"I don’t know what to do to be honest with you.", she mentioned.
"That is something that only you can decide Shelby. But I guessing that is not the first time he hit you. The police officer told me that night that he had been to your home several times before.", I stated.
"Yes, he slapped me once pretty hard and another time he punched me in the stomach.", she admitted.
"I’m sorry that happened. You deserve so much better.", I replied.
"You know Jace when it all comes done to it, I did the same thing he did. I cheated on him too.", she admitted.
"Do you regret it?’, I asked.
"Not for one minute, Jace.", she smiled.
"Then do what you have to do to get free of him.", I urged.
"Then what Jace...……. What do I do?", she asked.
"Shelby, if you stay with him long enough……. One day you might not recover from the beating. Then what will happen to Jennifer?", I inquired.
"I……. I have never thought of that.", she replied with a nervous look.
"Shelby, I going to tell you something right now that may make this situation even worse, but I have to say it. I think I am in love with you……... in fact, I’m almost positive. I have been attracted to you since the day I first met you. You’re beautiful, funny, have a great personality and you’re a great mother. I know I’m a young kid but if you give me the opportunity, I would love to take care of you and your daughter.", I admitted.
"Jace, are you serious……... Oh my God. I feel the same way about you. But I never imagined once you felt like that about me.", she said, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I’m not sure how we go about this……… slow or right away. Do we wait until after you’re divorced or just say fuck it and be together now. Then we must think about Jennifer and what’s best for her.", I stated.
"We have a lot to think about Jace, but my answer is ……... Yes, I want to be with you.", Shelby replied.
"I would kiss you right now but who knows who is watching.", I laughed.
"You have a point. I don’t want anything to come up that he can use against me. Leave your side gate open tonight. I’ll be over about eleven or so after my dad comes over and gets Jennifer. They are going to the zoo tomorrow so I can sleep over.", she said softly.
"See you then…...", I replied, getting up and going home.
At ten forty-six that evening, I got a text message from Shelby. I opened the message and it was a picture of her wearing nothing but red panties. The caption read:
"If you open your backdoor this could be yours……."
I texted back immediately:
"The door is open and I’m waiting for you in bed……"
A few minutes later I heard the back door open then the dead bolt locked. I counted each step down the hallway until Shelby appeared in a white terry cloth robe with slippers. She untied the belt around the round and let if drop to the floor. She was wearing a matching red bra to go with the picture of the panties she sent me earlier. I reached out my hand to her and she walked over slowly. She knelt on the bed and leaned over softly kissing my lips with just a hint of the end of her tongue.
She smelled wonderful with her hair brushing the sides of my face as she kissed me softly. Sometimes weird things run through your mind at a time when they shouldn’t. But all I could think about at that moment is why Tim would let this insanely beautiful creature slip through his hands. She was gorgeous, had a very youthful look and was extremely good in bed. She pulled away like she was reading my mind.
"Penny for your thoughts.", she whispered.
"Uh…... I don’t think so…...", I laughed.
"Hey, we’re not going to start a relationship without being completely honest with each other. Please, that’s my only rule.", she said, staring straight into my eyes.
"Alright, I was thinking how foolish your husband is for allowing you to be here with me right now.", I answered.
"Jace, let me explain something to you. Think about the most gorgeous woman you know and somewhere there is a guy who is tired of fucking her. You get into a routine after a while then the frequency cuts way down and the emotions get stale.", she whispered.
I put both of my hands on her ass and squeezed firmly as I pulled her towards me. I put my lips on her and kissed her like it was the first time. After about thirty seconds, I pulled away from her.
"Wow, what was that?", she giggled.
"That’s me promising you that I will never get stale.", I stated, licking her bottom lip.
"I’m going to hold you to that.", she said softly.
I rolled Shelby over and took a long look down her entire body then back up to that gorgeous face. I ran my hand down her stomach and into the red silk panties. My finger found her wet opening quickly my finger gaining easy access inside. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as I gently rubbed her clit. I bent over and began to slowly kiss her stomach as my finger rubbed her hardening clit.
