and she even gave him her ass, and enjoyed feeling his big bone up there. She knew Max loved a good buttfuck.

Afterwards they got up, showered together for the first time in quite a while, then called a pizza delivery for a late dinner. They were both much relieved, and talked about how to proceed moving forward. They loved Hannah and Carly, and wanted to be completely honest with them and get everything out in the open. They decided that they would invite them over for a little party and clear the air.

That night they went to bed peacefully, each of their guilts and indiscretions canceled out by the other. Ella had left out the part of the story about the stripper’s cock, and hoped that it stayed dormant forever. She also hadn’t yet told Max about her sexual relationship with Hannah. It seemed like it would have complicated things even further and been too much for Max to absorb at once. But she would tell him soon.


The clear-the-air party was the next Friday evening at Max and Ella’s house. It was set for eight p.m., and Hannah and Carly were both prompt and arrived within five minutes of one another. There were platters of snacks on living room tables. Max got everyone drinks and they were seated. The music was low; they wanted no distractions. There was small talk through one drink. Then Max served refills and they got down to business.

Ella and Max tag-teamed. They told them everything. How they had fantasized about having threesomes. How they were both cheating and Ella caught Max and Hannah in the act and Ella admitted her affair with Carly. How they were both betrayed, but they were both guilty and had accepted it. How they couldn’t be mad at each other, they were equally culpable.

Carly and Hannah sat and listened, barely moved their heads and hadn’t said a word.

"We love both of you. You both are an important part of our lives, and we realized that part of the reason we both let it happen, on the eve of our wedding day nonetheless , is because we love you," Ella said.

"Not only let it happen once, but again and again," Max added. "We don’t want anybody to be mad, or hurt. We want you in our lives."

Finally Carly and Hannah spoke up. Carly started to apologize, but they cut her off. No need for that, they said. We all four did what we did. We all had the same desires.

Hannah cleared her throat. "Ella," she asked, and paused. "Does Max know about us?"

There was an uncomfortable silence as the question sunk in. They could almost hear Ella’s eyes watering up.

"No. But I will now. It’s about time, don’t you think?"

Hannah nodded. Ella turned to Max and unburdened herself.

"Max, I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time. I almost did, many times, but always chickened out. The time never seemed right, and I figured you might have guessed it anyway. When my father passed away, Hannah and I were devastated. I was close to my father, and she’d lost her husband. She hadn’t even been married two years. It was such a shock. Not just to us, but to everyone who knew him. He was so vibrant. I wish you could have met him; I know he would have liked you.

"Well, it was just the two of us," she said, and looked at Hannah, whose eyes were glued to hers. "We got through all of it together. The hospital, the funeral, the burial, the insurance, the estate, you name it. It wasn’t easy, we helped each other, we held each other, and we both had our rough patches, believe me. We became very close. We hugged, we kissed, we made ourselves feel better. And, well, we became lovers."

Ella dabbed tears from her eyes and cheeks. She took a sip of wine, then continued.

"We slept in the same bed for nearly a year until we chose to end it. We ended it, not because it didn’t feel right, but because we didn’t know if it was right. Some people suspected. We heard the whispers. Anyway, I’m sorry it took this long. And I hope you don’t think it’s crazy or sick or anything because she’s my stepmother. Because I love her."

Ella and Hannah both wore soft, tired smiles. All three women now had tears rolling down their cheeks. Max passed out cocktail napkins in lieu of tissues.

"I’m so relieved," Ella said. "Sorry to dump this on you, Max."

Max didn’t know what to say. He nodded his head and mumbled, "It’s okay."

She turned to Hannah and said, "I miss you," and burst into tears. Then, she said "Excuse me," got up, walked to Hannah and kissed her on the mouth. She strutted out of the room, down the hall and into the master bedroom.

Max, Carly and Hannah sat there for a couple minutes in silence, before Max started to get up and say he was going to go check on Ella.

"No," Hannah said, rising from her chair. "Let me."


Hannah tapped on the bedroom door. Ella let her in and shut the door.

"I was hoping it would be you," Ella said.

She pulled Hannah into her arms and kissed her, hugged her body tightly. She jabbed her tongue into her mouth and groped her back and rump, and burned their breasts and groins together. It was a long, deep, wet, body-bending kiss, and when they parted, both had a fire down below.

"Let’s make love," Ella said, as she started to unbutton Hannah’s blouse.

"But, what about Max? What about Carly?"

"They’ll have to understand."

They kissed again, their tongues re-exploring. Hannah’s top hung loose and Ella’s fingers dug into the back of her pants and held her ass.

"I’ve missed you," Ella whispered.

"I’ve missed you too."

"I want to make love."


Hannah’s blouse fell to the floor, and one-by-one all of their other garments followed. Naked, they fell into bed, ravenous, their pussies keen and wet and open.


After ten minutes of small talk with his sister, although it seemed longer, Max became concerned and went to check on Ella and Hannah. The bedroom door was closed, but he put his ear up to it and could hear that there was some serious action happening on the other side. He knew the amorous emissions and vocalizations of both of them very well, and there was no mistake what was going on in there. They were having sex, and weren’t trying too hard to keep it down.

Max went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer and went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa next to his sister.

"They’re in there fucking," he said, and swigged some beer.

"Really?" Carly said.

"Yeah, check it out. Down the hall, you’ll hear it."

