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Out in front of the guests on the trussing table."

Anybody who knew Katie would know from the look on her face that she thought this was just about the greatest idea ever. She looked in undisguised desire at the lustful faces of her very young new friends. But she was mindful of tradition. And of her Daddy. She turned to look at him, saying to the boys, "But my Daddy would still be the last one, right?"

The boys chorused yes’s and for-sures.

Daddy, Katie thought, looked uncertain. "It would add to the show, Daddy. Our guests would love it especially as these boys are so young. And, Daddy," she added with a broad smile, "It would add more to the cum gravy you’re planning." Dave had told her that when she was near-to-cooked he was going to mix his last cumshot with all her roasted drippings to make the best gravy ever.

Dave gave this some thought but the pleading look on his daughter’s face and the longing looks on the boys’ won him over. "Okay!" he said. "What the hell! Let’s make this the best roast ever! For our Katie!"

Everyone actually cheered. Then Nathan spoke up. "Katie," he said, a bit shyly, "I was wondering if ... if... if I could fuck your asshole..."

Katie shared a quick smile with her dad and then looked at Nathan. "Yes, Nathan. That would be awesome!"

"There’s just one more thing," Cheryl butt in. " These boys were also wondering if they could pre-select their meat. Daddy gets the cunt filet of course, but..."

"Up to you, Katie," Daddy said.

Katie beamed at the boys. "Well, what would you like?"

Simultaneously Tom and Donnie shouted, "Tit!".

Katie said: "Okay, you guys get the left one. You can fight over the nipple; it’ll be crispy." She turned to Nathan. "Nathan?"

Shy again: "I was wondering if I could have your anus."

Katie looked at her Daddy. "Not spoken for yet," he said.

Katie said to Nathan: " You got it, Nathan! And I’ve just cleaned it out squeaky for you!"

Nathan grabbed his crotch and high-fived his buddies, overjoyed.

"Okay," Cheryl said to everyone, "Let’s all go get ready. Show starts in just over an hour. And, boys, you probably won’t need it but I’d love to fluff you if you’d like, whether you need it or not!" Judging by the wide eyes on all three faces, along with their crotch rubbing,there was clearly no dissent from the lads. Noticing how hard and horny the three boys were, Cheryl added, "Now be careful, boys. Don’t accidentally blow your loads too soon. We want all your cum in Katie’s cunt." Then, to Nathan," And asshole."

Apart from thinking it would be a lot of fun to suck these young penises Cheryl was quite certain – although she hadn’t told him her plan – that her sweetheart Alex would find it all pretty arousing and might fuck her senseless once Katie was on the spit and roasting. Well, not "might". She would see to that. And also see to having Richard join them, honouring Katie’s request. She and Beth had laid out blankets throughout the yard in full expectation that the party would see a lot of fucking, sucking, diddling and paddling and she had a lot of pent-up hornines to release. Public sex, she remindeed herself, had always been a huge favourite of hers, going back to when she was really young. She and Alex.

Back in the Shed only Katie, Beth and Dave remained. Dave laid Katie on her back on the cot and gave her pussy a thorough slobbering eating-out. When she shuddered, he turned and looked at Beth with a smile. Beth smiled back at him and replaced him at Katie’s mound. And proceeded to give her daughter yet another complete cunt ravish. When Katie gaspingly came yet again, Beth stood up and said, "Pee time."

They went to the toilet and Beth held Katie’s urethra while she peed, wiping it at the end with tissue.

"Goodbye my love."

Dave came over and reached for Katie’s hands and walked her out the door of the Shed. Beth quietly following them with, for the first few steps, her hand cupped over one of Katie’s bum-cheeks, fingers prodding the crack.

Stepping out the door of the Shack, Katie got her first look at the preparations her family had made for her. Near the barbecue pit, which already was filled with glowing coals laced with slabs of hickory (Cheryl told her) was a long table setup with the lengths of twine lying across it: the trussing table. Lying along its length was the familiar glinting stainless steel spit and its little anal-balancing brother.

Over a big part of the yard was one of those party awnings, with hundreds of balloons affixed to the upper parts of it, floating gaily skyward. Under the awning were a number of tables and chairs set for four but easily adaptable to any arrangement. Potted flowers were arranged around the whole affair. Katie’s favourite music was being piped in. Along one side was a train of linen-covered tables laid out to be for buffet-style dining. Next to that, a stocked bar.

The weather had cooperated; it was a sun-strewn perfectly warm day. Most of the invited guests had come for the full ceremony: the spitting, the cooking, the eating. In the hours that it would take Katie to become completely well-done, while they could watch, there was lots of booze, camaraderie and, probably, considerable acts of wanton sex; these events had become such a great excuse as all norms tended to be shelved for the duration.

