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A lump of earth, as large as a beer keg, floated before her. Dirt from a bald patch underneath continuously floated up and added to the mass. For her training, she had to maximize the amount of earth she could lift, the duration, and the level of compression. She’d rotate it in the air to keep it from becoming lopsided, but she struggled to retain control every time it moved. Noah told her she had to be able to turn dirt into solid rock in seconds, as well as train her body to produce mana faster.

Nearby, Beth was sparring with Noah. She held a sheathed knife in her hand, swinging and stabbing at him with reckless fury. Despite her efforts, he’d block and deflect her attacks away from his body, using various fighting styles he had learned across the multiverse. Then, as soon as she paused her onslaught, he’d attack, forcing her to heighten her reflexes for dodging.

Finally, when the sun set, Noah said the magic words. "Let’s call it a day."

On cue, everyone collapsed. Even Trevor abandoned his tough-guy bravado and went limp.

"I think I might be dying," Mira moaned, laying spread eagle on the ground and staring at the sky.

"I’m too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep," Beth added.

"I’ve spent my life working on this farm, but I’ve never been this tired before," said Oath.

Their stamina seemed to be pushed to its limit, beyond the point that potions could replenish. Now they needed food and sleep.

"I should probably head back to the inn while they’re still serving dinner," said Noah.

"You guys can have dinner here," Oath said.

"Why didn’t you say that yesterday?"

"Sorry, but after a day like that, I couldn’t spend another minute thinking about training and the dungeon crab."

The table was old and unvarnished, hand-carved with roughly sanded planks, though time had helped to soften its edges, and the low-quality tablecloth hid its surface. On it, candles burned to illuminate the room, which smelled like the baked fish Noah and the others were eating, along with bread and some vegetables. In the modern world, this destitution was just under ‘soup kitchen,’ but Noah had managed to calibrate his taste buds after a month in these new lands.

It was only the five youths present. The baron was not taking part. As with lunch, everyone ate voraciously, their bodies begging for sustenance to try and make up for the fat they had burned. It was surprising that Mira noticed Oath had stopped eating, staring at his half-finished dinner.

"Oath? Is something wrong?"

"No, I’m just trying to remember the last time I sat at this table with this many people."

‘Oh my God, that is so corny,’ Noah thought, drinking from his glass so as not to break his straight face.

"You’re going to make me sick," Trevor muttered. Noah resisted the desire to thank him.

"What were your brothers like?" Beth asked.

"My oldest, Colt, was a soldier, serving under General Tarnas against the barbarians in Handent."

"He really served under Tarnas?!" Beth exclaimed, bolting to her feet.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Noah asked.

"Adwith Tarnas is one of the nation’s greatest heroes, and easily the strongest paladin," said Mira, trying to hide her embarrassment with a smile. "Most children are raised on his stories, and for as long as I’ve known Beth, she’s been a huge fan."

Beth sat back down with a drunken smile on her face. "When I was young, he and some of his forces passed through my town. Watching him ride down the street, wearing golden armor… I was no longer an innocent child. I had awakened my womanly desires."

"You never heard of him? What rock have you been living under?" Trevor asked.

"A large one. Tell me about the war, I’m curious."

"Oh, well, from what I’ve heard, it started when the barbarians began ransacking villages along the border, eventually leading to the famous slaying of High Priest Grybaen by Chief Waer. After that…"

The conversation had taken a strange turn, but Noah absorbed every detail while making his plans for the future. That night, at the inn, Beth didn’t go with Mira into their shared room but followed Noah into his. She had been too tired the previous night, but she had just enough strength to indulge her curiosity tonight.

The third day of training was like the two before, including the same routine, but now with weights added. However, the consumption of potions had dropped in every activity. The growth they had gone through over just a few days would have usually taken weeks or even months. In the late afternoon, their training changed. Instead of simply holding out his sword, Oath practiced his slashes like he was studying kendo. He needed to make both his attacks and his recovery faster.

Next to him, Trevor was improving his thrusts, using what Noah had taught him and incorporating his legs so he could increase his strength with less effort. He had also given Trevor the challenge of writing out the letters of the alphabet in the air with the spear tip to heighten his accuracy. Beth and Mira had switched places, now with Beth straining her magic and Mira staff-fighting with Noah. Unlike Mira and Trevor, Beth's magic was unfit for fighting, and she appeared to be reaching the limit of her magical aptitude, but creating fresh water was something they’d need if they spent more than a day in the dungeon.

On the fourth day, Noah met everyone at the baron’s estate as he usually would. He held out a backpack full of potions. "Today, I want you all to see if you can follow the routine on your own. Until we enter the dungeon crab, I am completely banning the use of all potions."

"That’s crazy!" Beth exclaimed, with the others similarly nervous.

"If you can’t do the day’s workout without potions, then you simply aren’t ready for the dungeon crab, and the longer we wait, the more competition will have. I don’t want to reach the bottom of the shell and find all of the avenium already taken." He put the backpack down and put on a jacket with all its pockets filled with rocks. "Come on, time to start running."

The workout proceeded as planned, but with no less complaining. Now without potions, they could only gather their strength during breaks, but the number of times they had to stop and rest was as Noah predicted. Finally, on the fifth day, Noah faced them with the morning sun burning away the mists clinging to the baron’s estate. For Oath and his friends, this was the last day of training, and they all felt confident. They weren’t blind to their growth. They now stood with bodies covered in weights, ready for Noah to signal the start of their morning run.

"Since today is the last day, we’re going to do something different. Trevor, I want you to hit the ground with a downward strike and your strongest spell."

"What for?"

"Just trust me. Pour as much mana as you can into the axeblade and give it a shot."

Trevor grunted and held out his halberd, and from the moment he began channeling his mana, everyone noticed the difference. These past several days, whenever he, Beth, and Mira practiced their magic, it was always in a state of exhaustion, forcing their bodies to squeeze out every last drop of power. However, this was the first time in days that Trevor was using a spell at full strength. What would have been a shimmering aura around the blade was now like a colorless flame, causing his friends to step back instinctively.

"Whoa," Trevor said, unable to pick any other words. He held his halberd with trembling handles, feeling like it was a rabid animal in his grip. He raised it above his head like a blinding torch. "Execute!" Apparently, saying the name of the spell helped focus the mind and increase its potency. To Noah, it seemed a bit ridiculous, but it did make things a bit more entertaining.

He swung down with the halberd like he was performing a beheading, and the moment the blade touched the ground, it was like a mortar round had gone off. A chest-thumping explosion sent dirt and rock flying in all directions. Initially, what would have simply buried his weapon in the soil, had now opened up a crater the size of a bathtub. Yet, just as incredible, the intensity of the mana had not lessened, nor did Trevor appear fatigued.

Everyone was stunned, with Noah flashing a rare smile. "Mira, your results would probably be similar if I asked you to use your strongest spell. Now that you have all this mana to work with, think of it as a resource for experimentation. I don’t know how the two of you develop magic, whether you create new spells yourselves or learn by watching others, but I want you to devote yourselves to improving your skills. Show me something new. Today, we’re forgetting about strength and stamina and focusing entirely on technique.

Beth, I want you to practice your archery until your fingers bleed and you can shoot the wings of a fly. As for Oath…" Noah drew his longsword. "You’re going to be sparring with me."


Beth’s chest heaved with each movement, and her nipples, chilled by the evening, pointed out and drew arcs in the air. Just moments ago, she had been riding vigorously, having to discard her clothes when she began overheating. It had been a struggle for her to keep her moans contained, especially with her hips refusing to obey her commands and slow her bouncing.

She now took a gentle pace, rolling her hips from side to side while she regained her strength. She was intoxicated, her mind overtaken by lust and endorphins. Her smile was lewd, her face flushed, her lips wet, her pupils dilated. Noah could see the fresh sweat on her body with the light of the night sky. What was supposed to be a quick tryst to scratch the ol’ itch had turned into something more intense.

Sitting up, Noah kissed her breasts and grabbed her ass, kneading it like dough. Beth had a nice athletic figure, not much fat on her, but the ass of a volleyball player. Noah’s lips on her nipples, his manhood stirring her up, and his hands massaging deep into her muscles; these stimuli combined into a force Beth struggled to withstand. They were out in the woods, so Beth’s moans could attract monsters or, even worse, her friends' ears.

Mira knew about them, so Oath and Trevor were probably aware as well, but still, it would be a bit rude to make them hear the sounds of moaning and flesh against flesh. That was Beth’s thinking, but Noah didn’t care either way. He wasn't afraid of awkward conversations, only concerned that he and Beth were breaking the rules of every horror movie and having sex in the woods. The flag they were raising could have been visible from space.

Beth’s strength gave out, a final climax draining her and leaving her body limp. Noah lowered her to the ground, but she didn’t object to him continuing to thrust until he had a climax.

"Come on, we should get back to the camp," he said.

"What a romantic thing to say after filling me up."

"You know what this is."

She giggled. "Relax, I’m kidding."

They got dressed and returned to the camp, where their fellow adventurers were awake and waiting for them.

"What are you all doing awake?" Noah asked.

"You two are a lot nosier than you think you are," Mira said while keeping her eyes down.

"You do make it awfully hard to sleep. I thought some wolves were tearing apart a goblin out there," said Trevor. Beth kicked him in retaliation while circling the campfire to reach her spot.

"Watch it!" he shot back.

Noah took his spot and stoked the fire. "Enough. Everyone, get some rest. We’re going to need our strength for tomorrow." They were less than half a day’s hike to the dungeon crab.

"None of us can sleep. We’re too nervous about tomorrow," Oath said.

"It’ll be fine. In twenty years, you’ll ask your children ‘did I ever tell you about the time I conquered a dungeon crab?’ And they’ll groan and say, ‘yes, father, a hundred times. We’re sick of hearing about it.’"

"Are you going to do anything with the territory?" Beth asked. "Change any laws?"

"No. Clive is perfect the way it is, and I don’t want to change anything."

"You’re letting a golden opportunity slip by," said Noah.

"What do you mean?"

"I assume that as long as the kingdom gets its taxes, it won’t care about how things change, so you might as well try some things. Think of the town as the place to perform social experiments."

"What’s a social experiment?" Trevor asked.

"It’s when you put people in a certain location with certain conditions and see how they react. You can see how human nature plays out. Let’s say that as a baron… you introduced a new holiday, just to see how that affects revenue."

"That sounds really wrong," Mira muttered.

"It’s a way to learn about people. In the center of town, put up a statue with a sign saying not to touch, that the paint is wet. Then you can see how many people are actually going to touch it."

"What is that supposed to do?" Oath asked.

"How many people are in Clive, a hundred? If half of them touch the statue, you could argue that half of the human race is dumb enough to touch paint even when they know it’s wet. Or perhaps it’s simply that half the town can’t read.

If you repeat the experiment in another town, maybe a big city in another country, you’ll probably find that different numbers of people will touch the statue. Then you can get down to figuring out why. Why do other areas have different results? Are the people simply dumber? Is it a literacy problem? Is there a culture of rebellion against authority?

Once, an ancient city named Rome had a massive stone battle arena called the Coliseum. It was so huge that the emperor put the minds of his best architects into figuring out how to design it so that the spectators could quickly get in and out. Otherwise, they’d start a riot. You get a bunch of people together in a cramped space, and one of two different things may happen, or even both.

The first is that people will want to withdraw into themselves. They’ll want to create personal space, establish a perimeter, and draw that line in the sand that no one can cross. If someone crosses that line, they may get fearful and even violent. No matter how small it is, it produces an adverse reaction.

The other is to surrender to the will of the group. If everyone around you is saying something, you’ll assume it’s right and repeat it because you want to believe in the group; you want to believe you’re right, that you’re in the presence of people who know what they are doing. If you’re in a mob where someone is shouting for the king's death and everyone cheers, part of you will naturally agree.

Someone losing their temper will start a fight. That fight will spread and trigger more fights, and suddenly the orderly masses that were simply trying to leave the Coliseum are sweeping through Rome, having abandoned all thought of civility and now destroying everything in their way."

"That could never happen," said Beth, as if Noah had just uttered a child’s nonsense.

"I’ve seen it happen plenty of times. Once you establish the rule that escape is not available, that candle starts burning, and it burns quick."

"I don’t know. I think people are good at heart," said Mira. "They don’t just go crazy like that."

"Then you could prove it. Let’s say you could create any kind of social experiment, completely free repercussions, like a dream. What would you do?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"The rest of you? Just think ‘I wonder how many people would (blank) if I (blank)?’ Or ‘what would happen if I put (blank) and (blank) together?’ Literally whatever you wanted to know, or simply just see." Everyone looked up into the distance, trying to process the challenge. "Think about it. It’ll help you fall asleep."


A solid thump woke Oath up, a sword striking the ground just inches from his face. He instinctively shouted in terror and tried to scurry back, realizing it was Noah’s sword and that he was standing over him. His friends, light sleepers in an area this dangerous, woke up in a flash and got to their feet with their weapons raised, confused and alarmed by the sight of Noah in the predawn light. Was this an assassination attempt? However, they looked down and spotted Noah’s real target. It was a centipede the size of a squirrel, with a bulbous shell and frightening pincers.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Mira exclaimed.

"It’s one of the parasites from inside the dungeon crab. I did as much research as I could whenever I had the time."

Looking at Mira and Beth, he could see them shuddering in revulsion.

"You mean to tell me that there are more of those things in that crab?"

"Almost certainly, but they’re flooding out into the woods, so just means that the more we find out here, the fewer we’ll have to fight in the crab. Now let’s eat some breakfast and get a move on."


It was a literal mountain of upturned earth and shattered bedrock, resulting from the dungeon crab rising from the planet’s crust and jutting out the tip of its shell. At the very summit was the entrance, but the mountain was no indication of just how large the actual crab was. Before they could go down, they’d have to climb up.

"Look up there, I think I see a tent."

Noah scanned where Beth was pointing and confirmed. "Someone must have set up camp there before heading in."

"There are camps all over the mountain. There must be a lot of people in there," said Mira.

"Most of them have probably been killed by now. Those camps are abandoned," said Trevor.


Despite Mira’s anger, Noah agreed with Trevor. The closer he looked, the more tents he saw, and most of them probably belonged to the dead, but he didn’t want Oath and the others chewing on that. "Relax. Everyone going in just packed light because they want to carry as much treasure as they can, and probably couldn’t carry anything extra when they came out. We’ll be in the same situation when we come back."

"Wait, I see people too," said Beth.

She was correct; there were plenty of adventurers roaming the mountain.

"They must be scavenging for gems and precious metals. When the crab appears, it probably pushes up more than just stone and dirt."

"If you can get gold from sifting through the dirt, then why bother going into the dungeon?" Mira asked.

"They’re after whatever they can get their hands on, unlike us. We’re after avenium, and it can only be found inside."

They put their fears aside and began climbing up the side of the mountain. There were no established paths, and the footing was tricky. The dirt had settled since the crab's arrival first moved it, but there were no plants to hold it all together, so it was like hiking up the side of a sand dune in many areas. They also had to be wary of the stone chunks mixed in. They were freshly broken and hadn’t been weathered by the wind and the rain, so they could easily cut through the skin. While climbing, Noah grabbed a stone handhold, and the crystal-like sharpness skinned his palm.

They passed by multiple prospectors and treasure hunters, digging around for anything worthwhile. No one paid them any attention, and they offered none in return. However, that changed when they heard fighting. Nearby, they saw a bearded man fighting off one of the dungeon parasites that had wandered outside. It was a four-legged crustacean the size of a wolf. It swung its heavy forelimbs like clubs and tried to force the man onto his back.

"Noah, we need to help him," said Mira.

"Keeping him alive isn’t my job. Besides, any strength you use against that one monster will be strength you can’t use in the shell."

"Then consider this a field test!" Mira held out her staff. "Shatter Mace!"

Pieces of stone and packed dirt flowed to the end of her staff, forming a hardened sphere covered in sharp protrusions. She left the group and ran to where the man was fighting, with her weapon not hindering her movement. Rather than physical strength, she held the sphere together and lifted it with mana.

The beast had the man pinned on his back, and he was fending off its snapping pincers with his pickaxe. Sneaking up behind it, Mira raised her staff and brought it down onto the monster’s back, unleashing the total weight of the stone and breaking through its shell. The beast hissed in pain and fell over, and she dispatched it with another swing, this one crushing its exposed head. A week ago, such a task would have been impossible for her, but under Noah’s tutelage, both her skills in magic and physical combat had been multiplied several times over.

"Thanks," the man grumbled before dusting himself off and walking away.

She returned to the group, where Beth was clapping for her. "Well done!"

Noah, however, clasped his hand on her shoulder. "Don’t do that again." There was very little anger in his voice, but still, she shrunk away. "The same goes for the rest of you. We’re not here to play hero, we’re not here to save lives. We’re here to make money and conquer the dungeon. Our strength, our attention, our weapons, our potions, they are reserved only for our own use and our own benefit. If you save someone, it had better be to use them as a pack mule or a meat shield. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good, then let’s move on."

They resumed hiking towards the summit, and Oath soon asked a question.

"Noah, you researched dungeon crabs, right? Did you recognize that monster?"

"Yes, it was one of the parasites mentioned in the books your father had."

"Do you know what else we’ll find?"

"Unfortunately, no, there was actually very little written information about the dungeon crabs and what exists within their shells. Those who remain in the upper portions and survive share their information, but those who delve deep enough to reach the avenium either die or keep it a secret."

"Wait, why is it a secret?" Trevor asked.

"If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because the nation’s nobility doesn’t want people knowing how to join their ranks. In this crab are the keys to the kingdom, after all. Too many young upstarts could break the balance of power between the rich and the poor, or they could form factions that get in the way of the higher-ranked nobles. Some information gets out, of course, from those who manage to escape with their lives but don’t conquer the dungeon, or from other countries, but I imagine that the only adventurers who are really informed are those already working for high-level nobles."

A monstrous hiss ended the conversation as a new threat revealed itself ahead. It stood atop the high ground on a pair of muscular legs, like a predatory bird, but it had a small body and no neck, only a forward-faced skull that resembled an alligator. After emitting another hiss, several more appeared from both above and the sides.

"A pack-type parasite, interesting," Noah said as he drew his sword. "Get ready, everyone, the fighting starts early."

They took formation, with Oath in front and Noah and Trevor guarding the flanks, while Beth and Mira attacked from a distance. The monsters closed in, leaping through the air while flashing the talons on their feet and spreading their jaws.

"Trevor!" Noah shouted.

"Phalanx Spears!" he cast while swinging his halberd like a flag.

A trail of mana was left behind with each movement, solidifying into floating blades like mist condensing into ice. The blades pierced three of the beasts before they could land. Two more were wounded, and the rest had their concentration broken and failed to pounce properly. With that opening, Noah and Oath began hacking and slashing away at those who landed closest.

"Earth Bind!"

Mira stabbed the ground, and beneath the wounded beasts, pits opened up to swallow them whole, then were closed with earthen spikes like cage bars. It wouldn’t hold them long, but it kept them out of the fight. So not only could Mira now manifest the spell multiple times from one casting, but the ground proved perfect for its use.

Those who had avoided Trevor’s spell and Noah and Oath’s swords tried circling, but Beth dispatched them with her bow, and Trevor cleaved any she missed. Once all of the mobile ones were slain, the wounded were put out of their misery.

"Good, well done," said Noah.

They usually would then harvest the monsters for valuable pieces, but the market for dungeon crab parasites was too niche to be worth the effort. Besides, they wanted to save as much room for treasure as possible.

They continued their climb, and after a couple more monster battles, they reached the summit at midday. The tip of the crab’s shell was sticking out of the ground like a branchless tree. Noah could see the curl of the shell, and before them, a doorway large enough for an elephant to walk through. Noah reached out and touched the shell, made of a substance strong enough to withstand the heat and pressure of the earth’s interior.

In the month since Noah’s arrival to this world, he had seen plenty of things that shocked and baffled him, from magic to monsters, but the sight of the entrance blew him away. To think that such a creature like this could exist, that something so massive occupied this world. It blurred the common sense accumulated from more than a hundred lifetimes. Where did these things come from? Were they made by magic? Perhaps by some kind of god? How old was this one? Was it intelligent? What was its life cycle? What did it look like?

"I never thought I’d ever see something like this," said Oath, similarly amazed.

Everyone in the group stared at the white tower in awe and accomplishment. True, the real struggle had only just begun, but compared to what they were doing not too long ago, just reaching this place was a huge accomplishment. This was where they would become true adventurers.

"Look at this view," said Beth.

Without trees blocking their sight, the mountain summit let them see for miles in all directions.

"I think I can see the village," said Trevor.

"Let’s break here for lunch, gather some of our strength, and then head inside."

They all sat down, and Noah pulled food and water skins out of his ring. He had enough supplies to keep them going for several days, and thanks to Beth’s magic, they could refill their canteens whenever needed. Their lunch consisted of dried fish, fruits, and some bread, something light to keep them moving. There was a nice breeze atop the mountain, and the view was spectacular.

"Noah, remember what you were saying last night about social experiments?" Beth asked. "If I could try one, I’d want to see what happens when you put only women together and task them with building a society. What would Clive look like if it had only women?"

"A female-only society? Yeah, that would certainly be interesting. Ok, paint a picture for me. What do you expect would happen?"

"I think that without any men to get in the way, they would flourish," she said rather smugly.

"Until there is a spider that needs to be killed," said Trevor.

"Come on; I want details. For instance, there are roles in society typically considered manly and others considered womanly. If only women perform masculine tasks, then what will change? Will the nature of the task change, or will the women change? Will the women who spend all day hunting, blacksmithing, and all those other jobs start acting rough and crass like men?

You’re an adventurer. You spend your days hunting, fighting, scavenging, and getting down and dirty. But you also consider yourself quite girlish, right? But how do you think a girl who spends her days weaving and caring for children sees you? Will a divide form? The Type A personalities arguing with the Type B?"

"Type A personalities?"

"Never mind. Oath, do you have an idea for an experiment?"

Oath took a deep breath. "Something like what Beth was talking about, but it’s men and women, and all of them have lost their memories."

"Oh, that’s the good one. The total erasure of culture and starting from scratch. If you completely remove nurture from the equation, then you can truly see how nature manifests. Will men and women follow paths considered normal by society? Will they adopt the same roles that their ancestors have? Or will they do everything new?"

Everyone watched as he started putting things away. He didn’t need to say anything; they knew it was time to take the plunge.

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