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On the night of the new moon, join us as we feast, drink, and indulge in desire and sin. Entertainment will include many performances, both exotic and erotic, in which guests may observe or take part. Adorn the mask and cloak and enjoy yourself with total anonymity. It is a night you won’t want to miss. -LC’

Ziradith reread the note twice and scoffed at what she assumed to be a joke. As if she would waste her time at some lecher party hosted by a brothel owner. She tossed the letter aside and looked at the fox mask. It was well made, something which made her laugh. All that effort wasted. Still, the aroma clinging to it was enticing. She put it on her face, imagining how miserable she’d be wearing it for any kind of length of time. She could breathe quite easily, and the scent was delicious.

‘Oh please, I wouldn’t be caught dead at such an event. And honored guests? Who in their right mind would attend? Sure, there are plenty of nobles who might get curious enough, but… Hmmm, that’s right, this would be a great chance to dig up some dirt. No, I don’t need to lower myself to this perversion to gather information, watching people fornicating like animals. I’m not… interested.’

The more she thought about it, the more her heart rate rose. She had heard stories of a man putting on some strange show at the old Knight’s Sheath, defiling his assistant with sinful skill and showing the audience all the ways to make a woman moan. It got her wondering when the last time was that she enjoyed a good lay. She hadn’t gotten to where she was without utilizing her body, but it had been a while. After her husband, the duke, died of "natural causes," all her efforts went into her political plans.

She continued to lament her dry spell, unaware of the amphetamines all the masks were laced with, hidden beneath the pleasant smells. It was an agent that invoked feelings of excitement and anticipation in those who breathed it in. Right now, the invitation that had made her scoff and roll her eyes was making her restless, as ideas and fantasies rushed through her mind. The decision had been made for her.

Later that month, on the night of the new moon, Ziradith left her home, traveling by way of a nonde*********** carriage to the Knight’s Sheath. She was wearing the cloak and mask, and when she arrived, she found others entering the building in similar getups. It was impossible to tell who was who, and no one spoke, not wanting to give away their identity. Like Ziradith, most of them would never attend such an event under normal circumstances, whether it be a matter of pride, religious belief, or taste, but they had all been swayed by the masks, chemically hypnotized to come.

The guests gathered in the ballroom, dimly illuminated by candles and lamps with color-tinted shades. "Welcome, friends," said Cyrilo. She was in her human form, wearing a cat mask that only covered the upper half of her face. At the bar, Lucius was wearing an identical mask, as well as Daniel in the corner. "I’d like to thank every one of you for attending this little celebration. I’m sure many of you are wondering what we are celebrating, well the answer is simple: life itself, and all of its sinful pleasures.

For those who don’t know, my original place of business burned to the ground, and there were casualties. It was a heartbreaking tragedy. However, life is for the living, and having narrowly survived, I wish to share the fruit of life with all of you. Tonight, you will discover things that will shock and entice you. Feel free to explore the house and find something that tickles your fancy. Give in to curiosity, savor the rushing of the blood in your veins. Tonight, enjoy yourselves."

She snapped her fingers, and in the corner, Daniel began playing mood music, a simple but sensual ambiance to match the evening. Courtesans were serving drinks on silver trays, but the outfits they usually wore, while already alluring, had been cast aside for something far more sinful. Many wore crotchless panties and brassiers that exposed their nipples, or were bound in complex and erotic rope formations. The only outfits that offered any real coverage were black, made of the smoothest, shiniest leather that the guests had ever seen.

"The drinks you’ll be enjoying tonight are the new house special we are debuting, which I like to call Knight’s Ambrosia. I think you’ll find it quite superior to any liquor you’ve ever tasted before."

With such a bold proclamation, few could resist the temptation. Glasses were taken, and the guests raised their masks just high enough to drink. The shock was instantaneous, and everyone, even Ziradith, was overwhelmed by the taste of the spirits. The drink was made with pure ethyl alcohol and various flavorings, all created using alchemy and brilliantly arranged to create the perfect taste. There was no bitterness, no burning, no impurities of any kind. It was a masterpiece of molecular gastronomy. From sweet to rich, different flavors all slid down their throats as easily as water.

