
Planet Earth


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About Me

Bella stopped at the counter, "We just heard Sofie."

Sofie looked up and blushed before grinning, "He had the goddess on his side."

James grinned, "Everyone said you held him at knife point until you got your way."

Sofie looked at me grinning, "I had to get my point across."

I laughed as I changed the thread colors on my loom. Bella laughed and reached across the counter, "I came to congratulate you and offer my help planning the wedding. I know the Duke and Duchess want to come…"

I groaned and Sofie looked at me with her eyebrow raised. I shook my head, "I did not think ahead. Where…"

Bella laughed, "The new temple of Sagus. I already have a list of over a hundred people that want to come."

I looked at Sofie and she grinned when she looked at me. I sighed and shook my head, "I suppose you are here to drag Sofie off to plot."

Sofie and Belle both laughed as Sofie moved away from her loom, "I am sorry Ms Tanner."

Ms Tanner was smiling, "I understand dear."

I watched them disappear before Ms Tanner touched my shoulder, "You need to speak to your best man."

I looked at her and frowned, "I do not…"

I looked away and finally nodded. It was an hour before I finished and left. I headed into the common market where people crowded the square. I waited and watched before crossing to Daniel. He was beside a richly dressed woman talking. I bumped him and held up his belt pouch, "Is this yours?"

He frowned and glanced down at his belt before grinning and reaching out to take the purse. I looked around as the woman drifted away, "Would you consider being my best man?"

Daniel looked at me and grinned, "Does that mean I get to kiss the bride?"

I grinned back, "You know Sofie. It comes with a risk."

He laughed and bumped my shoulder, "Sure."

I glanced at a stranger as he bumped a merchant and cut the purse from his belt. I nodded towards him as he moved towards the edge of the market, "Who is the stranger?"

Daniel frowned, "A poacher."

I slipped through the crowd and headed towards the man as he stopped beside a stall. He glanced up and his hand dropped to the dagger he wore. I shook my head, "You pull it and I will kill you."

He smiled thinly, "You think you have a chance kid?"

Both my knife and dagger slipped into my hands as I moved and he jerked back before freezing with one against his throat and the other poking his stomach, "Join the guild or leave the city."

He swallowed, "I will leave."

I nodded, "If you do not or you come back the guide will kill you."

I sheathed my knife and dagger and stepped back. I watched as he sullenly turned to leave. I let a spike drop into my hand as he started walking just in case. Suddenly he was turning and his arm was coming up to throw his dagger. I threw the spike underhanded and moved towards him.

I pulled my Tarentine but did not need it as the thief doubled over and screamed with my spike in his belly. I knelt and pulled the spike out as a crowd started forming, "You have one hour to reach a gate out of the city."

I grabbed the stolen purse before standing. I turned and saw the merchant that he had taken the purse from and tossed it before walking away. I was leaving the market when Daniel and two other thieves joined me. Daniel shook his head, "He was dumb."

I glanced at him, "He was arrogant and slow."

Little Timothy looked around Daniel, "You should teach that."

I smiled, "You still can not keep a blade from catching when you move to cut the purse strings."

Daniel and the other thief snickered and Timothy reddened. I glanced at him, "I told you to practice more."

I looked at Daniel, "I need to go find Sofie and then speak to the duke and… and a lot of other things."

He grinned, "When is the wedding?"

I stopped and looked at him before sighing, "I will let you know when I find out."

I started walking as they began laughing. I headed toward the marketplace and Mrs. Sonnes shop. It had become the place for young women which meant young men haunted it as well. To say I was not in a happy mood would probable be an understatement. I saw the shop and the crowd of men outside and headed for the door.

A richly dressed young man grabbed my shoulder as I was reaching for the door. I sidestepped, grabbing the hand and twisting as I pulled. The young man crashed face first into the doorframe as my Tarentine swept towards his throat.


I stopped and looked at Sofie in the doorway. I yanked the young man back as I sheathed my knife, "Do not ever touch me."

I shoved him away and shrugged, "I am a little on edge."

Sofie grinned, "Really?"

I grinned, "Actually it was more like fear."

The women inside the shop laughed and Sofie caressed my chest, "It is to late."

I touched her face, "I am not sorry and will not change my mind."

