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"Patient number 34, the nurse will see you now."
The receptionist’s voice rang out over the stuffy hallway as Michael looked up from his glossy magazine. This was it. He got up from his seat and walked over to the door, pushing it gently and then poking his head shyly around the corner.

"Come in, have a seat. Michael, isn’t it?" Said the nurse.
Michael’s eyes almost bulged from their sockets as he took in the nurses’ appearance, she was so pretty it almost hurt to look at her. As he sat down Michael nervously shifted his gaze around the room, trying to avoid eye-contact.

The nurse leaned forward on her chair, deliberately allowing a fuller view down her open necked shirt, she had unbuttoned it just to the edge of decency and just enough to fire the imagination. Her ample cleavage pressed tightly against her uniform as if it might burst forth at any moment. Michael looked up, but as he did so the nurse caught him trying to snatch a glimpse of her breasts, she raised an eyebrow in response and he looked down quickly whilst blushing profusely.

Michael held his hands together on his lap to try to stop them shaking, he wasn’t used to being in the company of such astounding beauty, and to make things worse this was a sperm bank! What would the nurse think of him? He was going to have to go into a room and masturbate and she knew it!

A tapping sound brought Michael back to reality, he looked up again to see the nurse was now leaning back on her chair casually and tapping her biro against her front teeth.
"This is the first time you’ve been to a sperm bank, isn’t it Michael?"

"Er, y... yes m… miss." Michael stammered, desperately trying to control his voice, he felt as though he were going through puberty again.

"I see," said the nurse. "Well, it just so happens that we’re experimenting with a new and unique method of sperm delivery. You see, when young men such as yourself ejaculate they don’t always do so efficiently and quite a lot goes to waste."
Michael started to feel his cheeks burning again as he blushed, ‘young men such as yourself’ the nurse had said. Does that mean she knows that I jack off at home? Michael felt his heart pounding in his chest as his cheeks flushed a deep red, he couldn’t look more guilty if he tried.

The nurse pursed her lips and smiled as she locked him with her blue eyes.

"I used to do it myself you know," she said as she grinned cheekily. "I used to get overexcited when I first started though and I accidentally broke a few."

"B… b... broke a few?" Spluttered Michael.

"Oh yes, yanking back too much or squeezing too hard to try and get the last drops out. I swear sometimes I just don’t know my own strength." The nurse beamed and gazed upwards and to the side as if recalling a fond memory.

"Of course we had to send the young men to Accident and Emergency after that to fix their you-know-what… but I soon learned to control myself, I did get the record amount squeezed out of them though, I’m quite proud of that."

"So, er… how do you get the sperm now?" Inquired Michael, hardly believing his ears. Maybe he could talk the nurse into giving him a helping hand? The revelation of the nurse’s anecdote had left him feeling quite stiff and now he was worried she might spot the rising bump in his pants.

The pretty nurse wheeled her chair closer to Michael and she leaned closer so that her face was only about a foot away from his, she glanced down quickly, noticing the bulge in his pants and then looked up again to meet his eye.

"We’ve got a new system in place to help you, she’s called AMANDA, it stands for Automated Masturbation Anatomical Nodule Distribution Android. I had a big part in designing her and she’s guaranteed not to waste any of your precious juices."
The nurse laid her hand gently on Michael’s knee and deliberately gave it a little squeeze as she looked into his eyes. As she expected, the bump in Michael’s pants became even more pronounced.

"Oooh," she cooed, as she traced her finger along the inside of Michael’s thigh. "It seems you’re almost ready for your appointment with AMANDA."

The nurse invited Michael to stand and she cheekily grabbed the tip of his throbbing erection and led him to another room. Michael had little choice but to waddle behind her as she tugged and squeezed at his sensitive head.

The nurse giggled as she bade Michael sit on what resembled a dentist’s chair. She gave the tip of his penis a gentle flick with her fingers and Michael jumped as it became even stiffer.

"I’m sorry Michael," the nurse whispered in his ear as she leant over, "I just love making cocks hard."

The nurse tied Michael’s wrists to the arm restraints on the chair. "This is for your own good," she chided him. "We don’t want you losing any of your precious sperm during the experiment." After fastening Michael securely the nurse walked over to a large curtain and pulled it aside.

"This is AMANDA," said the nurse as she winked at Michael. "I must admit I’m quite jealous of her, not just for her looks but also because of what she does."

Michael gazed over at the contraption. It resembled a beautiful girl in every detail, her fair hair, perfect skin and clear green eyes. The only thing which would indicate that AMANDA wasn’t a human would be that she was too perfect.

"I’ve dressed her in a nurse’s uniform as it seems to be quite a popular fetish, the white also hides the stains. Hello AMANDA." Said the nurse.

AMANDA turned her head gently and eyed the nurse, suddenly aware.

"Good evening nurse," she purred. "Is this another boy for me to play with?" AMANDA turned her hand to indicate Michael as he laid strapped in the chair.

"Yes, yes he is." Smirked the nurse. "Help yourself AMANDA, I hope you’re thirsty."

For the first time Michael thought he sensed a slightly sadistic tone to the nurse’s character, but before he could ponder it any further AMANDA and the nurse had glided across the room and were ripping his pants down. Michael’s hard penis bounced up and bobbed back and forth before their eyes.

The nurse leaned forward and whispered in his ear as AMANDA ran her tongue slowly up and down the length of his shaft.

"There’s something you should know about AMANDA Michael." Whispered the nurse. "She’s just a prototype and we’re not quite sure how she’ll react yet, she’s been programmed to milk as much sperm from you as possible and inside her holes are some tubes which will ensure that you are sucked dry."

Michael craned his neck to look over at the nurse, barely in control of himself. "W... What?" He cried.

"It’s AMANDA," repeated the nurse. "She’s going to suck all your sperm out until you’re dry, there shouldn’t be any long term damage… I hope." She smiled and ruffled his hair and then looked down to watch AMANDA swirl her tongue around the tip of Michael’s penis.

"Ooooh, oooooooh." Moaned Michael as AMANDA gently placed her mouth over his erect penis. The nurse stroked his hair and whispered in his ear again.

"You won’t be able to get her off your cock till she’s finished you know, and very soon she’s going to insert a tube right down your penis."

Michael grabbed the arm rests with his hands and tried to struggle free. "What? No!’ he cried as he wriggled his hips from side to side. AMANDA’s hold was too strong though, her mouth had a suction like grip on his penis and he felt himself being sucked deeper into her throat.

"Aaaaaaaaaargh." Cried Michael as AMANDA jerked her head back and forth.

"Here it comes," chuckled the nurse as she gently stroked Michael’s hair.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, aaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Screamed Michael as he felt the tube being jammed into his urethra.

The nurse giggled cruelly at Michael’s predicament and leaned forward so that she could reach his testes and give them a gentle squeeze.

"I bet having that tube shoved down your penis is quite a shock, isn’t it?" She teased.

Michael’s hands gripped at the chair arms in nervous agony as he felt the tube stretch his urethra apart and slowly work itself down. Risking a glimpse down at AMANDA he could see she was still busily sucking on his erection, oblivious to his burning pain.

"I better get you something to bite down on." Suggested the nurse as she offered Michael her biro. She looked down at the boy as he clenched the plastic pen between his teeth. "This might hurt a bit Michael" she whispered softly.

Michael glanced up at the nurse with fear in his eyes. "Why?" he muttered around the pen.

The nurse leaned closer so that she was only inches away from his face, then gave him a sweet and innocent smile. "Because I’m the one who programmed her."

At that moment Michael felt a searing pain in his groin as AMANDA started sucking his juices. The nurse leaned aside to look under his legs as Michael arced his back in pain, the poor boy’s balls were pulsating in motion with AMANDA’s sucks. If she carried on like this she’d suck his genitals inside-out.

"Gnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Screamed Michael as he bit down hard on the pen, shards cracked and buried themselves in his gums as his teeth cracked through the brittle plastic. The feeling of burning agony mixed with a hard ecstasy of orgasm as he lost control and spurted again and again into AMANDA’s sucking mouth. Michael’s mind ached and spun as he glanced down at his beautiful tormentor. AMANDA’s lips were pulled back in an evil grin, it almost looked as though she were enjoying it.

Suddenly AMANDA stopped sucking and gently opened her lips wider around Michaels erect penis, there was a slight pop as the air filled the vacuum.

"Ooooh look!" giggled the nurse. "Your penis has turned bright red where she was sucking you and there’s a dark ring left where her lips were." The nurse stopped suddenly, her eyes wide in surprise. "Oh my, I’ve never seen a urethra stretched that wide- it must be almost half an inch across! I must have made a mistake when I was designing the tubes."

Michael weakly lifted his head to gaze down at his damaged penis, the nurse sounded almost jolly, but she wouldn’t have made that mistake deliberately, would she?

He felt a slight pain as she roughly grabbed his testes.
"Tut, tut." Chided the nurse. "You’ve still got plenty of sperm left young man, I think we should let AMANDA have another go.

"N… No… Please, I beg…"

"Nonsense" beamed the nurse. "I’m sure you’ve got plenty left, young men like yourself masturbate at least five times a day! Come on AMANDA, I think it’s time we tried your primary function." The nurse opened a small flap on AMANDA’s side and checked the measuring bottle. "We’re not finishing until this is all full up, and to do that AMANDA is going to use this" The nurse lifted her tunic and spread her legs, giving Michael an explicit view of her vagina. The nurse blushed slightly as Michael gazed longingly, then she flicked a switch and AMANDA sat up again. The robotic girl gave Michael another evil grin as she grabbed his manhood roughly in her hands and yanked his foreskin all the way back, exposing his sensitive glands.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Cried Michael, the shattered biro falling away from his mouth.

"Ooops, sorry, wrong button." Said the nurse as she let her tunic drop and flicked another switch. This time AMANDA unbuttoned her nurse’s tunic to expose her pert breasts and then pulled herself so that she was sitting astride Michael and rubbing her crotch against his hard penis. Michael whimpered desperately as the beautiful girl leaned closer, her breasts almost smoothing his face, he could feel his penis begin to stiffen again.

AMANDA slipped herself over his hard cock and grabbed Michael’s waist tightly with her thighs, pinning him to the chair, then she began to raise her hips slowly up and down. Michael felt his penis being squeezed by AMANDA’s moist insides, her vagina seemed to be milking him. A ring of muscle would squeeze the base of his penis all the way to the tip before becoming even tighter and squeezing it all the way back down again.

Michael felt a familiar grip on his testes as the nurse giggled. "It feels nice, doesn’t it?" She queried.

Suddenly there was a burning sensation in the tip of Michael’s penis as AMANDA slowly jammed her tube into his penis, stretching him wide.

"Aaaaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaaaargh!" Screamed Michael, he jerked and twisted on the chair and his fingernails dug into the arm rests but AMANDA held him firmly in place, the beautiful girl leaned closer and smiled tenderly at him as she buried her tube deep inside. Michael felt the circle of muscle run quickly up and down the length of his shaft as she stretched his penis with the tube from the inside and squeezed it tight on the outside.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnggggggggghhhh" gasped Michael as the tube started sucking again. The nurse squeezed his balls as hard as she could as he ejaculated into AMANDA’s tight hole. "Gaaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" He cried, thrashing his head from side to side. All the while AMANDA sat smiling at him as if she knew the agony she was causing.
"Uuuuuuuuuuurgh" Michael gasped as AMANDA gave his penis a final squeeze and then gently lifted herself up. The mischievous nurse laid her head by Michael’s groin and gasped as she observed the results.

"Your poor penis is red raw Michael!" She smirked, I think one more go might finish the job, and because you’ve been a good boy I’ve decided to treat you."

Michael tilted his head gently, the nurse appeared blurred as he regained his vision, his groin felt as though someone had set it on fire.

"There’s one more hole left to try." Continued the nurse, she blushed even deeper this time. "And it’s the tightest hole of all…" The nurse turned and bent over, lifting her tunic to expose her round bottom and then spread her cheeks apart to show Michael her most private parts. Michael’s heart raced and his penis jumped as he took in the sight. The nurse looked over her shoulder, her face a pretty pink color, and then slowly lowered her tunic again. She flicked another switch on AMANDA and the pretty girl twisted into motion so that she was facing away from Michael, then she lifted her legs up and sat down so that Michael’s penis fell between the soft cheeks of her buttocks. AMANDA looked over her shoulder at the boy and wriggled her bottom, allowing Michael’s penis to move back and forth between her fleshy cleft and making it hard again.

The nurse gently raised AMANDA’s behind and tucked her tunic up so that Michael could see the roundness of her buttocks more clearly, then she guided Michael’s stiff shaft into the dark shadow between AMANDA’s cheeks. "Open up AMANDA." Commanded the nurse. The beautiful girl reached back with her hands and spread her bottom apart to reveal a tight, puckered hole. The nurse felt Michael’s penis twitch in her hand as she pressed it against AMANDA’s posterior, then the girl slowly lowered herself over his hard penis.

"I’ve designed her so that she’s self-lubricating in this part too." Said the nurse, "It can be quite a nuisance trying to lube everywhere."

Michael felt the cool lubrication slide against his stiff penis like honey as AMANDA’s tight hole flexed and twitched to fit him in, some of the lube trickled down his thick shaft wetting his lap. The beautiful girl slowly eased herself down, Michael gasped as he felt her muscles flex tightly against his throbbing shaft.

"Good boy," cooed the nurse. "You’re nearly there, she’s quite talented isn’t she?"

Finally AMANDA sat down fully on Michael’s erect penis, pushing her soft cheeks back against his lap. The dampness from the lube rubbed against her buttocks as she gyrated her hips around on Michael’s lap, it felt incredible.

The nurse approached Michael with a lustful look in her eye, but before she reached him she turned around and hitched up her tunic again, allowing Michael to see her firm buttocks.

"I thought you’d like to see my holes for the final part." Said the nurse, then she backed up so that her bottom face pushed against Michael’s face. The nurse’s hands felt between her legs as she started to rub herself briskly.

AMANDA continued to push her bottom back hard on Michael’s stiff penis and she squeezed him tightly with the muscles in her posterior. This time there was an even smaller ring of muscle which ran up and down Michael’s shaft. AMANDA continued to look over her shoulder at the boy and smile as she bobbed her rump up and down.

Michael could feel himself losing control again, he could hardly breathe with the nurse’s bottom smothering his face and AMANDA was slowly getting faster. He struggled in vain but the women were too strong for him to escape. Just then AMANDA sat down hard, grinding her buttocks into his lap. Michael felt a familiar sensation as another tube jammed itself into his penis, this time it felt even thicker than ever.

"Gnnaaaaaaaarggmmmmffffph" cried Michael, his screams muffled by the Nurse’s bottom as she wriggled it in his face. Pain shot down the length of his tender shaft as the tube pushed deeper. AMANDA squeezed even tighter with the muscles in her bottom, if she did it any harder his penis might explode!

AMANDA bucked her hips back and forth three times, with each movement driving the tube deeper than ever before. Michael cried out desperately with each thrust, his hands almost breaking the arm rests.

"Mmmmmmmmmm…" The sound of the nurse hovered over Michael’s moans as she approached her climax.

Michael felt the tube start sucking hard but there wasn’t anything left to suck, his mind swam in an agonised ecstasy as he came dry, but it didn’t stop the pressure. A sharp pain shot through Michael’s groin and was a strange gurgling sound as he felt his balls shrink, blood started to trickle down AMANDA’s side where the sperm bottle was attached.

The nurse bucked her hips against Michael’s face as she moaned in pleasure, finally breaking the edge of her orgasm.

"T… TURN IT OFF!" Screamed Michael.

The nurse ignored him, her mind lost in her moment.

"Turn it off!" He pleaded.

AMANDA continued to bounce and more blood spilt out as the tube sucked against the inside of Michael’s penis.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Michael gritted his teeth in agony and then suddenly there was silence. The nurse had finally flicked the switch and turned AMANDA off.

"Oh my poor boy, I’m so sorry!" Said the nurse as she covered her mouth with her hand to hide her grin. "I hope I haven’t broken your penis, oh dear… I’m afraid you’ll have to stay overnight."

About an hour later Michael was in bed and the pretty nurse had tied a bandage around his tender penis. She bent forward and kissed the top gently as Michael winced, it felt as though someone had helf a flame against it.

"I’m so sorry Michael" said the nurse, she seemed sincere but Michael could swear she was holding back hysterical laughter. "I’m afraid I need to do some more work on AMANDA, the sperm sample is ruined too so we’ll have to do it all again when you’ve recovered."

Before Michael could reply the nurse had left the room and closed the door behind her.

It was long after dark when Michael stirred, he couldn’t sleep after all that had happened. The night cleaners had gone and he was all alone. He looked to the far side of the room where AMANDA had been left switched off in the long shadows, her body silent and mute in the darkness. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on. Michael squinted at her through the gloom from his bed, admiring her perfect shape, her creamy skin and her green eyes…

Something was wrong, Michael suddenly felt a sickness deep in his stomach.

Her eyes were open.


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