I turned as they dropped and started searching for me.
The dozen Alliefish must have caught them by surprise because I heard screams before they started firing. I headed north as I crossed the new growth springing up after the fire. I had to swing around a large herd of Simeron as they headed south. I turned to head away from the river and back towards the colony. I slowed to move more carefully and a little later stopped as the forest around me went quiet.
I silently slipped into a large group of spine trees and moved around to the far side of the bush. The Croclin that just seemed to appear at the opening looked around. It was fully grown and a full eight meters long. I slowly knelt so that the bush was between us. It was a few moments before the Croclin left and the sounds of life returned.
I continued to wait and was rewarded when a shifting of color announced a shift suited Cariss. It moved closer and suddenly the bush belched gas. I moved quickly to leave as the Cariss tried to bring a weapon up before it dropped to the ground. I cleared the spine trees and took a big breath before heading towards the colony again.
I finally stopped behind a thick trunk of a ladder tree and glanced around at the wreckage from the explosions. There was already a huge pile of military supplies on the edge of the pads. I dropped to the ground and started crawling. When I reached the stacked crates it took me a few minutes to find what I needed. I pulled out three cases of explosives and set timers before turning to crawl away.
I stood and moved towards the colony and the massive damage I had caused. I had to swing wide around the five hundred meter crater and shattered forest before I reached what was left of the colony. I knelt beside a fallen tree and scanned what I could see it. They were carrying stuff out of what had been our emergency clinic. I took aim at two Cariss standing to the side and watching.
I fired twice and even as I started moving back hidden Cariss soldiers fired at where I had been. I moved quickly heading west at a trot before swinging to the northwest where I remembered a colony warning about web grass. When I came to the edge of the new growth I climbed a ladder tree and started out a limb. I took a couple of running steps before leaping to another branch in another tree.
I moved to the trunk and quickly slipped around to look for another nearby tree. I went from tree to tree until they were to far apart. I was past the grass so I dropped to the ground and headed north. The yelling behind me told me they had started across the grass and it had fired poisoned darts into some of them. I moved around a sink hole and glanced back to see brush moving.
I raised the rifle and as the first Cariss stepped out, I shot him. I faded back into the forest as they reacted and started moving a little faster, that almost got me killed. I barely stopped when I saw the Millasnake before slowly and carefully moving sideways. I had finally gotten past it before moving away when the Cariss blundered into it.
I shook my head, a Millasnake was five meters long with a mouth at both ends. It was one of the most poisonous creatures on the planet. It was a long time before the forest behind me became quiet. I entered an area that was mostly hugely tall grasses and flowering bushes.
Chapter seven
Lenolyn lending a… hoof? Claw?
I knew I could not turn back and began to head north at a trot. I used the bushes to hide me from sight and hoped they would not bring any shuttles in. I passed another herd of Simeron eating bushes and kept going. I rounded a bush and froze before backing up. It was a group of four Lenolyn eating beside a wide stream. I looked around and then slowly started heading west.
I began a wide circle around the Lenolyn and finally started moving a little faster. The second group of Lenolyn was not as much of a surprise. I turned and started to head around them as I heard a shuttle heading this way. I did not hesitate and dove towards a thick bush. Even as I wiggled deeper into the bush a huge Lanolyn came around it and stopped above me to rip the top leaves off.
I froze and a moment later the shuttle flashed overhead. The Lanolyn looked up and bellowed before moving away. I moved out from under the bush and headed away. I made it another mile before I heard another shuttle. I crawled under another bush as it flew over and then crawled out to started jogging. I heard them before I saw them, all I had time for was to dive for a bush.
The large group of Cariss came around another bush and came closer. Before I could think of firing a group of four Lenolyn was suddenly roaring into the group. The Cariss never had a chance, they were ripped apart. Even after they were dead the Lenolyn stomped them into a bloody paste. One actually glanced at me before they wandered away.
