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Fox and the girls part 7

After a night of experimenting and firsts we all slept soundly in my bed. The alarm went off and 4 am, way too soon but the day must go on. Maria got out of bed with me but Carol barely stirred. Maria and I both headed to the shower at the same time, we looked at each other, ah hell why not as we entered the shower. Clearly Maria wanted morning snacks rubbing against me, then directly under the shower head gave me a long kiss with water running down our faces. She reached down and grasp my cock, a couple strokes and she dropped to her knees. Sucking in my cock to further stiffen it up. Soon at full mast i wanted to be inside this beautiful woman. Grasping each shoulder i brought her to her feet and then reached under her knee with one arm then the other. With her back to the wall and knees at my shoulders my cock had the easiest access possible to her love canal. I thought i felt a brush of cold air but paid no attention to it. My cock soon found her waiting vagina entrance and i slid in deeper and deeper, in this position i could get the deepest into her yet. Soon feeling the tip of my cock touch her cervix i wiggled and poked this new ground driving her wild in pleasure. I no doubt she was beginning to orgasm when i decided it was time to exercise some more and give her another good pounding. I was always a bit more wild but not rough with Maria but she seemed to like it. Well braced i began hip thrusts in and out of her tapping bottom on each stroke. A few minutes later i heard to begin to moan then wail out loud while her pussy contracted on my cock. It was too much and i blew my load inside her. Coming to a slow stop i gently pulled out of her and let my cum drip out of her.

From directly under us came Carol’s voice, "oh my god thats so cool to watch" as she stood up. She had came in behind us and watched the show from between my legs. I lowered Maria to her feet and steadied her till she got her legs back under her. She cleaned up and stepped out. I motioned for Carol to assume the position in the corner. She looked at me and said "oh i wish i could do that". Wrapping my arm against her waist i moved her into position. As my arm went under her legs he eyes widened and i bet wondered if i was about to do the same to her. Maybe even some fear in her eyes. Instead as i lifted her leg i dropped to my knees and put her leg on my shoulder. We were on a time limit here so i went directly to work on her clit after tasting her juices. Slipping my thumb into her pussy gently i hit the spots and moments later she was cumming. Waisting nothing i took my finger out and licked her clean. Letting her leg go i stood up and pinned her to the wall with a huge kiss, her moans told me she needed more.

Reaching down i squeezed two fingers into her tight pussy and went to work, lips locked she could only moan as i made her orgasm. Running close on time we finished up and dressed Maria was already gone. A few kisses and Carol was gone. I readied for my day and headed for the main ranch.

Rushing through a few chores getting things ready for the day it was soon time for the guys to arrive and have coffee. We all met on the porch and both ladies greeted us with big bubbly smiles.

I was assigned a bunch of chores around the main ranch fixing things and putting hay in piles for most of the week. Maria gave me big smiles when she heard i was going to be close all week. We readied the horses and equipment before breakfast.

Maria had done her magic and not only cooked breakfast but made lunches in a short amount of time. Upon leaving i noticed there was no lunch for me. She looked and smiled, "i will make you a hot lunch ".

Ben lead me to the barn and showed me some roping skills and told me to practice, the next time we worked the cattle i needed to know to throw a rope.

I blasted through various jobs and often took a break to swing a rope and practice.

Working in the repair shop Maria brought me a mug of coffee planting her lips on mine she was crawling all over me.

"I like shower time we need more of that". She finished with a kiss and she was gone.

Wondering what lunch might bring the thoughts kept my mind busy.

Some people showed up, and Carol toured them around the ranch. I tried to avoid them by going into the back of the work shop pretending to fix something. Carol found me and introduced her older sister, her husband and 2 teen boys and their older sister who looked younger than me likely 19- 20ish. We exchanged glances and the young girls eyes continued to scan me from head to toe. Carol caught that and gave me the look. It was all a blur except i knew her name was Beth. She was a blonde smaller version of Carol.

