I glanced at her, "for what?"
She shifted and seemed to smile, "for being you."
I caressed her shoulder, "sleep, tomorrow might be a long day."
I woke to the touch on my tent and shook Holly before moving out of the tent. An elf squatted and grinned, "a large party of orcs come this way."
I nodded, "how long?"
He tilted his head, "maybe a half mark."
I nodded and turned to pull out my clothes. I dressed and looked at Holly as she dressed, "remember the exercises. Go to the horses and stay with them."
She nodded and walked across towards the picket line as men began to gather. I left my bow and quiver as I walked into the night. The orcs yelled and screamed as they attacked from the northwest. I was beyond the camp and moved into them as they rushed the camp and elves and other scouts suddenly appeared to attack with me.
It was chaos as I slipped into them and sliced throats or ripped across stomachs. The huge semi armored troll that suddenly appeared had the others falling back. I did not and slid under a swinging club and around behind it. I leaped and grabbed a shoulder as I stabbed the blade in my other hand straight through the ear and into its brain.
I dropped and rolled before pulling my other knife and cutting an orc’s throat. The troll was down convulsing as I moved towards it and yanked my knife out of his head. The orcs were suddenly running away so I walked calmly towards camp. Two elves appeared and Silver grinned, "you still have the touch Hunter."
I shrugged as I continued to walk, "I did not see the dark elf that was directing them."
He grinned, "we did."
I smiled and glanced back, "see you tomorrow."
I found Holly by the picket line with the cook and a dozen dead orcs. The cook grinned, "our girl sure learns quickly."
I smiled and pulled her away and to the deeper stream. I undressed and she hesitated before doing the same. I walked into the water and started washing and she joined me. After we walked out she smiled, "I was very afraid Hunter."
I nodded, "but you did not run or freeze up."
I carried our clothes to the tent and she sighed as I pulled out a rag and handed it to her, "you did very good."
She smiled, "Cook said I am a demon."
I laughed and dried myself before relaxing beside the tent, "tomorrow I want you to practice with the bow while you walk."
She nodded and leaned against me, "when will you take me?"
I glanced at her, "You must be the one to ask and take me."
Holly looked at me before smiling as she turned to crawl into the tent, "Come into the tent?"
When I helped Holly pack up she had a soft smile on her face. I slipped across the stream as the sun began to rise. I moved carefully as I read the many signs of passing foul ones. Every few minutes I dropped a marker stone so Trevor could follow easily. It was a few hours before I hesitated and tilted my head to listen. I silently moved into some tall brush and a minute later two dark elves appeared.
They glanced around before starting to walk again. My first arrow took the leader in the chest and the second took the other as he turned and ran. I moved to them and made sure they were dead before pulling their bodies into the bushes. I took their bows and knives before moving on. Barely a half hour later I paused behind a tree. I waited for several minutes before the elf appeared and stalked towards me.
When he moved around the tree I was above him. He glanced around and then up just as I dropped. My knife went into his throat and I ripped it out as I rolled away. I stripped him and pulled his twitching body into some bushes before continuing. Five times I killed dark elves before I reached the spring. The ring of white stones had been moved and a large domed building stood beside it.
Around the spring was a huge camp of dark elves. I quietly moved away and headed back down my trail. It was a couple of hours before I met up with the elves leading the rangers. The other parts of the army had joined us so the columns were wide. I squatted with Trevor and the other commanders and drew a map of the spring and the dark elven camp.
Several of the other scouts listened as Holly slipped up to take the bows and knives I had collected. We spread out with the scouts leading and moved towards the spring. It was a couple of hours before sunset when the army charged into the camp. The scouts headed straight for the dome building, the rest of the army swept through the camp. I used my bow as I slipped past dark elves and slowed only to kill or dodge.
I was the first through the wide door and hesitated at the angry roar of trolls. They were in a tall enclosure but still held clubs and I tossed my bow and quiver against the dome wall. I shook my head and gestured the others to each side before running towards a thick tree trunk that was one of the posts. I climbed the post and the trolls were still roaring.
Some were following along the sides of the enclosure as men fought with the few dark elves. I pulled both knives and leaped onto the back and shoulders of one troll. I brought a knife around through its ear before yanking it out and dropping. I rolled away from a club before coming to my feet and leaping. I stepped on a trolls arm as it swept its club sideways and stabbed through its eye.
