
Planet Earth


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About Me

In a few days I’ll be heading to my new condo, apparently it used to belong to the former Mr. Vargas but now it’s all mine. We get Robin back on track with school and Caitlin is speaking with her family but they are adamant about wanting her to come home alone to ‘talk’, no chance of that happening. Biggest concern right now is Candice; every time I catch her when she thinks I’m not around she’s humming music. Wedding music.

Months Later

Dirty warehouse, check. Three men in bad suits bound to chairs, check. Five men in more rustic cattle herding clothing with weapons and implements of torture, check. Me, Guy Donnelly walking in like I own the place and have to extract one man from the execution, check… damn it. Basically there is a niece to a very wealthy business man who has a fiancé that decided to get on the bad side of a gun buy and now there are very angry buyers and sellers who want the one under the thumb of law enforcement and don’t care what happens to the other two. My one saving grace in this whole situation is that I know the man in charge.

"Good afternoon Mr. Mulligan," I greet the large farm and ranch owner, also he runs a good deal of illegal operations.

"Boy I don’t know why you’re here but we’re about to get your boots dirty," Mr. Mulligan informs me as he motions for his men to lower their weapons.

"That’s part of why I’m here, one of these men is good and under my protection and another one is the reason you’re going to get your shipment back," I explain addressing him gesturing to the three.

"And what about the third one," Mr. Mulligan asks.

"Oh he’s the fuckball that would have got your driver killed when he put this in one of the crates," I toss a small electrical box to Mr. Mulligan," That right there would get your driver killed and your shipment stolen."

"Son of a bitch kid are you serious or just fucking with me," he asks and I watch his men look around confused at my control of the situation.

"Sadly I am sir, I need two of them for a couple reasons but first could you ask your men to wait outside," I ask Mr. Mulligan politely.

I watch him wave his people out leaving the five of us alone in the main area of the warehouse. I’m giving the area a once over and note the drains, industrial strength for animal slaughter. Also Mr. Mulligan doesn’t own this place which means if someone asks they won’t be connected to him, smart plan. I note the tools and grab a large machete looking blade and feel the weight of it.

"So who is who," Mr. Mulligan asks and I smile.

I know the boy on the left is one my client wants brought in alive and safe, a dirty blonde male who looks scared shitless with a cloth gag in his mouth. The other two are a pair of Hispanic males, one bald one with a full head of hair and a goatee. Problem finding the government agent and the one that set up Mr. Mulligan’s shipment.

"Well this is an interesting situation," I speak Spanish and both men look at me confused," so now I get to choose who lives and who loses his head."

Both men struggle against their bonds a little and I smile, Imelda was right about scaring Latino males and using their native language. Granted she speaks it a shit ton better than I do but what can I do? I move behind the two men and continue my examination.

"I don’t know which one of you is Agent Gutierrez of the ATF, father of two but marriage is a little strained. Wife wanted a divorce but agreed to counseling after her husband the aforementioned Agent Gutierrez agreed to take time off and move to a safer department after this assignment," I state and both men are face forward still," So let’s play a game of who is who."

I take my cell phone out and load up the sound gallery to find the file of Agent Gutierrez’s family and press play. The incoherent screams of two children and a woman in Spanish as loud male voices bark orders and then gunfire and silence. The bald man’s head whips over towards me and makes a case screaming into his gag about the sound while the other is confused. I smile and point to the one with hair and nod to Mr. Mulligan before taking the blade and cutting my charge and the agent free. I motion them towards me and walk out with Mr. Mulligan trailing behind as he calls his boys back in to take care of business.

"Mr. Mulligan meet Agent Gutierrez of the ATF on loan from the NSA. There were two devices in that shipment and the other one needs make it from point A to point B which is further south than your clients are located. Also I need him to die but I need it to be convincing and not real, could you help out with that," I ask and Mr. Mulligan smiles.

He agrees and I explain to the Agent that the sound file was a ruse and hand him the device I was using to call his home. I pull my charge, Christian Ward, aside and point off down the road away from the warehouse.

"Walk down this street, don’t talk to anyone and once you hit the light a car with driver will call out your name. If you value your life get in the car, go home to your fiancé and NEVER think that the girl you want to hook up with for a little side action who has a brother into some shady shit is a good idea to put your money on. It will end badly, understand," I ask and the boy nods.

I let him get down about twenty feet away and put my ear piece in to rally the crew, game is on.

Stuart: Across town minutes later

"So everything is to your liking sir," I ask Mr. Jennings, the original client that hired us.

"Absolutely, it’s not that I don’t like the boy he just needs to be brought under control," our client informs me as we sit in what I’ve learned is his office.

"Well it’s something our organization has had success with and after our mutual friend pointed us in your direction I’m glad you decided to let us take the helm of your situation. As for his wandering eye and other parts of his anatomy one of our team is making sure that won’t happen and if it does," I stop letting the client finish.

"Then you’ll come at a simple phone call and make sure he’s gone from my daughter’s life without so much as a trace," Mr. Jennings states and I nod," Well I’ll let you get back to mingling with the guests."

I nod and take my leave heading back into the party that Jennings was hosting, the future husband needs a lesson and Guy let me pick who talked to him but I’m busy dealing with a bit of a situation.

"Stuart I’d like to dance," Anita Vargas, and old client and friend asks.

Caitlin smiles and nods as I lead my friend to the floor. We take a few spins before she begins to get into business.

"So your friends are very helpful keeping my business secure but maybe they could not look like outlaws all the time," she asks and I laugh.

"Look like a business man expect to be robbed, look like a criminal and other criminals think twice," I explain and she laughs.

"Very well but maybe we need a courier to do the face to face delivery. Large bearded men on motorcycles scare my upscale clients," Anita says with a laugh," So wedding is soon?"

"After the school year in July, I have no real clue what is going on except there will be food and I have a tuxedo," I joke but it’s true, I have done no planning.

"Well I figure your ladies will make sure it’s a wonderful event. Be so kind to send me an invite," she asks and I nod," So is everything alright with current affairs."

Isaac: back across town

Target in car and Jamal in the back seat with him making sure the boy listens to our boss’s message.

"I’m grateful that you guys got me out of there but first thing first I’m going to get me a little revenge sex on the bitch that got me into this mess," the boy says and I shake
my head and send the signal.

We’re stopped in the transfer point and I see him coming to the back driver side door but Christian doesn’t. The door is ripped open and I watch as Desmond pulls our target out like a child and holds him up off the ground by his jacket. I kill the engine and exit the car moving to a spot where Christian can see me.

"Christian I’d like you to meet the enforcer. Some people are good at talking, others like me are good at getting into spots we’re not supposed to be and then there’s him. You will not go back to the little piece of ass that got you into this because if you do he," I pat Desmond on the back," will find you and then he will do things to you that you won’t like. He’s big enough to do whatever he wants and that means you won’t see the girl again, yes?"

Christian nods his head a little and Desmond puts him down before Jamal transfers him to the final vehicle where the professional driver will take him to the client with a change of clothes in the back of the limo. I get notification that Wilma is done from Jun and smile, better her than me.

Wilma: Minutes earlier

Fucking throwing up is not good for me and why the fuck is it happening now? I’ve been around blood before and this is not anything different, just more of it. The girl is in the next room with Natty who is cleaning her up before we sanitize the room. I have so many questions but mostly how does a hundred and twenty pound druggie have so much blood in his body it looks like I slaughtered a fucking cow in this bathroom.

"W we need to move, is everything ready," Natty asks and I put my mask over my face.

I come out of the bathroom and give thumbs up as Natty pulls the girl out of the house. I do a once over and walk past the old dead furniture and out the front door to the waiting car. Natty hands me a road flare, she cares so much to let me have the fun. I pop the top and toss it into the abandoned house. We put down so much paint thinner and kerosene that the flames are green I smile and laugh a little as Natty hands me a twenty, I won the bet. I let her drive but keep the window down so that I can have the fresh air to clear my head. As for the girl in the back seat, a skinny little thing not too strung out but enough that she’ll need the care we’re going to be putting her in thanks to the boss’s mother. We get our new admission dropped off and head back to meet up with the team.

"So was that you throwing up," she asks me and I shrug.

"Maybe, just not sure why," I reply leaning my head back.

"When was the last time you and Des were together," Natty asks and I think for a half second.

"About two days ago, why," I’m curious and she laughs.

"Cause you’ve been like this for a couple months and haven’t been to a doctor. Might want to take some time off work and let the daddy know what’s going on," Natty jokes and I come to the shocking realization.

I’m pregnant!

Guy: Hours later at the airport

Team gathered and tickets bought, good job for a rush job but considering how many people were involved and too many people delving into each other’s business it’s almost a hassle being the intermediary to straighten out all the wrinkles… almost. We’re all sitting around relaxing and keeping topics light after Wilma burst the bubble on her potential pregnancy in front of everyone. Natsuko is snickering at her excitement but for the first time ever Desmond appears to be scared shitless. I get the two on a plane their flight to northern California before walking Caitlin and Stuart to their gate.

"So Wilma pregnant," Stuart says it and finally Natsuko laughs loud.

"She’s not pregnant," we hear my assistant and now everyone including Isaac and Jamal who have caught up to us.

"Okay what did you do," Stuart asks and I’m waiting for a great punch line.

"She had a headache for the past couple days and I told her I had some aspirin in my bag, so she grabs my anti-nausea medicine and has been on it for the past week," Natty is almost rolling," I had to keep a straight face when she starting getting into her ‘pregnancy’ plans."

"Natsuko that ain’t funny," Isaac says and most of my team looks very serious.

"What will be funny is when we tell Desmond and he shits himself with relief," I state and everyone looks at me," they’re going to get to it sooner or later but he’s not ready and besides they aren’t done with the house yet."

The fact that I know that much about their lives is mostly due to Jun and Stuart making sure the two are living in a decent home and helping them find good contractors for the repairs. I get the other half of my California crew onto their plane and give Stuart a good hand shake with a smile let him head home to his ladies. Natsuko, Isaac and I get off our flight in the early AM and I drive while making sure Isaac gets home safe. In bed with the wives and up in less than four hours to get the kids ready for school I’m a walking zombie for most of the morning after they leave which puts Kori and Rachael in the position of putting Daddy down for a nap. Now I know there was a rush on the job for a lot of reasons but the biggest one is my girl Christy’s class play. I said I’d make it and I’m not going to break my word just for a payday. My little girl as a bumblebee in the flower garden and I just sit back and smile as she sings along horribly off key along with most of the other children in her class and afterwards it’s ice cream and home to bed for the next day. My life for the next week or so is like this, simple and filled with family and good conversations. I’ve been looking at a few pro bono jobs here and there just to pass the time and Ben made it back up from Texas with the van after taking care of a pick up for the team. We needed a hardware update and now everyone has access to some personal defense firearms, legal ones too.

Wednesday evening about five minutes into dinner there is a silence coming from Kori that screams ‘we have a problem’. I don’t know what it is but I’m not the mind reader, that’s her job. I’m looking around the table to figure things out. Kids are eating and talking, wives are engaging them but keeping them on the task of meal time, Natsuko is talking to Matty about how she’s been doing with the pregnancy. I can’t seem to pin down what is bothering Kori and finally when the children are done I watch as Mommy number one dismisses the children so that the adults can have a grown up conversation. The kids are tucked away in their rooms by Rachael and Kori, the latter who returns with her ‘Mommy is grumpy’ face.

"We have rules in this house, these rules haven’t always been followed but they are there and do help to make sure that this family is kept in an orderly fashion and running smoothly. I’ve broken one or two of these rules and cause my husband no shortage of headaches but I’m his wife and that’s kind of my job. One thing we need to establish is your role here Natty," Kori states turning her attention to my assistant.

"My role? I’m your friend and Guy’s assistant along with being a damn good Aunt," Natty explains a little defensive.

"No I mean your role in the family from here on out because you decided to complicate things even further," Kori is going somewhere and I’m not the only one not liking it.

"Okay Korinna you need to slow your attitude and remember this is our friend and one of the most loyal people we know," Katy says bouncing my son on her shoulder.

"Yeah Kori, I’m don’t like this tone and I think you need to either apologize or explain yourself," Matty starts but Imelda stands up burning a hole through Natty like she knows something.

"You little bitch, you actually went and did it," my fiery Mexican biker goddess barks a little loudly.

"I did what? What the fuck are we talking about," Natsuko asks and Kori stands her up from the table.

"When did you find out you were pregnant," Kori ask and now I’m about to spit my juice on the floor.

"She’s what," I ask and now the wives are up in arms on both sides of the coin.

I hear people talking about turns, who was next, how far along is she, why isn’t she sick and I simply sit back and do the math. Everyone is talking when I stand up and walk into the living room. My wives take a moment and realize that I’ve left the room and have taken a position standing away from the door way in. I hear them come in and figure I should start.

"It’s mine," I state simply and I can hear my wives thinking.

"When and how," Kori asks and Katy chuckles.

"I think we all know how by now," she jokes and it eases the tension.

"Last day of Stuart’s job making my life better and hurting Dylan. Natsuko was mad because she thought I killed Dylan and came to me that night. It was the best chance that it could have happened given she’s not really feeling the pregnancy yet and only my near psychic wife could figure it out," I state the facts and now everyone is seeing it, especially Natsuko.

"I am not having a baby," my assistant says taking a stand for herself.

"What do you mean you’re not, it’s you and Guy’s child," Matty says showing her softer side.

"Yes but even if I am pregnant I’m not having a baby," Natsuko says and my wives are shocked to say the least.

"Natty talk to me about this," I try to talk to her but she’s not listening.

"No, I’m packing a bag and going to visit my mother. From there I’ll take care of my problem and that will be that," she says and I can see steam coming out of Imelda’s ears.

"You can’t kill a baby," Imelda says being very catholic.

"It’s not your decision and it’s not even Guy’s. It’s my body and it’s my choice," Natsuko says finally leaving the living room and heading to her bedroom.

My wives set about doing busy work of dishes and taking care of the kids while I sit in my office as Natsuko packs her bag and calls for a cab. I don’t know what to say to her honestly. Every one of my wives wants to have my children, hell even Hanna has me on tap in case she finds a woman to settle down with and needs a donor but Natsuko walking out is unheard of. I don’t message anyone in the crew or even talk to my family about it. I simply sit and think. Well I sit and think about it while being a Dad and Husband.

Work options come and go but I’m not interested so I send Stuart with the team out. It’s been a few weeks now and my wives are concerned about Natsuko and about me. It’s having more of an effect on my psyche than one would have expected. Saturday afternoon and the wives take the kids out to get groceries and let ‘Daddy’ have an afternoon to sit and brood. I’m looking at a basic contract, considering a pro bono option to destroy a cheating husband when I hear the front door but not an army of children. Light footsteps up the hall and in the living room, I can hear the visitor walking around and they aren’t trying to steal anything. I return to my computer and focus on the task when a small form in the doorway decides to address me.

"Hey," I look up to see Natsuko standing in front of me in a hooded sweater and jeans.

"Hello, come back for the rest of your stuff," I ask giving her my full attention.

"No, not yet I guess. Can we talk," she asks quietly.

"We need to talk? I thought you had made your decision," I state being flat and honest.

"I’d like to talk with you and I know you’re angry about me walking out without listening to you, I made a bad decision on that," she says taking a seat across my desk from me.

"You made your choice abundantly clear to me so are you coming back to work? Are you moving out," I ask the questions and she shrugs at me.

"I don’t know okay? I was shocked and Kori attacking me like I did something wrong didn’t help matters," Natty states and I nod in agreement.

"Yes but you didn’t stay for the aftermath and Imelda is sorry about what she said as well but again you weren’t here. I know I step away when some situations get tense and emotions run high but some of my reason for that is to calm down and come back so that I can listen to everyone involved," I state fact for Natsuko who agrees.

"That’s what I was doing, mostly. I know you don’t want to believe it but I needed some ‘me’ time. Mom and Dad say hi by the way," she adds and I nod," I need to know what I have left here."

"Depends on what you want, you would have had a place regardless. You earned that but leaving without giving me a say in what happens to what could potentially
have been OUR child puts me in a mood you don’t even want me to describe," I state as my anger creeps into my voice.

"Yes and since I haven’t done anything serious about the situation except for talk to mother and father who are of two completely separate minds on the issue I am here to get down to business, family business," Natty states and I shrug.

"So what do Mom and Dad say," I have to ask considering how well I know the two of them.

"Dad says for you to marry me immediately, I thought about that one for a good while. Mom said that I should do what feels best for me and that you would understand regardless," I nod in agreement even though I hate being out of the loop," So I’m here to talk about what I’m going to do from here because I’m past hurting you and this family. Got that out of my system years ago."

"It was never in your system. You did what you needed to give me a push when we were in high school and didn’t realize the cost till after it happened. You never would have done that had you known the pain it would have caused," I tell Natsuko who nods a little.

"Okay well thanks for making me feel better about myself a little before we get into the hard stuff," she says before asking her big question," So what do you think I should do?"

"Stop cutting me out of the situation in your mind maybe," I joke a little but it’s a real joke," You keep saying what ‘you’ should do not what ‘we’ should do."

"Okay well what do you want," Natty asks standing up from her chair and begins pacing the room.

"I want a lot of things, mostly I want you to stop worrying and just tell me what you feel is the thing you want most and hopefully I can cope with that," I’m scared shitless to put everything in her hands.

"I will not marry you, I don’t need it and honestly I don’t want it. I’m going to keep our baby, I’ll raise him here with our family but I will not have a ceremony and flowers and shit like that. I just want to be here where I feel safe and nested," Natty explains and I get up and come around the desk taking a seat on the corner.

"Okay well I was hoping for something that would be comfortable for us both. I get what I want for once so… yay me," I joke flatly as Natty gives me an odd look.

"You’re not going to scream and yell at me," she asks and I shake my head.

"I wasn’t screaming and yelling when Kori figured out you were pregnant, I was calm and trying to let you talk to me so we could work things out. But you and I will need to be married legally, no ceremony or anything but we need to keep you covered for insurance and OUR child will be taken care of same as the rest," I tell Natty who thinks on it and finally nods.

"Okay just the legal stuff, no parties or anything and I don’t want everyone making a big deal about it please. I won’t do that and no surprise parties either," she states and I agree before we both smile.

A couple hours later we’re sitting on the couch talking when the rest of our family returns and we sit down to have a family meeting and lay down Natsuko and my terms. It’s not a harsh meeting and apologies are made between everyone and things begin to settle down. Kori isn’t upset and Imelda isn’t going to beat up our friend in the garage over what happened. All adults agree it was an accident but we’re moving forward on it being a happy accident. Katy has one thing she is adamant about but won’t tell me and a couple days after Natsuko’s return the she takes my assistant out for a few hours. I’m not permitted to know what is going on but with paperwork for marriage, doctor’s appointments and my family coming to terms with my life becoming more ‘complicated’ as Mom laughingly says I’m pretty busy.

I’m settling in for bed a month after Natsuko’s return and all my wives, all six of them are settling into bed when I see a dark patch on Natty’s back and pull her tank top up to see a bird on her shoulder.

"It’s me," she says as I trace the tender skin with my finger tip," the bird is a Komadori. A kind of robin."

"Where’s the rest," I ask wondering where the one for the baby is.

Natty laughs a little and pulls her pajama pants down a little to expose a cartoonish orange tiger with blue eyes. I almost laugh at the interpretation of me.

"Baby tattoo comes after he’s born," my now sixth yet uncelebrated wife states curling up with Katy.

I lie back and let my mind wander thinking on everything that’s happened over the course of my life and look at my results. A half dozen wives who love me, five kids with numbers six and seven on the way, a business that works with criminals and police at the same time, a financial nest egg that has reaped dividends that would put every child I have through college if I were to stop, a protégé who is setting himself up to take my business to the next level and has come a long way in his own life and happiness. Most of all I have a family, a big ass family and some really good nasty people to keep my family safe and secure. Natsuko called it a nest, my wives call it a home, and I call it our lives. Now I’m the me I like seeing in the mirror every morning, the me I see in my children’s eyes and the me that I hear in my wives’ voices when they need me. Call me an angel, call me a demon, call me a madman or a messiah. I’ve been called it all but I love being called Daddy and Husband best.

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