
Planet Earth


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Wonder if he could write off the cost of the new house as a business expense? James was now confident enough in his use of the kayak that he would bring his journal and was slowly circling the lake. He would stop and sketch a bit of something that caught his eye, or jot down random thoughts. He found it a good opportunity to let his mind wander and got many of his best ideas just floating around the lake. Some of these ideas had been very lucrative in his consulting business, to the point that he had more money than he really needed.

It was on his evening tour of the lake that he ran across them. There were four people sitting on the float boat, still on the dock, wine glasses in hand enjoying the slowly setting sun. Of course he recognized Camilla and Miranda, and he could figure out which was Worm and which was Weasel, but had no idea what their real names were.

A round of introductions later and James had met Larry and Sam, as well as Camilla and Miranda. They were able to identify the house he had moved into, it wasn’t a huge lake, about 300 acres, so most people knew the others on the shoreline. Larry and Miranda lived a short distance away, without any lakefront. And the two ladies had gone to school together and it was common for Larry and Miranda to walk down to Camilla and Sam’s place to get some lake time. He learned that both Larry and Sam worked for one of the major manufacturers in the area, Sam as an engineer and Larry as a program manager. Camilla was an executive with a large placement agency and Miranda was a project manager for a local IT provider. And with the goodbyes came an invitation to join them and some of their other friends on the lake for a party on Friday night.

As he paddled away, Sam said something about introducing James to someone. Hmm, that could be interesting, but he was pretty sure he didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone that wanted to dominate him the way those two were controlled. He admitted to liking the control they had taken over him during the two sessions so far, but certainly didn’t want to go the full route. A little bit of mild bondage was fun, but he had no interest in getting his butt beaten or being caged.

By the time Friday arrived, James was getting pretty worked up. Tomorrow he’d get a chance to bury his shaft into Camilla. In the meantime, he was going to have to be careful not to give away anything that would allow Sam or Larry to identify him as the mysterious other man. After thinking about it he decided to drive over to the party rather than risk getting dumped into the water by taking the kayak.

The party was fun. There was a college football game that had most of the guys pretty centered, the first of the season. Evidently more than half the crowd had attended the school and it was the main purpose of the gathering. He guessed that there were about 20 people there, other than the four he’d already met. James determined that there were two distinct groups represented. Most, probably six couples, were neighbors on the lake and he tried matching them up with their boats and homes to help remember their names.

The remainder were connected through the university and being classmates. Two of them were couples. James watched to see if there was any indication that they were in a relationship like Camilla and Miranda had with Sam and Larry. He really didn’t see anything obvious, but the men were pretty attentive to the ladies, and responded to requests a bit more promptly than seemed normal, but not enough to really call attention to it.

He wasn’t the only person there alone, there were four others, two guys and two girls. So he suspected that he was the odd man out but soon realized that they weren’t matched up, they were all solos. Evidently the women had all been in the same sorority. The one that stood out was Jennifer. A sprightly redhead with green eyes and lots of freckles, she had been a classmate of Miranda, all three had been in the same sorority and Camilla had been president their freshman year. Both the other two guys appeared to be trying to make a connection with her. Sam even commented to James that several of them had been trying for quite a while. But Jennifer kept flitting around, keeping things clean and restocking snacks and beverages. He noticed that Camilla would make a subtle sign and Jennifer would take care of things.

Whenever one of the guys tried to get too intimate, Jennifer would excuse herself and help Camilla with something, getting more snacks or refreshing drinks. James tried not to insert himself into any particular group. The other girl chatted with him a bit, but he really wasn’t too interested, she was attractive enough, but too skinny for his taste. And she didn’t seem to have much to talk about beyond rather vague comments about the lake and the weather.

The game finished up around ten, the alma mater succeeding in squeaking out a win with a last minute field goal. James started to help with the clean up and soon there were only the five of them left. After getting all the empty bottles collected for return, he went to excuse himself and thank them for an enjoyable evening.