I rolled out from under the bush and started off again. I was under a bush by a herd of Grecan when the next shuttle went over. I left quickly, heading east and had only gone a couple of miles before I stopped. I moved into a thick clump of bushes to see a large group of Lenolyn on the other side. The group of Cariss that suddenly appeared aimed at the animals as if to start shooting.
I did not hesitate, I started shooting the Cariss. They were caught completely by surprise and dropped to the ground looking for me. They did two things wrong, they could not find me and they forgot about the Lenolyn. The giant Lenolyn spun and charged as the Cariss panicked. Only one got a shot off at a Lenolyn and it did not even hit anything.
With the death of the last Cariss I pushed back through the bush and started jogging east again. I hit open forest a few minutes later and slowed to a fast walk. I turned to head back to the south, staying in the open forest. I heard the Cariss before I saw them and moved towards a thicker patch of brush. When I stepped through the line of brush I froze.
In front of me were four Lenolyn young in a shallow pond. When the Cariss started into the brush I dropped to the ground and brought up the sights on my rifle. I knew they would try to kill the young Lenolyn. When the first armored Cariss stepped through the screen of brush he brought up his rifle to shoot into the pond. I aimed and fired before he could kill any of the young ones.
As he died the other Cariss fanned out and rushed through the brush. I killed each one as the Lenolyn young roared and then sank under the water. After the last Cariss fell, I was up and running just in case momma Lenolyn was close. I was thinking about how many Lenolyn I had run into lately and shook my head. Normally you only saw a few but I had already seen a dozen times the normal number.
I finally made it back to the cliffs north of the colony. I was tempted to take the flier and head back to the other refuges. I crawled into a narrow crack between the rocks on the cliff face and relaxed. I sipped water from a bottle I carried and chewed some smoked Grecal. I woke to darkness and the slight crackle of my comm. "Simon?"
I hesitated before answering, afraid it was a trick, "Yeah."
"There is a fleet scout headed towards the landing pads."
Chapter eight
Making a stand
I shook my head as I crawled out and moved to the flier. I went through the start up and lifted off smoothly in the dawns light. I banked sharply and headed towards the colony landing pads at full speed. I dropped to just above the treetops. It was not long before I dropped into the huge pad clearing and shut off the flier even before I landed and stopped.
I rolled off the flier and brought the rifle over my head. I switched on the sights as I aimed across the pads and started firing. I shot anything that moved as they began to react. So far only a few shoots came towards me but that would change. I engaged a group of armored Cariss as they rushed into the pad area from the direction of the colony.
One was a brightly decorated officer who was quick to duck behind cover. I fire at those exposed as well as the ones that tried to fire over their protection. I shifted at a distant sound that approached and fired into the cover the officer was hiding behind. When the shuttle flashed over and dropped to the far pad it startled me. Even as it started settling to the pad I fired into one of the engines.
It belched smoke and flame before exploding and tossing the shuttle sideway into the far trees. I shifted and shot three Cariss as they moved out from behind cover heading for the shuttle wreck. I fired at anything that moved and when they began to move at the same time, I concentrated on one at a time. The sudden roar of engines deafened everyone as the scout ship descended to a pad to my right.
The Cariss started taking shots at the ship but the armored hull was to thick. I killed several Cariss before they realized I was the danger and not the ship. A warning beep from the rifle had me removing a dead looking oval before pushing a fresh one in to replace it. Several Cariss were rushing closer and I fired into them rapidly. I do not know what was taking so long but the entrance hatch on the ship remained closed.
When a fresh group of Cariss rushed into the pad area I switched to shoot at them. I killed two officers that seemed to think they were immune to my firing. Suddenly several shots exploded among the Cariss and they scrambled to escape. I glanced at the ship’s hatch to see it open and a long barrel sticking out. The Cariss quickly pulled back and I knew they were probably calling a armor breaker down for the ship.
The scout poked her head out as the Cariss disappeared and then quickly swung out onto the side of the ship and started down. I stood keeping my rifle aimed at the road leading to the colony until the scout was on the ground and walking towards me. I spun and knelt to change the settings on the flyer before standing and turning to the scout, "We need to get away from here."