I sighed and then shook myself before grinning, "I asked Daniel to be my best man. He asked if he would get to kiss you."

Sofie blushed and then grinned. I shook my head, "He asked when the wedding was?"

She looked at me and then looked back at Bella, "I do not…"

Bella laughed, "Two weeks from now and you need to let Sofie sleep alone."

I looked at Sofie, "Alone?"

She blushed, "I…"

Several young men laughed, "You have to wait to bed her."

I glanced at them irritably, "we have slept together for years."

Sofie laughed and came closer to kiss me as she blushed, "Bed me. Make love…"

Everyone was laughing and I sighed, "I am tying you to the bed for that. What has that got to do with sleeping with me?"

Sofie grinned and looked back at Bella, "They think you will take advantage of me."

I grinned, "I do. You keep the bed warm."

Everyone laughed and Sofie shook her head, "You will pay for that."

I caressed her face, "I do not like sleeping without you."

She smiled, "You will live. Go ask the Duke if he can present me."

I looked at her, "Present you?"

Sofie sighed, "In place of my father? He is the city’s lord."

I grinned, "He is going to love that."

She grinned back, "He deserves to attend if a goddess made me accept."

I caressed her face, "The goddess did not make you. I asked and she persuaded you with the truth."

Everyone laughed and Sofie stuck her tongue out. I sighed, "Dinner at the Artist Cup?"

She nodded and I turned to walk away. I was actually thinking ahead as I walked towards the Duke’s court. I knew that almost every day the Duke sat in his office to hear complaints. When I walked through the arches many people stopped talking to look at me and several called out greetings. The large anti room was filled with people and the two clerks looked harried.

The clerk I stopped in front of did not even look up, "Name and complaint?"

I looked at him and shook my head, "The Duke of Night. The night is dark, the sky is to high, the wind blows, water is wet, the earth is hard."

I stopped talking as the room broke out in snickers and the clerk blushed as he looked at me. I grinned, "If today weights on you, think of yesterday and hope for a better tomorrow."

He shook his head, "The Duke could use a laugh."

I laughed, "Tell him I am calling in his dept."

He stood and went into the other room and I glanced around, "I should not take up to much time."

A richly dressed merchant cleared his throat, "Are you inviting people to the wedding?"

I looked at him and frowned as everyone grinned. I finally shook my head, "Sofie wants his grace to present her. I still have not the faintest what else is going to happen."

Everyone laughed as the clerk stuck his head out the door, "His grace will see you."

I straightened and walked into the large room. Two more clerks were sitting at desks and the Duke was behind a large desk covered with piles of papers. I shook my head, "You are going about this wrong. Make whoever is making the complaint do the paperwork."

He grinned, "Now that would stop a lot of people from complaining. What can I do for you Jason?"

I smiled, "Sofie does not have a father and would like it if you would present her."

The Dukes eyes widened, "The dowry?"

I grinned, "She already stole… acquired it."

He laughed and sat back, "When is the wedding?"

I shrugged, "two weeks. Bella is helping her plan it. It is supposed to be at the temple of Sagus."

The Duke shook his head, "Bella is turning this city upside down. Did you know the queen wanted to have them married within a fortnight?"

I laughed, "James would love that."

He snorted, "Bella has consented to… bed him so they share his room now. Of course he is teaching her a little about nobility, not that she cares."

The Duke shook his head and sighed, "You can tell Sofie it would be my honor to present her."

I bowed, "Thank you."

He nodded and gestured, "I need to get back to work."

I grinned as I turned to the door, "do not despair."

I headed out and then turned to head toward the city clerk’s office. When I made it to the Artist Cup it was full of ladies that were being delighted by the normal patrons. I shook my head and looked around for Sofie. A hand waved above the crowd and one of Bella’s sister’s was balancing a tray as she tried to make her way to a table.

When the crowd parted I saw Sofie sitting with Mamma Daniels and slowly started towards them. I ignored the large men near them as they shifted and squeezed in next to Mamma. I kissed her cheek, "I am glad to see you mamma."

She smiled and waved one of her sons away, "I decided to come find you and Sofie to make it easier."

I grinned and turned to Sofie and reached for her hand, "Hey thief."

She grinned, "Yes?"

Everyone laughed and I squeezed her hand, "The Duke said he would be honored. I also went to see the clerk."