I pulled her panties down to her thighs exposing that beautiful pink pussy that I had been dreaming about. Shelby reached down with her right hand and began to slowly rub herself as I watched. I looked up at her and she was staring directly at me with a smile on her face.
"I’m so fucking wet baby…...", she moaned.
"I will have to determine that for myself.", I replied pulling her panties all the way off.
I moved myself until I was between her long slender legs and for the second time placed my mouth on her smooth pussy. Shelby had the identical reaction she did the first time by gasping aloud and arching her back.
"Oh my god that feels so fucking good…….", she moaned.
I started licking her very slowly from the bottom of her wet pussy all the way to her little hard clit. I stopped at her clit briefly and flicked it with the end of my tongue then starting over. After a half of dozen or so repetitions Shelby’s fluids became thicker and sweeter. I knew she was close to coming. I gently pushed my tongue as far into her as I could while holding her hips tightly. Shelby reached down with her right hand and began to rub her clit furiously. It took less then fifteen seconds for her to explode into a strong orgasm rewarding my mouth with her very wet orgasm. I eased off and gently licked and kissed her pussy as her breathing slowly returned to normal. She finally opened her eyes and motioned me up the bed.
"My god where did you learn to eat pussy like that.", she giggled.
"I don’t know. You’re my first.", I whispered back, kissing her quickly.
"No fucking way Jace. You know your way around a pussy too fucking well to be an amateur.", she stated.
"You’re my first Shelby and hopefully my last.", I responded.
"Swear to God you never had a girlfriend before.", she answered acting serious.
"Shelby, I swear to God that you are the first my first girlfriend.", I replied.
"Well then, fuck your first girlfriend for the second time.", she begged, opening her legs.
I lifted and got between her legs once more as she reached down and grabbed my hard cock. She positioned her against her wet lips as I eased into her with little effort. She moaned as I entered her inch by inch. She opened her eyes and stared into mine her right hand stroking my face.
"Jace, I feel so comfortable with you. As if I have known you for a very long time. You make me feel so wanted and loved. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.", she stated.
"That’s the way you deserved to be treated Shelby.", I said, kissing her once again.
I was moving inside of Shelby very slowly as I watched her beautiful face. I loved to look into her eyes and drown in the deep blue color. Shelby’s eyes were the entrance to her soul and I simply couldn’t get enough of her. I slowly increased the pace making sure I was leaning forward and rubbing her clit with the top of my cock. Several minutes of just staring into each other’s eyes and Shelby had her second orgasm. The look on her face sent me over the edge as emptied my load deep inside of her. I rolled over and pulled her on top of me pressing my mouth to hers. She kissed me passionately as if she were ready to go again.
"Penny for your thoughts?", I asked, turning the tables on her.
"I was just thinking about the incidents that the both of us have experienced that have brought you and I together in this bed.", she whispered, kissing me softly.
"Do you think it’s fate?", I asked.
"If it is, I thank God for fate.", she answered.
Shelby and I were extremely careful and were hardly ever seen in public unless it was in front of our respective homes like neighbors would do. Shelby’s husband Tim had been extremely quiet and reserved which was extremely odd for him. Shelby’s lawyer set up a meeting with Tim and his lawyer as they requested. Shelby attended the meeting and called me as soon as she got back in her vehicle. I could tell she was extremely emotional, so I promised to meet her at a small café close to our homes. I arrived minutes after she did. I saw her sitting alone in the booth at the rear of the café. I joined her and sat directly across from her. She reached over and grabbed my hands and I could tell she was still upset the way her hands were shaking.
"What happened Shelby?", I asked.
"Oh Jace, I don’t know where to start.", she said nervously.
"Baby, catch your breath and slow down. I’m here for you.", I answered.