She nodded and pulled a small device and pointed it at her ship. She turned to me as the ship began rumbling as if getting ready to lift. I headed towards the east and into the forest. I turned at the trees to aim and fire at several Cariss that had returned. The ship began lifting as the scout headed deeper into the woods. I shook my head and spun to follow.
I had barely caught up when everything around us started bursting into flame. I grabbed her arm and pulled as I started to run. The small river I was heading for was not far but time seemed to slow. Bullets from overhead began landing all around us and bushes and trees exploded in flame. I glanced at the scout as we got close to the river, "Dive in and hold your breath as long as you can."
She tossed her rifle and dove as I glanced back towards the landing pads and then followed her. The water was cold and clear as I headed towards the bottom. The light above the stream turned reddish orange as another explosion of flame swept out from the pads. I continued to hold my breath and look towards the scout who seemed to be doing well.
When the tint of orange disappeared, I grabbed the rifle from the bottom and headed towards the surface. I did not hesitate in climbing out, I pulled on the scout as soon as she appeared and yanked her out of the water.
Chapter nine
Making the scout understand
I glanced around at the stream before heading into the burning forest. I knew the fire would not burn to long with all the moisture but we needed to get further away from the colony. The animals might or might not respond to the fire this time but the Cariss sure would. I started a long circle back to the south and glanced at the scout, "Stay behind me. If I stop, you stop."
She opened her mouth but I was already moving again. I moved through the brush as quietly as I could. The scout on the other hand was making enough noise to attract every Croclin in the area. I stopped in a small open area and turned to look at the scout, "If you keep crashing around every dangerous animal on the planet is going to try to eat you."
She looked at me strangely, "Dangerous animals?"
I shook my head, "You are a scout right?"
She blushed, "Well... I was actually just couriering the ship when I got the fleet call and…"
I groaned and turned back to start moving again, "Just try to watch where you step and what you touch."
I had only taken one step when a large Croclin burst through the brush across from us. It looked scorched and pissed. I aimed and fired and the lizard’s head exploded. I glanced at the white faced woman and started moving. I moved past the convulsing body and into the brush. The next clearing made me stop and turn to go around.
The women started across and I spun to grab her arm, "See that small mound on the other side of the clearing? That is an Antasurus hive. Unless you have a death wish stay away from them and try not to let any see you."
I nodded in the direction I was headed and she turned to start off. I shook my head and caught up and stirred her through the brush. It was not long before a crush made me pulled her to a stop as I listened. I shook my head and turned to move away from the sound. A break in the brush let me look into a clearing to see several Simeron.
Facing them was a Rex and it did not look happy. I squeezed the woman’s hand and quietly pulled her after me. I move as fast as we could walk without making to much noise. When I stopped beside a group of Spine Trees the woman moved as if to get closer to the bush inside and I yanked her back and hissed, "Do not even think about it."
I looked around and headed towards a tall ladder tree, "Come with me."
I had to give her a hand up to the lowest branch before jumping and swinging up. Fifteen minutes later we were close to the very top of the tree. I moved a little higher and cut a few upper branches before weaving them through the lower ones. I finally sat back after positioning the woman, "What is your name?"
She looked away from the ground to look at me, "Dawn."
I smiled, "Nice name, I am Simon. This world can kill someone not paying attention Dawn. Beside the Dangerous animals there are dangerous plants. Stay close to me and try not to make to much noise. Do not touch anything that you think is pretty or smells nice, more than likely it is a trap."
I looked down into the forest, "The Cariss do not know it but they are fighting two enemies, us and the planet. The Croclin are the most dangerous because there are more of them."
I turned as she yawned, "Rest for now. The Cariss are still trying to find out what happened."
She sat back and closed her eyes, I relaxed but kept watch. When the Cariss patrol walked under the tree I touched Dawn. Her eyes snapped open and I gestured for her to stay silent. Before she could answer or do anything an adult Croclin screamed and ripped into them. I shifted and watched the carnage below us until the Croclin pulled a Cariss warrior after it into the brush.