Understandably, many guests decided to stick around and get drunk first, while others immediately went off to see what kind of entertainment Cyrilo had prepared. In each room, a courtesan awaited with a different theme or gimmick. Several girls would be secured in bondage apparatuses, such as ropes, shackles, or braces, the likes of which had never been seen before in this society.

Guests could drip hot wax on the girls’ bodies, flog them with whips made of soft fabric, or simply strip down and fuck them. Brothel rules still applied, and payment was required, but the men were too excited to care about the cost. There were other girls whose role was to put on a show, having sex with men who had been recruited for the evening, or performing solo acts of self-pleasure to demonstrate the new technology available.

Bella was tied to the bed in one room, moaning through her gag as a rubber dildo was pushed back and forth inside her, built into a mechanical rig of wood and metal. Magic was used to spin a wheel, allowing for a piston-like motion to be achieved. Guests watched in awe as she was fucked nonstop by this strange machine, a combination of magic, technology, and perversion. In a room down the hall, Rita, the brothel healer, was on her stomach, getting sodomized by a similar machine.

In the next room was Allison Crowberry, among several cadets recruited for the night. Both the men and the women were guilty of sneaking out of the academy after the evening roll call. She was on her knees with a machine between her legs. The dildo she used was lumpier and more bulbous, and rather than moving on a piston, it was spinning in her pussy like a drill, making her moan and orgasm without reprieve.

Down on the first floor, a grand feast was made available, with courtesans offering up their bodies as plates. They’d lay across tables, their naked flesh decorated with meats, greens, and sugary sweets. The male guests savored the various flavors as they’d lick the girls’ bodies clean, while the female guests would amuse themselves with phallic-shaped food served by young muscular men. Sexuality and intoxication, they wore down the inhibitions of everyone in the building. It had taken a month to plan and supply this party, and the effort was well-spent.

In one of the back rooms, two more actors were changing into their costumes.

"You know, my master told me to attend this academy as a warrior’s pilgrimage," said Gideon, "as a way to meet strong opponents, expand my horizons, and get a good education. What would he and my ancestors say if they saw me doing this? Once a proud warrior, now entertainment for nobles," said Gideon.

"They’d tell you to make them proud," said Foley, offended by the very notion that Gideon would complain. "How is this any different from dueling? Instead of fighting, you’re doing the other one of the two manliest things in the world, fucking a woman, with an audience cheering for you."

"Noah said he was returning a favor by getting me this job, but I can’t help thinking that I’m actually just doing another favor for him."

"What did you do anyway?"

"I fought someone he wasn’t able to."

"Did you win?"

Gideon gave a proud chuckle. "You could say that. I put the fear of God in him, and I scared him off with his tailfeathers between his legs."


"Never mind."

"Anyway, do you have any idea of how many times I’ll be telling my brothers this story back home? I will be a king in my village. They’ll name a goddamn holiday after me. I will be what men toast to before they get drunk. Do not ruin this for me."

"You only got this job because you tagged along. You’re here because of me. You’ll basically be getting pity sex in a brothel."

"That sounds like part of a good joke. Anyway, who’d you pick?"

"Emily. I like her; she’s nice."

"Nice? You’re getting laid, not looking for a bride. Please tell me this is not your first time with a woman."

"It’s not, idiot. Just because you would fuck a gopher hole—"

"I was drunk. Anyway, I’m getting Yolanda."

Gideon tried to maintain a straight face. "Good luck with that."

"What, you got something you want to say?"

"No, no."

"Ah, hypocrite. I like big girls with meat on their bones."

"Along with enough fat to make a candle the size of a wine barrel."

"Just for that, I hereby curse you and your entire bloodline. May you and Emily wed happily, and may all of your children look like shaved bears."

"If you married Yolanda, your kids would look like shaved bears doing handstands."

The door opened, and Melinda, the maid, poked her head in. "Oi! You two are up!"

"How do I look?" Gideon asked, motioning to his strange outfit.

