
Planet Earth


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About Me

Congratulations." I smiled and whispered again, "How long do you think before Sindee figured it out?"

She smiled and started to reply when Sindee let out an excited gasp and shoved me aside gently but quickly. She pulled Jaq into a tight hug; she had a surprising strength packed into her petite frame. She released Jaq and stepped back holding her hands as she looked at the ring Jacqueline was now wearing. Sindee turned her head to catch Arthur in her glance as well as Jaq, "Congratulations to both of you. Both Andrew and I had hope for the two of you as you seemed mad for each other."

Jaq spoke up before Arthur, "Thank you Sindee. Please don’t mention it to anyone else yet. We planned to tell everyone in due time but you came earlier than we expected."

Arthur took up where she left off, "Thank you both for your well wishes." He turned to me, "Andrew, I have to thank you for the unique role you took in introducing us as if you hadn’t chosen push your limits and do things that not many had before Jaq and I might never have crossed paths." He turned to Sindee, "Thank you for capturing his heart in such a way that his faithfulness and will allowed him to make the hardest choice a person had been presented with and make his way back to you. You are a singular woman in that regard as I firmly believe that there was no one other than you that could have inspired him in the feats his accomplished to return." He stepped up next to Jacqueline and pulled her against his side as he slid his left arm over her shoulders, "If it weren’t for everything you have both gone through together I wouldn’t…"

Jacqueline interrupted him with a quick, "we wouldn’t."

Arthur paused and corrected himself, "Right, we wouldn’t, have the happiness we’ve found with each other." He turned his head to face her and his features again relaxed from the weight of the world he normally seemed to carry in his eyes.

Everyone started to arrive over the next few hours so we could begin preparing for the confrontation we knew was heading our way. Arthur and Jaq made no announcement of their engagement that evening and I noticed that the rind no longer rested on Jacqueline’s finger. I guessed that they intended to announce it once we survived the fight ahead. While more relaxed at the start of the evening the thought of what we were going to face was wearing on everyone’s nerves. The gathering was relatively quiet considering the revelry that usually occurred when you got enough of us together.

Just after sunset that evening, we all headed down from the apartments to the catwalks above the bar and club. The place was as busy as I’d ever seen it, packed wall to wall with supernatural people of so many varying races from awakened humans all the way to a few Fallen. There were races here that couldn’t identify on sight or even upon viewing their auras through magick. I had never seen some of the races represented there that evening. There were Vampires from many different clans and even some types of Vampires that I had never seen before and many different shifters as well. Among the shape shifters were some things I’d never imagined or thought of, there was an alligator shifter, some form of spider shifter. Being exposed to them this way made me realize that every shifter I had ever seen was in some form a predatory creature, never a purely prey animal. I’d have to look more into that later as it made little sense that a large portion of species wouldn’t be represented in the true nature of reality.

While most of us spread out among the catwalks to view the area below, Arthur walked to his preferred position above the divider between the original bar and the dance club areas. At a signal from Arthur the DJ let the current song he was playing complete and quiet to rein over the building. Once the music stopped and the crowd spotted Arthur leaning against the rail above all eyes were on him. He stood straight and looked over everyone in the building in a slow measuring sweep, "Thank you everyone for coming here as my guest and keeping the peace I have tried to ensure for all of you. Tonight I have to close the Existence early and ask that you all leave for your safety. We will be closed for at least the next couple of days. There is something coming that while I am confident that my friends, allies and I will be able to defeat it, we may not be able to protect those here in the building while engaged in the conflict. I know that this situation is unusual as I have never shut down the club without advanced notice before but we needed to keep our plans hidden as much as possible in order to gain every advantage we could."

Before he finished speaking there was a mumble running throughout the patrons crowded in the building. As her finished speaking someone shouted to him, "We have been coming here under your protection since you opened this place. I’m willing to stay and help if you’ll have me."

While I had no idea who was speaking Arthur and his knowledge of every customer who ever walked through his doors did and replied to him, "Donovan, while I appreciate the gesture, you do not understand what it is that we’re going to be facing and I have no wish risk your pack losing its Alpha."

Not dissuaded by Arthur’s reply, Donovan said, "I thank you for your concern in that regard Arthur and for everything you and yours have done with this place for all of us, my pack, family and the friends I’ve made here." He took a breath and asked, "Before you attempt to send us away or refuse assistance; what is it you are preparing to fight?"

Arthur hung his head for a moment and took a few breaths to center his mind. He then lifted his head to look across the catwalks at those of gathered, meeting my eyes in question. In my mind instead of spoken aloud he asked: Andrew, it was your vision so I’ll leave the choice to you. Do I reveal what we believe is coming and accept those that volunteer or not?

It was a choice I didn’t want to make. On one hand, my friends and I were planning to risk our lives to stop this thing, but we had all accepted that responsibility as the visions were mine and they supported me. While I believed we were going to succeed, I knew that the chances of all of us making it through alive weren’t likely. The thing about it is that we all made the informed choice to be here and fight. When I had asked, rather begged Sindee to let me get her to a safe location away from the fight it hadn’t gone over well. In truth, it went over like a lead balloon. She told me that we were partners, linked by not just our vows and promises but by the very Magick that we wielded and I better understand that here and now. Hearing the pain in her voice and seeing it in her eyes as she told me that she could no more bear losing me than I her. I tried to get each of those I cared for to stay out of this coming fight including Marcus, Kyra and some of the other werewolves that have become members of my family by living on and guarding the land around my home. None would listen, most told me a variation on the same theme; if I was going to place myself between this coming danger and humanity they would be there to support me. Sometimes, having loyal friends can be a bad thing, for them.

On the other hand, the people gathered together in this club were grown beings with their own powers and abilities. Just as I had learned the hard way with Sindee, I knew that each of them had a right to choose their own fates in this coming conflict. After all, if we failed to stop the Lich here they would have to fight it later. I hated the idea of putting someone else at risk for a choice I made. It’s happened a few times too many already. My choosing to enter Sindee’s life and bring her into mine had almost cost her life when that assassin shot me and could have moved on to her. I risked Marcus’s life when he aided me in my seeking and the werewolves found us; that may have worked out well but could easily have been deadly for us both. It may have been my vision and responsibility, but every being here needed to make their own choice to fight or run. I looked back at Arthur, only seconds having passed as those thoughts raced through my mind. Tell them, it’s their right to choose, I replied mentally.

Arthur looked back to the crowed, "While it hasn’t been confirmed directly; the thing that is coming for us is by all indications a Lich." The silence that fell over the crowd was smothering as everyone stopped breathing at once. Arthur’s announcement hung in the air like a smothering blanket even to those who had no need for breathe. After allowing his statement to sink in for about thirty seconds he continued, "While none of us has ever faced a Lich before, we are aware of the legends around them. We are operating on a worst case scenario for the powers involved. Guessing that it will wield the powers of an Archmage and an Ancient Vampire with fewer weaknesses than either normally has. I have no right and no desire to risk your lives in this battle."

Donovan spoke up again as murmurs were spreading through the crowd, "While I understand that you have no desire to risk our lives, you built and opened this Elysium to all of us as a safe harbor. You have protected and aided most of us as we found what we needed here. You do have the right to ask even though you won’t. However, you will either have to physically remove me and any of my allies that wish to stay or just accept the help we offer freely." He turned to four of the people sanding with him and whispered. The two smaller ones gathered up a group of younger and slighter looking people and headed for one of the exits as the other two who looked like brawlers spread out to speak to some of the others around the room."

As this was going on another voice rose above the crowd from right below Arthur on the club side of the divider, "Arthur, I for one am staying and aiding you. I have sent the young ones away but have also sent a messenger to the Prince of the City to request any aid from our Warrior’s and our Sherriff that are willing," stated a voice I recognized. I’d met him only once and the situation ended peaceably enough. As far as I was concerned Alexander Angeletti was a most honorable person.

There were many more declarations of aid over the next few minutes from a lot of the people who had been coming here for years. Most of the more recent clientele made for the exits quickly, but a few of them had stayed to offer aid in whatever way they could. In most cases where a pack or other group were here, they send a portion of them to safety while others who had any kind of useful skills, from combat to healing, remained. Arthur spoke to his security staff, the awakened mortals and supernatural beings both, and told them that they were not required to stay for this fight. It is a testament to the man that not a single member even contemplated leaving him. Arthur had no more luck with the members of his inner circle than I had with mine, meaning none.

While everyone was busy making the arrangements they needed to for family and friends that wouldn’t be here, and we started to sort out the volunteers into groups another surprise guest came through the door. Arthur was sitting at his table in the main bar with a bottle of water, taking a few minutes respite before getting back into the mix. It was just about 9PM meaning we had about three hours before the first came upon us and we wanted to be ready at least an hour before that. He sat with his hands around the bottle, back straight and head down as though in prayer. In through the front door walked a stunningly beautiful woman who I’d never seen in there before. She was short, right around five feet tall with waist length red hair highlighted with streaks of black. She had an ethereal quality that practically screamed that she wasn’t human but what she was I couldn’t tell. Looking at her Aura practically blinded me as it was almost as bright as Arthur’s. She walked right up to his table and took the seat right next to his, leaned over and placed a gentle kiss upon his cheek before sitting back in her chair.

Arthur looked up at her, surprised at her appearance by his side evident in his features, "Ynara, what are you doing here?" he asked in a shocked tone. As I’d never even seen him remotely surprised this was a new experience.

"I’m here to help you with what you are going to be facing," she replied in a voice that sounded like a choir of angels.

"Ynara, you need to leave. I have put you under my protection for as long as you are in this city and this coming battle is not something that I can guarantee your safety from if you are here," he was almost pleading as her spoke to her.

"Arthur, you placed me under your protection eight years ago at a time when I had not gained my power and knew nothing of my history let alone all that I know now. You only knew that my mother was a Fallen and that my Father had been an Archmage of great power and legend even though no one could name him. You have saved my life from many people that have tried to draw me back to Los Angeles as well as darker more dangerous places. Since that first time you protected me I have been gaining in power and learning a lot more of my past. I’ve learned that my mother while Fallen was one of the Angels of Creation whose name I will not give as the names of angels and demons have a power of their own. I have gained many of the powers of Angels. Along with those powers I gained the responsibility to use them properly. You were praying for help and aid in the coming fight and I have the ability to provide that aid. I am now removing myself from your protection and placing this sanctuary in mine for the coming battle." She left no room for argument in the entire statement.

Arthur looked up at her, "I wasn’t actually praying, just hoping for a miracle. Please reconsider your stand on this."

Ynara simply smiled, "My stand is firm and as you are the man I know you to be, you will accept that and I thank you for it. I have one more thing I’d like to share with you and any who you trust as family."

Arthur looked up into her face, "Are you sure you wish to share whatever it is with all of those I consider family?"

"Yes Arthur as it pertains to them in a way," was her reply, while cryptic sounding she also seemed genuine in her statement.

Arthur called many of us over to his table. Sitting around the table filling all the seats was a motley group of individuals. Of course Arthur sat in his normal seat with Ynara on his left and Jaq to his right. To Jaq’s right was Sam followed by George with Talia beside him. JD and Guido took the next two seats after Talia. Elayna and Jarvis took the chairs to Ynara’s left side. Arthur called Sindee and I over and requested we take the last two chairs at the table.

I looked Arthur in the eyes, "This seems to be a gathering of your chosen family and I wouldn’t want to intrude upon it."

Sindee spoke as I finished, "Andrew is right, we don’t want to intrude but are honored by the offer."

Arthur simply smiled at both of us and replied, "You two are both more than welcome and I consider you family as much as anyone else here. Because of both of you, Jaq and I have found each other and the happiness we share. You have both put yourselves in the path of danger to protect humanity and have included me and mine among your family as well. Please, sit and share in what Ynara has to tell me and all of you, my chosen family."

There was nothing else for either of us to say. I pulled out Sindee’s chair and slid it back in as she sat before taking my own next to her.

Ynara looked around the table at all of us there before speaking, "Since you placed me under your protection and my studies began I started looking into my past to learn as much about myself and my capabilities as possible. Among the knowledge I searched for was the identity of my Fallen mother and the name of the Archmage that fathered me. I already mentioned who and what my mother turned out to be. In accepting my powers and using them responsibly when I’ve been called upon I was granted a boon. I was granted the knowledge I sought about my father. As it was said he was a very powerful Archmage which contributed to the power that I can wield. He fought to protect those in danger of being harmed by the Ascension War. His is an example that I have been proud to live up to and will continue to do so. Some time ago he changed his focus from the Ascension War to the protection of not just humanity but of reality itself," as she was explaining all of this her eyes moved around the table to each of us. She then turned to face Arthur directly, "Some time ago you became something more than a Mage or Archmage. You had met a woman who aided when your own Magick had started to go out of control, changing you and drawing you away from this plane. What you didn’t know until later is that you were fighting your own Ascension."

Everyone at the table turned to stare at Arthur. He nodded slightly and then spoke up, "At the time, it felt as though it was tearing me apart as I had things that still needed to be accomplished. Once I found out what I gave up I was almost crushed by the knowledge."

Ynara continued, "Before I continue I must ask your permission Arthur as it will reveal parts of your history that you may have not yet shared." He simply nodded his permission. "During the time of your depression you had withdrawn some from most of the family seated here with you. You were a man out of time, taken back into a timeframe to fulfill an ancient prophesy before you could return back her on your own. You managed to ensure that the prophecy was fulfilled without the destruction that was foretold within. You were then shortly returned to this timeline on the day you had left it originally. While still suffering emotionally at having given up Ascension for the good of humanity you had gained powers that weren’t those of any Mage or Archmage you’d heard of. You started to use those powers and the advantages they gave you to fight for the people of this time. After one of those fights you were severely injured and none of the Magick or talismans seemed able to aid you. You were dying, slowly and you weren’t fighting it because of the turmoil between your mind, body, spirit and Avatar. Your family watched over you, trying to help while you wasted away in silence. A singular woman, unlike anyone you had ever met walked in to the bar and requested to see you. She entered your room alone and sat at your side. She gave you a choice, to die in peace or to fight for life and she would help you. Thankfully you were and are a Warrior and refused to lay there and die in bed. Once you made the choice, she stripped and joined you in the bed becoming your lover only once. When she left you had never heard from her again. With no name and no trace of her to use magick to find her you were unable to even look. From there you began to build on to the Existence and created the Elysium it is today. What I’m here to tell you in two things. First the woman who healed you was a Fallen in all way but one. She was not a demon cast from heaven; she was an Angel who had chosen to fall and come to your aid as she had been watching over you from your Awakening. The second thing is that after leaving here, the body she had created was fully human and found herself with child. Years passed as we travelled and she hid me away from the Fallen and any others who would try to kill me or use me for their own means. She was finally killed right after sending me to Las Vegas for protection. I came to this city with protection offered by many of the races that share this city. I had found the Existence on a night when I was at one of my lowest points. You welcomed me in and sat with me, letting me talk about what bothered me. You held no judgment and offered compassion to me as a stranger, welcoming me in as you did any who come to you. Not long after you protected me from those who were sent to drag me back to Los Angeles placing me under your personal protection that night while I was still a stranger to you. Since then you had protected me, aided me and even taught me to control the Magick part of my abilities." Tears rolled down eyes the deep blue of a twilight sky with tiny flashes of red, "You had always treated me with respect and kindness. Sitting before you now with the knowledge I have gained I am proud to call you my father if you’ll have me?"

Nobody spoke, nor did we breathe as we were floored by the revelation of her story. Arthur’s eyes had tears flowing from them as he stood up and pulled the beautiful young woman into his embrace, "Ynara, had I known there would have been nothing to stop me from claiming you as my daughter. Despite, or maybe because of the hardships in your life you were a remarkable girl who has forged herself into a strong, incredible woman. You are of my blood and I only wish that I had thought of that before this day. I didn’t because I had been using magick to maintain myself sterile until I found the woman to spend my life with." He turned them both to allow him to see Jaq’s face over her shoulder. With a look of silent communication between them, Jaq nodded to Arthur. He continued, "Ynara, as you are my daughter and know all save three of my chosen family I have some very important introductions for you. First I’d like you to meet Andrew and Sindee, while new to my family they are important to me in many ways."

Ynara smiled at us, "It’s my pleasure to meet you both. Anyone that can earn his respect, trust and love to be included as family must be exceptional people."

Before Sindee or I could speak to answer her Arthur continued, "The other person I’d like you to meet was introduced to me by Andrew and Sindee." He reached down and took her hand in his, aiding Jaq in standing up. "Ynara, this fine woman is Jacqueline Dupree and she is my Fiancé," at this declaration most of the other jaws at the table dropped as another shock was piled onto all the other revelations that evening.

Jaq kissed Arthur on his cheek quickly before turning to Ynara, "I am happy to meet you Ynara, and more than excited that the two of you found each other. In the short time I’ve known Arthur he has shown himself to be one of the most loving and honorable men I’ve ever known. I hope that we’ll be friends and would enjoy it if you would consider me family as well."

Ynara released the arm that was still holding onto Arthur and pulled Jaq into a tight embrace, "Any woman who could capture Arthur’s heart must be exceptional and we will be friends as well as family."

While the recent discussion was important and we all wanted to remain at Arthur’s table for the night there was much to do and little time left. While we had been in discussion Marcus and the others had gotten all of our volunteers organized and positioned where they would best be able to support each one of the primary combatants. We spread around the club in small groups, taking shifts to rest with someone from each group always on watch to wake the others when the shit hit the fan. Arthur went up to his apartment and returned just as the clock struck midnight. He was wearing a pair of black denim jeans and a silver silk shirt. He had a shoulder and tactical thigh holster on his right that I could see through his open leather duster. On his right hip above and back from the holster was a scabbard. The hilt matched that of the sword he brought to my home when we created the node. Jaq was standing on the catwalk with him wearing black slacks, a robin’s egg blue blouse with her shoulder holster and a knife sheathed at the belt. Sam was walking the catwalks restlessly wearing shirt, pants, boots, and duster all in black leather. She was her sword across her back and was armed with knives and other blades as well. JD was wearing a set of katana or similar sword across his back looking incongruous with the suit he was wearing. Elayna and Jarvis sat together quietly in the corner, whispering that no one could here. She was wearing a peasant blouse and flowing skirt, not carrying any weapons she most likely was going to be using her teeth and claws. Jarvis was wearing studded leather armor and holding five foot long war maul, both of which appeared to be well maintained originals, not modern reproductions. George and Talia were sitting together on the catwalks on the side of the building with the garage; they would shift and fight with tooth and claw as well as the powers their wielded. Marcus and Kyra were keeping the healers and some of the other volunteers company, he would be using his magick to aid in the fight and defending them to make sure those of us on the front line were kept healed and alive. I tried to get Sindee to join them as her healing gift was unequaled in my experience. Her argument was simple; she was a capable fighter and could keep herself healed so that they could focus on the rest of us. Roarke was up on the catwalks with his sword on his hip, the primium possibly giving us an advantage over the Lich. While Primium is effective against Mages and many forms of magick, vampiric powers operate on other principles so it won’t be once hundred percent capable of rendering his abilities useless. I sat with Sindee in a couple of chair nearest the spot when I felt the focus of the resonance signature when I checked for it in my vision, the first line of defense. She was dressed in jeans, a Kermit-green t-shirt and had several knives sheathed at her waist and wrists. I was wearing a pair of old comfortable blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a decal saying: I’m not trying to be difficult (it comes naturally). I had a few knives on me but mostly planned to use magick in the fight. I had been working on perfecting some of my older rotes as well as creating a few new ones as a surprise for our enemies.

We sat and waited. Our perception of time stretched and slowed as we waited for the end to come, seconds feeling like hours ticking on the clock. The quiet that filled the building grated on most of our nerves and making us weary. It was almost dawn when the main doors were smashed from the hinges as a cool wind flowed into the club behind the crushed doors. Every one of us jumped to our feet, ready to fight what was coming……………

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