Being polite i tipped my hat to the ladies and shook her brother-inlaws hand. "Nice too meet you all" i said as i went back to work. They headed for the door, Beth stopped and looked back and asked "do you ride? " i looked up and replied "yes ma’am i do."

"well maybe later you can take me out for a ride" she replied as she smiled and turned and went out the door. Carol walked back to me and whispered in my ear, "Don’t you be fucking my niece !!" Sternly adding "you hear me" with a finger pointed at my nose.

Noon came and i was about to head to the house, i spotted Carol and Maria coming to meet me, Maria was carrying a plate with my lunch.

Carol was the first to speak "ok im serious i dont want you screwing my niece ! Just dont do it, you understand ?"

"Yes ma’am" i replied seeing her sincerity i knew not to push or joke right now. But added "but by her look she has other ideas, we need a reason for her to loose interest".

Carol and Maria agreed.

Carol went on to say "They are here to help with branding and weaning calves next week. I forgot when i moved you into the cabin that they usually stay there. The rest of the help coming stays in the bunk house." I stopped her there and said i can move out of the cabin in 5 min ma’am. Theres a single bunk in the barn that i will be fine staying in. If thats ok."

She smiled and approved.

"You two go after lunch and get the cabin ready and I apologize again but Thank you".

Maria came out around 1 to get me, we took my truck and on the way she reached over to hold my hand. That was nice.

Arriving at the cottage i went to work cleaning up the fridge and left overs while Maria went to change sheets and towels. She cleaned everything on Sunday and i didnt make much mess. Then an idea hit me, to keep Beth away maybe we should lead her to believe Maria and I were involved ? I ran that past Maria and we grabbed the phone handset to call Carol on the main house phone. She started off with "smart boy finally had a great idea". I explained that we could in front of Beth look like we were a couple, and well if anyone else caught on …oh well no harm done. I asked Maria while we were on the phone with a giggle "will you be my girlfriend". We all chuckled and Carol said just hurry up as hung up.

We went back inside, Maria called me to the bedroom, i figured to get my bags but there she sat on the bed naked.

"Not much time boyfriend" she said as she undid my pants and made my cock rise. Not to argue i slid her back on the bed and got a taste of her pussy before i slid into her waiting pussy. We were to hurry but i made sure she got what she needed and a bit more. I loved being in her love canal, it just seemed to fit right.

We got dressed and gathered up my items while she changed sheets and made the bed. We sprayed some bathroom spray around to cover the sex smell.

Returning back to the main house, the guests were just headed out to the cabin, Beth would be staying in the main house and had settled in already. We got out of the truck and i handed Maria the laundry basket with a quick kiss and said " will miss ya". I figured that would set the plan in motion. Maria took it one step further and grabbed my ass and said "later lover". With a smile.

Beth just stood there mouth open, i had hoped that would deter her moving forward with any ideas.

Beth looked over at me and said " i thought you were taking me riding ?"

Looking at Carol i said "we sure can, i have cows to check in two pastures". and off we went.

I readied 2 horses and headed to pasture one.

Partway into the ride after the horses had settled down she came over and rode beside me. Being Carols niece she got right to the point. "You new here?" I nodded yes.

"So you and Maria are an item?" She asked.

"Yes we have been getting pretty close since i got here, my love for her keeps growing every day". I replied.

She looked over sadly "ah thats too bad, i had hoped you were free, this next couple weeks could have been interesting."

I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was already interesting around here. I got the impression this little minx would have taken me right there in the field had i said yes, i was not going to cross Carol and loose everything.

To be honest i was actually growing quite fond of Maria. Not from any fault of Carol’s but i just seemed to connect better with her and at that moment i decided to play the couple thing a bit more. Maybe even go out on a date.

We finished our cattle checks and headed back, i think she had been in the saddle long enough and was ready to get off.

