
Knoxville, TN


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1 CannaBud


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About Me

Been consuming cannabis for over 50 years for both recreational and medical reasons. My doctors agree that I made the "right choice" when I stopped taking excessive amounts of narcotics so I could continue consuming cannabis. In Tennessee I could not be prescribed the opiates and consume weed. I was always being called in for urine drug screens. I failed them ofcourse because I was not going to give up the 1 medicine that did not have horrible side effects. I live in Tennesee and there are many people in prison for just smoking cannabis. I use it for my medical problems. I could not survive without this. I am too weak to actually relocate physically to the southwest so I continue to overpay for my meds here. I wish there could be a way to work out the logistics. I am here to learn what I can and contribute where or if I can. I am just an old burned out chick from the 60s and still feel the same just have problem with the old bod keeping up with the mind. Glad I found this site. :)
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