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Somebody, please send me some candy canes, so I can satisfy my craving and stop!


Several days after Senior Prom, Sherry woke up. Her mouth and throat were very dry, and she wanted something to drink. She tried to roll over and get up like she usually would, but something was wrong. She couldn’t roll over. She opened her eyes and saw there were several monitors and machines next to the bed in her hospital room. She started to panic and called out, "Mom? MOM!"

A nurse told her the awful news. 18-year-old Sherry was the only survivor of the terrible collision between her and her drunk boyfriend in one car, and her parents in theirs. She had lost her arms and most of both legs. After a month in the hospital, she was moved to a nursing home. She couldn’t feed herself, go anywhere, or even use the bathroom on her own. She was so upset she considered suicide, but even that would be impossible unaided.

A week before Thanksgiving there was a major change in her mood, caused by a new male nurse. She thought Alphonso was terribly attractive with his boyish young face, shiny dark hair, and deep brown eyes. His frequent jokes and flirtatious comments always brightened her day.

He walked into her room after dinner on Thanksgiving, and Sherry was near despair again. She frowned and complained, "I’m a monster! How will I ever find anybody to love? I can’t go on romantic walks, I can’t swim and play in the water with somebody, I can’t even give a hug! I want kids, but I’ll never be a Mom! I’m going to die a virgin!" She began to cry.

Alphonso smiled and kindly said, "Wrong, wrong, wrong. One hundred percent wrong. Look in the mirror at that beautiful hair, your pretty eyes, those appealing lips. I came all the way to Chicago just for you!"

She smiled against her will. He continued with, "Your chest is all lumpy and bumpy though. Maybe I should massage it until it’s flat again?" She blushed and laughed nervously. After the amputations, her large breasts were fully a fifth of her fifty-pound body.

She quietly told him, "I know you didn’t come all the way from Spain just for me. But if you want to… you know… when nobody’s around, um…"

He closed the door, then rested a hand on her stump of a shoulder gently. "You really are the reason I’m here, but I’m not from Spain." He lifted his medical cap a bit, revealing the pointed tips of his ears. "You stopped writing him when you were eight, but Santa Claus sent me. He thinks you deserve one last Christmas wish. I’ll write him a letter for you. Oh, and my name is really Elfonso, starting with E … L … F."

She stared at him in wonder until he picked up a ‘candy cane’ pen and asked, "What should I write to Santa?"


Sherry hadn’t seen Elfonso in several weeks and was missing him a lot. She was about to fall asleep on Christmas Eve, when he pushed a wheelchair into her room.

She smiled and sleepily said, "Elfonso, you’re back! I missed you!"

"I missed our fun talks and your great smile too. Tonight might be the last time I’ll see you, though."

"Awhhh! Why?"

"I’m almost done helping you, and a lot of others need some happiness too. I got you a job."

She was confused. "A job? What kind of job could I ever do?"

He lifted her into the wheelchair and said, "Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll like it." He kissed her forehead, and her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.


Sherry woke up covered by a comfy quilt, laying on a plush sofa. Around her she saw a luxurious living room in full Christmas regalia. A large pine tree stood near a corner, covered in tinsel, garland, and dozens of colorful ornaments. Many strings of tiny colored lights blinked on and off, and a large silvery star at the top reflected the lights into swarms of glimmering shapes on the ceiling.

The fireplace embers glowed a dim orange and only a few small tufts of flame licked at the last of the wood. Hanging from the mantle above, she saw two small Christmas stockings with the names 'Jonathan' and 'Catherine' on them, with a larger and newer one in the middle, with the name 'Sherry'. The window on the far side of the room was partly blocked by a wreath with a big red bow on it.

She saw a nice-looking brunette lady walk in and add a piece of wood to the fireplace. She sat in a chair near Sherry and quietly said, "I’m Kate. Jon is sleeping. Let’s have a chat."

Sherry asked, "Somebody told me I’m supposed to do some kind of a job?"