Carol met us in the yard, as Beth got off she claimed , "oh god im sore." and i got the look from Carol. I just shook my head no. I put the horses away and finished up my day. Headed to my bunk in the main barn i wondered how this would work, Maria was busy the remainder of the afternoon getting supper ready for everyone. There was no notes or food left for me so i cleaned up the Chinese leftovers and headed to town to the local bar for drinks since there was no tv. It was pretty slow there on a Monday but the beer was cold. I rolled into the ranch around midnight and flopped on my cot.

I set the alarm later than normal but got up and had my regular chores done before 5:30. The boys all giggled and called me the new barn rat. We had coffee and got organized but the ladies were not anywhere to be found. I helped them get ready to go to the other ranches to prepare there while i stayed on the main ranch for the week. Breakfast was on the table but no ladies. We ate, grabbed our lunches carried on.

I went to open some gates to get the cattle more pasture, they would find their own ways there eventually but it brought them close to the corrals for next week. I would ride through and get them moving in the right direction later in the week.

The remainder of the day i was mending fence and setting up gates, so i didn’t see anyone, it made for a peaceful day.

Returning to the main ranch Maria seen me drive in and came over to me, looking puzzled. "You didnt come for supper last night and you never came home, is that how you treat your new girl friend?" She said before locking her lips onto mine right in the middle of the yard. Something i never expected to happen but i liked it.

She told me to come to the kitchen at 7 and she would dine with me. We ate and she had lots to do yet so i went to the barn. I grabbed a few beers in a cooler jumped on the side by side and headed to the lookout point to watch the sunset.

Unknown to me Beth noticed me leaving and watched where i headed. She still seemed to be drawn to me and spent a lot of time watching me.

The next few days were pretty busy and as the week wore on more people arrived. Maria struggled to keep up, i helped where i could and even went to town for supplies for her but there was no time or place to be together with her or Carol.

I thought of slipping into Maria’s room but she looked way over tired.

Friday came and the place was crawling with people i went to the bar after supper to get away. It was around 1 am when my buddies dumped my drunk ass at the ranch. Morning was gonna be rough i thought as i stumbled into the barn to my quarters. As i climbed into bed there was a body there, figured it one of the girls and too drunk to care i spooned in behind her and i was out.

Sometime later i began to have sex dreams again but my head was spinning to much to care. I woke up in the morning alone feeling pretty rough, as i went to shower i noticed my crotch was soaked, thinking Maria had done her thing i never gave it a thought but felt bad I kinda missed it.

I couldn’t even muster my normal early morning chores. We met for coffee and Maria wasnt her after screwed perky and just looked tired. We never spoke, she was just too busy.

Chores got done but not well, the place was coming alive with people so i saddled my ride and readied to make sure the cows had all moved to new pasture. Beth spotted me and asked to come along. "Sure why not, i might need help anyhow," as i motioned to her to get a horse ready.

We were well out in the pasture out of site when she rode over to me. "You feeling better?" She asked.

"Somewhat " i replied.

She looked at me and said "well for what it matters you got a big dick, i thought you were gonna split me in two. Get feeling better so i can properly ride it." As she rode off.

What the fuck, no way! Its a good thing we weren’t caught or i said something stupid.

Shit im hung over and my goose is cooked,

I rode up beside her and before i could say anything she said "look i know it was wrong but i needed cock, dont worry were safe, no one seen us or me. But to keep my secret you need to fuck me proper now or you’re in big trouble Mr.." well she was right and i was in trouble. I just looked at her and said "not today" and rode off.

Trying to recover and thinking what to do next, i sent Beth into and rough area’s while i held the group. A couple times i noticed another rider in the distance usually silhouetted against the sky so i couldn’t see who it was. Likely just someone getting saddle time i thought.

Arriving back at the main barn feeling a bit more normal, i met Carol just getting off her horse, i offered to look after it for her.

She looked at me and said "i had a bad feeling when you and Beth rode off together. That was me you seen out there".

My decision was made then, there was going to be no deception here. As much as i would have loved to teach Beth a lesson and screw her brains out i wasnt going to cross Carol. By her actions following us i knew she was serious about me not fucking her niece.

Looking in her eyes I said "we need to talk". Since Maria was part of this circle we decided to bring her into this.

We met a short time later behind the kitchen where i explained the most recent events. Apologizing for my actions or lack of while i was drunk in my own bed but i had just figured it was either one of them. Carol was furious but i believe mostly at her niece. She needed time to think and calm down.

I was told to go to another ranch and Carol would come get me when the storm that was about to happen was over.

Thankfully my buds had brought my truck out to the ranch. I grabbed my duffle bag with all my clothes and tossed it in my truck and drove off. Beth and many others were in the yard and watched me leave as i drove off. Likely for good i thought.

It felt like i was being punished and sent away like a bad kid. Since it was Saturday i didnt really have to work so i went to town and grabbed some food to have on hand and more beers.

Arriving at the McDonald ranch, each one was named after its previous owners, i took a tour around, the house was no longer liveable and was ready for removal. The barn would hold cattle and provide shelter but thats about it. There was a large steel sided shed, i had never been in it so i decided to explore, once i found the key and went inside i was pleasantly surprised to find some excavation equipment. Carol’s husband had been working on cleaning up farms when time permitted. The house here was next to be removed but sadly he never got that far.

I wandered around for the rest of the afternoon and had some food i had picked up. I didnt have any idea when Carol might come and see me. Eventually i curled up in my truck and went to sleep.

Morning came and i had slept well considering. Being Sunday we were to be in final preparation mode for the coming week but i was stuck out here. I cleaned up a few things but there wasn’t much here that needed attention. Being bored i checked over the machines and made them ready to work. Even cleaning up around the yard a bit and fixing the laneway. Around mid day and seeing no one around i went off to visit some friends and stayed for supper with them.

Getting back in my truck there was a message on my phone from Carol to call her, she didnt sound happy.

I tried to call but there was no answer, not knowing what to think or do i went back to the Mcdonald ranch for the night. Trying twice more i never received an answer from the ranch but left messages. I knew tomorrow would be a big day but where was i fitting in there if at all anymore.

Sleep came easy and restful considering my mind was working on the worst case fears.

Morning came and i felt like i should be at the main ranch to do chores and be at the morning meeting but i was told to stay here.

Finally deciding enough was enough i put my stuff away in the truck and left. I didnt need this, there was lots of places to work.

I called the main ranch and left a message that i was sorry but i was moving on.

Carol called back within the hour, she was very upset about Beth and wanted me back and understood my frustrations.

So sorry that she had left me hanging out at the other ranch. She convinced me to stay and really needed my help this week.

Returning to the ranch i met with Maria and Carol before getting to work, i had missed them so much and more-so Maria.

They understood i had done everything to avoid Beth but still got caught in the web.

Maria piped up and said you will be safe sleeping in my bed. Oh wow… I’m headed from being homeless to the main house.

We were all in agreement and i could already feel my pants getting tight with thoughts of tonight. It was going to be a long hard day first. Let the work begin.

The crew was busy working already and i waisted no time getting to work. A lot of them were i think surprised to see me or wondered what was wrong that i hadn’t showed this morning. I found Ben and apologized, he just looked at me and said "yea i know Carol told me".

Looking at him i said "wheres the worst job here. I’m in."

The day was long and i gave my best all day to make it up to the guys. We finished up the main ranch in record time. There was no fear of Beth getting close, she just stared and growled at me at any chance she got. I never heard what Carol said to her but i bet it wasnt nice.

Maria was still working her ass off to keep everything looked after and everyone fed.

I helped as much as i could but other than a quick massage we didnt get too much other than sleeping.

The week went fast and we finished up in decent time. A barbecue finished off the week and soon everyone would be leaving.

The weekend was time for rest and getting back to normal.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






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