I flipped backward as I yanked the knife free. I landed in a crouch and dove aside as a troll lumbered towards me and turned to take a couple of steps to slice across its ankle and cut the tendon. I rolled backwards and came to my feet to leap in and up to the chest of a troll as I brought a knife stabbing through its eye. I dropped and spun as it fell back.
I took a couple of running steps before leaping onto a troll’s back that was reaching through the enclosure fence. I stabbed through its ear and dropped as it stiffened. I killed twelve trolls before I walked towards the enclosure fence and climbed out. The few scouts still in the building grinned as I climbed out. I glanced back towards the center where a troll lay on a thick wooden door in the ground.
I dropped down outside and picked up my bow and quiver. I walked out and glanced around realizing my fight had not really taken that long. A full battle still rage and I glanced through men and elves to see a small group of dark elves. One was shouting orders and waving a silver sword and the others were protecting him. I fitted an arrow and pulled the string back to aim before releasing just as the elf’s eyes locked with mine.
My arrow slammed into his throat and he fell back as I pulled another arrow. One right after another I killed the dark elves. When I was completely out of arrow I headed towards where the leader had fallen. The dark elven army was trying to run but men and elves pressed them. When I reached the elf I glanced around and knelt. I looked at him carefully as I remembered certain tales.
I took a fancy ring from his right hand, a ruby pendant from his neck, twin bracers with thin blood daggers, diamond studded silver fighting knives and the silver gem encrusted sword. I moved around and collected knives and bows from his guards. I shook my head at the dead slaves when I went into the tent that was like mine but much larger.
I stripped it and dropped the tent before folding it up. The army had turned from fighting and let the dark elves run. I went to the rope corral and caught the twelve horses. I saddled them and began putting everything on the horses. I started towards where our supply trains were supposed to be and along the way picked up a few bows and knives.
I found the cook with Holly beside him and handed her the lead rope, "these are ours."
She nodded as I turned to look before heading towards Trevor who was speaking to several scouts. I touched his shoulder, "you need to come with me and we will need several men."
He looked at me and then around the huge camp, "now?"
I nodded, "I need help moving a dead troll."
He grinned, "that was something the army will talk about for years."
I glanced at the other scouts, "there was a door in the ground."
They grinned as we turned to walk towards the dome. We cut the leather holding the cross pieces on the enclosure before walking into the stinking pen. I grabbed the troll’s foot as Trevor took the other. We pulled and the others came to help pull the huge beast back and off the door. There was a thick metal ring in the door and I gestured to one of the scouts, "use a cross piece and do not stand to close."
It was a good thing I warned them. The men slid the pole through the ring and squatted before lifting and throwing the door back. There was hissing as several vipers slithered out and men backed away. I moved carefully and used another pole to pin a head before bending and slicing it off. The others laughed and began a game to see who killed the most.
Inside the hole the door had covered was a large chest. After all the vipers were killed we used two poles to pry it up and then lift it. It took four men to lift it completely out of the hole. Trevor moved around it carefully before opening it. We stared at the chest filled with gold coins before looking at each other. Trevor grinned and closed the lid, "right, get this back to our area and we will do a company split tonight."
I helped carry the chest and called to an elf walking from the supply trains, "tell Silver, Hunter Silvan needs words!"
The elf glanced at me as he walked passed and smiled as he nodded. We set the heavy chest down by the supply wagon. The men glanced at each other but I headed towards Holly, "I will watch it if you bring something back for Holly."
They laughed and spun to walk back towards the destroyed camp. Holly had our tent up with all the horses on a picket line behind the tent. She even had the lathe set up in front with everything from the horses lined up on the other side. She stopped me with a frown and started stripping me and setting my weapons aside. She finally pointed to the lathe, "sit."
I smiled and did as she told me. She grabbed my collapsible bucket and walked towards small creek that was not far. When she returned she knelt and picked up a rag and began to wash me, "no river or stream here."
I nodded and let her clean the thick troll blood off me. I glanced up as Silver strode towards me and turned to the things I had been carrying. I gestured in front of me as he grinned at Holly. He knelt, "you wished to speak to me?"
I set the twin bracers on the ground between us with the hilts of the blood daggers towards him. Next I set the two diamond studded silver fighting knives beside the bracers, with the hilts also towards him. The silver gem encrusted sword went between the bracers. The ruby pendant went on the sword scabbard and the ring I set on the hilt.
Silver sucked in a breath and finally looked into my face before bending to pick up everything I had put between us. He stood and walked away without speaking. Holly was quiet as she washed me and finally sat back. She pulled out a soft white shirt and a pair of pants with some soft moccasins. She must have altered them from some of the clothing found in the last dark elven camp.