"Good, I’m glad you had a good time!"

"I did. It was certainly nice to meet more of the neighbors, I’ve kept pretty close to home since I got here and haven’t met a lot of folks on the other sides of the lake. Thank you for including me! "

"We’ll have you back again. Um, so, what did you think of Jennifer?"

Miranda’s direct question was a bit of surprise, but he responded, "She’s very pretty. She also seems to be a bit shy, I noticed that whenever the other guys would try to talk with her, she’d find other places to be."

"Miranda, I knew this guy was pretty sharp. He even picked up on her shyness." Camilla used some air quotes when she said shyness.

With that, and no mention of the following day, James took his leave. He was really looking forward to the morning. While Jennifer had been a focal point, he probably watched Camilla more than anyone, with the understanding that he was going to get to know her a lot more intimately very soon.

The next morning finally came. There was a slight haze across the water, but the skies were clear and looked like it was going to be a gorgeous day. He decided to make a good breakfast with lots of protein to help counter the junk food and alcohol of the night before. He knew that Sam had a pretty big load on last night, so wondered how he was feeling.

After killing time with a few odds and ends in the way of fixing things around the house, he finally went out in the kayak. He did his best to keep from just going straight across the lake, knowing he’d be early, not knowing if they would be ready or not. Did Sam and Larry get hooded after they were in the cove? Or on their dock? Or what was the procedure? Perhaps he didn’t want to know!

They were once again similarly attired, bikinis with some nice wispy cover ups that enhanced rather than hid their charms. Miranda was also looking a bit worse for wear when he finally pulled up alongside the pontoon boat. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot, but she still looked pretty darn good. And Camilla was positively glowing.

James had brought another bottle of wine, and a couple of electrolyte drinks that he handed up as he tied off the kayak.

"Well," Miranda said as she eyed the bottles, "Are these for you?"

"I think the Weasel over indulged a bit last night, figured it might help him out."

"You really do like to keep people happy, don’t you?"

"I certainly want to keep the two of you happy, and it seems that making sure they are in good shape is a concern you have."

"True, but the Weasel really did overindulge last night, and I wasn’t happy about it. So I didn’t bring him along. He’s a bit tied up right now, so you don’t have to worry about him trying to catch a glimpse of you popping into the cove here. And if keeping us happy is a primary concern of yours, why are you still wearing clothes?"

She slid off her coverup as he quickly ditched his own bathing suit and shirt, the PFD having been left on the kayak. Camilla pushed him back into the bench seat and knelt beside him, taking a few minutes to carefully look over his groin area. She gently kneaded his balls and ran her fingernails over his shaft, making his already hard cock bounce with each little touch. She then spent a few minutes licking his shaft from the base to the head until it was covered in saliva. Then with agonizing slowness, she started sliding her mouth over it. James wanted to grab her head and drive into her throat, but knew that would have some very negative consequences, so he dug his fingers into the seat cushions.

As Camilla got more into her mouth, she gagged and came up for air, choking. "I can certainly see what Worm and Weasel had a problem with! It is certainly bigger than either of theirs!"

There was no sign of the giant inner tube, but there was a nice float mat. Camilla stood up and slid her bikini bottoms off over her hips and let them fall to the floor. James slid off the seat to his knees and buried his face into her triangle, inhaling the aroma. A few kisses and licks and she pulled his head hard into her crotch, just about smothering him.

"You certainly are as good as the w’s at that, but I want you for something else!"

She turned away from him and dropped onto the mat on her hands and knees. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what she wanted and James quickly grabbed her by the hips and with a bit of help from her hand thrust into the cunt from behind. It was everything he had imagined and he really liked this position, her ass cheeks firmly pressed against his crotch as he bottomed out in her. He reached around and was able to get his fingers into her wet slit and worked on her clit as he pumped in and out. Camilla came with a squeal rather than a shout, much faster than Miranda had, he hadn’t even gotten close to finishing at that point. She collapsed under him and James decided to finish what he had begun with, rolled her over and buried his face into her triangle. She tugged him around so that she could pay attention to his cock while he dived into her muff. It took a bit longer, but after about five minutes, she shuddered under him, a second orgasm rocking her body and that set him off. He moaned a warning to her seconds before the seed spilled out and filled her mouth. She pushed him to roll off of her and let the cum drip out of her mouth and onto his stomach and crotch.

"That’s pretty tasty, but not something I’m going to fill my stomach with!"

At that point Miranda joined them and she proceeded to help clean him up, licking up the sticky strands of cum off his belly. "I’ll get the Worm."

A minute later, the hooded form of the Worm crawled to the back and was directed to clean James up. James had no idea if the Worm knew which woman he was tasting as he cleaned up the combination of sperm and cunt juice off the cock he had been directed to. And before he knew it, Miranda had squatted down and put her cunt in his face, so he went to work. Eating out two gorgeous women in the same session? James was a pretty happy guy right then. It didn’t take long for her to gasp and shudder, her legs locking tight around his head as the ecstasy took over her body. When she finally moved off his face, he realized that Camilla had sat down on the seat above them and Miranda had been eating her out.

The three of them were pretty wiped out at this point. The only sound was the lapping of the small waves and Worm’s tongue, still working on James’s crotch. Miranda pushed Worm away from James with her foot. She grabbed one of the bottles of electrolyte and gulped half of it down, and then found a straw and let Worm finish it off. She offered the other one to Camilla who waved it away, so she tossed it to James. He took a couple of long pulls out of the bottle, glad to replenish some of the liquids and eager for a hit of the sugar.

"Okay, James, time for your quiz!"

"Quiz? Nobody said anything about a quiz!"

"You should do just fine. So, did you put together the people last night?"

"You mean the two groups? Yeah, mostly neighbors, all in couples, and then the sorority crowd, some couples and some singles. And Miranda and Worm fit in with both groups."

"Good! Told you it wouldn’t be hard! Hmm, speaking of hard, you seem to be recovering quickly!’

To James’s surprise, he actually was fairly erect, not as hard as when he arrived, but between the ministrations of the Worm and seeing the two women enjoying themselves, he was fairly excited. Camilla had cum at least twice, maybe three times depending on how effective Miranda had been. And Miranda had reached orgasm as well, while he had been limited to a single ejaculation.

"So let’s talk about our Sorority. It has some interesting peculiarities about it. One is that the freshman pledges are assigned a senior, and sometimes a junior, to serve during their pledge year. And by serve, I mean exactly that, they were our servants for all practical purposes. Not quite as severe as the Worm and Weasel, but much of the same stuff. As the president, I had two servants assigned, Miranda and Jennifer."

"One of the reasons we do this is to teach the upperclassmen on how to take charge of situations. They learn how to control people and situations, while at the same time not alienating the individuals. I’m rather proud of the fact that Miranda and Jennifer became good friends with each other and with me and we have remained good friends. Members learn a great deal about themselves in the process. You can see how Miranda and I both take care of Worm and Weasel, as well as each other."

"Let’s get down to brass tacks. Sam made a comment the other day, remember, he has no idea that you know who Weasel is, that he thought you would make a good match for Jennifer. Based on what we have seen, we agree with him."

"I don’t think I’m really cut out for becoming the Weevil, or the Wimp or whatever."

"No, no, you aren’t really wired for that role! But see, Jennifer learned that she isn’t wired for the role Miranda and I have in our relationships. She likes being directed and told what to do. She likes not having to make decisions and think about things too much! If you are interested, we can help you connect with her at the right level. She thinks that you are pretty good looking. She thought you have very nice manners and seemed interested in other people and she appreciated the fact that you helped with things."