"I tell you what, it isn’t leather armor."

"But what is it?"

"It doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is what it isn’t. Now go out there and make your ancestors proud." Foley then put on a helmet shaped like the head of a penis. "I’ll be making mine. I can hear my forefathers chanting my name already. Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim!" He walked out of the room, continuing to shout his name and pump his arms. "Jim! Jim! Jim! Jim!" Gideon just sighed and followed him.

Upstairs, Ziradith wandered the house, trying to remain clear-headed despite all of her actions exacerbating the pull of debauchery. Seeing the various pleasures enjoyed by the courtesans, the instruments of perversion they used, they made her more aroused than she could ever remember. Watching the women achieve orgasm from using the machines or men would dry her throat with excitement, and to her good fortune, there would always be a goblet of ambrosia in reach.

She was unaware of Noah following her, watching her every move. To him, she was prey, and he simply had to wait until she was ready to be preyed on, when she would choose to be devoured. According to Mark Saveat and everyone else he had spoken to, Ziradith was a strong-willed and cunning woman, but she was still human, susceptible to the needs of the flesh. Because of her mask, he couldn’t see the look on her face, but he watched her movements, the trembles of excitement, the way her chest heaved beneath her cloak. He followed her out onto a balcony. She was alone, ripe for the picking. She removed her mask, breathing in the cold night air.

"Enjoying yourself, Duchess?"

She spun around, finding Noah. He was wearing the half-face feathery mask from his time with Allison, but she recognized his voice faintly. "Do I know you?"

"Henry, My Lady. We met at the basilisk party. I was the young man left blinded by your beauty. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this party is quite a bit more interesting."

"I think I might remember you. But what is someone like yourself doing at a party like this?"

"I organized it. Madam Cyrilo is a friend of mine and liked the idea. To see you here tonight is a dream come true."

"You? You have unique tastes for someone so young."

"It’s not a matter of taste, but a matter of experience, experience that I know you want for yourself."

"You’re getting ahead of yourself, child. I’m old enough to be your mother."

He approached her, looking deep into her eyes. "But you’re still a woman, and I’m old enough to make you feel like one." He lifted her hand and kissed it. "So let me pleasure you as a man would."

"I don’t know who you think you are to believe you can talk to me like this." Her words were hollow, spoken out of instinct rather than genuine aversion. All the lust that had boiled within her from walking through the house was pulling her towards Noah like gravity. He then cupped a warm breast. His hand was separated by multiple layers of fabric, but he felt the softness of her flesh and the hardness of her erect nipples.

"I’m the man who can hear your body crying out. It’s begging to be stimulated, to be dominated, to be worshipped. You crave that passionate human interaction, DEEP inside you."

"I could have your head for that," she said, despite panting in arousal. Her pride and her lust were going to war, and Noah was a profiteer.

"You already have all of me. Now I want all of you."

His lips joined hers, and she didn’t push him away, instead pulling him in closer and kissing him greedily. They sucked each other’s tongues while their hands grabbed at anything that caught their fancy. Noah opened her cloak and went to work on the dress underneath. Noble clothing from this age was more than a little complicated, but Noah undid the buttons and unfastened the lace without Ziradith’s tongue leaving his mouth.

Finally, he exposed her naked breasts to the cold air. They were beautiful, the largest he had seen of any woman in this world. He took a minute to taste them, slurping on her erect nipples while she rolled her head back in bliss. As he sampled her buxom tits, he went to work on the rest of her dress. His hand slipped between her thick thighs and found her moist womanhood, his fingers entering her so easily.

Noah resumed kissing Ziradith with one hand busy between her legs and the other toying with her nipples, gently pulling to make her whimper in bliss. As per routine, he first used his fingers to make her melt in the palm of his hand. She did not know if the balcony banister could support her weight, but Ziradith leaned against it all the same as the strength left her legs. Noah was attacking her g-spot, the drumming of his hand sending vibrations through her flesh and making her weak. After everything she had seen inside, the movement of his fingers, the way he played with her tits, and his tongue wrapping around hers broke what little resistance she had. He soon brought her climax, sending her voice echoing through the night.

"You want more?" Noah asked.

In response, she kissed him deeply, sucking on his lower lip. "Yes," she gasped.

"Then come with me."

She refastened her cloak and put her mask back on, following Noah as he took her by the hand back into the house. She expected him to bring her into an unused room, but instead, he brought her down to the first floor, to the ballroom. Cyrilo was there, talking with the other guests, and he gave her a signal.

"Everyone, if I could have your attention, please!" she called while clinking a fork against her glass.

Noah led Ziradith to the stage, expanded upon since first built, and now with a curtained-off room behind it. As Cyrilo gathered the guests and staff from throughout the house, Noah and Ziradith stepped behind the curtains, pulling each other’s clothes off while they made out. However, Noah stopped her when she tried to remove his mask.

"Sorry, but I need this a little bit longer."

"What’s going on?" she asked.

"You and I are going to put on a little show for everyone." Ziradith was about to protest, but Noah’s masterful stimulation of her clit erased that thought. "Don’t worry, no one will know it’s you. If you want the pleasure to continue, you’ll do as I say."

Tipsy on ambrosia and drunk on lust, she lacked the will to resist him. He hid her face and hair with a veil and removed everything else. She had a gorgeous body, curvaceous. Her plump, round ass looked like it was sculpted by a lecherous god, and her tits shook and jiggled with every movement and touch.

All of the guests had gathered, taking seats around the stage while the courtesans and maids stood in the back. "Friends," said Cyrilo, atop the stage, "I have a special show for you tonight. You’ve enjoyed perversion and decadence, but now I offer you the chance to witness skill. The man you’re about to meet is a master of the flesh, and he is going to show you his art. Enjoy the experience, and try to learn something."

She then shrank down into her cat form and hopped off the stage, while behind her, the curtains opened, revealing Noah and Ziradith. She’d normally be too proud and strict for anything like this, but at the moment, her lust for Noah trumped everything else. Her wide hips and melon breasts enticed the men, while Noah’s muscular frame made the women eager. They had all heard rumors about the show at the old Knight’s Sheath and were excited to see it for themselves. Noah led Ziradith to the front of the stage, where everyone could see her.

"Don’t move unless I tell you." He said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

He first let everyone see their tongues swirling between their parted lips as he had with Allison. While he and Ziradith swapped spit, their hands roamed each other’s bodies. He soon stood behind her, his lips running along her neck, while her flesh, hungry for his touch, was teased by his skimming fingertips. He got her riled up and then snapped his fingers. A bottle of oil was tossed up to him, and he pulled the cork out with his teeth.

Ziradith shivered as he dribbled it onto her breasts. He then began to rub it across her soft skin like sunscreen. Her flat belly, her mammoth breasts, and her alluring thighs glistened from the oil, and everyone in the audience watched with bated breath while they licked her with their eyes.

Noah’s rub became a deeper massage, her body now his toy. Allison had been an excellent assistant for that first show, but she was a skinny string bean. Ziradith, on the other hand, offered so much more to play with. Noah took his time to enjoy her tits, overflowing from his hands. He rubbed them, mashed them, tweaked them, and did everything he could to draw a reaction.

He began slapping her areolas, just hard enough to gauge where she differentiated pleasure and pain. The sight of him striking her bountiful tits, the sounds of the impacts, and her masochistic whimpers, they drove the audience to the edge of their seats. She obeyed him, withstanding the erotic torment while her tits soaked up the abuse like a sponge.

A cot had been set out for them to use, more comfortable than the tables from last time and low enough for everyone to see what would happen. Noah pulled it over and sat Ziradith down. "Now spread your legs. Wider."

She did as she was ordered, spreading her legs like a bird spreading its wings. He lathered her pussy in oil and then began to stroke it, making her pant and whine in bliss. He lifted her veil, just enough for the two of them to messily share a long and passionate kiss, with the movements of Noah’s hands never slowing until he pulled his lips away. He crouched down and spread her lips for everyone to see.