"Ok, here goes………... Oh fuck, I can’t believe him. Anyway, he wants to sell the house and split the proceeds with me. In addition, he will write me a check for one hundred thousand dollars. I can keep my car which is paid off but that’s not the unbelievable part.", she whispered.
"So far it sounds great to me.", I replied.
"In order for that to happen, I must drop all charges against him, but the arrest will still stay on his record. If at any point, he does anything to me then he will be charged at that time. But none of that matters at this point……...", she said, bursting into tears and shaking.
"Baby, explain it to me…... I don’t understand.", I stammered.
"He wants……. Oh God, I can’t…… he wants nothing to do with Jennifer. He wants to sign over full custody to me in exchange for no child support or tuition for school.", she said, sobbing.
"He wants nothing to do with her?", I asked, shocked.
"Nope, nothing. How can you want to have nothing to do with your own daughter? What kind of asshole did I marry…...", she sobbed.
It took a while to Shelby to calm down before we could discuss what had just happened. Eventually, she did calm down and we began to discuss what they offered.
"So, what do you want to do going forward Shelby?’, I asked.
"I am fine with all the money stuff but how do I explain this to Jen. How do I tell her that her father wants nothing to do with her. Oh, and I forgot this……… to get the tuition money both me and Jen must take a DNA test so he can be sure she is his.", she said, tears rolling down her cheeks again.
"I can’t really answer that question, Shelby. I’m not sure how anyone can just walk away from his child but maybe in the future he will change his mind." I offered.
"What has that little angel ever done to him?", she cried.
"Baby, I can’t answer that. But what I can tell you is that I will accept Jen as if she is my own child. I will love and support her in any way I can. I will try my best to the man she deserves to have in her life, I promise you Shelby.",
"Oh my God……", she cried getting up and walking around the table.
She sat down next to me and kissed me like her life depended on it and in some ways maybe she felt it did. She kissed me over and over then finally pulled back and looked into my eyes.
"Jace Johnson, I love you.", she whispered.
"I love you too, Shelby.", I replied.
"Yea but, just remember who said it first.’, she giggled, wiping her eyes.
We left and went home in our own vehicles and Shelby called me when she got inside of her home. I think we must have talked for over two hours on the phone. At the end, Shelby had made a few decisions. First, she was going to talk to her parents and explain to them what had happened at the meeting. Then she was going to talk to Shelby with her parents present and try to explain the situation.
Shelby thought it was best not to mention me at this point because she felt her parents would think it was far too soon for her to be involved with another man. I agreed with Shelby although I wanted us to be open and honest about what we were doing. In addition, I wanted to spend time with Jennifer and try to start bonding with her. But this was Shelby’s situation, so I had to respect her wishes.
A week later, Shelby contacted her lawyer and agreed to her ex-husband’s proposal. Shelby and Jen took the DNA test as promised and then waited. A month later the test came back confirming that Tim Phillips was Jennifer’s biological father. He then signed all the paperwork including turning over full custody of Jen to Shelby.
At that meeting, Shelby was handed a check for one hundred thousand dollars and was asked to vacate the property as soon as possible so it could be put up for sale. To make it look more realistic, Shelby packed some clothes and moved into her parent’s home for the time being. Then with the help of her parents moved the things she wanted into a storage locker not far from my home. The rest a moving company came and took to a location that Tim had provided. The house sold quickly and Shelby received another one hundred and eight thousand dollar check from the realtor. Apparently, her ex-husband had already bought another home and moved in with his secretary. About a month later, the final divorce papers came through and Shelby was a free woman.
Shelby decided it was time to introduce me to her family at Thanksgiving which was going to be held at her parents’ home. It would officially be the first time Shelby would introduce me as a person of interest. I must be honest; I was extremely nervous and the walk up the sidewalk to the front door seemed like an eternity. I rang the bell and thankfully a familiar face answered the door.
"Hey Jace, what are you doing here.", Jennifer said, excited.
"Well, your mommy asked me to come have dinner with you.", I replied.
Just about that time, Shelby’s mother came to the door with a smile on her face. She reached open and opened the screen door allowing me to step in.
"Maw Maw, this is Jace. He lives next to our old house.", Jennifer announced.
"Jace, it is very nice to meet you under much better circumstances. I’m Beth Bartlett ……. Please come in.", she offered.
"Yes ma’am, thank you.", I replied.
I followed the two of them to the rear of the home where another young couple were sitting with Shelby’s father. Maw Maw took me by the arm and led me to them.
"Jace, this is my other daughter Samantha and her husband Brian. And of course, you have met my husband, Ben Bartlett.", she offered.
"Yes sir, it’s nice to see you again.", I said shaking his hand.
"Nice to see you again son. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for what you did for Shelby.", he stated.
"Um dad, I don’t want to be nosey but what did he do?", Samantha asked.
"Um, I not sure I can tell you right now.", Ben replied.
"Yes dad, you can tell her. The papers are all signed, Tim Phillips is history.", Shelby remarked, coming in from the kitchen.
"Well, after Tim knocked Shelby to the ground he uh…… came up behind him and choked him out.", Ben answered.
"Choked him out….. as in that stuff on television?", Sam asked.
"Yes, Jace knows Moo Too.", Jennifer chimed in causing Shelby to laugh hysterically.
It’s Muy Thai, Jennifer.", I said, correcting her.
"Yea that……", Jennifer replied, not looking up from her coloring book.
"It was not that big of a thing…... he was extremely drunk.", I answered.
"That may be true but what if you would have gotten him in the house Shelby. You know what might have occurred in the state he was in.", Ben stated.
"It’s over dad, now mom wants everyone at the table.", Shelby ordered.
We all got up and went into the dining room and sat down to eat. I did not say much and just listened to the current conversation as everyone caught up to what the other was doing. But the inevitable couple of questions that always comes up when you first meet someone new of course, came up.
"Jace, how often do you work out.", Samantha asked, smiling.
"At least six times a week, sometimes seven.", I answered.
"Wow, where do you work?’, she asked, amazed.
"I own the gym.", I replied.
"Oh, well that makes sense.", she laughed.
"Jace, tell me a little about your family.", Shelby’s dad Ben asked.
"Well…… my father was Jim Johnson and he owned a construction company here in town. My mother was Robin and I had four sisters. A few years ago, they were coming back from my grandmother’s funeral and they were killed in an accident with an eighteen wheeler. The driver was drunk and was sentence to twenty years in prison.", I answered.
"Oh Jace, I’m so sorry.", Beth replied.
"Thank you, ma’am.", I responded.
"So, you have no family here?’, Ben asked.
"No sir, not really. I do have an uncle a bit north from here who is an attorney but not much else.", I answered.
Thankfully Shelby’s mother was able to steer the conversation away from me and lighten the room up somewhat. After about an hour, the ladies got up and began to clear the table. Ben and his son in law Brian went back to the living area to watch the football game leaving me with Jennifer.
"Jen, when are you going to start softball?", I asked.
"This coming summer…... I must be five to play.", she replied.
"Well, we need to get started soon.", I answered.
"Ok Jace……. Tell me when.", she smiled.
Just about that time Samantha came back in the room to get the remainder of the dishes. She walked around me then leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"You’re very good with Jennifer and I’m happy to see that. By the way, how long have the two of you been fucking?", she asked.
I turned quickly to look at her completely startled by the question she had just asked me. Did Shelby say something or was this just a guess.
"Before you lie to me, I know better. You two love each other…… anyone can see that.", she whispered again walking off.
I got up and went back into the living room and sat down with Ben and Brian. I was shocked at Samantha’s remark and wondered if the entire family knew what was going on. No matter who you are when a father finds out you’re fucking his daughter it’s never good. I’m not sure if he suspected but Ben got to the point quickly thereafter.