"No question she is beautiful! So was that the criteria for being assigned to the president? Being drop dead gorgeous?"

"See, Miranda, even now he is being gallant!"

"So, let’s say I’m interested. And let’s face it, what guy wouldn’t be? What is going to put me ahead of some of these other guys that are obviously interested in her?"

"Take charge. I don’t mean bark orders at her, that isn’t a good option for anyone. But make sure you are calling the shots. It is certainly going to take some tact to figure out the right tone and levels, so you are going to have to put some work into this if you want it to happen."

"Okay, I think I get it. But, what does that do to this immediate group? Hands off? Or continue as we are?"

Camilla laughed, "Right to the heart of things! Okay, if I told Jennifer to go out on a date with you, she would. If I told her to take you to bed on that date, she probably would. I don’t think I would be successful in telling her to marry you and it might destroy our relationship. At this point, the five of us are going to continue. If you and Jennifer hit it off, we’ll revisit things. But remember, Jennifer and Miranda and I have been together before the Worm and Miranda even met. And I mean, together. And I suspect she won’t have much in the way of an issue as long as things aren’t going beyond this immediate group. But her discovering our float boat relationship might make it a bit more difficult for you to succeed, so we’ll keep it quiet for now."

"Does she know about the Worm and the Weasel?"

"Oh, yes. And she has been on the float boat with us. When she needs a release, she has been known to join us. She is the fifth person we were referring to when we were talking about our little circle. She avoids the W’s, but is happy to join us. Ooo, I can see that idea appeals to you!"

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the image of Jennifer with Miranda’s face buried in her muff had a definite appeal to it. While James’s erection hadn’t really gone away during the conversation, it hadn’t been a full mast until this last bit of talk. He was wondering about how to remedy the situation when Miranda came to the rescue.

She walked over to James and looking at Camilla asked, "May I?"

Camilla smiled and nodded, "Of course you may, thank you for asking though!"

She straddled his legs and slowly lowered herself onto the erection sprouting between his legs. It didn’t take much movement to line things up and she slid down the length until her ass was sitting on his thighs. It really felt good to be buried up to his balls in a hot snatch. In the course of the conversations James had discovered that Camilla was a year older than he was and he assumed that Miranda and Jennifer would be a couple years younger. The thought of Jennifer suddenly took over his mind and he pictured her red hair and perky breasts above him as Miranda started slowly raising and lowering herself. Despite having ejaculated less than 30 minutes earlier he knew he wasn’t going to last long. No luck trying to change the images in his mind at that point. Miranda leaned in and buried her tongue in his mouth, smothering his yell as he spewed another load of cum. Just as the last time, she continued to ride him and reached her own satisfaction a few minutes later.

"Wow, thank you Miranda! That was very nice! So, how about some more info on Jennifer?"

Over the next few minutes, he learned that she worked with Camilla in the placement agency, was a department head and ran the legal services department, having completed law school a few years earlier. Pretty impressive. The other thing that he discovered she liked was being praised. Not fawned over, and not waited on like a princess. She appreciated being helped with things, but not having them done for her. A thank you was a bit off putting to her, but a word or two of appreciation to acknowledge she had done something correctly was welcomed. And while direct orders were a turn off, suggestions on things were treated very much like a must do.

It was getting cooler in the evenings, though some of the days were still pretty warm. It would be a few more weeks before the boats and docks would be pulled out of the water. But they agreed to get together again the following Saturday. The ladies also invited him to another party at their place on Friday night, this one was going to be about half the size. It was going to be an informal gathering and there would be a fire with beverages and a chance to roast some marshmallows.

The group was all the sorority related couples. Besides himself, Jennifer was the only other solo, so they were making it a bit obvious that they were trying to pair them up. It was a buffet burger picnic and Sam manned the grill. It was also rather obvious that all the men were taking care of their partners, making sure they had drinks and bringing them the food they wanted. Without the lake folks in the mix, the sorority girls ruled the roost. And that sort of left Jennifer and himself on their own.

It was after dinner and they were all sitting around the small fire pit chatting about odds and ends when the opportunity came up. Larry had brought out a guitar and was playing a few tunes, the group singing along when they could. James realized his beer was empty. He looked up and saw Jennifer looking at him. He held up the empty bottle and then pointed at it with a raised eyebrow. She immediately went to the cooler and brought him a fresh one, pausing only to open the bottle on the opener.

She took the empty out of his hand and replaced it with the cold one. As she moved away he said, "Good girl!" softly, so only she could hear. He could have sworn she blushed, but it was a bit too dark to tell in the flickering fire light. She put the bottle with the other empties and came back to him, sitting on the ground beside his chair and leaning on it. He reached out his hand and gently stroked her hair a couple times. James didn’t notice Sam giving a bit of a nudge to Camilla.

Eventually the other couples made their excuses and thanks and headed home. The six of them were left and they cleaned things up. Camilla suggested that the six of them get together for dinner the following Friday.

"I like the idea, but how about we do it at my place? Look, all five of you have relatively normal 9 to 5 type jobs. I work mostly from home, so it is easier for me to host a weekday party. Nothing fancy, I’ll grill up some chicken and we can do pretty much the same thing we did here. So my place at six?"

The plan was quickly adopted and James turned to Jennifer. "Do you think you could arrange to arrive an hour ahead of that? I could really use a couple of hands to help with the finishing touches. Here, let me have your phone." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened up the screen. He entered his contact information with number and address into it and sent himself a quick text, before handing it back to her.

"I’ll see if my boss will let me slide out a bit early and let you know."

"Excellent! I look forward to showing you all my place. Still working on things, still haven’t gotten around to putting things up on the walls, but most of the furniture seems to have settled into the right configurations."

They left at that point, and James made sure Jennifer got to her car, not that she really needed help, but thought it would be a bit cold to just ignore her at this point. As he watched her drive off and turned to go to his car, he discovered Camilla was right behind him.

"Oh, hello!"

"That was very impressive, James. And you actually gave her an order which was so natural that anyone other than Miranda and I would have totally missed it. But what I really want to know is what you said to her after she brought you that beer. I saw her blush!"

"Ah! I wasn’t sure about the blush, I thought maybe, but the firelight wasn’t very good. I just said, ‘Good girl.’"

Camilla laughed and the sound was very pleasant. "Nicely done! That was actually the phrase that I often used when she satisfied me. I suspect that brought up some very happy memories, pretty obvious when she sat down next to you. Your asking for her to come early was also well done! Not an order, an easy out for her if she wanted it, but easy for her to comply with. Of course I’ll let her go early if she asks to, though I suspect she’ll just start a bit early that day. You continue to impress me, James! I am a bit surprised you didn’t kiss her goodnight. Have you had any physical content with her?"

"Not really. I stroked her hair a couple of times when she sat next to me."

"That’s another thing I used to do to her! Amazing that you seem to be connecting with her at some pretty deep levels, almost as if you had seen the two of us together in college. Okay, on to a more pressing matter. So the W’s and us are going to have some fun this evening, but we will expect to see you in the cove at the usual time tomorrow morning. Time to get a baseline on your mechanical fun." She sighed, "But, I’m afraid we are likely to lose your services altogether. I believe that you and Jennifer are going to become an item and your availability will be greatly changed."

He had a bit of trouble falling asleep that night. He’d close his eyes and feel the warmth of Jennifer’s arm and shoulder on the side of his leg, sitting on the ground. He knew he didn’t want to masturbate, the mechanical trial in the morning was going to set a standard, and the lower the standard the better it would be for him in the long run. But at the same time, so what? If he and Jennifer did become an item, that wouldn’t really matter. It would be nice to have an orgasm without depending on his own hands and if things didn’t work out with Jennifer, there would be a fall back position.

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