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About Me

Now Kennedy didn’t officially exist, she was officially Kiki now, she'd legally changed her name. She was now Kiki day to day as well, I’m sure Kennedy was lurking somewhere, but I didn’t usually see her. I was engaged to Kiki, both officially, and for real. I moved in with her, I’m not sure if that was official or not, those accommodations are supposed to be for single graduates.

She had another "coming out," this time as the porn star to all our friends and colleagues. Most were surprised, some seemed to know who Kiki was, some didn’t. They were surprised at her change in manner, Kiki was much more easy going than the acerbic Kennedy. Not many were surprised at the news of the engagement, I may have been the last to see that coming. It still did feel weird being engaged, I’d spent so long suppressing any attachment to Kennedy/Kiki, that I had difficulty expressing it. Kiki didn’t mind, she never does. She seemed happy to be with me, I’m pretty sure she was in love with me, and had been for a while, I wonder what else I’d missed. Of course that all meant awesome sex and lots of it, being engaged didn't change much there, the sex didn't have to be with each other either.

Kiki spent a lot of time with Jade down in L.A. The new company was a go, Jade and Kiki were working full time to start it. Jade was now graduating with her MBA. Kiki would go down Monday morning, and come back Thursday or Friday. Sometimes Kennedy would turn up unexpectedly while Kiki was away, that made life interesting.

Me and Kiki had all the vanilla sex, so Kennedy turned up mainly for the Kinky stuff, I wasn’t complaining. Kiki also got more assertive, and intelligent, she sort of integrated those parts of Kennedy, while still being Kiki. That was so hot, Kiki's smoking hot body, and Kennedy's intelligence. That was also going to be useful if she were going to run her company. She still wanted what I wanted, if I expressed a preference, that’s what we were going to do, she’d do ANYTHING I wanted. But, she was quicker with suggestions now, usually spot on suggestions, of what I might want to do. She also would express her own desires now, that would instantly become my burning desire as well.

She informed the university of her new legal name, and they made the arrangements that it’d be Kiki who got her doctorate. Her defense of her thesis had gone well, so she was actually now going to be a doctor. That lead up to a big weekend, where Kiki would graduate, and we’d have a wedding, and she’d launch the company. We were going to have a small (intimate) wedding with just a few friends, and planned on having a big party for family and other friends later. Kiki said she wanted it official so she could keep me all for herself. When she put it like that, I couldn’t refuse, I liked it when she claimed me as her own. A dominant Kiki, just wow!

Kiki’s friends were of course, porn stars. She invited Ava, Bea, and Dee up for the weekend, they’d also be on hand for the company launch as they were now signed up with her company. Jade was there as well of course, as CFO. She was also going to perform the ceremony, at first we thought she might have to be ordained to do that, she was the "churchiest" person among our friends, and ordinations over the internet are easy to do. But, then we found that, in California, anyone can perform a ceremony, they just have to be deputized as a marriage commissioner, "deputy for a day" as the program is called. That gave me visions of Jade in a gun belt and a stetson (only).

Kiki had some ideas, and I have difficulty disagreeing with anything she wants, but they also seemed quite reasonable. She suggested we have a honeymoon where were faithful to each other. A month of just fucking Kiki was fine by me, but she was most apologetic that I wouldn’t be able to have anyone else. That was also practical as she wanted to try for a baby. Maybe I didn’t think that part through, I’m not father material, but Kiki seemed to want it and that was good enough for me. If I got her pregnant in that month, good, else we’d go back to normal. She was leaving it to chance. If she didn’t fuck anyone else then we’d be sure any baby was mine. That did mean she wouldn’t be acting, but she had planned to cut down on that part, she was worrying she had been over exposed and was diluting her brand.

So the agenda for the weekend was:
Thursday: Bachelorette party.
Friday: Bachelor party.
Saturday: Wedding.
Sunday: Graduation and Press launch for the new company.

The bachelorette party was with Kiki, Jade, Ava, Bea, Dee, and a couple of Kennedy’s friends from school, Amber and Rose. Amber had been Kennedy’s lover at various times. I was then told I was going to be the entertainment. I blushed and protested, but Kiki grabbed my hard on and surmised, correctly, I liked the idea (for some values of like). She said if I wanted, it could be my first duty as "fluffer" for the new company. She officially signed me up as employee number 3. My duties specified as "Any reasonable request from female talent, employees and visitors, with respect to morale and performance." Put like that, I couldn't refuse.

I bought her a couple of presents to help, from Amazon again, it really is amazing what you can get on prime. I got a leash and a couple of collars. They were designed for humans, one to go around the neck, and one lower down. I protested that the other one was too humiliating to be employed. Of course, my protestation didn't fool anyone, I liked the idea of being obviously owned by Kiki.

Come the weekend, we got a large suite at the Four Seasons at the other end of University Avenue, that could be used for all the weekend's activities. On Thursday, Kiki welcomed all the girls, while I'd been left in one of the bedrooms, naked and hard. Kiki came into the bedroom to collect me, and rearrange her outfit. She put the collar around my neck, I was relieved she was only going for that, until she also put the one lower down on me, and attached the leash to it. I was blushing furiously at the indignity of it, my hard on showed what I thought of it.

Kiki dressed in her hottest outfit yet, Kiki the sexy dominatrix. She had that white leather mini skirt which worked on her so well, Kennedy's dominatrix leather jacket, and the horse whip. It was all finished off by some high spike heels. She took the leash and dragged me (gently, considering where it was attached) into the living room. There were cheers as I emerged, I was blushing even more furiously, and intently studying the floor. Kiki said something about starting out how she meant to go on, i.e. me being the slave on a leash, or dragging me around by my dick.

Then, she lightly yanked the leash, and swatted me, not so playfully on the butt, commanding me, "Look at everyone, they got dressed up specially for you." I looked around the assembled girls, I knew them all, and knew most of them biblically, except for Amber and Rose. The dress code for the evening was "slutty," Amber and Rose were most conservatively dressed, and "slutty" is how I'd describe their outfits. Jade on the other hand was dressed in only a stetson and gun belt. Though she had dildoes in the holsters, not guns. The outfit was as hot as I'd imagined, but I couldn't hold it together, I burst out laughing.

There was a big cheer, it seems I won her a bet, and her prize was first use of me. She lay down on the ottoman in the middle of the seating arrangement, and opened her legs, in her outfit there was nothing to get in the way. I was naked except for the collars, and went to kneel in between Jade's legs.

I like Jade, both me and Kiki like Jade, she's fun. Sometimes I think Jade might be a bit jealous of me, she wishes it was her that was marrying Kiki, not just performing the ceremony. Whatever, I wanted to do my best for Jade. We'd been with Jade a few times since our first meeting, I was getting to be able to read her now. I took my time, and she went from muted sighs, through low moans, to arching her back and making her gurgling sounds. I managed to keep her like that for just about ever, but eventually it was time to stop teasing her. She came, the breath went completely out of her, then she went totally limp. I knelt there and surveyed my handiwork, she was sweaty, her limbs were hanging off the ottoman and her head was lolling to the side, but she had a big smile on her face. I think I did alright there.

I then realized I was collared, naked, and on my knees, in the middle of the party. All the girls were sitting around drinking, and watching the action. I think they'd been making comments and jokes, there had been a lot of laughter, but now it got quiet. I blushed and looked down, but my attention was drawn to Kiki. She was holding Jade's stetson, she held it out to Amber and Rose. They looked uncertain, but put something in it. Then, Kiki drew a piece of paper out of the hat and announced Dee was the next winner. It seems my services had been the prize in a sweepstakes drawing. Lucky me, I get a prize every time.

This prize was particularly good, I really like Dee, she's not quite as pretty as Kiki (that would be impossible), but runs a very close second, and her accent is just so sexy, but this wasn't the time for speaking. Dee's also fun, but in a different way to Jade. I wanted to do a good job for her as well. Really I like doing a good job for any girl, but especially for Dee, it maybe her who took my virginity (depending on how you define that). Again I took my time, this I enjoy, and Dee does seem to like it. She got to that stage of endearing quivering that she does before she comes, and her sexy low moans. Again, I tried to draw that out as long as possible, so when she did finally come, it was with a particularly violent spasm, which threw me off her. I knelt there and saw her twitching, she may have been trying to move to grab my head and keep me at it, she does that, but she'd come so hard she could even manage that.

The others wouldn't have let her do that though, someone else's name had been drawn out of the hat, and I won another prize. Though things get really very hazy now, I don't remember who's name was drawn, I went down on girl after girl, I'm not sure who in which order, I wasn't taking notes. But it was each of them at least once. I got very turned on, I got into that sort of trance I do, going down on multiple girls. At one point, the prize changed, to the chance to blow me. I was too far gone to remember who won that, but I got to lie down on the ottoman while they got to work on me. In the state I was in, I had no chance, I lasted no time at all. My head cleared a bit after that, but I still don't know exactly what happened, as as soon as I came, someone sat on my face. Time for me to do my thing again. I can only say for sure that it wasn't Jade; it's obvious when she's sitting on my face.

When one girl came, another would take there place, again I got turned on, and again got into that trance. So that went on for what seemed like forever, eventually someone took to sitting on my hard on, and riding me. I love that, someone riding my face, another riding my dick. With all the action, I'd gotten quite wound up again, and with two girls on me, I was thinking this wasn't going to last long. I wanted to hold on long enough to give whoever it was a good time, but when I felt them come on my dick, that was it, I came.

That seemed to be about the end of the party. Girls came over, kissed me goodbye, and left. I was still stunned from everything that had happened, so it's still hazy what was happening exactly. Eventually, it was just me, Kiki, and Rose left in the room, I just about managed to sit up, and Rose came over to me sort of shy and held out a piece of paper with her name written on it. She said quietly, "I won." She was blushing, she reminded me of me and how I was around women before I got involved with Kennedy.

I wasn't thinking too well yet, so I asked, "What did you win?"

"You." Was Rose's answer, and she picked up the leash which was still attached down there.

"Oh." Was about all I could come up with in response, lame really. Kiki left, and Rose led me into the master bedroom. She undid the collars, and we went to bed. I fucked her a few times, and went down on her a lot, she seemed to enjoy it. I know I did. Eventually, I came in her and that seemed like a good point to get some sleep, Rose seemed very relaxed as well.

On the Friday, I woke up and Rose wasn't there, but Kiki was. We didn't have sex, unusual that, we went apartment hunting instead. We were looking for a graduate apartment on campus for us as officially a couple. She'd be splitting her time between here and L.A.; I still had a couple of years before I'd finish my doctorate. We wanted to get a good place for us to live when we were up here together. It seems couples have a better choice of accommodation, for not much more than Kennedy had been paying for her studio. We settled on a one bed apartment, the only drawback I could see was that it didn't have the breakfast bar Kennedy's apartment had, for the bondage scenes. There was a dining table, we thought could be used instead. It was a lot more expensive than my old apartment, but Kiki said she'd pay the difference. It's good having a rich wife.

The evening was my bachelor party. This time, Ava, Bea, and Dee were the entertainment, they did offer to do it for free, but Kiki thought they really should be paid. Kiki and Jade stayed at her apartment, while I got the hotel suite for the party. There was me, Ken, David, and John.

We sat around drinking and shooting the breeze for a while, the others were quite agog to hear more about Kiki, as Kiki, not Kennedy. They were still adjusting to that transition. Then the doorbell rang, I went to answer it, and it was Ava, Bea, and Dee. I led them into the living room and introduced them to the others as "my friends." I had gotten friendly with those three along with Kiki, I quite often got to fuck them, I liked that, but we'd also hang out together when not working, or fucking, or as a prelude to fucking.

Then, I said they were also the entertainment for the evening, and introduced them by their professional names. There were several sparks of recognition in the guys at the names. Then, the girls went into one of the bedrooms to change, they were currently dressed quite conservatively, conservative for porn stars, so they wouldn't get thrown out of the hotel.

Again, the guys seemed impressed by the company I kept, I didn't want to brag, but did have to admit I'd fucked all of them. Then, we were interrupted as Ava called out from the bedroom asking if we were ready for them. We were, we were arrayed around the seating area, relaxing each with a beer. We all became very attentive when the girls emerged; they were now dressed appropriately for strippers. They were going to give us a show, they all also did appearances like that.

The show was appropriately entertaining, and hot, hot, hot! They ended up naked, and pawing at each other, in a pseudo-lesbian scene, all the guys were enthralled. Then they stopped, and Ava address the guys, "We could carry on; we're being paid for more show." That idea sparked approval in the guys, but she carried on, "Or, we could end the show now." That idea didn't seem to be one which would fly with the guys, until she added, "If we're being paid, there are only certain things we can legally do. If we're on our own time, there are no rules."

There was a very clear implication that sex was on offer on their own time, so suddenly the idea of ending the show gained a lot of approval. The girls went over to the other guys and sat, one on each lap, leaving me without. The guys looked somewhere between ecstasy, embarrassment, and puzzlement, not knowing quite what to do about this. Again, Ava laid out the plot. "This is a bachelor party, so by law, we have to embarrass the bachelor." I'm not convinced about the law, but that does seem to be the general idea, suddenly everyone was looking at me, they'd succeeded at embarrassing me, but I'm sure they had other ideas.

She continued, "There's one thing we want in return, I'm sure you know what that is." She looked at me and licked her lips, I'm sure what they wanted was me to go down on them, which I happily do anyway, so I didn't know why she was making a fuss about it.

The guys were looking at me expectantly, I shrugged and said, "OK".

Then, Ava set things moving, "First, a blowjob competition, first to come wins a prize." Before any of the guys could react, the girls were on their knees, unzipping the guy's flies, and sucking on their dicks. The guys looked stunned by the turn of events, I was surprised myself. However, the spell was broken when John started coming in Ava's mouth. It's not entirely unexpected that someone would comes that quickly, if you're not used to that sort of thing. The guys had only slightly more luck with girls as I'd had before Kennedy. Ken and David looked little put out that the blowjob stopped.

It seems that the prize was awarded to the girl who made the guy come first, that is Ava. You can guess what the prize was, I got to go down on her first. She moved that ottoman back into the center of the seating group and lay on it. This was looking very familiar. Then, I found out what my embarrassment was to be, I got stripped naked by the other two, before I got to go down on Ava. Then while I was going down on her, the guys got to watch and the other two girls gave them pointers. They said they'd be grading the guys on their efforts later.

I considered trying to make Ava come quickly, more or less out of spite for the embarrassment, but then decided to take it slow and enjoy it myself, and try to not make her come. I'm not sure if that counts as spite. She writhed around a lot before I finally made her come, it was fun. One of the guys said, "That was almost twenty minutes." Ava looked like she'd been through a workout, but was smiling very broadly. She didn't make to get up, but invited John to join her on the ottoman and play with her boobs. She seemed happy at everything.

The other guys were looking a bit impatient, so Dee declared the next competition was a fucking contest, and again the first to come would win a prize. Bea and Dee lay down on the easy chairs, and invited the guys to come fuck them. There was a flurry of activity, culminating in Ken coming in Bea after not that many strokes. David again looked none to happy to have his fuck interrupted. Again, the prize seemed to be for the girl, I got to go down on Bea, with Ken's cum in her pussy, while the others watched. She evicted Ava from the ottoman for me to do it. Ava could just about manage to get up with John's help by that time.

Finally Bea came, and rested while Ken played with her boobs. That left David and Dee. Dee whispered something in his ear, while she was stroking his dick with one hand. I didn't see, and didn't want to think about what she was doing with the other hand. He groaned at whatever she said and did, his knees buckled, and she quickly dropped to her knees and managed to catch his come in her mouth. This time Dee got her prize, after she washed her hands; I went down on her. By the time she came, I was so turned on, I couldn't think straight. Ava and Bea took pity on me, and Bea blew me, while I played with Ava's boobs.

After that it pretty much became a free for all orgy, there are lots of combinations that four guys and three girls can get up to. Everyone came at least once more, and much fun was had by all. At the end of the evening, we discovered what John's prize was, he got the pick of the girls for the night. He chose Dee, and retired to one of the bedrooms, then Ken got his prize, he chose Ava and got the other bedroom. That left John with Bea, he wasn't unhappy about it, but they had to sleep on the sofa in the living room. I took the master bedroom, alone unfortunately.

On Saturday, I was woken by Kiki, she was riding my dick. That's definitely a nice way to get woken up, I didn't notice I was feeling a bit hung over, until after I came, then I didn't mind so much. After I came, Kiki hugged me and then thanked me, I didn't know what that was about. So she told me, she was thanking me for the something new, and something borrowed. You know the old rhyme, the bride is supposed to have "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue." I'd never considered cum would fulfill any of that. She said she wouldn't make me take back the borrowed part, I may have looked disappointed, I was feeling both disappointed and relieved.

Then, I remembered that it was my wedding day, and wasn't it unlucky to see the bride before the ceremony, she said it was unlucky only to see the dress. She was completely naked. She told me to go shower and get ready, and she went to change in one of the other bedrooms, after she evicted John and Dee from it. I got ready and put on my suit and tie, and went into the living room to wait for things to happen. Everyone else was gathered there. Kiki entered dressed in her white leather miniskirt, my favorite, she had a white lace crop top to go with it. She was totally beautiful.

Jade performed the ceremony, it was quite simple, we just had to say we took each other as spouse, and we exchanged rings. Mine had "Property of Kiki." Inscribed on it. Then, it was "You may kiss the bride." So I did, I took Kiki in my arms, squeezed her tight, and kissed her long and hard. There were cheers when the kiss broke up. Then it just became a party, purely a party, no sex. No sex except when Kiki took me into the bedroom, to give me the something borrowed back. I was in two minds about that, but ceased to care when her wet pussy plopped down on my face. I think I did a reasonable job, it wasn't too long before she came, and we rejoined the party. She said I'd get mine later, it'd make me more eager.

By the time the party finally broke up, I was eager. I picked Kiki up, carried her into the bedroom, threw her on the bed, spread her legs, and fucked her unceremoniously. I was past caring by then, I think she enjoyed the sentiment, even if it wasn't my finest technical performance.

We had to get up much too early the next morning, the commencement was at 9:30. Kiki wore her doctoral robe, and only the robe, nothing else on underneath it. We met a couple in the lobby; they were a reporter, and photographer from AVN. They were going to cover the launch later, and were getting coverage of Kiki graduating as well. After the commencement, they took pictures of Kiki flashing with her robe at various landmarks around campus.

Then, it was time for the press launch. A few more liberal magazines and websites turned up to cover it, as well as one local TV station. I'm not sure they knew what to make of it, with Kiki flanked by Jade and the three girls, all looking sexy, but suitable for TV. I got interviewed by several of the reporters, as Kiki had hoped, the doctoral student turned porn star angle stirred interest, and the human interest angle of us having just got married helped as well.

Well, she did get pregnant. She turned that into publicity, as well as an opportunity to star in "Knocked up and Horny," and "Horny Preggo Babes." We got a full time nanny to take care of the kid; we named him Mark. Kiki managed to continue running the company through most of that. And after, she used it as an opportunity to star in lactation porn videos, an under served market she thought. I like the scene where Jade and Iya are both feeding off a boob each, and Ellie is going down on her. That's hot, I particularly like that I'd only just come in her pussy before that scene, so Ellie is getting to lick it up.

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