"So Jace, I need to ask you something and please don’t lie to me. I don’t want this thrown in my face later.", he asked.
"Yes sir.", I replied.
"Were you seeing Shelby while she was still with Tim?’, he asked.
"No sir. The first time I ever spent any time with Shelby was in the emergency room that night when I met you. Shelby was not cheating on Tim in any way.", I offered.
"I am very happy to hear that. That’s what Shelby said too but I wanted to be sure.", he said.
"You can be sure, sir.", I answered.
Later that evening, Samantha and her husband left which made me decide to call it a day as well. Shelby was sitting beside me on the sofa and Jennifer was still coloring in her book. I leaned over and told Shelby that I was about to leave. I also mentioned that I had shut the gym down until Monday because of Thanksgiving. Shelby leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"I want to fuck you tonight. Give me a few minutes,", she said softly, getting up and going into the kitchen.
Shelby was with her mother in the kitchen for quite a while before she came out and went back upstairs. She came back down with a large tote bag on her shoulder. I had a feeling what was coming and I felt extremely awkward sitting there.
"Jennifer, your mom and Jace are going out tonight. You’re going to stay here with me and Papa.", Beth stated.
"Where are you guys going?", Jennifer asked.
Shelby looked at her daughter then back at me with an awkward look on her face. This was an extremely delicate situation. This girl had just lost her father for the most part and now she was dating me. I was not sure exactly how to handle this, but I stepped in.
"Jen, we are going back to my house to watch movies. Would you like to join us. We can watch whatever you like.", I offered.
"Really…… that would be fun. Can I sleep over by you too, Jace?", she shouted.
"Well, if your mother says it’s okay then sure you can. I have three more bedrooms. You can use anyone that you like.", I promised.
"Let’s go pack you a bag sweetheart.", Shelby stated, grabbing her daughter’s hand.
As Shelby’s mom Beth walked around the sofa she simply smiled and nodded her approval to me. Ben did not say anything, so it was difficult to tell how he felt. But if I had any chance of making Shelby and I work out, Jennifer played a huge role in that. In addition to being Shelby’s lover, I was going to have to become Jennifer’s male role model at least until perhaps her father changed his mind.
We drove back to my house and stopped at the guard gate when Kenny the night man was on duty. As I rolled the window down, he bent over and looked inside my vehicle.
"Hello Jace. Oh, Shelby and Jennifer, it’s good to see you two again. By the way Shelby, your ex was here earlier today. Said something about checking the house. He did ask about you.", Kenny admitted.
"Kenny, the house sold a while ago. He has no reason to return here again. Please let everyone know not to let him in. If Jennifer and I are here we are at Jace’s home. He is not welcome there under any circumstance.", Shelby informed him.
"I understand Shelby, but if someone in the community invites him to a function here legally, I can’t keep him out.", he informed her.
"I know that but makes sure he has a reason for entering.", she replied.
"Will do, Shelby.", he answered.
We pulled off and made it home entering through the side door. This was the first time that Jennifer had ever been in my house, so she went exploring. She came back a few moments later all out of breath.
"Mommy, he has a whole movie room in the house.", she shouted.
"Oh really, show mommy where it’s at.", she said grabbing her daughter’s hand.
They went off and when they came back, I asked Shelby to take Jennifer, and let her pick out a bedroom to sleep in. Fortunately, every room was furnished with a queen-sized bedroom set. Jennifer picked out the white canopy bed in the third bedroom. She stated that was the princess room and she would sleep there whenever she slept over. I agreed and off we went to the theatre room to watch movies.
The first movie we watched was "Frozen" and I learned it was one of Jennifer’s favorites. She sat in the seat between Shelby and I like it was the most natural thing in the world. We started a second movie, but Jennifer fell asleep about half way through it. I scooped her up in my arms and we put her to bed with Shelby covering her up.
I went to the theatre room and turned everything off them armed the alarm system. I was walking to the kitchen when Shelby walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Thank you for allowing Jennifer to come with us tonight. That means a lot to me.", she said softly.