I looked at the white faced Dawn and back down to the few Cariss still alive. I sighed and took aim, I fired rapidly and killed the few survivors before starting down the tree, "Time to go."
Dawn scrambled down after me and followed as I led her away from where the Croclin had gone. She seemed subdued as I moved through the forest carefully. I whispered a description to her about plants or animals when I could. It was several hours before I heard the firing behind us as Cariss encountered something. I was going south, a direction not explored much.
The constant firing behind us told me the Cariss were back to using a sniffer as they followed me. Now it would become harder. When Dawn began stumbling in the semi dark I helped her up into the branches of a ladder tree. I helped her move higher and made a nest before sitting back against the trunk. I closed my eyes but kept my pistol in my lap.
I woke to the faint hint of the rising sun. Dawn was curled up in the make shift nest I had made, sleeping peacefully. I checked the area below and around tree before waking her. I helped her down and we started walking again. I collected berries and a few other eatable plants and we ate as we walked. I had angled slightly to the southwest.
Two hours later I stepped into a sight I never expected to see, a Home tree shattered and laying on the ground. From the look it had happened a long time ago. The tree I was looking at was just a rotting shell. I looked at Dawn and headed towards the base of the tree. I moved around it slowly until I found the door. I pushed and it barely opened.
I forced it the rest of the way open and pushed Dawn in before pulling it closed. Tree rot and debris littered the floor and the stairs down were partially blocked. I moved down slowly and carefully and finally reached the bottom. Unlike above, it was almost untouched and the walls still glowed. I looked at the signs and took one of the three tunnels.
The symbols were like the ones in other grove and I followed them down until I stood in the doorway to another huge storage area. I moved forward and the room came alive with light. Dawn was staring around with wide eyes as I led her to a crate of food. We sat on the floor and she wolfed everything down as if she was starving.
After eating I packed a few rations away in my pack and led her towards the back where I thought the weapons might be. I found them and started showing Dawn how to use them. While she practiced I used a few pieces of material to make her a belt and holster as well as slings for the rifles. I was thankful she caught on quickly and headed towards the wall I thought might hide the gliders.
The wall opened to show racks of gliders and I moved to pull two down. I found several power ovals and began teaching Dawn. She seemed very adept and I realized it might be because she was a pilot already. When I faced the wall I thought was the way out it flashed red. I hesitated thinking it might be blocked. The holographic image that appeared was of a Drakonus though.
I looked at Dawn behind me knowing the Cariss would be close and looking for us, "Stay close and watch for the flying lizards."
She nodded and I started for the wall. It opened before I reached it and then I was accelerating up the ramp towards open sky. I burst out and rose quickly and spun to see Dawn flash out behind me with a huge grin on her face. I smiled and then twisted as a large Drakonus lunged up towards me. I dropped lower as the dragon started after me and began dodging trees.
A glance showed Dawn white faced as she avoided two chasing her. I dodged a large trunk of a home tree and stood the glider on its wing tip to spin around the trunk. The loud crash told me the Drakonus had turned to sharply and hit the trunk. I flipped the glider the other way and opened the throttle as I headed for Dawn.
She was turning and dodging the two Dragonus and it was only a matter of time before one caught her. As she dropped suddenly and spun towards me, I pulled my pistol and fired at the Dragonus that had turned and snapped its head towards me. The head exploded and I flashed passed as the other Dragonus spun away from what it thought was a threat.
I thought we were free and clear before suddenly two more Dragonus rose up in front of us. Dawn banked hard and dropped lower. I grinned as I sped up, "Get down close to the ground!"
She glanced back and then dodged under a large reaching branch. I followed and it became a game of dodging trees and reaching limbs. The Dragonus were almost a secondary threat. I surged ahead of Dawn and began leading the way. More Dragonus began appearing and I almost cursed as I banked and tried another way out. I could hear shots in the distance and knew the Cariss had reached the grove.
It was a minute later that we flashed over them and spun around the trunk of a shattered home tree. This one actually had a single branch still on it. I dropped almost to the ground with Dawn right behind me and went under the branches of a huge old ladder tree. The Dragonus that had surged in from the side crushed through the branches.
I spun around a group of Spine trees and then out of the corner of my eye I saw the huge branches of a Chameleon tree. I glanced back when it was clear, "Follow me but whatever you do, do not touch any vines!"
I saw her nod as I banked sharply and began weaving in and out through the trees. I dropped over the line of brush that marked the outer area of the Chameleon tree and headed towards one side of the trunk. I banked around it missing several vines before heading out at a different angle. Dawn was right behind me but the following Dragonus were further back.
They tried to cut the gap on the angle and screamed as they started hitting vines that yanked them to a stop. I moved away and gestured back for Dawn to come up beside me. I stayed just above the trees and turned east. It was a couple of hours before I circled the single Home Tree on this side of the river and followed the beacon down towards the ground.
Chapter ten
Preparing for the fleet
Everyone was more than happy to see me. They had been listening to the Cariss signals and cheering each time I led them into trouble. The women pulled Dawn aside and I went to rest. For the next three days I stayed with the colony and the fleet sent a signal burst that broke through. It was encrypted and Mr Harris began decrypting it by hand.
He finally looked around at everyone waiting, "The fleet will be here within a day."
Everyone was cheering but I was thinking of the welcome they could expect on the ground. I knew fleet and they would destroy the Cariss warship in obit before coming down. The Cariss left here would attack the shuttles as soon as they saw them. I turned to slip away and saw Mr Perry watching me. I shrugged and headed down to the tunnels.
I was looking at the power ovals for a Tron glider when he found me, "what are you planning?"
I smiled as a plan came to me, "A surprise for the Cariss. When Fleet lands they are going to fight to the last man."
Mr Perry nodded, "Fleet can…"
I shook my head, "I can sneak back and plant some of these power ovals set to over power and explode to distract the Cariss so Fleet can land safely before they have to fight."
He frowned but finally nodded, "what do you need?"
I looked around, "A way to carry them."
Mr Perry grinned, "Give me a couple of minutes. We have a couple of Croclin skin packs. You should be able to use one."
I waited and thirty minutes later he was back with a large pack. It already held several rations and a couple of skins of water. I added a dozen power ovals and closed the pack. I walked to the glider I had used and put the sling over my shoulder before nodding to Mr Perry and turning it on and climbing on. The glider came out of the tunnel fast and I banked sharply.
I dropped to the tree tops and opened it up to go as fast as it could. I stayed low the whole way and turned when I got close. I circled to the north and the cliffs. I slowed and landed in a clear space. I slipped off and removed the power oval before hiding it. I climbed down the cliff as fast as I safely could and moved into the brush.
I moved carefully and silently until I reached the landing pads. I checked the time before carefully moving around the burnt and ripped apart area where landing pads had once been. I knelt beside the stump of a tree and waited. The Cariss had already repaired and set up several landing pads. As it began to get dark I went to my stomach and crawled towards the nearest pad.
At the edge I stopped and pulled out an oval. I looked at it and touched it in the middle where it lit up. I used a small twig to poke into the tiny hole that appeared. I pushed it under the edge of the pad before crawling towards the next one. When I finished with the last one I crawled away. Along the path to the colony I dropped more ovals until I ran out.
I slipped away and as soon as I could started running. I reached the cliff in the darkness and hesitated before starting to climb. I barely slipped over the top before the night was shattered by the exploding power ovals. I turned to watch and then glanced at the comm I had left on the glider as it went off, "come in Simon!"
I moved to it and answered, "Go."
"About time. We got through to the fleet. They are coming down to the east on the other side of the colony. They warned us the Cariss warship just sent down more shuttles."
I shook my head, "Copy."
