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By the time he reached the sidewalk on the other side of the cab, the cabbie already removed Marium's walker from the trunk and was helping her into it and by the time Ignatius reached Marium's side, the cabbie was back in his vehicle and starting to drive off.

At a slow but steady pave, Ignatius and Marium made their way to a park bench sitting at the edge of a large open grassy area.

"Mind if we join you?" Ignatius asked a young woman sitting near the centre of the bench reading a book.

Looking up and seeing Marium and her walker, pushed her purse nearer to the far end of the bench and slid over far enough for Ignatius and Marium to sit saying, "Please, take a seat. It is fair walk to the next bench."

"Oh," Marium started to explain, "it's not the distance to the next bench, it's the importance of this one."

"The importance?" asked the young woman, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Yes," continued Marium, "it was sixty years ago today I was sitting here, just as you were, reading a book, when a young man came over and introduced himself."

"You?, the young woman asked pointing at Ignatius.

"Yes, it was me." Ignatius admitted, "It started when some of my friends and I were tossing a football around this field and some of the guys noticed how my attention kept drifting over to this bench. Well, boys being boys, some of them goaded me into coming over here and introducing myself...."

"Yes," interrupted Marium, "and thank goodness they did, I had noticed him too, but in those days, a woman never made the first move, but I kept a secret watch on him."

"Anyway," Ignatius continued, "not only did I muster the courage to introduce myself, I even offered to buy her a soft drink."

"Which I immediately accepted," Marium acknowledged before concluding, "and the rest is history."

"Cassie." a male voice called from the field and, looking toward it's source, Ignatius and Marium saw a young man, about the same age as the young woman they had been talking to, nearing the shared bench until he was close enough to talk in a normal volume of voice "Sorry to keep you waiting.."

"No problem," Cassie said standing to kiss the young man, "I brought along a book to read, and was hearing a MOST romantic story from this couple here."

"How impolite of me," Ignatius said using his cane to help him stand, before offering a hand and adding, "Ignatius Jones, and this is my wife Marium."

"Mathew.", the young man offered shaking Ignatius' hand.

"And I'm Cassie." Ignatius and Marium were informed by the young woman.

"Nice to meet you both," Marium responded, "but enough of the past, you two young people go enjoy this beautiful day, never know how many more like this you'll get to enjoy."

"Hopefully as many as you two have." Cassie said smiling as she took Mathew's hand before walking across the open field with him.

Ignatius and Marium watched the young couple walk off until they disappeared from view into a wooded area. "Were we ever that young?", Ignatius asked with the slight sound of envy in his voice, closing his eyes trying to remember.

"Oh yes," Marium answered, "and undoubtedly just as happy." she added before leaning over and, with eyes closed, giving Ignatius a kiss on the cheek.

Simultaneously, their eyes opened. Neither saw their partner of sixty years, they saw their partner the way they remember the other looking just days after their first meeting, Marium, young, dark hair, eyes radiating with the love only a young woman could know, Ignatius, curly haired, smiling that well known smile of care, tenderness and want of the love Marium's eyes were offering. They kissed, tenderly at first, both unsure and nervous of the others i meanings, the others wants, the others intentions.

The kissing continued, and started to evolve. to become more wanting, to exceed passionate, becoming lustful. Marium pulled Ignatius against her, turning her head to allow her to breathe her panting breaths without restriction, panting that increased in forcefulness as Ignatius' lips, free of Marium's began to attack and caress her neck, her chin, her earlobes.

As his lips started to work their way down her neck again, his hands slid off her shoulders toward the buttons of her blouse. As if reading his mind, Marium started to thrust out her chest as her hands reached behind her to undo her bra.

With the last of the buttons om Marium's blouse undone, his hands slowly entered her blouse and slid their way up under the unfastened bra as his lips continued their kissing journey down the centre of her chest.

Marium's hands cupped Ignatius' and tightened her grip causing his hands to more than firmly caress the precious mounds they were holding. She inhaled deeply. She squeezed tighter, guiding the hands she was holding the way she enjoyed the most. Satisfied by the feeling, she slid her hands up his arms to his shoulders and started pushing them down. His body obeyed and he started kissing down her belly as his hands moved down to undo her jeans. She helped him slide down her jeans and panties before taking his head in her hands to guide his face to the curly little carpet that hid the moistening entrance to her pleasure centre. His tongue slowly parted the hairs along the pleat before kissing the lips between her legs. She pulled his face against the hairs allowing his tongue to taste the levels of her arousal and he relished in it's invasion of her most secret sanctum. Her legs weakened from the ecstasy of his probing of her most secret sanctum and she dropped to her knees in front of him. He kissed her, overloading the sexual stimuli of her mind as the pungent smell of her own sex wafted through her nose and the piquant taste she had left on his lips was transferred to hers. She became so excited her shaking hands could barely undo his pants before pulling them and his underwear over his hips.

His erection amazed her, it's size, it's shape, it's being what it was, her greatest want and need. Her hand reached out and stroked it softly and it reacted by bobbing upward, away from her hand. Seeing this, she licked her lips rediscovering the taste of her own sex, and coveted the taste of his. Her head bent forward allowing her mouth to surround and engulf the desired appendage. Ignatius let out a groan of pleasure barely audible over the 'mm mm' sound coming from Marium's throat as her suctioning mouth experienced the savoury taste of his pre-cum.

Ignatius' hands guided her head back and forth along the protrusive intruder between her lips until he pulled her face away and guided to to lie on the ground beside him where they both removed the last of their clothing. He rolled onto his side, looked deep in her eyes to see for any sign of reconsideration. She lifted her head and, kissing him, she wrapped her arm over his shoulder and helped pull him on top of her. A soft whine of pleasure escaped her lips as he gently penetrated her sex. Her arms wrapped around his body pulling him close to her as his hips started to rock resulting in a much needed massage between her legs, pulling a silent cry of 'yes' from her lips.

Marium's arms tightened around Ignatius as the stroking of her vagina continued. Soon the gait of her breathing increased and one of her arms started to slam across Ignatius' back until finely she started begging in a whisper 'faster', and 'harder', and seemingly, Ignatius complied.

The impending orgasm mounting in Ignatius was nearing unbearable constraint. His heart was pounding, his body sweat and his mind went blank save for the thought of sexual relief conjoined with that of Marium's and he withheld. He could tell by her beating and scratching his back and the pain etched into the rapturous whines whispered into his ear the emancipation of their shared lust for each other teetered on the edge when suddenly Marium,s arms wrapped around him, pulling them closer together and, in a shared moment never to be forgotten, they both achieved their ultimate destiny.


"And that's all you know of the deceased?" the officer asked Cassie.

"Yes, that's all I know," Cassie told the officer taking notes, "Their names were Ignatius and Marium Jones, and they told me they first met on this very bench sixty years ago, sixty years today. Sorry I can't tell you anything else other than they did look happy together, even when we found them there."

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