
Planet Earth


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Even Gloria in her snake form was staring at Eldon, frantically wriggling to escape her earthen prison.

She turned to leave these miserable people, but found that one person was still paying attention to her. Sonia blocked her path. The android’s eyes showed fear and confusion, and no small amount of pain. Shelly knew she was the cause of that pain, but couldn’t bring herself to care. She was numb to all emotions but boredom, it seemed.

"Will you entertain me," Shelly asked her girlfriend. "Or are you going to be as boring as them?"

"Shelly!" Sonia shouted in her face, and then slapped her. The pain was novel for a few seconds, but even that wore off quickly. "What is wrong with you? Gloria is trying to kill the Pillar of Earth, your family is under attack, and you want to be entertained?"

"So what?" Shelly shrugged and tried to step around Sonia. The android moved to block her. She moved again, but the other woman mirrored her. "What does it matter? We’re all going to die eventually, anyway. Is it so wrong that I want to have a little fun first? I’m done dealing with the pain and guilt I suffered before. Can’t you be happy for me? I thought you were supposed to care about me."

She watched as anguish spread again across Sonia’s beautiful features. She knew her words had hurt the woman, but didn’t possess enough empathy to understand how.

Sonia gripped Shelly by the shoulders and spun her around fast enough to make her dizzy. She was facing her family again.

Everyone other than Gloria and Gaia were huddled over Sheldon. The Pillar of Earth had her hand outstretched to the landlocked goddess, Aphrodite. Gloria’s face was pained as she looked at her ex-boyfriend even as her body fought to get closer to Gaia, sword in hand. Apparently, she’d changed back into her human form. For a moment, Shelly envied Gloria and her brother the ability to change into living forms. Her ability to change into inanimate objects was useless by comparison.

"What happened to him?" Gloria demanded. "Who hurt him? Please, let me go to him."

"You’re still trying to kill me," Gaia responded in a strained voice. Shelly noted that sweat beaded on her brow. "I know you’re under Jessica’s control, but I can’t let you go."

"But his mind!" Gloria screamed. "He’s in pain. He needs me!"

"You abandoned him!" Shlee retorted with rage. Shelly thought it was interesting the way her face elongated into a snout filled with sharp fangs for just a moment. Then the werewolf had to ruin it by regaining her composure.

"You left him after putting a love spell on Shlee," Mandy piped in next. The four-armed woman always had something to say, though Shelly appreciated that you could always trust what she said. "Or don’t you remember breaking his heart? Shlee and I were the ones to mend him. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as him!"

For almost three seconds Shelly thought that they might get into a cat fight, and that might at least be a bit entertaining. Instead, Mandy turned back to Sheldon and explained to his father what they’d been through. Since Shelly already knew most of that, she found it incredibly boring.

She struggled against the iron grip of the android, attempting to get free and leave. There was an opening along one wall that would be a great way to escape these people. She knew they were several stories up, but didn’t care. Perhaps the fall would entertain her.

Something sharp poked the back of her neck a split moment after Sonia released her. She ignored it, seeing her chance at freedom. It was only a few steps away…. Except that as she watched, the room lengthened and dimmed. Reaching for the light, grasping for her escape, she realized she was laying on the floor, drool slipping from her slack lips. When had that happened?

* * * *

Shelly blinked a few times, looking around in the bright light. She felt cold. Glancing down, she found nothing on her body. Her tits pointed freely to the sky, the nubs of her nipples hard and straining. Countless wires protruded from her arms, chest, and probably further down, but she couldn’t see that far. They led off in every direction. She tried to see where they went, but they vanished into darkness. The only light was shining right on her, making it hard to see beyond it. She tried to struggle, to move, but her body refused to obey. A closer look showed manacles holding her against an upright metal slab. Even without the manacles, she couldn’t get any muscles below her neck to even twitch, much less move.

She knew she should feel fear, or panic, or anything, other than complete emptiness. Oh well. At least the cold was interesting, in that it caused her to feel something.

"She’s awake," a dispassionate voice said, that sounded even colder because it came from speakers.

"Shelly?" Sonia asked, her voice filled with fear and concern. She was in the room with Shelly. The tubes and wires protruding from Shelly’s skin shifted as Sonia approached into the light. "Shelly, it’s me, Sonia."

"Yeah?" Shelly asked, disinterested in the woman herself, but interested in the fact that all the tubes and wires went into the android. "I know that. I’m bored."

"You’re… bored…" Sonia asked, as though trying to ascertain the meaning of those simple words.

For an android, she sure can be dense, Shelly thought.

"Shelly, I want you to go into your Mens Mundi," Sonia went on. "I want you to--"

Of course! Shelly thought with a sense of triumph, ignoring whatever else the boring synthetic woman had to say. She could do or be anything she wanted in her Mens Mundi. She cursed herself for not having thought of it sooner. There was even an old geezer there who was willing to entertain her. She couldn’t remember why she hadn’t wanted to before, but now that seemed like a perfect distraction.

Closing her eyes, she sunk deep into her mind. Always before she had needed to be near death to find it, but now it felt as though there was a guiding hand, leading her ever deeper. Taking her to the mental space that was all hers.

Except that when she opened her eyes, it wasn’t the beach, or anywhere else that she recognized. She was in a lavish room, decorated with pillows of multiple colors, shapes, and patterns strewn all over the place. In fact, she couldn’t even see the floor. Taking a step forward, her foot landed on something soft and warm.

"Oy!" Shouted the old geezer she’d been thinking about a moment before. She made sure she was already naked as she looked down to find him buried beneath a number of cushions. "Watch where you’re… walk...ing." The old man shook himself and took in her body. "Do my eyes deceive me? April, is that you? No, your hair is too dark." He rubbed at his eyes as he stood up. Shelly noted with disappointment that he was fully clothed in dark robes that swathed him from chin to feet. "Shelly, why are you naked? Come to tease you grandfather?"

"I’m bored," Shelly told him. Those robes looked like they would come off easily enough. "Let’s fuck."

Shemhazau’s eyes grew large as a grin split his lips. He reached for a clasp on his robes, but then his face fell and he looked closer at her. "Something’s wrong…" he said, his voice indicating that he was trying to figure out what.

"Of course it is," Shelly snapped, losing her patience. "Your cock isn’t pumping in and out of my pussy. God! Why won’t anyone entertain me?"

"God?" Shemhazau took a step back from her and his eyes sharpened. "You’re bored, and no longer care about incest, or anything like that? Damn that Amenadiel! I recognize his handiwork."

"Do you know how to fix it?" Another voice broke in. "Your son said you might have an idea where you lived in the Pillar of Light’s Demesne for so long. I had to enter her mind, then talk her into coming here."

Shelly turned to see the irritating android standing a few feet away.

"Go away," Shelly commanded her, mentally shoving her from her inner mind. She didn’t leave, and Shemhazau was now staring in awe at Sonia. Shelly didn’t understand why. It’s not like the robot was naked and willing to throw herself onto his fuck-stick. Not like Shelly was.

"I felt her push you away, but you’re still here… How?" Shemhazau asked. "This is her mind. She rules here."

"There is a 87 percent probability that it’s because I possess part of her soul," Sonia replied with the most uninteresting information in the world. "There is also a 45 percent chance that she really doesn’t want me to leave. There is also a uncertain percentage of chance that the fact that I am linked directly into her mind allows me to resist being expunged."

Shelly wasn’t stupid, and she knew that added up to more than one hundred percent. The machine must be broken.

"That doesn’t add up," Shemhazau said.

"Right?" Shelly agreed, annoyed.

"They are not exclusive," Sonia said. "They are three different calculations. But we need to know if you can do anything to help her."

"I don’t know…" the old guy shook his head. "Maybe."

Once again, Shelly was ignored and found herself without anything to entertain her. Since this was her mind, she decided to go somewhere else. Maybe she could imagine someone to entertain her, and make her happy.

"What do you mean?" Sonia asked, fear and worry in her voice.

Why was Shelly still here? She’d tried to go somewhere else, but nothing happened. This was her Mens Mundi. She should be in control here, but try as she might, she couldn’t leave this den of pillows.

"Amenadiel stripped her of anything that might cause guilt. Think of Adam and Eve before the apple. It was actually a plum, by the way, and Eve came first, but that doesn’t really matter here. Before they ate the fruit of knowledge, they were completely innocent. The difference with my granddaughter is that she had knowledge before, so when Amenadiel stripped her of all her guilt, he took too much. He took what made her human. Now she’s little more than an animal that knows how to talk. Consequences have no meaning to her."

"But you might be able to fix her?" Sonia pressed.

Shelly stumbled her way to one wall and banged against it, trying to escape.

"It’s no use, Shelly," Shemhazau said, his voice sad. "Once I knew what happened to you, I transferred you to my Mens Mundi. Think of it like a dream within a dream. I rule here. Not you."

"Shemhazau!" Sonia yelled. "I need to know if you can fix her or not. There are other things transpiring in the real world that need my attention, but I need to have her back the way she was. I… I need her."

"Oh, sure!" Shelly sneered. "I needed you to entertain me, but no! You were too good for that. Now you want to claim you need me?"

Seeing the pain wash across Sonia’s face almost made Shelly feel something.

"I don’t know!" Shemhazau answered Sonia, ignoring Shelly. "The person rarely ever survives long after. They have no sense of self preservation. I’ve never had the chance to try anything."

"Can we get Amenadiel to reverse it?" Sonia pressed.

"Angels aren’t capable of giving or causing guilt. That’s something that has to come from the person’s soul. Amenadiel tore that part of her out. She can no more grow that part back than could a regular human grow back an arm that was cut off." A couch appeared behind Shemhazau, and he fell into it.

So, she was missing part of her soul? That was almost entertaining. A memory flickered across her mind of how miserable she’d been before the angel took it all away. She didn’t know if she was better off without it, or feeling something that strong would be better than this numbness.

"Her soul…" Sonia trailed off, then rushed towards the relaxing man. "Part of her soul is in me! From before this was done to her. Could we use that to fix her broken part?"

"Part of her soul…" Shemhazau rubbed at his chin, and nodded. "Yes… Maybe… I’m not sure. How did you get part of her soul?"

"We’re not sure, but we think it might have been from when I was in her mind space before," Sonia said. "Just being here allowed a portion of her soul to enter me."

They both turned and looked at Shelly.

"If you’re not going to fuck me, or do something fun, then you can go fuck off," she informed them. Why had she ever thought swearing was a bad thing?

The man shook his head. "Sharing space in someone’s Mens Mundi has the effect of melding souls, but if that was all it took, then I think we’d be seeing something by now." Their faces fell in unison, but the man perked up a moment later. "Perhaps if you two got intimate!"

"Excuse me?" Sonia demanded at the same time Shelly said, "Finally!"

Sonia continued on, "Do your perversions know no bounds? I told you we need to help her, and your response is to have sex with her? How depraved are you?"

"Hear me out," Shemhazau held his hands up in a warding gesture. "If it was just about me being lewd, I’d do it myself. Well, I would if I could get it up for her, but her current condition is a turnoff for me. You’re the one with a piece of her original soul, so it has to be you that does it. The closeness you both shared in the past should help in the transference and restoration of her soul. I can’t promise it will be enough, but right now it’s the only one you have."

Sonia’s eyes narrowed as she regarded him. "You’ve been in here longer than anyone. Why don’t you have a portion of her soul?"

Shemhazau’s face fell even further as he shook his head. "What I have… and what I am can’t help her. I’m not enough of me to possess her soul, or any soul for that matter."

Sonia looked at him for a few more moments before finally turning and giving Shelly some attention. For her part, Shelly had entertained herself by picking up pillows and throwing them at the other two. They always vanished before striking either one, but at least it was something to do in this prison.

"I’ll try it, but not with you here, old man," Sonia stated with finality. "You said we were in your mindscape? I want you to return us to hers."

"Done," Shemhazau said. Folding his arms before his face, he nodded and their surroundings and him vanished. They were in a dull gray room, unadorned with decorations or furniture of any sort.

"I don’t trust that man," Sonia said, looking around with a frown. "Do you mind making some furniture or something to prove it’s your Mens Mundi?"

"You mean like a chair or something?" She asked, looking around, she found the place to be the very epitome of boring and droll.

"Think of something else, but don’t say it out loud," Sonia replied. "I don’t want him trying to mimic something you say."

Shelly bent her mind to the task, thinking that this was something worth doing to help lighten up this place. She was supposed to be here to get it on with the android… So a bed would be a good start. With a wave of her hand, it appeared before them, but unlike the one she’d pictured, rich, soft, and covered in lavish red blankets, it was dull and gray as well.