She did. She came back and plopped down on the sofa next to her brother.

"Well, this is weird," Carly said.

"Yep," Max said. "A first for me."

"Pretty crazy, for sure. So you didn’t know about them?"

"No. I knew she was into the idea of it. We talked about having a threesome, and the different women we’d like to have one with. She suggested Hannah, and I agreed."

"Max, I want you to know something. I don’t know if it matters, but I was the one who initiated everything with Ella. At the bachelorette party, we were having fun, I wanted to kiss her, so I got bold and did it. I’d wanted to get in her pants since the night you introduced us. I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."

"It’s all right, no problem. We talked through all that, we both let it happen, we were both wrong. We don’t want anybody to be hurt or feel guilty."


"Life is strange, isn’t it? Hard to believe: I eat the same pussy my wife likes to eat."

Carly hesitated. Then said, "One of them, anyway."

At that moment it dawned on him. Max realized that Carly was in the same position as he. Her girlfriend was in the bedroom fucking Hannah, just like his wife was. He turned to her, started to apologize.

"Forget it, bro. Like you said, no guilt, no hurt. We’ll get through it. But let me ask you a question. And don’t lie to me."




"Alright. When you and Ella had all those discussions about threesomes with other women, tell me, did my name come up?"


"And what did you decide, yea or nay? Tell the truth."

"Yea; You were on the to-do list. With your permission, of course."

Carly sat back and laughed. "Wow. What a gas. It’s destiny. We would have ended up in bed together. We’d all be doing each other. We would have fucked."

"That was the idea."

"Wow, think about that."

"Creepy, huh?"

"No creepier than you fucking your mother-in-law."

They both sat there in the silence, which was louder than usual. They looked at each other, held eye contact. Their lips curled into shy smiles.

"Well, when you put it like that," Max said, and they both laughed.

"Max, think about this. Say, if we didn’t know we were siblings. What if we’d had the same parents but when we were born we were put up for adoption and were raised by different parents, and then we met and were sitting on this couch right now. What would you do?"

Max laughed. "I don’t know…"

"Tell me. What do you think you would you do? Would try to kiss me?"

"No, I don’t know. Maybe. Since I wouldn’t know you were my sister."

"Would you try to get me into bed?"

"Maybe I’d get you drunk and spank you."

"Ooh, that’s a good start. What next? Would you fuck me?"

"Carly, come on…"

"I’m serious. We’re sitting here, a good looking man and woman. Our lovers are in the bedroom fucking each other. What would happen?"

Max’s cock was already hard. "Carly, you are bad."

"So are you. You want three-ways. And I know you like to eat pussy, Ella told me. Would you eat mine? Or would you fuck me up the ass? Would you like that?"

Max’s dick was maxed out, and Carly noticed it. She touched it. He squirmed in his seat.

"Oh, my big brother’s getting aroused. Oh, I’m sorry, am I turning you on?" she said, stroking it through the denim. "Does this feel good?"

"Uh huh," he barely uttered.

"Do you want me to use my mouth? Because I will."

Max instinctively pushed his dick into her hand as she rubbed it. Carly slid a little closer for a firmer grip.

"Look at you, Max, your dick getting hard because your sister talks dirty to you. Are you a pervert? A sicko? So, it’s okay for my girlfriend, your wife, to be in the bedroom fucking her stepmother, your mother-in-law, and leave us sitting here, but it’s not okay for us to love each other, to please each other? We’re not kids anymore, we’re not going to fuck up our lives forever, Mom and Dad don’t have to know. Or do you want to forget all the bullshit and the brainwash and the hangups and kiss me?"

He grabbed her up in his arms. Their lips met and spread open, their tongues did swan dives in their mouths. Their bodies pressed together and were already overheated with desire as they made out. Their hands groped, their bodies molded on the cushions. Pre-cum dripped from Max’s swollen cock and Carly was close to wetting her panties.

"Let’s be bad, Max. Let’s go into the spare bedroom," she hissed into his ear, then sucked his neck. "If you want, you can turn out the light so you can’t see. In the dark, you can imagine I’m any woman you want me to be."

"Maybe I’ll leave the light on," he said, and kissed her again.

Their mouths and bodies were plastered together. Max pulled her on top of him and felt her groin grind into his hardness, the pressure of her tits against his chest.

Carly broke the kiss and whispered, "Let’s fuck."

Max took her hand and led her down the hallway. As they passed the master bedroom door they could hear the familiar lip-smacking and flesh-slapping and sighs of pleasure from Ella and Hannah. He opened the door to the guest bedroom and closed it behind them.

Max started to unbutton Carly’s top, but she went straight for his jeans, clawing them open, ripping at the zipper. She pushed his pants and Jockeys down in one quick whoosh. His dick pointed like a cannon at the ceiling. They hastily undressed the rest of the way and fell into the bed.

Carly hadn’t had a man in a while, but she was having this one, in as many ways as possible. She knew he’d been fucking two hot ladies already, but now that she going to be number three, she wanted to be the best fuck he’d ever had. This night hadn’t ended like any of them would have guessed, but it would be one to remember. Another angle to the love rectangle; another discussion the four of them would be having in the morning. She squeezed his cock and fed it into her soaked, hungry snatch.

They never turned on the light. After their eyes adjusted to the light, they could see each other just fine.


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