"Look at that pretty pink color. Isn’t it beautiful, folks?" he asked while Ziradith’s veil fluttered from her sucking in air. "Oh, and I see your clit wants to say hello. Well, I have something special for it."

He then revealed a large sex toy, yet another created for this evening. It was powered by magic like the machines upstairs, consisting of an off-balance rotor spinning at high speeds to produce strong vibrations. While not meant for magic use, it could be called the most powerful wand in the world. To everyone in the room, it sounded like a buzzing bee, but when Noah put the rubber head to Ziradith’s clit, no one could hear it at all, not over the sounds of her moans. He moved it back and forth across her clit and labia, driving her wild and making all the women in the audience grit their teeth in jealousy. They didn’t know what the device was, only that they’d sell their souls for it.

"Oh fuck! Oh my God, yes!" she cried.

As Noah buzzed it against her clit, he picked up where he left off on the balcony, working his fingers in her pussy like he was trying to get the last tic-tac in the pack. Screaming in pleasure, she ended up squirting hard enough to put out a bonfire, shocking the audience. Like with Allison, he forced his wet fingers into her mouth, forcing her to taste her own essence.

"Come on, it’s time for me to get a taste of your honey," Noah said once he pulled his fingers free.

Ziradith was gasping for air, but he wasn’t willing to let her rest. Noah lay down on the cot, and Ziradith followed his commands. She swung her leg over his head and slowly lowered herself down, letting his face disappear beneath her beautiful fat ass. He went down on her like a ravenous beast, slurping up her sinful nectar and nibbling on her soft labia. The audience watched her ass rumble with every movement Ziradith made, her body squirming from the indescribable pleasure Noah was inflicting on her. The audience was as tense as could be, the men wishing to feast on this anonymous assistant’s slippery slit and the women imagining Noah’s tongue stirring around inside them.

She, too, felt the need for flavor, and she began gluttonously sucking on his cock. After so long, the musky taste of a man was driving her wild. She made love to the head while stroking the shaft, trying to coax out his seed. Despite her best efforts, the ratio of pleasure given and received was far from equal, as Noah’s cunnilingus skills turned her into a slovenly mess. She tried to keep up, increasing the voracity of her oral worship, but as Noah sucked on her clit and then stirred his tongue around inside her ass, she felt like her whole body was unraveling as he made her cum.

Noah licked up every drop of her arousal, then gave her a tap to let her know to move off him. They got off the cot, only for Noah to push her back down onto it. He held himself over her, grinding the shaft of his oiled cock against her pussy, teasing her.

"Go on, let them hear it. I want everyone in this room to know how badly you want me to fuck you. I want you to beg to be my toy."

She had long since lost the will to disobey him or go against the flow. "Please, I want your cock! I want to be your fuck toy!"

"Well, since you asked nicely…"

There was no transition, no buildup; Noah simply drove balls-deep into her greedy snatch and began fucking her like he had just gotten out of prison. His pace was steady and rapid, no different from the machines seen around the house. While punishing her slit, he’d lean down and kiss her, but mostly he held himself above her or even sat up, not wanting to deprive himself or the audience of her tits rocking like buoys in a storm.

The only pause came when he changed positions, lying down beside her and turning her on her side. He raised her leg and resumed fucking her, now with everyone able to see his manhood thrusting back and forth in her glistening pussy. It went on like that for several minutes, Ziradith wondering if he was ever going to stop, only to be answered when she felt his cum flood her womb.

He pulled out and hefted his flaccid cock up to her face. "Well? You know what to do." She obediently took his member in her mouth and nursed him back to full erection. "Now it’s your turn on top. Put some effort into it; you have an audience to impress."

He again lied down on the cot, and she straddled his lap. He entered her, and she began to ride him. Up and down, up and down, she dropped herself onto his cock and let it impale her pussy. Despite her submissive attitude since first stepping onto the stage, she now took the initiative, riding him like a rodeo bull. Everyone in the room stared, fixated on her bouncing tits, glistening with oil. Their size, their shape, their motion, they were utterly hypnotic. The men remembered how Noah had smacked her areolas before and now felt that same sadistic urge welling up inside them. It was the same when he’d slap her ass, spanking her again and again and turning that huge canvas red with welts, all to her pleasure.