Daddy led his daughter over to the trussing table and held her hand as she climbed onto it. For a moment, she sat on the edge, smile gleaming, her arms waving as if she were on a carnival float. "Thank you so much everyone! Enjoy! Enjoy – me!"

Somewhat ceremoniously Dave reached over with a small pincher and snapped Katie’s meat tag off her clit.

To the side were three chairs occupied by the three Starbuck’s young boys, pants shed. Cheryl was in front of them on her knees, shuffling along sucking one, then the other, then the other. Like she was playing a penis xylophone or something. Pausing on occasion for a lovely ball-tickle and squeeze. Teasing the hell out of them. Taking a second to look over the crowd, she was quite sure she could identify which ones were these kids’ parents, judging by their envious smiles.

Dave had the twine in his hand and was getting Katie into position, legs up, arms up, tying her down, then turning her over onto her back. She ended up trussed tightly with her asshole and cunt sticking out, wonderfully available.

Dave turned and signalled Cheryl and the boys, who had been briefed by Cheryl. They marched over in line to the trussing table. Dave pulled Katie down the table a bit so her cunt was in essence hanging off the end of it. "Hi, Tom," she said.

"Hi," Tom said as he allowed Cheryl to guide his cock into Katie’s cunt, this way of proceeding having been Katie’s request; she was keen on her sister’s participation when feasible. And then Tom was in and going at it. Katie began to groan right away as the situation was so sexually charged she she was in half-come mode before they even started.

It didn’t take too long for Tom to come. Katie gasped, the audience clapped and Cheryl gave his dick a little lick when he pulled it out of Katie.

And then Darren was there, cunt-side, Cheryl’s hand around his dick and sliding it into Katie’s slick pussy. "Hey, Darren," Katie moaned, "Have a good one!" And Darren did, pumping hard and being rewarded by a shivering cum-gush. Cheryl had to half hold him as he fell back. She gave him a little cock-lick as well. More applause.

Next was Nathan of course. Katie took just a little of the acccumulating cum in Katie’s cunt and smeared it on her anus; a little lube wouldn’t hurt. Then she guided Nathan’s sweet cock into her sister’s welcoming asshole. When they had both come, Cheryl, slid the cock out. It was all she could do not to mount it, she was so wet and aroused, but this was about Katie so she stuck to licking it off and sending Nathan back to his chair. More applause and some cheers from the younger folk in the crowd, friends, Cheryl assumed, of the boys.

Dave pulled down and took off his pants, his cock raging, and stepped up and looked at his daughter’s cunt. It was so wet and slick and slippery; the young lads had done themselves proud, he thought, glad he’d been convinced of this departure from tradition. Katie was panting, smiling, making groaning sounds.

"Daddy!" she said. "These boys were great, right? But now, finally: YOU!"

She was too trussed-up to use her hands, but her eyes and voice did the work, as did her pussy as she was able to move it side to side in invitation. "FUCK ME, DADDY!"

Dave slowly, gradually, pushed his cock into her young and used cunt. With all the boys’ cum already in there, he slipped in like, well, a greased pig. But her vaginal walls were still youthful and strong and clamped firmly onto his dick as nature intended. Dave hadn’t fucked her since the previous afternoon, leaving the final tenderizing to the father-son team of Al and Richard. He wanted to have as much cum for her (and the future gravy) as possible. He was also determined to take his time so that his final fuck with her would be a memorable one, even if she would shortly have no memory at all.

"Oh, God, Daddy!" I’m cumming already! Even more! I don’t know if I can take it!"

Dave was encouraged and did a few thrusts where he would pull all the way out, then jam it back in, then shove as hard as he could, seeking her cervix. He found a way to kind of literally screw his cock into her, like her cunt was a bolt. This got extra squeals from his daughter.

And Katie not only did "take it", but seemed to reach new heights. Dave was worried that she might pass out. And then he couldn’t take any more himself and completely unloaded inside her. Katie screamed in that good way and Dave, as well, nearly passed out, hollering God know’s what in the process.

The audience was highly appreciative and gave as much of a roaring applause as about twenty people can give.

Neither Katie nor Dave moved for a few moments. Beth grabbed a brush and began covering Katie with a barbecue sauce, although not a thick and sticky one. Katie and Dave had agreed on a sauce only for function – to keep her meat moist during cooking – so this was mostly oil-based with just a little in the way of sugar and herbs. This is what they would baste her with over the roasting hours. It didn’t take long for Beth to cover her hundred-pound body.

When she finished, she looked at her husband. The time was now.

