
Planet Earth


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When I woke up, it wasn’t raining anymore. The sun was just starting to rise on the horizon. Josh was still sleeping next to me. His head was resting next to the palm on his side. The mark on his face was getting better and seemed to fade a little bit.

The beach was beautiful. If I wasn’t stranded here, I might have enjoyed a vacation here I thought to myself. I turned to Josh and lightly pushed him against the arm. He woke up suddenly looking alarmed.

"Wha.. Oh.. Sorry… Bad dream." He wiped his eye and looked at me.

"Guess the rains gone. Can’t believe we fell asleep and for the whole night at that." He said while getting up.

At the mention of for the whole night, I felt my back muscles ache. Sleeping next to a palm tree is no easy task and I think I might have fallen asleep on Josh last night. The feeling of guilt and shame washed over me and I quickly turned my attention to Josh again who was now looking around for something.

"You know… We will have to go into this forest area. That’s if you want to find food that is or even just water." He half smiled at me.

I suddenly realized how starving I was. I looked at the forest. It was dense and made me a bit uneasy as I was never a big fan of spiders, but the hunger I was feeling was driving me to go in.
We started walking into the forest from where the two palms gave us shelter last night. The sound of the ocean quickly disappears as you go deeper and you start hearing birds and… Is that… Water?
We both stopped instantly trying it hear where it comes from. Right ahead of us. We started running towards it. We were getting closer.

Paradise. The first word that came into my mind when the area all of a sudden opened up. A rock face of about fifty meters complete with waterfall dropping down into a crystal-clear pool. I don’t know how long we stood there in awe, but was suddenly pulled out of my trance when Josh spoke.

"Wanne jump in?" He asked while not even waiting for a reply and started taking his shirt off.

I pulled my shirt over my head and was surprised to see Josh taking his pants off as well. I thought nothing of it and did the same. He climbed on some of the rocks to dive in. I couldn’t help but look at his body standing there naked. He was golden tanned with a really well defined body. My eyes moved down to his dick. It was about five inches uncircumcised and not even hard.

"Why are you looking at his dick?!" I thought to myself and quickly turned my direction to the water.

How inviting the water seemed. There was a huge splash and Josh disappeared beneath the water. Here I am standing in my underwear, as I didn’t have the nerve to remove it, trying to decide where I should jump in.

"Holy shit man! The water is awesome. It’s cold from the waterfall, but in the pool the water feels warm." He said as he was swimming around.

I jumped in the water and was surprised as how warm the water felt. I opened my eyes as I was going in the water deeper. You could see everything. The water was as clear as glass. I saw Josh on the other side of the pool waving his arms around to stay afloat. My eyes stopped at his dick again. Why do I keep looking at it? Is it because he was well endowed that I was feeling a little bit jealous?

I quickly started swimming up again to catch some fresh air. The place seemed so magical. There were no fish in the pool, but there were nests on the side of the rock face and the entire forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping. Green trees and leaves as far as you can see.

We both just swam around and admired everything from interesting flowers and sounds of different birds. I felt like everything that happened was washing away. The warm water was causing me to feel very relaxed. Josh got out the pool and started walking towards the edge where some thick trees were grouped together. I could see his butt was not as tanned as the rest of his body. I was just about to call out to him when he didn’t come back a minute later when I heard his voice.

"Dude! You hungry?!" He yelled and emerged from the trees holding a huge banana stem.

I couldn’t help but started smiling. He broke two off and beckoned me to come and have some. I swam to the edge and he handed me one.

We both ate about three Bananas each and tossed the peels towards the trees.

"We will have to make do with these for now. Don’t know what else there might be in the forest." He said as he put the rest of the stem down of the floor.

I was still in the pool and I could help but wonder how he was so comfortable with his nudity. I don’t think I would have been naked in the pool even if I was lane here. I kept trying to avoid my gaze on his dick, which kept swaying around as he walked.

"I think we should explore a bit and we need to make a better shelter than that piss poor excuse of a thing we made yesterday." And we both started laughing.

I got out the water and immediately felt the colder air of the forest clamp down on my skin. It made my nipples stand erect and I shivered. I was glad to see him putting his clothed back on and I did the same.
We found our way back towards the beach.

-Two Days Later-

The little make shift shelter we build was getting more and more homelike every day. Josh really knows how to work with his hands and the shelter quickly turned into a small little house. A one room house, but it kept us safe from the elements. We used mostly palm leaves for the roof and bamboo for the walls. We found large suitcase the day before and it had loads of clothes and best thing ever. The person packed a blanket in the case. So now at night we lay the blanket down on the leaves that we are using as a floor, since we both got tired of the sand, and sleep on it. Never thought jackets could make such nice pillows.

On the third night Josh caught two huge fish on the beach with a spear he made out of wood. I started a fire (thank God there was a lighter in the one case) and prepared the fish on some wood. I used to go fishing with my dad when I was young and knew how to cut them and remove everything.

That night we really got to know each other since we talked for hours. The fish tasted amazing as it could possibly taste with no seasoning to put on them, but after three days of just bananas we ate like kings.

"Do you think we will ever be rescued?" I longingly asked while looking at the millions of stars above us again as I usually do when my mind wanders.

"Hard to say. I’m not even sure they are looking for us…" He said while looking at the fire. His eyes caught mine and quickly smiled.

"They may find us soon yeah. I mean there is a huge sign made of leaves on the beach that says help."

We both started laughing at the hopelessness of the idea that some ship might come past and see the sign we worked over three hours to put up, but somehow the laughter died out quickly and I found myself looking at the stars again while the fire kept us warm.