Kate smiled nervously. "My husband and I want a baby very much, but I can’t have one. We need a surrogate. I want you to make love with him and have a baby for us."

"I … um …"

Kate continued, "He’s a great man, strong, kind, and very smart. I know you’ll love him like I do. With him being so handsome and you so pretty, our baby is bound to be super cute." Kate stroked her long red hair a few moments. "Get some more sleep. We’ll open gifts in the morning."

Sherry smiled and said, "Goodnight."


Sherry woke hours later when she heard a noise. A tall and handsome man walked toward the fireplace in a bath robe. As he leaned over to pick up a piece of wood, the robe opened a bit, and she could see most of a leg. The sight of his muscular thigh and calf excited her. He added the wood to the fire, then turned toward her and smiled.

"Hi Sherry, I’m Jon. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ll help us have a baby! I'm overwhelmed! It’s great you're so gorgeous, too!"

She blushed and smiled as he continued, "Kate says she likes you very much, but I should tell you something about her. She’s very clingy and loves to hug. I hope you won’t mind if she sits with you and cuddles often?"

Sherry smiled. "No, that sounds nice."

"Good, good. She’s always wanted to try love with a woman too. I hope you might be willing? Maybe live with us after the baby and be our girlfriend?"

Sherry was embarrassed and bashfully said, "Um … maybe." She knew it was more than a 'maybe'.

"Nice. Kate's an advisory nurse and helps people over the phone from home. I'm a writer and I work at home too. We'll always be here if you need anything."

"That's great!"

"See you in the morning, sweetie." He leaned down and gave Sherry her second-ever kiss on the lips.

Sherry nervously giggled, then said, "Goodnight!"

As Elfonso climbed into his sleigh on the roof, he smiled and said to himself, "You’re welcome, Sherry. Merry Christmas."


After breakfast, Kate carried Sherry to the toilet and watched as she peed. Sherry was grateful she at least had thigh stumps long enough that she could sit on the toilet or a chair, instead of laying down all the time. Kate moved her to the bidet and asked, "Ever used a bidet before?"


"I think you’ll like it." Kate turned the spray of water on and rubbed Sherry’s labia. When the flow stopped, she played with her sparse red pubic hair, then returned to rubbing her vulva gently, getting Sherry more and more excited. "Do you like the bidet?"

"Ooooh! And your fingers! Wow! Even better than when I used to …."

Sherry was suddenly sad and started to cry, "…but I can’t anymore! I can’t even Jill off! I can’t do anything!"

Kate asked, "I’ll be happy to do it for you, if you want? And maybe sometimes we can lick each other?"

Sherry’s face turned bright red, nearly matching her hair.

Kate played with Sherry’s pussy for quite a while, finally licking her clit as she was nearly there. Sherry had the strongest climax of her life so far. Kate had to hold her on the bidet seat as her muscles spasmed and her pelvis rocked. "UH! UH! UH! OOOOOH!"

When her orgasm subsided, Kate kissed her lips and held her fingers to Sherry’s chin. "I’ll take care of you, all of you."

"Thank you! Thank you! I love you!"


Jon and Kate cuddled on the sofa with Sherry between them, chatting most of the morning. After lunch, Sherry said, "I need to use the bathroom again."

Jon smiled and offered, "I’ll help you."

Sherry bashfully said, "Um … okay."

He had a special fetish and loved watching women on the toilet. Seeing urine spray out between her pink inner labia was very hot to him, giving him thoughts of her making room in her body so he could insert himself. Watching a woman defecate aroused him like nothing else, as he imagined anal sex. He stared at the long chain of round brown turds exiting through her butthole, as he smiled and got erect.

When Sherry was finished, he moved her to the bidet and washed her bottom far longer than necessary. He asked, "Would you mind if I play with you a little more?"

She gasped and asked, "Please?"