Dave pulled his cock out of his daughter and picked up the spit. He brandished it up in the air vertically. He swore to gathered friends later that he did not intend or plan it, but when he held the spit high, it caught a particular sunbeam and flashed in reflection as if in a movie shot. There was a murmer from the audience.

Dave brought the spit down, holding it at the half-way mark. He aligned it with Katie’s cunt and stared into her eyes. They sparkled back at him. As if that was a signal, Dave gently slid the sharp end of the spit into Katie’s well-lubed cunt, into the six-inch mark, just grazing her cervix. She couldn’t help twitch a touch.

Dave said to her: "Now just hold really still for a second, sweetie." She stopped moving. "That’s good. That’s good, dear." With the tip resting in her cunt, Dave was able to slide his hand up to the other end of the spit and, without warning, jammed the whole rod up into her as hard and fast as he could, as Tim had instructed and as he had practiced. She screamed a wrenching scream as he felt he reached her stomach and positioned for her esophagus. One more shove and he was up and through and the spit was protuding out of her mouth. Katie’s scream turned into an anguished gargle. Dave immediately went to her mouth and put his ear down. He smiled as he was assured she was still able to breath; his aim had been excellent.

He quickly went to her ass-end and shoved the small spit up her cum-slippery hole and fastened it to the main bar. She would not slip on the rotisserie.

Despite all the anticipation, Cheryl was shocked. Although perhaps more about how fast it all happened. And how cleanly at least so far; Katie had only a trickle of blood running out the side of her mouth. She was blinking rapidly. Cheryl went close and looked her sister in the eye. Then realized that Katie was already writhing, twisting her clit on the bit that she could on the rod, which had been redesigned with a ridged section at the cunt end, another Tim innovation. Cheryl could see that Katie’s rapid eye movement was an indication of yet another long orgasm. She smiled at her sister. Katie made a small grunt back, unable to speak of course. Although Cheryl was convinced her sister was trying to smile.

Dave had to get going. Katie could stay alive only so long in this condition, even with the help of Survivil, and he’d promised her to do everything he could to have her witness the first couple of portions of her meat going into a mouth.

Dave waved in a pre-planned signal to Richard, who was standing to the side, naked with a full boner. Richard walked over to Katie’s head-end and took hold of the protruding spit, being sure to drag his cock across her face in the process. Katie made a little odd noise. Meanwhile Dave was back holding the cunt-end of the spit. Together the man and the boy raised the rod and lifted Katie clear of the table. Strangled sounds struggled out of her torn mouth.

They carried her, while hearing applause, to the fire pit and set the rod-ends down on the Y-bars. Dave pulled the cunt-end of the bar into the hole in the mechanical rottisserie, clipped it and flipped the switch. Soon Katie was literally turning and roasting on a spit. More applause.

Dave turned to his audience, looking at his watch. "Perfect timing. Dinner will be at seven. In the meantime," he gestured, "there’s a bar and snacks. And lots of room to get up to whatever suits your fancy! There’s toys at the end of tha bar table."

He approached Katie’s head,. "All going great, honey!" He noticed her still writhing on the spit. "Feeling good?" He knew she couldn’t answer but her eyes told him all was well. Presumably the blend of pain and pleasure was maybe divine. In fact, he started getting hard again just thinking about it, even so soon after having just been in that cunt.

Katie rotated and writhed some more.

Cheryl was lingering nearby, enchanted. Somehow during the blow-jobs she had lost her clothes and, appreciating the appreciation she was getting from the men and boys in the audience, decided to stay naked. It seemed fitting somehow.

Alex emerged from the crowd and approached her, hugged and kissed her deeply. "Hey."


"That was really something, right? Cool."

"It’s exactly how she wanted it. I’m happy for her. Now," she said as she cupped his panted crotch, "she had a sort of last wish for me. "

Alex, knowing Cheryl so well, understood exactly what that would be and immediately began stroking her cunt. Cheryl smiled and said, "With a little wrinkle. Be right back." She merged into the crowd then was right back out with Richard, leading him by his still-hard cock. "Alex, meet Richard. Richard: Alex."


"Hi. Are you the one that helped with the tenderizing?"

Richard simply smiled a glowy smile. "Katie is awesome."

Cheryl led them over to a nearby blanket. Alex quickly lost his clothes. They sat down and Katie said to these boys: "Katie wanted us to celebrate. Together. You guys cool?"

The two boys shared looks that made it clear they were more than cool. Alex took Richard’s hard cock in his mouth and began working on it, very shortly joined in the task by Cheryl. She noted Richard’s dick felt just as lovely as she had expected when seeing it the day before. In short order, all three were sucking, feeling and fucking each other in all combinations and with with great glee. Richard expressed happy surprise as he’d never contempleted sex with a boy before. Alex was a bit of an old hand on that front.

They weren’t far from the spit. Cheryl looked over at Katie, wondering whether on each rotation she could see what her sister and friends were up to. She hoped so.

And so the afternoon passed. A lot of people fucked and/or did whatever urge pleased them. She even saw her mother going at it with a young man she didn’t know. And Daddy appeared to be having a nice slow fuck with Al’s wife who had showed up all naked. She just couldn’t believe her Daddy’s stamina! A week ago she’d had no idea! I guess this is what they call growing up, she thought.

Lots of wine, lots of flesh. All good. And with the increasingly delicious aroma of beautifully cooking girl meat wafting on the light breeze.

After what seemed like not that long, Dave pulled his cock out of a lovely very young girl he’d never met before – a friend of the Starbuck’s boys having her first go at a bit of a gang-bang. He liked her; she was sweet and still a bit innocent with a very fresh cunt. As soon as Dave was out, that cunt got immediately re-occupied by one of the boys, Tom, as the girl gasped.

Dave looked at his watch. Already! Pretty much dinner time! He went to the pit where Beth was gently basting their rotating daughter. He was quickly joined by Tim who had just arrived, as expected. He had agreed to come and help Dave with his first time carving a girl. He had brought a knife of his own, along with a sharpener and began honing the blade. Dave began doing the same with his own utensils.

Tim surveyed the now very brown and crisped Katie. "She looks great, Dave. Perfect." He looked at her face. "And still with a little life in her. Well done! No more orgasms now though, I’m afraid. Her nerve endings are shot. And so she’ll be out of any pain, too."

As Dave sharpened, he asked his friend, "Have you had a taste of Abby yet?" referring to Tim’s now-slaughtered daughter.

"Matter of fact we did. Last night for dinner. Went right for it and had the cunt filet and hip roast." He gave Dave a bemused look. "But, to tell the truth, it was a little tough and stringy." They both laughed. "Maybe no surprise there."

Tim looked Katie over and concluded, "She’s done, Dave. Let’s get her carved up."

They each donned heavy gloves and took an end of the spit, lifted it up and took Katie over to the long dining table, and set the carcass down on its back, on a bed of previouslyplaced lettuce and berries. "You do the honours," Tim said to Dave.

Dave took a firm grip on the spit and slowly slid it out of Katie’s body, careful not to damage her cunt with the sharp point as it exited. He set the spit aside and removed the anal attachment. He picked up a bowl and then a serving spoon with a long handle which he used to scoop out the contents of her cunt, the mixture of cum and roasted body juices. To his delight there was quite a bit more than he had expected. He repeated the same up her asshole and, again, got more than he had anticipated. He ended up with a good bowlful which he poured into a large pan. While Tim began his methodical carving of Katie, Dave put the pot on a burner on his barbecue and began adding some herbs and spices, mixing all the while. He only needed to add a bit of starch to get the right consistency, then set the pot on low to simmer for a few minutes.

Tim had a list of the various requested cuts and got busy carving accordingly. At Dave’s request, he’d filleted Katie’s cunt first, doing a lovely job, avoiding any hair follicles. He handed the steaming labia to Dave on a plate and Dave ladled some of the bubbling cum gravy over it. He went right away to Katie’s face. She was so cooked it was hard to tell but he believed that her last thread of life was still unbroken and that she could see him. He sliced a mouth-sized piece of her cunt, swirled it in the cum gravy, and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly (God, it was SO good!) He would never be sure but he convinced himself that Katie saw this, tried to smile and then quickly slipped away. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. But there was a happy accident: his mouth slipped on her greasy skin and he ended up biting off her lower lip. And, well, it was terribly tasty as he chewed and swallowed it.

Tim approached him with a small round nubbin of something between his fingers. "Her clit," Tim said, "It always stays hard, doesn’t break down, so I trimmed it. You can suck on it like a lozenge whenever you want to remember her and all this. It will last for ages and a little taste will linger on it for quite a long while."

Dave took the clit and expressed his gratitude.

Dave approached the large blanket on the lawn that Cheryl and her two fuckees had claimed. They had been joined by the Starbuck’s boys, all having retrieved plates and cutlery and wine. Dave carried a large platter upon which Tim had arranged the agreed-upon cuts of Katie: the anus for Nathan, one breast with crunchy nipple for the other two boys, inner thighs for both older boys and then, to Cheryl: a large piece of heart. Dave said to Cheryl as he handed it to her, "Tim says we’re lucky. The heart doesn’t always cook at the same time as the rest but Katie was so thin it all worked out."

"And," Dave said, "The cum gravy, with," He looked at the three younger lads, "such fine contributions!" They beamed. Dave ladled cum gravy out over top of everyone’s cuts of Katie.

They were joined by Beth, now naked like all the rest of them. (Nathan paid particular attention to her well-trimmed pussy). She had a plate piled with slices of Katie’s upper thigh. She helped herself to the last of the gravy, licking the ladle with an mmm... when she finished.

Cheryl lifted a glass of wine into the air. "To Katie! She will never be forgotten!"

"To Katie!" everyone chimed back.

And they all dug in. To Katie.

Late into the night, Cheryl found herself standing in the middle of the yard, stuffed, a bit drunk and not a little exhausted. Yes, there had been dancing, and she had tried to honour Katie by fucking everyone in attendance, and had been close to succeeding, she thought. Certainly her pussy was puffy and sore, not to mention her burning asshole and aching jaw. But also certainly: no regrets.

The fire in the pit had died out. Katie’s remains had been packaged up and her bones and some vegatables had been put on to simmer in the kitchen for stock. Most of the guests had drifted off and her parents were doing clean-up with the volunteered assistance of the Starbuck’s boys – although she thought a lot of that had to do with Nathan’s not-so-hidden desire to fuck her mother, ideally in the ass. (She did have a rather glorious ass, Cheryl could acknowledge).

Beth came over to Cheryl and they leaned into and cuddled each other. "Pretty perfect," Beth said.

"I can guarantee Katie would agree." She smiled a nice smile at her Mommy. "So," she said, "are you going to do that boy?" As she said this, Nathan, over by the pit, happened to look up, saw them and broad-smiled and waved. "He does have a really nice very young cock. And his balls are so smooth they’re a pleasure to lick. And take in and suck. You can get both in at the same time. And almost no hair or stubble."

Beth smiled a knowing smile at her remaining daughter. "I’m just waiting for them to finish up the cleaning first. Priorities."

Cheryl frowned just a touch, "So Mommy? Before Katie died she told me that you had told her a secret."

"Did she tell you what it was?"

"She said you swore her to secrecy."

"And she kept it?"

"Yup. I tried, but no dice."

"I’m proud of her."

There was a pause as Beth watched Nathan, her right hand reaching down and stroking her cunt.

"Well?" Katie asked with an impatient tone.

"Well what?"

"Your secret. You can tell me Mommy."

"I haven’t even told your Daddy yet."

"He really is a cutey," Beth said, referrring to her view of Nathan and his semi-hard cock. She slid a finger into her pussy.

"Mommy! You can’t have secrets! Not on a day like today!"

Beth looked deep into her daughter’s eyes and made a decision. "Cheryl, I’m pregnant."


"Yes, knocked up."


"Of course. I’ve been, well, rather exclusive. Until today, Katie’s Day."

"Holy shit!"

"Three months. A girl of course."

"Omigod! That’s great, right?"

"Well, unplanned but I’m still only thirty-six years old so no big deal."

Cheryl looked at her mother for a couple of minutes, her face screwing up a bit. "You know, Mommy, there’s this sort of new thing, right? With pregnant women?" Leading up to her sister’s roast, Cheryl had done a lot of research on the latest cannibal news and goings on, and of course there weree always rumours everywhere if you were female.

"I’ve heard a bit about it." In fact, Beth had researched it as well, thoroughly.

Cheryl said, "I read online that it’s sort of catching on and the Board has just made it legal. They’re calling it Mother and Child Reunion – not after the old song but because of an old food dish that inspired that song: chicken and corn egg-drop soup. Chicken and egg together, right? Mama and child."

Beth nodded. "They say it’s best done at eight months when the baby is near-term, fattened up enough. There are techniques where you can get roasted together. I read an article where it said a slice of mommy and a slice of baby on the same plate is quite something." Beth smiled her Beth-smile, always with an enigmatic curl.

"So you’re thinking about it? About finally getting roasted? With a baby inside you? " Cheryl said.

"Well, I have a few months to consider whatever and so I just want to keep it all to myself for now. Katie was enthusiastic."

Cheryl was a bit speechless. Her mother today was an extreme revelation. It was going to take her some time to get her head around this.

Dave came over to them, popping Katie’s clit into his mouth and slowly sucking. "How’s things?"

Beth looked over toward the pit. "Well, it looks like they’re pretty much done. Dave, just give me a bit. I want to finish the night with a little-boy fuck. And I know he wants my help."

Daddy and Cheryl looked at each other and smiled. What day all around! Wonder what tomorrow will bring?


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