
Planet Earth


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4 CannaBuds


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About Me

I suffer from Domestic PTSD. The world is a very scary place to me most days. I try to live as normally as I can as I accept all of the things that I have survived. Cannabis helps a lot. Much better than the medications that have ruined my life with side effects. I'm here hoping to find support for medical cannabis. It has truly helped me relax and live my life to the best of my ability in this mostly violent society we live in. The state I live in has recently legalized medical but the process has not come far enough for me to be able to get it or afford it. My insurance will not cover this for my disability. What's next??? I fear being victimized constantly. I can't afford my rent let alone the cost of getting a medical card and the medication I need. It looks like only people with money to afford the process and the medication will benefit from it. Cannabis is still a cash business. In some states, medical is legal but only to cash patients.
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