After dressing and putting my weapons on I sat and we started going through everything I had brought back. I kept an eye on the chest by the supply wagon until Trevor returned with some of the men. He had them help move it before setting up his tent. The men dropped blankets and clothing off for Holly who smiled at them. One of the things I found in a pack was another lathe much like mine.
There had also been bear skins lining the larger tent’s floor. I found a small red pouch with six large blood rubies inside as well as two heavy leather purses filled with silver. In a long silken case was also a long bow made of blonde iron wood. Holly was carefully putting the larger tent up to air it out and clean it when I looked towards the destroyed camp where men were pulling all the bodies into a huge pile.
All the elves were together and coming towards us. I straightened as I saw the elf leading them and stood, "Holly."
She looked at me and then at the elves walking towards us. She started to tremble but I smiled, "it is not bad. In my large pack is a small pocket against the pack frame. In the pocket is a small flask. Please find it and bring it to me."
She nodded and ducked into our tent. Trevor and the other scouts stood to see what was happening as the elegant and young looking elf stopped in front of me, "Hunter Silvan. You have become a legend to many of my people."
I smiled, "hardly a legend your highness."
He bowed his head, "you know me."
I glanced at Silver beside him, "I listen to the descriptions people give."
He grinned, "well, yours has become some what taller."
I laughed and turned as Holly came out. She hesitated and then held out the flask. I took it and looked at the elven price, "this is Holly."
He bowed, "lovely maiden."
Holly opened her mouth before looking down. I turned and opened the flask before taking a sip and holding it out. The prince smiled as several elves stirred and took the flask. He took a sip and looked at the flask when he was done, "unexpected but very nice."
I took the flask and gave it to Holly, "take a sip."
She looked at me quickly and then at the elves before slowly taking a sip. She blinked and smiled almost shyly as I turned back to the prince, "how may I be of service?"
He turned and gestured to the items I had given Silver, "did you kill the elf that carried these?"
I looked into his eyes, "I put an arrow through your cousin’s throat."
He nodded and sighed before kneeling and pulling one of the dark emerald hilted fighting knives at his waist. He looked at me as he put it on his palm and held it out. I glanced at all the elves as they waited and finally pulled the fighting knife on my chest. I looked at the prince as I slowly unwrapped the leather hiding the dark blue sapphire hilt and then knelt.
I put the knife on my palm and held my hand beside the princes. He smiled, "your family still carries the sky knives my father gave them."
I nodded and he reached to take the knife off my palm as I took the one on his. I flipped it around my hand and spun it before smiling and sliding it into the sheath on my chest. He grinned and copied what I had done before nodding, "they could be twins."
I stood and glanced at the case with the blonde iron wood bow, "they say you are very good with a bow. Care for a challenge?"
He grinned and gestured to himself, "I am lacking my bow."
I bent and picked up the case with the blond iron wood bow, "you could use your cousin’s, he has no need of it anymore."
He laughed and took the case as I turned to pick up my bow and a few arrows. He turned and gestured to the distant dome as his people made a wide lane, "see the beam on the right side of the entrance?"
I nodded, "the knot half way up?"
He grinned, "perfect."
I handed him three of my slim arrows and he looked and felt them, "A shame, you crafted them beautifully."
I waited as he put them point down in the earth and pulled out the bow and unwound the string before bending the bow and fitting the string. He smiled as he caressed the bow and pulled an arrow out of the ground. The dome was over a hundred and fifty paces away but the arrow slammed into the center of the knot. The prince looked at me and tilted his head.
I grinned and pulled back the string and aimed before loosing the arrow. It slammed into the knot beside the other arrow touching it. I sighed and nodded before looking at the prince as he frowned and all the elves laughed. He grinned and bowed to me, "I should have known a Silvan would be able to shoot."
I started to bow and saw the dark elf beside the dome. I knew every male would be here but the one I saw held a bow and lifted it to aim towards us. It was pure reflex to fit arrow, pull, aim and fire. The elf fell back and his arrow sped away into the sky. All the elves spun around and several rushed towards the elf. I looked at the prince, "I think we should try this some other time."
He nodded as he watched the elves reach the one I had shot. They looked towards us and shook their heads and the prince sighed, "again we are in your debt."
He glanced around, "and even though I would rather continue this attack, there have been many wounded or killed. We will return home and hope the damage has taught our cousins a lesson."