Noah and Ziradith took turns putting in the effort. When she wasn’t bouncing on his dick like a pogo stick, he’d lift her hips and hammer her with nonstop rapid thrusts, or he’d sit up to explore her mouth with his tongue or suck the oil off her tits, all while she called out to God in ecstasy from orgasm after orgasm.

"That’s enough. Get on your hands and knees," he finally said.

She eagerly obeyed, assuming the position and facing the crowd. Noah got behind her, lathering his dick with oil. It didn’t enter her, so much as walk in with a strut, but she cried out in shock and pain from the unexpected penetration.

"Go on, tell them where it is."

"Ah! It’s in my ass! It’s so deep inside my ass!"

"Tell them how much you love it."

"I love having cock in my asshole!" She didn’t even know if she meant it. Her personality and identity had blurred to the point that she’d say and do whatever he wanted.

"Are you a dirty whore, just like all the other girls here?"

"Yes! I’m your dirty whore! Please use my ass as much as you want!"

Noah sodomized her brutally and thoroughly, turning her asshole into his property. Ziradith moaned in pain and pleasure, screaming blasphemous obscenities while her wide ass clapped against Noah, jiggling and rippling as though losing its shape. Her melon tits now hung like utters, swinging pendulously as he fucked her like a jackhammer. In the audience, men and women were openly masturbating as they watched the scene unfold. Noah, attacking her relentlessly from behind, stretched her anus into a wide gape, making her orgasm repeatedly and not stopping until he had one of his own.

He pulled out of her, leaving behind a frothy creampie, and stroked himself back to full erection before diving back into her pussy. The cum he had left inside her served as the perfect lube to continue fucking her. Minutes passed, Noah switching back and forth without pause, sending a frothy mixture of various fluids running down her inner thighs. He’d fuck one orifice with ten solid strokes and move to the other, turning her vagina and anus into two semen-caked craters. He fucked her mercilessly, making her moan louder and louder.

He eventually changed position, never pulling out of her as he got her onto his lap in the reverse cowgirl position. He gave her the vibrator, and she automatically held it to her clit. Noah moved his hands under her knees and spread her legs, continuing to fuck her in rapid upwards thrusts. The whole audience could see it, his cock barreling back and forth in what had used to be a tight ring, slick with oil and cum. Above it, the vibrator buzzed against Ziradith’s pussy, pushing her to the edge of madness. Her feet were up in the air, and her toes were curling in pleasure.

She moaned at the top of her lungs, squirting again and again through Noah’s ceaseless anal pounding. The guests watching were fortunate to have their masks and cloaks on, as they ended up in the splash zone. Noah continued fucking her for quite a while and in various positions, thoroughly defiling the elegant duchess. Finally, with the hour drawing late, Noah pulled out of her for the last time. She was lying on the cot, semiconscious and basted with their combined sexual fluids. Noah took Ziradith’s monogrammed handkerchief, swiped from earlier, and used it to wipe up some of the semen dripping from her asshole. Then, he pulled off her veil and threw it aside to the shock of the audience.

"Is that Ziradith Herald?!"

"The duchess!"

"I can’t believe it!"

Their voices caused her mind to clear, just in time to see Noah stroking his cock as he ejaculated onto her face and into her open mouth. She sat up, eyes wide as his seed rolled around on her tongue and down her cheeks. "Oh God…" she gasped as she looked around, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room on her filthy naked body. Everyone recognized her, and they were clamoring in disbelief, surprise, and perverse enjoyment. She finally turned to Noah, standing over her, and pointlessly tried to cover herself with her hands. "You bastard!" she shrieked.

"Like I told you before, Duchess, this whole party was planned to put you in front of me. If you want to know why I went to the trouble, ask your son how the old Knight’s Sheath burned down." He then removed his mask, so everyone in the audience could see and memorize his face. "Oh, and by the way, my name isn’t Henry. It’s Noah."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:











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