"Let’s go get in the pool again." He said while looking me dead in the eye.

"What? Its pitch black in there. We can get lost or trip over something and die. "I exclaimed horror struck at the idea.

"No man! I know how to get there with my eyes closed." He said while jumping up as if we clearly just made the best decision yet.

He came over and grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Come. We will be fine and the warm water sounds very appealing to my skin right now." He laughed.

I felt my heart bead start to race from the idea of going in there at night and not knowing where to walk. He was in front of me the whole way and kept making sure I was ok. The forest sounded so quiet. Like everything was turned off with a switch. I started hearing the waterfall in the distance and knew we were getting close.

Bam! I fell face first into the ground after my foot hooked on to an exposed tree root. I could feel the pain rush from my ankle. It sprained and the pain was like a knife driving its way inside to the bone.

"Ouch fuck!" I yelled out loud as I turned over to try and see my foot.

"I’m so sorry! Are you ok?? I forgot to mention that some of the roots here are out." He said as he quickly rushed to my side and looked at my foot.

"Yeah I’m ok. I think I just sprained my ankle." I replied while feeling the side of my foot.

In one fluid motion, he picked me up.

"Whoa!" I yelled loudly not expecting it.

"Don’t worry. We’re like fifty meters away from the pool and you really are not that heavy anyway. Besides… It’s my turn to save you." Even though I couldn’t see, I knew he was smiling to himself.

I felt the warmth of my face going up and knew I was blushing. I’ve never been picked up like this. Kind of made me feel vulnerable.
We reached the pool and I could tell he was getting a little bit tired from carrying me. He was breathing a lot faster and heavier now.

"Ok we made it. Phew. I take it back. You are heavy." And he started laughing.

"Well it’s your fault I can’t walk right now anyway." I grumpily replied.

I removed my shirt and he took off every piece of clothing he has on again. I could only see the outline of his body as it was pitch black. The clearing above the pool was only letting in the light from the stars.

"Here let me help you." And he helped me up so I could take off my shorts.

This proved more difficult than it sounds as I had to hold on to him and try and remove my shorts. Next thing I know he had his hands on my waist and pushed two fingers on each side of the waistband.

"Wait… Don’t remo.." But in one fluid motion he took both my shorts and underwear off.

"Don’t worry man. It’s dark here and it’s not good for you to walk around in wet underwear anyway." He said as he pulled my legs out of the holes in the shorts.

I felt myself going three shades redder in my face. I was fully exposed now and just wanted to get in the water to hide myself. He helped me walk to the edge let me go. There was a huge splash of water as he jumped in ahead of me. I leaned forward and basically fell into the water. The warm feeling of the water swept over me again and I loved the feeling everywhere on my body.
I pulled myself up again, but staying afloat on the water proved challenging. Since my foot ached every time I moved it. I could feel myself going down every time I stopped paddling with my arms and one leg. I was just about to mention that I might drown tonight, when Josh’s arm reach for me and I hold onto him.
He was paddling with his two feet to keep himself up and I placed both my hands on his muscular arms to keep myself from going down again.

"Thanks" I said in somewhat relief, but started feeling a bit awkward as we were both naked and he was just mere inches from my body.

"Don’t worry about it." He said and I could hear a distinct tone difference in his voice.

I looked up at the stars again. Trying not to catch his eye. There was a weird feeling building up in my chest. Like a magnetic attraction towards him. I wanted to get out and move away from him. I wanted to…. But he moved his right hand away and I felt his hand touch my chin. He pulled me down to look at him.

I could just see the reflecting light beam off his eyes. He was getting closer to me. Was he really going to do what I think he was?

"I’m not gay." I thought to myself, but the attraction in my chest was burning. I could feel every nerve in my body pulsing.

His lips touch mine ever so softly. I could feel myself burning with desire. I lightly pushed my lips back against his. I felt the warmth of his breath of my face. I could feel him getting closer to me. He opened his mouth slightly and I felt his tongue looking for mine. I open a little to let him enter me. Our tongues made contact and he pulled me in one hard pull against him.
He placed both his hands against my back to try and pull me closer to him. I have never felt this before in my life. I wanted him to kiss me harder and deeper. I could feel his every muscle tense as he holds on to me. I open my eyes wide when I felt his erection press against my skin.

It was like a bell went off in my brain and I pulled away from him.

"I’m sorry… I don’t know if I can do this." I said while backing away from him and started swimming towards the edge.

"Wait. You won’t be able to get out with that leg." He said and grabbed my hard to pull me back.

"I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean this and I don’t blame you for freaking out. Please… I won’t kiss you again. Just stay a little longer." He begged me and I could hear the pleading in his voice.

"It’s not the kissing that really bothered me. I don’t know why, but what we just did was the most amazing feeling in my whole life. Every cell in my body wants you to kiss me again and I don’t know why I am feeling like this. I have never kissed a guy before or even thought about it." I said while grabbing onto his arm again for support.

"I just don’t know if I can do what you want… or expect from me." I said while looking at his eyes and seeing the stars in them.

He moved forward towards me again and kissed me very lightly on the lips and pulled away again.

"I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. It was like I was taken over by this huge urge inside me. Every time I looked into your eyes I could feel myself getting weak in my stomach. It’s like you have this spell over me." He said while still waving his legs around to keep us both afloat.

"I would never want to hurt you and would do everything to try and make you happy. Please just stay a little longer with me." He asked and pulled me towards him again.

He placed both his arms around me and kissed me lightly on my forehead then pulled me in against him.

I turned my head and looked at the stars again.

Part Three to follow soon if the story gets good votes.

Please vote guys :) keeps me motivated to continue

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