I thought about the blood rubies and turned to pick up the pouch, "what do you think of these?"
I poured them into my hand and he sucked in a breath, "it answers many questions."
He glanced at those around him, "our dark cousin are spilt into six clans. Each clan leader wears a blood pendant. If my cousin has these it was to form more clans."
I glanced at the others as they nodded and put the rubies away and picked up the bag of knives his cousin’s guards carried. I spilled it out and several elves gasped. I looked at the prince and he smiled, "you did better than we could hope for, these are the knives of the clan leaders eldest sons."
He looked into my face, "there will be much blood shed as their sibs fight for their positions."
I turned to look out into the destroyed camp, "now would be a good time to pay your uncle a visit."
The prince stiffened as several elves hissed. I looked at him and he smiled slowly before looking around, "who would go with a Silvan to visit our cousins?"
Many murmured and raised hands and he smiled as I looked at Holly. She slowly straightened, "I would go with you."
The elves quieted as I kept looking at her, "if they catch you, they will kill you slowly."
She nodded as she gripped the hilt of one of her knives, "I know, but I will not leave you."
I sighed and then smiled, "very well, go find Trevor. We will need to see if he will keep our horses and..."
The prince cleared his throat, "pardon, you will take our half sister with you?"
I nodded and he smiled at her, "than we will bring your belongings with us and you can pick them up when you return."
He glanced at Holly before looking at me again, "If you get a chance to bring any of my female cousin home..."
He was silent as the other elves stirred. I looked at Holly before nodding, "I will see what I can do."
After the prince left a couple of dozen elves remained including Silver. I grinned, "first light tomorrow."
Silver nodded and all the elves walked away. I gestured to the larger tent, "finish that and we will pack everything else up."
Holly nodded and went back to work and I finished sorting everything before packing it up. It was past midnight when Trevor scratched the side of my tent. I slipped away from Holly as she sat up and crawled out. He smiled and gestured to three large heavy looking bags, "your share."
I nodded and he sighed, "you are leaving to go after the dark elves."
I nodded again and Trevor looked into my face, "they are not all bad."
I smiled, "this I know. Like all people there are those that are evil and greedy. That is how the split between the elves began. Most of the dark ones know this in their hearts but to turn away takes great courage."
I glanced around at the quiet camp around us, "if I manage to kill the dark king and the other clan leaders many of the others may take heart and return."
He nodded and slapped my shoulder, "I hope to see you again one day Silvan."
He walked away and I turned to set the three bags inside the tent. I was up before the false dawn and packed everything onto our horses with Holly helping me. Beside her two knives she had a full quiver of elven made arrows and carried a bow she felt comfortable with. Three eleven maids came with Silver and the warriors. One touched my hand, "we will care for your animals and belongings."
I nodded and let her lead the horses off. I glanced at all the scouts that were up and watching and nodded as they saluted me. I took a breath and looked at Holly, "Stay three steps behind me and watch around us and what I do."
She nodded and I looked at Silver before heading west through the destroyed camp and then into the forest. The tales and stories of the place the elves had split were well known. I knew dark elves would make a point of creating their seat of power there. I glanced back a few times to see all the elves following me single file. They were silent as we walked through the forest.
We collected berries and nuts as we walked and that night split up and huddled together in small groups. It rained the third day and we killed rabbits and made a fire under a tree. It was another week before I froze in mid step. I watched a dark elf stretch as he walked past in front of us. Once he was gone I moved us back and glanced at all the elves, "scout but do not kill. Leave your bows so you will not be tempted. We need a way in and out. We also need to know where all the horses are kept and where each clan leader stays."
I looked at Silver, "take two and go around to the far west side."
He nodded and I looked at an elf called Quick Bow, "take two and go to the north edge."
He smiled and gave me a half bow like most of them had started doing. I looked at an elf that was shorter than the others, "you take two and go to the south edge."
I looked around, "the rest of you spread out and scout this edge. Look for hidden sentry posts as well as any possible orc or goblin den."
They grinned and turned to strip off packs and bows. I set mine beside Holly’s and was tempted to tell her to stay. She had kept up the whole time and actually moved as well as any of the elves. She stayed behind me as I silently stalked closer and into the elven city. I was a little surprised they did not even have walls but elves rarely did that.
Dozens of wide streams wove through the city with carven bridges and the tents I saw were almost permanent in nature. I moved slowly and carefully and picked out pennants and banners by the tents. I knelt in a flowering bush to watch a huge tent with a red banner.