"I in some ways understand what she might be feeling. I lost my family as well. Maybe I can help her pick up the pieces.", I offered.
"And what about me……... are you going to pick up my pieces?", Shelby asked, kissing me quickly.
"Hmmmmm…... that I’m not sure about yet. You know, I do have a lot of hot chicks hitting on me in the gym.", I replied, looking into her deep blue eyes.
"Is that so……. Well maybe I need to get in the gym and start working out. That way I can keep an eye of you.", Shelby responded.
"You know that might work for me.", I stated.
We both went down the hall and into the master bathroom when we took a long shower together. We came out and Shelby locked the bedroom door in case Jennifer got up for any reason. Shelby came back to the bed with a strange look on her face. She slipped in under the sheets and leaned over looking at me.
"Can I ask a serious question without you laughing at me?", Shelby asked.
"Of course, you can.", I replied.
"What do you think about um……… me you know…... sucking your dick?", she said softly, very embarrassed.
"Honestly, I don’t know. You have never done that.", I answered.
"I know and I feel bad about that. But you know……. Tim said that was disgusting so we never had oral sex. I tried it once, but it turned him off……. Said he wouldn’t kiss me after that.", she admitted.
"Well, I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. I love to do it to you, but I don’t want you to feel you have to do it in returned.", I replied.
"That’s what I wanted to hear…….", she answered, throwing the covers off me.
Shelby leaned down my body and grabbed his dick in her soft hand. She then lowered her mouth on me gently tongue licking the underside of my cock. The feeling was incredible and I placed my hand gently on her back letting her know I enjoyed it. In no time she had me fully hard and throbbing in her mouth. She pulled my cock out of her mouth and looked back at me.
"How am I doing?", she asked, with a wicked grin.
"Uh, you keep that up and you’re going to find out.", I replied.
"Good, because I want you to cum in my mouth.", she whispered.
"Uh, are you sure?", I quickly asked.
"Uh huh……", she stated, putting her mouth back on me.
I knew I was not going to last long knowing that this gorgeous woman was going to take my cum into her mouth. I looked down at she was slowly moving up and down on my cock all the while using her soft tongue on me. I simply could not hold back any longer as I felt the cum racing up my shaft.
"Shelby, I’m going to cum…... oh fuck.", I shouted.
Shelby lifted her head so that only the head of my cock was inside of her move. I felt her head jerk slightly as the first blast of cum exploded into her willing mouth. It had been a while since I had come so I quickly filled Shelby’s mouth to the point she had to open her lips and allow the cum to drain out of her full mouth.
She never stopped using her tongue and lips as she skillfully drained me of everything I had to offer. She continued to suck and lick me looking at me with cum all over her lips and mouth. The feeling she was giving me after I had cum was almost as good as before. She must have sensed it because she did not stop until I was completely soft. She then moved up to me with those blue eyes sparking.
"How did I do for the first time?’, she whispered.
I don’t know why but I grabbed the back of her head gently and pulled her closer to me. I put my lips on hers and kissed her softly causing her to keep her eyes open and stare into mine. I then pushed my tongue into her mouth tasting what was left of my orgasm. I could sense immediately that Shelby was extremely turned on by that fact that my tongue was in her mouth. I quickly reached down and began to rub her very wet pussy. She pulled away from my mouth briefly and looked at me.
"You’re a nasty motherfucker and I love that. You have no idea what you’re in store for baby. Now kiss me again.", she moaned.
I put my lips on hers once again and this time her tongue was in my mouth. It took maybe two minutes before my fingers sent Shelby over the edge squirting all over my hand. I moved down her body and licked her pussy tasting her sweet cum. After a minute or so, I moved back up the bed and kissed her once again.
"God, I love you Jace. We are going to be so good together.", Shelby promised.
"I love you too baby.", I answered, holding her close.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: