
Castle Rock, CO


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About Me

THC is a magical element of Cannabis that elevates my spirits and makes me feel so good, beyond the head effects associated with Cannabis, and the body effects are awesome. In my life I had many residual body pains (pain from suffering a broken back in my accident, knee pain from my new walk, increased dexterity in both hands allow me to use a keyboard as it was intended, with two hands and then there is my much debated spelling improvement. These are the most noticeable benefits I see, and there a more, but these specifically have disappeared from my life and have not returned since. Neither have those dang headaches I would all too often get.

CBD or Cannabidiol is an even more magical element with a more profound impact in my life than THC, which could be a major player.
There has been a lot of news about CDB or Cannabidiol and its healing properties and am even a bigger fan of CBD after getting some strain specific 5:2 CBD to THC ratio bud in the last year.

From my perspective, this has had a huge improvement to my life thanks to a smoother walking gate, speech quality and my ability to pay attention till the task is complete and short term memory issues will forever be linked to this wonder plant until somebody can tell me (as in proof) why this plant is so bad for me.
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