A golden crown was embroidered on the banner. I watched a couple of elven women and several slaves before moving around to see the horses behind the tent. I also saw a large tent beside the dark king’s which Holly whispered was the tent for unattached female elves.
We slipped back out of the city unseen and back to the place we had left our packs and bows. It was a long time before everyone was back. One by one we told everyone what we had seen. I pointed out three for each team and assigned them a clan leaders tent. The rest I sent to several of the larger tents. Our plan was simple, after midnight we would slip into the city.
We would hit the tents and kill the leaders and other dark elves. If we had time and no out cry was made we would try to bring any elven women that wished to come with us. Quick Bow and another elf would take out the dark elves guarding the horses in the main horse pens and that was our way out. It was a long time before midnight and timed seemed to slow.
I stood and the others around us did the same thing. We spread out and began moving slowly. Any sentries or guards were killed quickly and it was not long before Holly and Silver followed as I silently made my way across the city. There was a half moon above us as we knelt behind a bush to watch a single guard beside the tent entrance for the king.
I gestured and slipped into the shadows and tall grass. I slowly worked my way around until I was only a few paces from the guard. When he turned the other way and stretched I was up and moving. I yanked his head back as I covered his mouth and sliced his throat. I quietly lowered him to the ground and pulled his body to the side. I moved to the door as Holly and Silver crossed to me. I slipped in with Silver following and Holly guarding the door.
There was still a glow from the central fire pit. I gestured Silver to the left and headed to the right and a slightly raised sleeping platform. There was a slave in the bed with an elf woman. Between them was the person I wanted and I silently moved around and reached over the head of the platform. My knife struck quickly and he jerked and spasmed as he died with the blade in his brain.
I glanced around in the tent and Silver nodded from another body. I helped Silver wake the women and girls in the tent before going back to take the head of the king. I slipped out and pulled the banner down and tucked it into my shirt before hoisting the head up. I led the way around the tent to the second one for unattached females. The guard was sleeping in front of the door and Holly slipped ahead to kneel and cut his throat.
There was easily sixty female elves sleeping in the tent and Holly woke them and pushed and shoved until they came out. Silver had slipped to the few horses here and saddled them. We doubled up on each horse and I led them towards the huge horse pens to the south. Silver trailed us and Holly moved up and down the file and kept everyone silent.
I do not think we expected to bring out as many females as we did. By the time the last team of elves met us at the pens we probably had four hundred females, both elven and half human. All the women were terrified of course by stayed quiet as we lead the horses south out of the city. As soon as we were out of the city everyone swung up onto a horse and we headed towards our brief camp. We barely slowed as we grabbed packs and kept moving.
Each of the elves moved back and forth beside the column as we continued to the east at a fast walk. Silver and another elf moved ahead to scout as we moved and I sent one ahead to Watcher’s Keep. It was dawn when I stopped the first time and we began to check the women. There were several pregnant but they seemed to be doing okay. After that we rode the horses for an hour and walked them for half that as they browsed.
I half expected the dark elves to follow but two weeks later we rode out by Watcher’s Keep. Wagons and a small army of elves were waiting and helped move the pregnant women to wagons. I was tempted to stop but turned north instead and kept moving. The attack came that evening after we had stopped and made camp. For some reason I do not think the dark elves expected us to use bows.
Silver had been out with another scout and ran in, "they come!"
I turned from helping two women and grabbed my bow, "form up beside the wagons."
I gestured the women back behind what cover there was and waited as the rest of the elven warriors joined me. Holly slipped up beside me, "I asked a couple of women to watch the back."
I nodded as she calmly fitted an arrow to her bow. They came with a silent rush and I pulled my string back and fired into the chest of one leading. They fell in waves as we continued to put arrows into them. Slowly they came closer and I set my bow aside as I drew my knives and went to meet them. I shifted aside as one lunged and sliced across his throat before blocking another knife.
I twisted and slid around as I cut the elf’s wrist and stabbed in and out under his arm. I turned and slid back and away from the next as he attacked and then stumbled over one of the dead elves. I moved quickly and stabbed through his wrist and twisted before moving passed him and cutting his throat. I moved across and through the dark elves in a dance of blood. Finally they broke and ran leaving almost two hundred dead and dying behind. They had never even reached the wagons.
A week later we rode into the elven city and were met by everyone. I was asked to stay and I accepted, Holly never said a word, she just helped me build our house in a huge tree and moved in.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: