
Planet Earth


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About Me

All characters are fake. No one was harmed in the writing of this story. If you don’t like made up shit, then don’t read this.

I am a middle-aged man, happily married, and employed. For several years I have been buying houses that needed rehab and then I rent them out to nice families. This gets a run-down property fixed up for people who can’t afford to buy their own house. I look at my side business as an outreach to those less fortunate than me. But I am not stupid. I don’t rent to anyone who has a history of skipping their rent, tearing up the property, or anyone who has a criminal record. But none of these concerns are why I am writing this story.

I had a house that I just renovated and was ready for rent. It was late in the summer and school was about to start. Most families who are looking for a rent house have already made their arrangements by now, so I missed the surge of renters who might be interested in my place. I would either be forced to rent to person a bit less qualified to pay the rent, or someone who did not have school age kids.

I had my "For Rent" sign in the yard, with my phone number. I got a voice mail from a woman who said her name was Amanda. She drove by the property, and it looked perfect for her and her high school daughter. She left a number for me to call her back on. I called immediately. Amanda answered and sounded professional and intelligent. That was a good sign. I described the inside of the property and told her I would be happy to show it to her. We met later that day. Amanda was a tall, slim woman, who was 36 years old, according to her rental application, but she looked 25. She told me she had just separated from her husband, who had recently moved out of the state to be with his girlfriend. She had been renting another house in the area but had to move out since her husband was no longer helping with finances. Amanda admitted she didn’t really know much about the process of renting a house since her husband always paid the bills.

When we discussed the monthly rent for the house, Amanda suddenly went quiet. She just looked down at the floor and then began to sob. "My daughter will be a senior in high school this fall. She is on the cheer leading squad, and it is really important that we find a house in her school district. She must be able to finish her senior year at this school. But I can’t afford this place." With that, she fell against me and began quietly crying. I was not expecting this, but I held her close to me, and said nothing. I wanted to comfort her, but my radar was on, thinking this was a scam. It is not often that a beautiful woman has collapsed against me and cried with desperation. OK, it has NEVER happened before.

Amanda’s shoulder length dark blonde hair was nestled against my cheek. She smelled delightful. Her full breasts were awkwardly in contact with me, not in a lewd way, but because of her distraught condition. Amanda seemed to be totally out of sorts and not paying attention to how she was leaning into me. I held her tightly and tried to be a comfort to her.

Amanda shortly stopped crying and regained her composure. She broke our embrace and looked embarrassed as she apologized. "I’m so sorry. I just was counting on this house since it is just what we need, but I did not think the price would be so high. We had to leave the other house because of the high rent, and it was not much more than you are asking".

I told Amanda that she needed a certain amount of monthly income to qualify for the lease. She needed to give me her financial information, and her past rental history, etc. I told her I could not risk renting my house to someone who wouldn’t pay me. "I have some flexibility in the monthly rent amount, but I am more concerned about your finances since you have not been involved with paying the bills at your house".

Amanda was buoyed by my statement of "flexibility" but also miffed that I could not trust her. "I will pay you," she said defiantly, "if we can work out some kind of accommodation". She then looked me in the eyes and said "I need this house. I must prove to my fucking husband that I don’t need him". She leaned into me and looked intently at me. "Do you understand? I will do whatever it takes to live here".

I suddenly got the message. Amanda was offering some kind of exchange of services, for a reduced rate on the rent. Oh, my gawd. This was exactly the fantasy that I had read about in countless sexual short stories, but could it really be happening to me? I was momentarily speechless. Then I looked at her and asked, coolly, "what exactly did you have in mind, Amanda, to make up for a reduced rent?" Amanda stepped closer to me, and grabbed the front of my shirt, and pulled me forward. She was inches from my face. She then said, "I think you know what I mean. And if I need to spell it out, I will be available to you whenever and for whatever you want me to do". Then she kissed me on the lips. Not a peck, but a deep, hot, slow kiss. It lasted several moments.

Then she broke away, and asked, "do we have a deal?". I looked at her, red faced, with my mind still whirling at this situation, and said "Amanda, I am sure we can work something out."

Amanda looked around the house and took my hand. She led me into the living room, where there was new carpeting on the floor. She turned to me and said, "We need to consummate our agreement", and she started to unbutton her blouse. She tossed it on the fireplace hearth then turned her back to me. "Please undo my bra". I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I reached to undo her. She shook her breasts from the bra and tossed it on the hearth next to her blouse. She turned, looked at me and said "What do you think? Will I be a good tenant?" I could not help but smile and said, "you look like a wonderful tenant to me".

Her breasts were full and had large, dark nipples that stood out prominently against her creamy skin. Her chest was blushing, with a reddish hue, and she was breathing rapidly. I think she was trying to put on an air that she was in control, but I could tell she was completely new to this bartering arrangement. I tried to act cool too, but this was so far outside anything I had ever thought of I just went through the motions of being ready for this.

She stared at me, then unzipped her pants. She shimmied out of them, folded them, and placed them on the clothes she had already removed. Now she was only wearing a tiny thong. Her ass was incredible. It was tiny and perfectly shaped. She had a dimple above each of her ass cheeks. She turned to me with her hands on her hips, as if she was impatient for me to catch up with her undressed status.

Amanda could tell I was mesmerized by her beauty. But there was a shyness that she tried to hide, by being forward and bold with me. She stepped up close to me and gave me another kiss. Her lips trembled, but she pressed her lips tightly against mine. Her fingers found my shirt buttons and began to undo them. Then she broke off the kiss and managed to get the rest of the buttons undone, and my shirt off. I have a trim waist and broad shoulders, so she seemed pleasantly surprised at my shirtless appearance. She looked favorably at me and smiled. I think she was beginning to feel relief that I was not some geeky old man whom she had to fuck.

She grabbed my belt and undid it. I helped by undoing the waist button and unzipping the fly. I stepped out of my slacks and kicked them away. Now we were both just covered by our undies. I kneeled down and kissed her flat belly. I ran my tongue down past her navel, to the top of her thong. I pulled it down to her ankles and she carefully stepped out of them. I continued leaving a trail of delicate kisses from her belly button to her crotch, where I expected to see a blonde bush. But she was completely shaved.

Amanda touched my chin and beckoned me to look up at her. She said, "my turn" and she had me stand up. She knelt and put her thumbs in the elastic waist of my briefs and scooted them down past my thighs. I eagerly stepped out of them too, and once again, we were both matched in our level of undress. My prick was rock hard, and she cooed over it. Amanda said "Oh my, what have we here? It looks like you are a very excited man. I think I need to take care of this for you", she smirked. I mumbled something in agreement, and felt her lips slowly surround and engulf my rigid cock. Her warm mouth slipped over my manhood, and she began slurping and licking it. I grabbed her head and played with her blonde hair as she serviced me. I could not believe how fantastic it felt to have my prick in her mouth. She pulled my ass cheeks against her face and forced my cock down her throat. Her nose was buried in my pubic hair, and I could feel her tongue lapping the base of my cock. How the hell could she do that?

She pulled off me and continued licking and slurping my prick. Then, she looked up at me with a devious grin and said "Turn around. Bend over". I did as requested, no questions asked. I would have done anything Amanda wanted at this point. I am glad she did not ask for the deed to the property. I grabbed my ankles for some stability, then felt her fingers spreading my ass cheeks apart. Then I sensed her hot breath against my tender opening. I could not believe what I anticipated she was about to do. Then she confirmed it, when I felt the tip of her tongue, delicately searching for the opening to my ass. Oh, My Gawd, this was the best sensation I ever felt. Her tongue was licking around my hole while her face and lips were buried between my ass cheeks. I do not think it could have been any more pleasurable for me.

Her tongue found its target and she began licking and probing my anus. Holy shit, it felt good. I never had anyone do this to me before, so for Amanda to voluntarily do this was fucking amazing. I was delirious with pleasure. She added to my enjoyment when she spit on her hand, then reached around to stroke my dick. Her attention to me went on for many moments, but finally I knew her jaw was tired. She broke it off and said "wheeu! That was fun!" "You’re telling me?", I shockingly said back to her, "that was the most incredible sex act anyone has ever done to me!"

I told her to lay back on the carpet and rest her mouth. It was my turn to play with her. I stretched out on the floor with my face right in front of her perfectly shaved cooch. Her lovely, pleated vagina had a prominent clit that protruded above her crotch. Her pussy lips were dripping with juice, which told me she had been just as turned on by licking my ass as I was to being licked. I buried my tongue between her labias as far as I could reach. Her delicate womanly scent enticed me to push my face in her lady parts. I held her butt cheeks with both hands as I worked my tongue inside her. I would pull back and give a quick suck to her clit, just to judge how she was progressing in her trip to a climax. I wanted to give Amanda the best orgasm she had ever experienced.

I slipped in two fingers inside her vagina, and curled them upward, trying to stimulate her G-Spot. I guess I succeeded. I clamped my lips down over her clit and continued to curl my fingers inside her. In no time Amanda shrieked out a string of profanities and had a huge climax. She blew out a squirt of juice and then collapsed against the floor. I kept my mouth pressed against her cunt as it continued to pulse. I kissed it lovingly, then crawled up on top of her. I found her mouth, open and still gasping for air, as she recovered from my oral ministrations. There is nothing more satisfying to me than to give orgasmic pleasure to a woman. I kissed her, and then snuggled with her.

Amanda began to slowly recover and regain her senses. She ran her fingers through my hair as she tried to form a sentence. She finally said "Oh gawd. I should be paying you MORE for the rent. That was fucking fantastic". I told her, "You are pretty good, yourself, Amanda". It then dawned on her that I had not had an orgasm yet, so she rolled out from under me, and said, "You need to cum". And I want to eat it!".

She crawled down my torso and ended up at my stiff prick. Her hand was slowly stroking me as she added slick saliva to my shaft. She twisted her hand around my cock as she bobbed her head over the end of it. I was so turned on by this time that in mere moments, I was ready to blow my load. I gurgled out a warning, of sorts, then spasmed as I jetted a blast of cum into Amanda’s incredible mouth.

Her lovely lips never lost contact with me as I thrashed around from my orgasm. I spewed all the cum I could produce, then collapsed like a wet towel, on the carpet. My chest was heaving. I was gasping for air. And I was delirious with pleasure from her oral touch. She kept me in her mouth until I went soft. She then sucked my softened shaft into her mouth one last time to pull out any remaining drops of cum. Amanda smacked her lips and told me I was delicious. I looked down at her and told her that she was incredible.

When I had finally recovered from my world class orgasm, I looked at Amanda, lying next to me on the floor. "When do you want to move in?" She smiled and laughed, "As soon as you get the carpet cleaned in this room. I think there has been sex on it!". I smiled. "Consider it done. You can move in next weekend. And I look forward to meeting your daughter". This looked like it was going to be my best rental property ever.

Please vote and comment. There may be a second chapter.

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