I glanced out at the smoke from the explosions before replacing the oval and climbing onto the glider. I knew that was the only way I would get there in time. I started it and it lifted smoothly before I went over the cliff and dove for the trees below. I turned to head east as the glider flashed over the tree tops. When I was past the colony I banked and went south.
I dropped down to almost touch the ground we had cleared for farmland. When I was east of the colony I banked and headed straight in. I dropped at the last minute and shut the glider off before sliding off. I stayed low as I crawled to a stone wall and moved down to the gate. I aimed into the colony as the Cariss shuttles passed over on the other side of it.
The Cariss are a race with a limited mindset. The shuttles hovered over ruined pads before shifting west. They landed on the furthest pads amidst wreckage and ruin. There was a flash from above and then a shuttle lifted only to explode as a kinetic missile from an assault shuttle slammed into it. The assault shuttles roared as they came in behind me.
The Cariss boiled out of the colony and I began to fire. I took the ones closest to me and then just kept aiming and firing. It almost seemed like forever before the fleet marines came out. I changed the power oval and went back to shooting when I saw an elaborately dressed Cariss leading several soldiers towards the side heading to the north.
More and more of the marines landed and attacked the colony. I turned and stayed low as I moved quickly to the north. At the next field I glanced down the wall and saw the soldiers setting up a plasma cannon. I did not hesitate and rushed towards them as I fired. I surprised them completely and three soldier were killed before I reached them.
I dropped the rifle and pulled my mono knife as I kicked the leader. I sliced across a soldier’s throat and twisted away from a lunging knife. I brought my knife down and cut the arm off before stabbing the last soldier through the throat. I spun to see the leader curled up and knelt to yank its weapons away. I slapped it and pulled it to its feet before shoving it in front of me as I started back towards the marines and the shuttles.
The Cariss still fighting stopped when they saw me with my prisoner. The marines quickly moved in and disarmed them.
Chapter eleven
Becoming a Ranger
It took a few weeks to get things sorted out. Almost half of the colony decided to stay in the home trees. I spent a lot of time in debriefings about what I knew of the Tron. Of course the colony had the job of cleaning up the mess I had made but they did not seem to mind. A month after the Cariss were taken away I was helping Mr Mabil up north.
We were watching and protecting a Lenolyn female as she gave birth. Several males had made threatening postures when we arrived but I walked straight to one, "we are here to help and protect."
It snorted and turned its head until one large eye looked at me. It finally nodded and turned back to the distressed female. I moved around the edge smoothly with Mr Mabil until the ground began shaking. I stirred and turned to look at the female Lenolyn giving birth, "shit."
Mr Mabil looked at me as I lifted the Tron rifle and started away from the birthing circle. I saw the head and shoulders of the Rex before it moved around the huge bush between us. It roared and lunged towards me and I lifted and fired the rifle through its mouth. I froze as its whole head shattered and the body dropped to the ground convulsing and twitching.
A male Lenolyn was suddenly at my shoulder and snorted before bumping me and turning to move back to the others. I watched it walk away and Mr Mabil chuckled, "you made a friend."
I sighed, "now I need to skin this monster."
He grinned before turning to go back to patrolling around the female. I hesitated before following and an hour later the new member of the Lenolyn clan was on her feet. After the small herd moved away I went back and started skinning the Rex as Mr Mabil watched. He helped carry the rolled up hide to the utility vehicle. We saw the scout ship landing at the colony as we headed back.
Mr Mabil helped carry the huge Rex hide. We used a hover cart and I started pulling it towards Mr Perry’s house. Three people were out in front Mr Perry, Mr Harris and a tall older woman in the uniform of a Ranger commander. She smiled, "hunting?"
I shook my head, "protecting a Lenolyn while it gave birth. I think we need to check their intelligence."
She nodded and glanced at the others before looking at me, "actually I came to see you. I have reviewed your tests and your qualifications."
She pulled a small case out and opened it to show the shiny emblem of a ranger, "welcome to the Rangers."
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: