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She raised her hand to her lip, wiping away a bit of saliva, and moved to smooth down her outfit. She was dressed as a slutty french maid, with stilettos and thigh high sheer leggings.

Mike, Bo, and the other two roommates were staring at her, and Jenny bowed her head respectfully toward them.

"Is there anything else I can get you Sirs?"

There was a pause, then Bo spoke, "I could use another beer. I need to rehydrate before you drain my balls again."

"Yes, Sir" Jenny said, walking off somewhat awkwardly in her 4 inch stilettos.

She came back from the kitchen with a cold beer, opened it, and presented it to Bo, who took it from her.

"I’ve got a question for you," one of the roommates said. "Are you on the pill?" He turned to Mike. "Or does that not matter?"

Mike laughed. "I’d prefer her to not get pregnant. Right now she’s mine since I have some blackmail on her - if her husband finds out, she won’t be serving us anymore."

The guys all nodded.

"B-but to answer your question, Sir, I am on the pill," Jenny said. Nate had just wanted one kid.

"Well then," one of the roommates on the couch said, "I want to fuck her. Get over here, slut." He pointed in front of himself, and Jenny obliged him, walking over and standing there.

"Hey, hey Aaron - who said you got to go next?" the roommate next to him complained. "I’m gunna get blue balls over here waiting for my turn."

"Well," Mike interjected. "If Aaron wants to fuck her pussy, Pat you can get her mouth." He reached down for his phone. "That would actually make a great addition to my blackmail collection."

Jenny nodded her head. In coming over, she had already accepted her place as a personal fucktoy for Mike and his friends. They could ruin her life anyway. And, for some reason, her body wouldn’t let her say no.

Jenny walked to one end of the sofa. She bent over presenting her ass behind her, and placed her hands in front of her, bending over. "Would this position work for you, Sirs?"

Aaron practically jumped up, leaving the rest of the couch to Pat, who moved over to lay down in front of her. Jenny felt a strong hand grab her ass as her hands began to unbutton Pat’s pants. She slid them off, exposing his hard cock. She grabbed it with one of her hands and slowly began to rub it, supporting her weight with the other.

Jenny heard a rustling noise behind her, then felt some fingers start to rub her pussy in small circles. She moaned out loudly, "Mmmmm. Aaron that feels so good."

"Damn Mike," Aaron said. "I’ve never seen a girl this wet before."

"Yeah," Mike said, smiling. "She’s really taken to her new position as my sex slave."

Jenny couldn’t handle her own horniness any longer, and began to bob up and down on Pat’s cock. She took most of the length in her mouth, not needing to deepthroat it quite yet.

"Mmmmmmfh," Jenny groaned as she felt Aaron pull her small thong to the side, and felt the tip of his cock against her pussy. She felt herself trying to back up, grinding against him, wanting - no needing - his cock in her.

Pat grabbed a fistfull of Jenny’s hair. He forced her back down on his cock.

Jenny’s eyes went wide, and she groaned out loudly with a mouth full of cock. Aaron thrust nearly his entire length into her waiting pussy, sliding in easily without much resistance. She felt strong hands grabbing her hips as Aaron began to fuck her.

Jenny was completely helpless in the hands of these two college guys. One was forcing his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat, the other was roughly fucking her pussy, alternating grabbing her hips and spanking her.

And Jenny had never been so happy.

She heard someone walking by, and saw the telltale flash of a camera. But in this moment, she didn’t care. Mike could take as many pictures or videos as he wanted. She was their slut. And she loved it.

Pat began to hold her head down, letting her gasp for air when he released her. Jenny began to see stars, and felt the pleasure build inside of her. She felt Aaron’s hand roughly spank her ass, and she began to cum. Her whole body twitched, and she felt pleasure flow through her body. Her arm supporting her weight gave out, and she collapsed onto Pat’s cock, taking the entire length into her mouth and throat.

"Shit, man," Aaron said. "She just came as I was fucking her!"

She tried to moan, but gagged by the cock, the best she could do was grunt. As Aaron continued to fuck her helpless body, she felt a second orgasm building. Before she could cum again, she felt the cock deep in her throat twinge, and Pat came in her throat and mouth.

"Oh fuck," Pat groaned, tilting his head back as he came.

Jenny took his entire load, slowly moving her head up to lick the shaft and tip clean. Which was a challenge as she was getting fucked from behind. Pat reached out and grabbed a fistfull of her hair, making her look up at him with lust filled eyes.

And Jenny came again. "Ohhhhhh f-f-FUCK!" she cried out, clenching her fists on the couch, and staring into Pat’s eyes with unbridled lust. As she felt the pleasure flowing through her body, she felt something warm filling her pussy.

"Mmm oh God." Aaron said, thrusting once more, deeply into her, as he came in her pussy.

Jenny laid there, panting, as Aaron slowly pulled his cock out of her wet pussy. She saw him enter her field of view, and he sat back down on the couch next to Pat.

"Jesus fuck, Mike, you didn’t lie. She’s a huge whore."

Jenny looked up at him, hair and makeup a mess, saliva dripping from her mouth, and said, "Thank you, Sir."

Mike sat back down, reviewing the pictures on his phone. "I think we’ve got enough here to make her ours forever. We’re going to have to start thinking about what we want to do next."

"Next?" Bo said. "How about some more of this."

Mike laughed. "I think we can push her a little further to show her submission to us."

Jenny finally stood up, groaning slightly at the rough treatment. She walked over to Mike. "Is there anything I can do or get for you, Sir?"

Mike stood up, putting his hand around Jenny’s waist. "Come with me."

He walked her back to his room as his roommates continued talking about how they were going to fuck her next.

Mike entered the room and sat on his bed. Jenny stood in front of him, obediently waiting for her next instructions.

"Are you mine?"

"Yes Sir."

"And you will let me fuck you anytime or anywhere?" Mike asked.

"Yes, Sir," Jenny responded.


"Because you have photos and videos that could ruin my life. And because I love it when you dominate me."

"Good girl."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Now," Mike said. "I’m not going to have you suck me off tonight. I have big plans for you for tomorrow, and I want you to be well rested. I want you to tidy up my room, wearing your maid outfit, then you may change back and head back to your house. I expect you to take the outfit and clean it, as I may want you to bring it or wear it in the future."

"Yes Sir."

"Good girl." Mike stood up. He brushed some of the stray hairs out of Jenny’s face. "You are going to be a great slut for me."

"I hope so, Sir."

Mike walked down the hallway, back to his friends.


It was just after 2 am when Jenny quietly got back in bed next to her husband. She cleaned herself up in the downstairs bathroom, and hid the maid outfit in the back of one of the closets where Nate would never find it.

She lay in bed, still too energetic from what happened to fall asleep. And she received a text from Mike.

"I’m going to fuck you in your own home tomorrow."

Great. Now she’d never fall asleep.


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