Jon gently rubbed her vulva with one hand and played with a large breast with the other. When she was close to climax, he removed his left hand from her boob, licked his index finger, and slid half of it into her anus as he licked the top of her labia, clitoral hood, and then her clitoris. He slid his finger the rest of the way into her rectum as she exploded into a strong climax.

When she regained her breath, Sherry said, "Wow, Jon! So good! Thank you! That was weird, but SO GOOD!"

"I’m glad you liked it. I need to pee too, then we’ll go talk with Kate some more."

Sherry turned her head and watched him piss into the toilet. When he finished he asked, "I noticed you don’t have a hymen. You’ve had sex before?"

"No, I lost it during gymnastics, in gym class. Until today, I haven’t done ANYTHING." Yet again, she was red as a ripe tomato. "Can we try it?"

"We’ll be more comfortable on the sofa. Would you let Kate watch and help?"

"Um … I guess."

John carried Sherry to the sofa and said, "I’ll be back in just a minute."

He returned with Kate, who was blushing with a grin on her face. Kate sat next to Sherry with Jon on the other side. She asked, "He says you want to try sex?"

"Yeah. You both have been so nice to me. I want to make you happy too."

"I’ll get him started, then help you." Kate opened Jon’s robe and held his penis gently. She leaned over and started licking it slowly as Sherry watched it begin to stiffen and grow. Jon got up and moved over to put the head of his penis in Sherry’s mouth. He was careful to not push it in too far, as her licking and sucking quickly swelled his rod to full rigidity and size.

"So good, Sherry! Mmmmm!"

Kate said, "Sit down, and I’ll lift her onto you." Jon sat next to Sherry, holding the base of his shaft, then guided it into Sherry as Kate slowly lowered her with her back to Jon’s chest.

Sherry moaned with pleasure. "Oooh! So nice, Jon! I feel so FULL! Yeah!"

Kate knelt on a pillow in front of the couch and played with Sherry’s large breasts as they kissed. Jon was quite aroused at the sight and started rocking his hips to move his cock in and out of the young pretty redhead.

Kate kissed Sherry’s body as she slowly moved downward, finally reaching her labia. She licked Jon’s scrotum and shaft as he slowly thrust in and out, along with kissing and sucking Sherry’s pussy lips. When Jon picked up speed and moaned loudly, Kate knew he was close. She focused on Sherry’s clit, licking and sucking it as her husband rocked his pelvis and lifted the girl up and down. Sherry had a powerful climax just before Jon came, pumping a load of semen into her fertile womb.

After the other two rested a minute, Kate laid on her back. Jon moved Sherry so she could lick between his wife’s legs, then kissed Kate and played with her chest. The two got her off quite quickly.

After a lot of compliments and kissing, Sherry said, "I hope we just made a baby, but I think we should try again tonight, just in case."

Kate smiled and suggested, "Can we keep trying until we have three kids? Or maybe four?"

Jon agreed, "Twice a day until we have four? Excellent plan!"

Sherry saw the Christmas stockings still hanging from the fireplace mantle. She said, "I thought we were going to open gifts this morning?"

Kate happily said, "I guess with all the great sex, we forgot. Hehehe! Jon, you first."

He took his stocking and Kate’s from the mantle and emptied them on the coffee table. Each held a variety of candies. He and Kate each ate a caramel and he gave Sherry a mint. Next he opened the nicely wrapped gifts with his name on them. "The newest edition of Writer’s Guide! A new thesaurus! I would have needed to get these for work soon. And a new tackle box, for my fishing lures! Thanks, Kate!"

As Kate tore the paper off her first gift, Sherry saw there were three porn videos wrapped together. Kate blushed furiously and showed them to Sherry. The titles were ‘The Hotties Wank Hank’, ‘Daddy Loves his Lesbians’, and ‘Two’s a Couple, Three’s Amazing’.

Jon said, "In case sex ever gets boring." They hugged again and giggled madly.

Kate said, "No chance of that, but let’s watch one tonight anyway."

Jon pointed to a large box in the corner. "You have another one, Kate."

She unwrapped it and smiled. "A new sewing machine! Nice! This is so much better than my old one!"

After looking it over she said, "Time for Sherry’s gifts."

She took the last stocking from the fireplace mantle and pulled out a long and thin plastic rod, with a small ball at one end. Sherry curiously asked, "What’s that?"

Kate explained, "It’s so you can control your new tablet. I’ll rest the tablet on your boobs, and you can hold the stick in your mouth and touch the screen with the other end. You can browse the internet, do email, watch movies, and other things."


Jon said, "I think you might like this even better." He slowly ripped the paper off a large item, and Sherry saw a lot of colorful canvas with flowers printed all over it. It looked similar to a backpack. She asked, "What’s this?"

Kate explained, "A lot of parents use baby carriers. They strap on like a backpack, but in front of the body. If we put you in here, we can carry you around easily when we’re away from home."

"Cool. But what’s the skirt or apron-looking thing at the bottom?"

Jon blushed and explained, "See the hole in the bottom of the carrier? Right between where your butt cheeks sit? If I unzip my pants and stick my penis up through the hole…"

Sherry blushed intensely, "Then you can carry me around while we have sex!"

"Exactly! And with the skirt at the bottom, nobody will see."

Kate held it up and showed Sherry another feature. "See this strap on the outside of the hole?"


"It’s for when I carry you instead. It holds the happy stick in place."

"Happy stick?"

"That’s what I call it." She held up a flexible and very long double-headed dildo. "So I can make love with you as I carry you around, too."

"Ohmigawd! I wanna try it!"

Kate removed her panties, then Sherry’s. Jon helped Sherry into the carrier and helped Kate put it on. Sherry’s back was to Kate as Jon slowly slid the toy into the two of them and tied it in place. Kate took a few experimental steps and both girls moaned at the happy sensation of the rubber dong sliding in and out of them.

Kate said, "Imagine me carrying you through the grocery store, feeling this good with all the people around us unaware."

Jon joked, "Imagine jogging like that! Hahaha!"

Sherry mused, "Wow! I’d be cumming every block! This feels great!"

Jon unzipped and kissed her. "Just wait until I’m in you too!"

He stood close to Sherry and pushed his hard cock in above the rubber one.

Sherry groaned, "Urrrrgh! I’m SO FULL! Ahhhh! SO GOOD!"

Jon told Kate, "Let’s try bouncing up and down a little."

The couple hugged with Sherry between them. They stood on tiptoe at the same time, then moved their ankles until their heels touched the floor. They slowly increased the pace and Sherry bounced up and down between them.

The three had a nearly simultaneous climax, then kept going. Kate had a chain of small orgasms and Sherry enjoyed another powerful one as Jon unloaded into her again. The standing sandwich fuck went on and on until Jon and Kate were too tired to continue.

As they rested on the sofa, Kate said, "I think we need a shower, then it’s time for a nap."

Jon and Kate happily washed the three of them in the shower, then they all drifted off to sleep in Jon and Kate’s big bed.

Sherry woke when something furry rubbed her chin. She opened her eyes and exclaimed, "A PUPPY!" The small border collie rubbed his face on Sherry’s and licked her neck as she giggled.

Kate said, "We saved the best gift for last. He’s only three months old, but we trained him a little already. If you ever need anything, tell him one of our names and he’ll come get us. Watch this. JON! Go get JON!"

The puppy jumped off the bed and barked as he scratched at Jon’s pant leg.

Sherry was amazed. "Wow! Cool! And he’s so cute!"

Kate asked, "What do you want to name him?"

There was a dreamy look in her eyes as she said, "Elfonso".

Jon said, "Alphonso is kind of a fancy name for a dog. I guess it fits, though, since he’s so smart." He petted the puppy as he said, "You’re such a smart boy, Alphonso. Such a good dog, Alf. Such a good boy."

She smiled, remembering an elf with the same name.


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