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Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever.

As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!!

Where will we go form here?

Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time.

The fantasy of leaving it all behind.

The fantasy that made that country song "Take this Job and Shove it" so wildly popular in its day.

Let’s face it, we’ve all thought of what it would be like to just step out. Not worry about the house payment, or car payment. Not worry about keeping the boss, or customers happy. Just leaving!!

Jimmy Buffet created an empire around that theme.

Is there anyone among us that hasn’t gone on a cruise or a vacation to some idyllic place and wondered what it would be like to never leave?

In Sugar Cane Revisited I’m guilty of playing on two weaknesses then that all of us interested in the realm of dominance and submission probably share.

The fantasy of being able to experience our fantasies on a daily basis, combined with the fantasy of just getting away from it all.

Our heroine gets to do both!!

As I try to evolve this from one phase to the next, I thought you might find a few things interesting, and, keeping them in mind might cast the stories in at least a slightly different light.

The Sugar Cane Plantation, in a slightly different form actually exists.

It was the impetus for this story. Of course it’s not called the Sugar Cane Plantation. And it’s not a hidden bdsm club.

What it is, is a delightful bed and breakfast near the top of a mountain on an island. I was shopping for real estate one day and the realtor took us there for lunch.

It really was an old plantation house. It really does have old, crumbling brick walls. The main building really is restored from the original structure. It really is a delightful tropical hideaway.

The island where it is located really was one of the hubs of the slave trade back in the day. The old slave market is one of the tourist sights.

I not only fell in love with the place, but as I wandered about looking at the old structures, the seeds of The Sugar Cane Plantation began to form.

I won’t tell you where it really is. At least not now.

I don’t think the real owners, if they ever read this piece would appreciate the suggestion that their relatively upscale bed and breakfast was associated with terrible perversions.

I’ve given enough clues though so that anyone familiar with the West Indies should be able to figure it out. One hint: It’s not in the Caribbean.

Obviously much of what I’ve written in terms of the bdsm activities is fantasy, but so that you can appreciate the perspective from which this is written, please understand that a significant portion is not.

For example:

1. The breeding rack.

Fortunate enough several years ago to be able to construct a fairly well equipped play space, and being handy with tools, my partners and I have enjoyed a structure that I’ve described as the breeding rack.

It of course was never used for such a purpose historically, but it was functioned in that regard. A woman fastened to it was indeed extremely obscenely exposed and vulnerable.

Talking about the experience to women that have been fastened into it gave rise to the descriptions in the story.

Without exception they described it as extremely humiliating, making them feel vulnerable, at the same time allowing them by virtue of being restrained to enjoy being exhibited.

All described the experience as incredibly intense. Some wanted to ride again. Others said never again!

2. The cell.

In the same play space in which we were able to enjoy the breeding rack, we were able to have a regular cell with bars. In was made by having bars built to order and anchored into the frame of a standard bedroom closet. There was room to lie down, standup, take a couple of steps and that was it.

Submissives of mine, and I myself when in submissive mode have spent days locked in that cell. Since it was too small for any toilet facilities, we utilized a ritual where the prisoner would chain themselves hand and foot before being led out on a leash.

The only other reason they came out was to be whipped.

The cell was in the middle of the regular play area.

Something very erotic (from a submissive’s perspective) of having to stand naked in a cell, on display while others outside, fully dressed are free to wander about. I tried to get that mindset across in the stories.

3. The electrical play.

I have always loved electricity for the reason related by Robert. Such a wide spectrum of sensations. Plus people are naturally afraid of it.

I have use a lot of different electrical toys. And yes I have used acupuncture needles. As related in the story, they are so very thin that it is not really needle or play piercing at all. If a person is not looking, chances are good that they will not even feel the needle.

But they do make awesome electrical contact points.

4. The Cigar.

Yes. I have had a submissive over the years that before she decided she was really a dominant, was as big a pain slut as June.

In a scene involving a whipping, she would always have gone to places unknown and be begging for more, while I had in prudence stopped.

She was once strapped to a St. Andrews cross, just as described, and yes, I did burn her nipples and her clitoris with a cigar as described.

And yes, she screamed delightfully as she orgasmed.

5. Cigars and cognac.

My vice in life, and so too, the vice of the same woman that I described who I burned.

We would spend many evenings together sipping cognac and enjoying cigars. So of course, my characters must enjoy the same.

And yes, she very much enjoyed the looks and stares she got when we would go out and she would sit at a bar and light up a cigar. Not the prissy little cigarillos that many women are fond of. She would fire up a robusto or a churchill.

There are more analogies, but my intent is not to recite a biography of my background in the realm of bdsm. It is merely to underscore that while I always try to write with feeling, a lot of what you’re reading is based on actual experiences.

So, if you’ve enjoyed the Sugar Cane Plantation at all, I hope you’ll enjoy as the fantasy continues and escalates. Not only does Cynthia get to return (you knew she would) but she gets to live the fantasy that so many of us only think about!!

Please enjoy.

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