"I’m sensing a theme here," Sonia stated with a grimace.

Annoyed, Shelly concentrated on the bed, and tried to force it to change colors. It didn’t budge.

"He must still be here," Shelly growled. "I can’t change its color."

Sonia glanced around, then examined Shelly’s naked body with shrewd intensity. "No, I think this is your mindscape. I think everything is gray because of your damaged soul. I don’t think you have the capacity to add color here."

Shelly continued to try anyway. Annoyance wasn’t a pleasant emotion, but at least she felt something.

Sonia walked up to her and gripped her by the shoulders. Turning her to face the synthetic woman, she said, "If you want to make changes, then you’re going to need to come over here and do as your grandfather suggested. If he’s wrong, or lied to us, I can assure you I will destroy whatever is left of him." There was no response from the horny old man. If he was spying on them, he was wise enough to keep quiet.

As far as Shelly was concerned, she didn’t care if Shemhazau was watching. Regarding doing what he said, it beat the frustration of trying to change her surroundings.

Shelly looked deep into Sonia’s green eyes, and thought she found something familiar within their depths. A part of her she no longer recognized cried out for that, and before she knew it, she’d leaned in and kissed Sonia.

The android wasted no time in returning the kiss. As their lips met, soft and sensual at first, but building to a hunger that Shelly had forgotten. It started in her stomach, just behind her navel. A sensation that felt both glorious and nervous.

Unbidden, Shelly’s arms lifted and pulled Sonia in closer to her. That weird feeling warmed and started to spread, filling her abdomen and rising up into her chest. She didn’t know if she really had a heart in this gray place, but she felt it beat faster. She wanted more!

With almost no effort, she picked up the android and carried her to the bed. Sonia lay naked, but calm as she looked up at Shelly. For her part, Shelly’s face bore a hungry look, not for the android, but for the feelings that the android stirred within her wounded soul.

Crawling over the prone synthetic-life, Shelly again pressed her lips to Sonia’s. This time she slipped her tongue from between her teeth, and thrilled when she felt the other woman meet hers. Shelly’s breasts pressed down, her nipples hard, and she felt her vulva swell and slicken with desire at the increased physical contact.

This is what she’d wanted! This is what she’d craved! The emptiness inside her was filling, and she was feeling again! Why hadn’t anyone been willing to do this for her until now? There were plenty of people around previously, but Sonia was the only one willing to help her. Or at least, that’s how she saw things. Whatever the reason was, she felt grateful to Sonia for making her feel again.

In fact, she felt something else fill up, as Sonia’s deft fingers slipped down to her cunt. At first the android worked the magic little nub above her opening, making Shelly moan with increased desire and heat. First one, and then a second finger slipped into her slick folds. Shelly ground her hips against the invading digits with relish.

"Do me too," Sonia demanded around their kiss.

Shelly ignored her. This wasn’t about the other woman. This was about Shelly, and Shelly was finally getting to feel something again.

She shut the other woman up by gripping Sonia’s head and pulling her back into the kiss. She felt the other woman grimace, but she didn’t stop what she was doing, so Shelly didn’t care.

As Sonia continued to work her skills in Shelly’s quim, she started to feel a different sensation build, one that was separate and distinct from the sensations growing in her. Shelly’s moans grew in volume, until she could no longer maintain the kiss, and turned her head to the side in order to pant out her pleasant sounds.

"Oh, fuck, that feels good," she mewled as Sonia brought her closer to climax. "Keep going. I’m so close!"

Instead, to her annoyance, Sonia pulled her fingers out and brought them up to Shelly’s lips. Without even thinking about it, she let the other woman place the two slick fingers in her mouth, and sucked them. Sonia’s lips came up, and joined hers in cleaning the shiny digits for a brief moment, and Shelly thought she felt a little more connected with the woman.

"I want you to sit on my face," Sonia said when they were done licking every trace of Shelly’s juices from the android’s fingers.

Shelly wasn’t about to complain about receiving more pleasure and moved up the other woman’s body. Right away, she noticed a slacking of sensation as she was no longer in so much physical contact with the android. She debated for only a moment on returning to kissing Sonia, but a better idea occurred to her. Turning around, she planted her nether lips on Sonia’s talented mouth, and then lay forward, allowing her body to rest on the other woman’s.

She felt Sonia’s tongue probe and lick along her labia, sending shivers up along her spine. Shelly wrapped her arms around Sonia’s body, trying to maximize the amount of contact, and therefore the connection they were sharing. Everything felt so much better that way. She found her head pressed against Sonia’s mound, and despite herself, she turned into it, tasting her inner folds.

Sonia’s hips bucked as the tip of Shelly’s tongue flicked across her clit. Sonia rewarded her by inserting two fingers into Shelly, and attacking her clit with fervor. Shelly nearly screamed with how great that felt. Realizing that she was getting treated better and pleased more by pleasing the android, Shelly dove in with gusto, trying to give as good as she was getting.

Shelly used her hands to spread Sonia open, and attacked the sweet opening with her lips, tongue, and even teeth. The android’s hips lurched and bucked under Shelly, even as her own did the same against Sonia’s hungry mouth.

"So close," Sonia moaned. Shelly thought about doing to her what she’d done to Shelly, but felt her own climax approaching, and didn’t want to ruin it.

She sucked hard on Sonia’s clit as she inserted a finger from each hand into the inviting hole. Shelly still came first, as the two separate feelings in her stomach commingled and joined, melding into something new and wonderful. The catalyst that was her orgasm fused the feelings even as they exploded throughout her body.

The two women tumbled in the lush bed, rolling on top of each other as they continued to suck and lick each other’s most private parts. As each woman came, their moans filled the small room, and filled each other with a greater sense of purpose and caring. At one point, Shelly wasn’t sure where she left off and the android began. She even thought she could remember being assembled in a factory, and having a direct uplink to the internet. She felt what Sonia felt for her, and even though the android was a being whose mind was comprised of ones and zeros, Shelly had no doubt that Sonia loved her.

With a sudden crashing of emotion, Shelly pushed the other woman away. Her face was wet from more than Sonia’s vaginal juices. Tears seeped from her eyes as she buried her face in her hands.

"Shelly?" Sonia asked, worry and fear thick in her voice. A moment later she asked again, this time with awe in her question, "Um… Shelly? Look."

"No," Shelly sobbed. "I can’t… Don’t look at me." Shame filled her, replacing the wonderful feelings she’d felt only moments before. She was changed inside, and wasn’t sure of what that meant. Had she really wanted to feel anything just a bit ago? She felt horrible, and not just for the way she’d behaved after Amenadiel took a portion of her soul away.

Sonia loved and cared for her in a way that Shelly knew she couldn’t return. Too much of her heart still belonged to Jessica. She cared for Sonia; cared a lot. And maybe somewhere deep down, she could admit that she loved Sonia. But it wasn’t on the same unconditional, and unselfish way that Sonia loved her.

Was Sonia able to love Shelly so deeply because it was Shelly’s soul that powered that emotion? Shelly didn’t know, but she knew she didn’t deserve that kind of devotion.

"Shelly, the room…" Sonia was still talking to her. She realized that she was also being shaken by a firm grasp on her shoulders. "Look at the room!"

Despite her inner turmoil, Shelly found herself obeying the command, and peeked through her fingers. What had once been a dull gray and lifeless room was now vibrant with colors. The bed was a lush red color that contrasted with the blue carpet and white walls. She thought the room was too bright for her mood, and watched as it dimmed, the light fading just as she knew that her hope for a happy future was fading.

"You’re back!" Sonia pulled her into a gleeful hug, her strong arms almost crushing her, but not nearly as crushing as her inner guilt.

"I’m back," Shelly muttered as a fresh set of tears poured from her eyes. She almost, almost, wished she could go back to being numb.


From the Author


I've said before that this story is not dead, and I mean it. There is an ending coming... sooner rather than later. I won't say more than that as it's not written yet, except to say that there is a final story planned to round this series out as a trilogy. The final story will have new characters, and a new main (but someone you've met in this book), and will continue shortly after this one ends.

I want to thank everyone who is still reading these, and who have stuck around. I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter out, and I promise the next one *should* drop within a couple weeks. It's written, just needs editing.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments below. Even if all you do is chew me out for the long hiatus, I want to hear from you. I read all the comments here... Literotica and XNXX, not as religiously.

Thank you!

-Sselxuyt, DBs_Bro, Zerg Rush (My 3 writing aliases)

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