She looked at me and I shrugged, "We needed a marriage license."

She grinned again as everyone chuckled. I looked around the room, "I also bought the Jonas Manor."

Sofie looked at me as the room went silent, "You… bought the… you never buy…"

I grinned, "I paid one whole brass bit."

The room broke out in laughter and Sofie grinned, "What are we going to do with all the room?"

I looked at momma, "Take in those that need a place."

There were cheers and Bella was suddenly behind me with her hands on my shoulders, "After you eat Sofie is coming to stay with me."

I sighed as I looked at Sofie, "You are really going to make me sleep alone?"

She grinned and winked. They whole room was laughing again as Bella’s sister brought me a large bowl of stew and a half loaf of bread. I smiled and handed her a half silver. I looked at Bella, "You know it is not fair. You are bedding James and you are not married."

She grinned, "His mom said I had to be pregnant as proof of fertility. After they know, we will wed within the fortnight."

I grumbled as everyone laughed. An hour later I was moving through the dark streets when I noticed the shadows following me. I moved into an alley and then into the shadow of a slip through. Two men stepped into the alley and I did not recognize either one. I waited as they hesitated and then started down the alley. After they passed me I stepped out, "What do you want?"

They spun and pulled daggers, "You!"

I pulled my Tarantine and dagger before sliding sideways into the slip through. When one lunged with his dagger, I stabbed through his wrist and twisted before moving into him and stabbing him under the ribs and into his heart. I yanked both blades free and shifted to face the other man. He sliced across at my stomach and I jerked and slid back and brought my knife down to cut his arm.

I jerked it back as his dagger clattered away. He backed up quickly, "This is not over."

I waited until he turned to run before shifting the dagger to my other hand and drawing a spike. It caught him in the back of the neck and he slammed face first into the street. I checked the other man and took his purse before walking out to the second man. I knelt and cut his purse off before checking him for papers. I did not find anything and the poacher from earlier today came to mind.

I thought of Sofie but headed for the guild hall. When I walked through the door everyone went quiet. I looked across the room at Master Jariss, "Someone is trying something."

He nodded, "We know. Six apprentices were attacked, four managed to escape. Four masters have been killed too."

I nodded and looked around for Daniel, "Daniel?"

He shrugged, "Wounded, a master and several apprentices took him to Momma Daniels place."

I looked around, "I left two in Gabriel’s alley."

Several people murmured at that and I looked at Jariss again, "Sofie and I will be leaving the guild."

He snorted, "You were barely part of the guild."

I turned towards the door, "Whose fault was that?"

No one said anything as I left and headed towards the Artist Cup. There were still a lot of people there including two at a table near the fire. One look told me what I needed to know. Sofie was gone as was Momma Daniels.

I walked to the table the men were sitting at and stopped a few feet away, they looked up and sneered. I shook my head, "You must not be from this city or you would know better. The Artist Cup is off limits to violence. Working without the support makes you a target for any that wants you and I am one of the few people in this city you really do not want to piss off."

I gestured to the door, "I think you should leave."

They stood and one leaned on the table as the other fingered his dagger, "Your time is coming…"

He choked as the dagger slammed into his throat and the other man went over the bench backwards with a spike in his chest. The room was silent as I moved around the table and cut their purses free. The weight let me know they were not beggars. I dropped the two purses in Bella’s father’s hand, "Keep an eye on any new people. I suppose Belle is staying with the Duke?"

He nodded as he weighted the purses, "Those two were not alone. Two others followed Sofie and Bella when they left."

I turned and headed towards the door, as soon as I was outside I started running. I should have known Sofie could take care of herself, I had spent a lot of time teaching her. I rounded the corner by the Duke’s manor to see several guards around two bodies in the street. I slowed to a walk and pushed between two guards that growled at me.

I ignored them as relief washed over me, "What happened to Bella and Sofie?"

The guards quieted as they realized who I was. The guard sergeant cleared his throat, "After the young miss killed these two, Bella pulled her into the manor."

I sighed in relief, "I will be around. These are not the only ones attacking people."

He nodded and I turned away and started walking. I was thinking and finally headed towards the vacant market square. I walked to the middle and slowly turned around looking. This was where the new pick pocket had been working.

It took awhile but slowly the market square began filling as men slipped out of alleys and shadows. I ignored them as I continued to study everything around the square. They were only a few feet away when one laughed, "Did you think we would ignore you?"

I looked at him, "If you think you can just come in and start a completely new thieves guild you are mistaken. As for ignoring me, I knew you would not."

I gestured around us, "All of you are so absorbed on me you forgot a basic principal."

He sneered, "And what was that?"

I grinned, "Always watch your own back."

They looked at each other and then looked around. The bolts that came out of the night came from rooftops and alleys, from shop windows and storefronts. I only had to lash out once as a man staggered to close. They tried to run of course but none made it to the streets or alleys. When it was over I waited and Master Jariss walked out of an alley.

He looked around at the carnage and then at me, "We are even."

I smiled, "No Master Jariss, you still own me. I did not have to play decoy."

He shrugged and turned back towards the alley, "True."

I headed towards an empty street and home. When I slipped into the tack room in the stables Sofie opened the shutter on a small dark lamp, "You are late."

I smiled as I crossed the floor, "What happened to Bella?"

Sofie snorted, "Her beloved came to snuggle and it was so… cloying I had to get some air."

I slipped into bed beside her and blew out the lamp, "I told Jariss we were leaving the guild."

Sofie sighed, "Now we have to be honest citizens."

I laughed as I hugged her, "No, it means we steal things they would never think of, like everything in that office."

She snorted, "Like we could ever…"

I knew she was looking at me as I lay back, "What?"

She snuggled against me, "Do you know of another treasure?"

I smiled in the darkness and caressed her, "Go to sleep Sofie."

She sighed, "Everything is going to change."

I did not say anything as I held her and slowly her breathing changed. I woke to the hint of dawn and glanced at Sofie still in my arms. I sighed and her head came up before she grinned, "You have to wait."

I smiled and turned her and moved half onto her and kissed her. I looked into her laughing eyes, "I have a couple of ideas about finding other treasure."

She kissed me and wiggled until she was free before standing and crossing the room. I watched her and sighed before standing and moving to the clothes chest. When I was dressed I took Sofie’s hand and we walked through quiet streets. I nodded to the guards outside the Duke’s manor and looked a Sofie, "I will be at Baker Simon’s."

She grinned, "I will be sure not to tell James."

I grinned as I walked away. Everyday the list of guests grew. There was no further sign of the band of men that tried to replace the thieves guild. I spent each day checking old records in long unused offices. The day before the wedding I woke and looked at Sofie. I kissed her softly and her eyes snapped open, "Jason?"

I grinned, "Want to go exploring this morning?"

She grinned, "In one of your dusty offices?"

I shook my head, "You will never guess."

Sofie stretched and kissed my cheek before rolling away from my reaching hands. She laughed as she crossed to the new dresser. We were in what had been the study which was more than large enough for us. I followed and dressed carefully. We stopped to eat sweet bread at Simon’s before I led Sofie to the Duke’s court. Inside the clerks were just coming in to start another day.

I grinned and looked at Sofie, "Over a century ago there was a foreign army marching towards the city. All the temples and large merchant houses gave the old duke their riches to protect. This building was just finished and the duke decided to be sneaky."

I walked to the large coat room under the stairs and pulled Sofie in before closing the door. I moved to the back wall of the closet and pushed on one side. There was a grating sound as the whole wall turned slowly and a narrow passage to the right was revealed in the dim light from the crack under the outer door. Sofie had been busy and had lit a small stub of candle.

I grinned at Sofie, "The army never entered the city but the Duke and the only servant who knew about the treasure were killed outside the city."

The passage only went a few feet before coming to stairs. I moved around Sofie and pulled on the wall and slowly it closed. I grinned at Sofie’s unsure look, "The other door will not open if the door before or behind are still open."

She looked down the stairs as I came to squeeze around her again. I put one hand on the wall and slowly made my way down the stairs. After a dozen steps the stairs began to turn to the right and ended in a small round room. Sofie looked around, "What now?"

I glanced back and smiled, "The days in dusty offices pay off."

I crossed to the middle torch and pulled it to the left. There was a loud click and I moved to push against the wall to the right of the torch. Sofie held her candle up as the wall slowly opened to show another set of stairs. I let her squeeze through before following and turning to pull on the edge of the door.

When I heard the loud click as it locked I turned and hugged Sofie as I squeezed around her. She laughed, "You did that on purpose."

I grinned as I turned back to the stairs and put my right hand on the wall. I began counting this time and stopped on the thirtieth step. I looked at the wall on my right and Sofie held her piece of candle closer. I saw the tiny piece of white rock in the center of a darker block and nodded. I pushed on the stone and it sank into the wall. Sofie gasped as a section of wall on the left opened.

I turned to push it open and let Sofie enter. I followed and looked at the huge chests and crates that lined the walls. Sofie looked at me and grinned, "Now this is a treasure."

I grinned and pulled her against me, "now we just need to get it out."

She turned and hugged me, "We do it slowly and at night. I have a perfect plan."

I laughed, "Already?"

Sofie grinned, "Actually it is the same plan I had for my dowry but did not use."

She opened one chest and smiled to see it full of gold. She closed it and we left closing each door behind us. Almost as soon as we walked into the bakers, Sofie was pulled away. Bella was grinning, "She gets guards tonight thief. Tomorrow you can see her at the temple."

I looked at her and the other women and Sofie pushed away from them to come to me, "It is only one night."

For the first time she kissed me softly on the lips before pulling away, "Go away."

The women laughed as I shuddered and grinned. I went to get my new suit and did a few errands. I walked to the temple and stared. It was like it had never been a ruin. Homeless came and went just as other people from the city. I slipped in and walked to the alter and knelt, "Sagus."

The man standing at an alcove frowned but the whispered echo of Sagus filled the temple, "Welcome thief."

I grinned, "I am quitting that line of work. I think Sofie and I will continue working in the shops but maybe we will use our skills to hunt for what was and is lost."

The faint outline of the goddess appeared and I stood to face her. She touched my cheek, "Not many mortals revive a dead god."

I grinned, "I did not revive you, I just got your attention and helped those I have helped most of my life."

She smiled, "I know."

She gestured and a large book appeared in her hand, "Perhaps this will help you."

She placed it in my hand, "until tomorrow thief."

I grinned and bowed, "Until tomorrow."

The book was strangely light as she faded away and I turned to leave. I bowed to the new priest and walked out. There were several people decorating the temple as I headed home. I hid the book and changed into work clothes before heading to the marketplace and the blacksmith shop. I was able to lose myself in the heavy hammer and the heat of the forge.

The night was both long and lonely as I lay awake remembering my parents and the blacksmith that had taken me in. When I woke in the morning the whole city seemed more alive. I drew water from the city pipes and took a bath before putting on my new suit. I walked out and met Daniel in the street wearing a new suit of his own. He grinned as the other pics came out of the shadows and fell in around us.

By the time we walked into the crowded temple I was very nervous. I looked around and recognized face after face. James was in the front row with his parents and right beside them was momma Daniels talking quietly to the queen as if she did it everyday. The priest was looking nervous as a unseen chorus began singing and the goddess Sagus appeared.

I bowed and she smiled as she looked out over the crowd that had gone to its knees. I turned at the sounds of steps and watched as Bella and two other women entered. They walked down the narrow isle with grace and moved to the side as the Duke entered with a white gowned Sofie. As she stepped into the temple her gown began to shimmer and glow.

Around the inner walls of the temple shapes of gods or goddesses began to appear. Behind and on each side of Sagus appeared two more forms. One was Kretchus and I thought the other was Carsanthus. When Sofie and the Duke reached me, he smiled and gently put her hand in mine, "I give her into your care."

I bowed and turned to face Sofie as she lifted her veil. The chorus stopped and we looked at the goddess Sagus. She reached out and covered our hands with her own, "To love another more than life itself is very rare. To live and over come life’s hard lessons is what all should strive for. Jason, Sofie, you have walked beside each other and cared for one another. I and my family have come before you to give unto you our blessing. We wish you joy and a long life together."

She removed her hand and on a finger of each of our hands was a white band that glowed. I had eyes only for Sofie and stepped close to kiss her softly. It was a long time before we heard the cheers or realized the goddess and the others had left. When we pulled apart Sofie smiled and looked around, "Now the fun begins."

I grinned and turned to walk back down the isle as I held her hand.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:











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