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I looked at the girl, "I’ll get you home as soon as I can."

She had wrapped the blanket around herself but nodded. I found Tess’s sister in the third room. After I took the body out, I stopped next to the bed, "Teresa? Tess sent me, as soon as we get the rest of this place straitened out and get some answers, I’ll get you home."

She was a lot like Tess. she sat up straight, "Tess sent you? Maybe I can help?"

I looked at her, "Do you know if there are any other girls? We heard something about a shipment."

She nodded, "It’s a ship, The Yellow Minnow. They were taking us to Shermerez."

I smiled, "Thank you."

I finished the rooms and went back into Samantha’s room, Dett nodded and left. She finally seemed to come to a decision and got out of bed. She didn’t even bother to cover herself as she walked up to me, "What’s your name?"

I smiled, "Charles."

She looked at my body closely, "Are you married Charles?"

I shook my head and crossed the room as the Guild Master began to stir. I used strips from his shirt to bind him before I gagged him. I heard the commotion from downstairs and tried to get Samantha to put her clothes back on but she would have none of it.

The sheriff and the duke appeared in the doorway. There was a third man that I recognized from the way he moved. I nodded to the Duke and handed him her dress, "You talk to her."

I stepped out of the room as the startled duke held the dress. He held it out to Samantha, "Put it on."

She shook her head as she cried quietly, "I can’t daddy. They… I’m spoiled."

He tried to hug her, but she stepped back, "No."

He was very quiet, "Samantha it doesn’t matter."

She turned, "Yes it does. I am worth nothing now. You could give me to that commoner… Charles and he could refuse."

The duke sighed and looked at me. I looked at him and shrugged, "Fine, I except. Samantha Fargrove, under the king’s law, I except your offer."

I walked to her and turned her surprised face to mine, "And I am not a commoner. I am Baron Thrustin’s grandson, an Armsmaster and if your father still wants me, his Kristin."

I turned her to her father, "you know the law, tell him what you have to do."

She looked at me still surprised, she shook her head and her eyes narrowed. She looked at her surprised father and back at me. Her shoulders straightened and I groaned as I sat down. She smiled, "Nice try Armsmaster. Father, he accepted my offer. He thinks I won’t do it, he’s wrong. I have to stay with my husband to be until I am pregnant or proven unable to bear a child."

The old man in the hall laughed, "Wait until I tell this one."

I glared at him, "Very funny Henry."

The duke looked at me thoughtfully and then grinned at Henry, "This is the first time I have seen anyone out fox one of you maniacs and it was my daughter. Elizabeth is going to beat me senseless until she thinks about it though."

I sighed and stood up, "Very well my future wife, but you will have to wait a month before you get to torment me."

She looked at me and I kicked the man at my feet. She blushed and nodded, "Very well, but I will still stay with you."

I shrugged and turned to the duke, "I apologize my lord. I thought that after her… trial, she would back down. We have another piece of business tonight."

I bent and stripped the Guild Master’s pants from him. I pulled a startled Samantha to the bed and made her sit. I bent and pushed her legs into the pants. She tapped me on the shoulder, "What do you think you are doing?"

I looked at her, "You wouldn’t wear the dress and I am not parading my wife all over town naked. You will put this on or I will spank your butt black and blue."

She smiled and bent her head timidly, "Yes my husband."

I shook my head, "Why do I get the feeling that there was something you didn’t say."

All three men laughed and I turned to Armsmaster Henry, "If you would be so kind, see if one of those shirts managed to escape getting bloody."

I looked at the sheriff, "There are more girls aboard a ship called the Yellow Minnow. It was the transport for all the missing girls and was supposed to sail in the morning."

The three men were silent as Jonathan and the duke looked at each other. Finally the Duke sighed, "Do it Jonathan, if he comes complaining tomorrow, I’ll hand him his balls."

Jonathan nodded and left, Henry handed me a shirt and I helped Samantha put it on and absently buttoned it while she watched me. I looked at the duke, "Do you want me and my team to help with the ship?"

He shook his head, "Why don’t you take all the girls home. We’ll take it from here."

He looked at the Guild Master on the floor. I cleared my throat, "If you don’t kill him let me know, he owes a debt."

The duke smiled, "You won’t have to worry about that."

I stepped into the hall and got all the girls wrapped in blankets. When we went downstairs, things were really subdued. Captain Able looked up from talking to a lieutenant. He crossed the room and hugged Teresa, "Teresa!"

She cried and held him, I signal to my men and when Captain Able finally pulled away from Teresa I touched his shoulder, "I am done for the night. The duke asked me to take them home."

He smiled, "Tess is going to love you for this, not to mention her mother."

I looked around the room, "Don’t let any of these… people sweet talk you."

He shook his head, "I won’t, go ahead and get these girls home."

I turned and only took one step before turning, "William, I want these four men assigned to me permanently."

It took almost two hours to get all the girls home. Besides Sam, (Samantha) Teresa was the last. When I opened the door into the Guard Tavern, it was full of subdued clatter and a middle aged man and woman turned as we entered. The woman cried out and Teresa stumbled towards her. I quietly pulled the man aside and explained what had happened to his daughter.

He was furious, until I told him the ones responsible were already dead or on their way. I finally broke free and we stepped out of the tavern. I sent my men home with directions to return at midmorning. I took Sam’s hand and we walked the few blocks to my set of rooms. At the door I hesitated and looked at a nervous Sam, "You know as well as I do, that you don’t have to do this."

She smiled a little sadly, "Yes I do Charles."

I looked at her and then open the door, I stepped in and moved to the table. It took a moment but the small lamp finally started and Sam came in and looked around. She frowned, "It could be worse."

I nodded, "You could still be in that room, servicing men, or you could be on that ship headed south."

She nodded, "Yes."

She shuddered and I crossed the room to close the door. I pulled her to the bed and sat her down. In the side room, I pumped some water into a large pot. I pulled out the wash basin and pitcher. I filled the pitcher and walked back to Sam. I stood on the chair and lifted a board in the ceiling.

I pulled down a small satchel made of soft leather. I walked back into the small room and returned with a cup of water. I took a paper packet out of the satchel and poured it into the water. I stirred it with my finger and handed it to Sam, "Drink this, it will help with the pain."

I took a small glass pot out and set it on the table. I pulled the table and chair closer to the bed and had Sam sit in the chair. I set the basin in her lap and bent her forward. I put my towel around her shoulders and gently washed her hair. When I was done I brushed it for her, I took the basin and emptied it.

I removed her borrowed clothes and gently washed her with the warm water. Treating each of her bruises and abrasions with the soft cream in the glass pot. I took her to the tiny bathroom and helped her wash herself and brought her back to bed. I pulled out an old soft shirt and helped her put it on.

Another search in the satchel and another cup of water. I put the herbs into water and held the cup, "Sam? I know you are not all here, but try to listen. I need you to make a decision, these herb are very strong. If you are already pregnant, it will kill the child and end the pregnancy. I can’t make this decision for you."

Sam looked at me, her eyes dazed from the pain medicine. She looked down at the cup and whispered, "I would have a fresh start."

She looked at me, "If I am not pregnant?"

I smiled, "It won’t hurt anything. We still have to wait for your next cycle."

She looked into my eyes, "If I do this, what kind of mother could I be?"

I smiled, "Sam, what they did to you was not your choice. It was done against your will. There is no fault to you and you are not to blame."

Sam looked down, "Maybe not at first… but later…"

I reached out and lifted her face, "Sam? That is a natural reaction. First you felt pain and gradually it became pleasure. That does not mean you are to blame."

She looked at the cup and into my face, "What about how you will feel."

I caressed her face, "Sam, I am an Armsmaster. I started training when I was three. I offer this to you so you will have the option. If you are pregnant it is not even a baby yet, only a man’s seed and your egg."

Sam looked at me, "But you want me to take it."

I sighed, looking at my own feelings and finally I nodded, "Yes, I guess I do. It will give you and I a fresh start. Even though I did this to get you to go back to your father, the longer you are with me, the more I like the idea of you being with me. I have been alone a long time Sam."

She looked at me and slowly took the cup and drank it down. I took the cup and set it on the table before I moved the table and chair back and put the lamp out. I removed my weapons and chain shirt and walked back to the bed. I eased Sam into the bed and lay beside her and held her against me, "Sam? Do you feel me holding you?"

I could feel her trembling, "Yes."

I gave her a slight squeeze, "Nothing can hurt you while I hold you."

It was a minute before she seemed to relax, "Charles?"


"Is it always like that…"

I kissed the back of her neck, "No Sam. When we are ready, I will show you how it should be."

Slowly her breathing slowed and she slept. She woke before dawn crying uncontrollably. I held her against my chest until she had cried herself out. She stirred and looked up, "I have to…"

I caressed her face, "Go ahead, its light enough to see."

She slipped out of bed and walked to the tiny bathroom. When she came back she climbed timidly into bed. She hesitated and then moved closer and held me. I looked at her tense face and caressed her, "It’s finally started."

She looked into my face, "What?"

"The fear and loathing. The feeling of not being clean."

She looked at me for a minute and then nodded. I sighed and caressed her face, "Sam, this is the part I can’t help you with. I will hold you, when you let me. I will try and make sure no man touches you. But this is a fight you have to make to return your life to something that you will be able to live with. Face your fears my Sam."

She put her head back on my chest and we watched the light grow in the one tiny window. I sighed and slipped out of bed, I looked at her facing away from me, "Sam, turn around and watch me."

When she had turned, I slowly undressed the rest of the way. I looked at her, "This is my body Sam, the one you will have to accept if we are to marry. I will not force you to accept me. This is the fear you have to face. The fight you face is yours, but in the end it is for both of us."

I walked into the small room and returned with the basin full of clean water. I sat in the chair and washed with her watching, when I started shaving she stirred, "Charles? Can you show me how to do that for you?"

I smiled and held out the razor. She came to me and after a few false starts and nicks, she finished. When the bleeding stopped, I dressed in my best clothes and then looked at Sam thoughtfully and she smiled, "What?"

I smiled at her, "Unless you want to walk around the city wearing nothing but my shirt, we need to find something for you to wear."

She looked down at the pants and shirt she had worn the night before. I shook my head, "You are not putting those back on."

After digging in my pack, I found what I thought would work for now. I sat her down and started to help her put them on. When I touched her, she started shaking and I looked into her face, "Part of fighting the fear is learning to trust; yourself, me and others."

She nodded and I waited, after a minute she relaxed and I finished. I was going to get her a newer shirt, but she said she liked the one she already had on. I looked at her feet and pulled the only piece of leather I had out. I outlined her feet and sat down to cut it out. When I started sewing she stirred, "I can do that."

I showed her where to sew and a little while later they were finished. I put them on her, "This will have to do until we can get you shoes."

She smiled as she stood, "I like these."

I took my satchel when we left. We started walking towards the square and I was thinking all the way. Sam finally reached out and took my hand, I smiled but didn’t say anything. When we got to the square, there was a line of posts with dead men hanging from them. I saw the Guild Master and the Guard lieutenant on the center posts.

As we crossed towards the tavern, I saw Mona sitting at a table. She grinned as I got to the table and gesture for Sam to sit, "Armsmaster Henry told us what happened. I was going to send a letter to the company."

I smiled as I sat down, "You’re so thoughtful."

I turned as a serving girl stopped. She was an older version of Tess and Teresa, "How is Teresa this morning?"

She started, "Better. Afraid to let… you’re Armsmaster Winston?"

I nodded, "Yes, tell her I asked about her and said to have patients."

She smiled, "I’ll tell her. Momma said you only have bread and cheese with coffee?"

I nodded and looked at Sam, "If you have it, Sam could use a larger breakfast though."

She looked at Sam, "We heard… of course."

Mona looked at Sam, "You don’t have to let him tell you what to do. He may be an Armsmaster, but he is only a man."

Sam looked at her shyly and Mona grinned, "Of course, he has given me more bruises and lumps then I care to count, but at least he knows I am my own person."

I grinned, "Care for another lesson?"

She shook her head grinning, "I don’t think so, the last one is still fresh in my mind."

I watched the Guard building as Peter and Captain Able came out. I frowned, "I thought I sent Peter home."

Mona glanced over, "He stayed to help out, all those guards that tried to interfere last night, left."

I looked at Mona as she watched Peter walk towards us, "When are you going to give him what he wants? Don’t give me that, I’m not a farm wench bit. We both know that is just an excuse."

She looked at me, "Charles, it’s none of… ok, maybe it is your concern in a way."

She looked up as Peter and the captain joined us. When she looked back she sighed, "I wouldn’t have the time and with being in the militia… I don’t think he deserves the heartache."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Peter open his mouth. I held up my hand to stop him, this was something between Mona and I. Peter, had taken two arrows meant for me and I owed him a debt, "That is an excuse Mona. We both know what the problem is."

She looked away as the serving girl brought the food and a small pot of coffee. When she left, Mona nodded, "Since we left the company I have thought about it, but I am not… I wouldn’t know how…"

I smiled, "Being a wife would not change who or what you are. It doesn’t have to mean giving up your life for his. I don’t think he would want or accept that."

Mona looked down, "I’m in the militia, Charles. What about the danger?"

I looked at Captain Able, "You have an opening for a lieutenant, right?"

He looked at Mona’s surprised face, "I met the sergeant last night. She seemed a capable leader."

He looked at me, "From the way you have been talking, you know her background. Do you think she could do the job and more importantly, are you giving her your recommendation?"

I smiled, "Yes and yes."

He nodded and turned as we heard a group of people enter the square. The sheriff only had two guards, the rest seemed like clerks. He left the clerks and crossed to us and sat in the last seat and gestured for his guards to sit at the next table. He looked at Sam, "Changed your mind?"

Mona and Peter both grinned as they tasted the coffee. Sam looked at the sheriff, "Why would I change my mind? For the position I am in, his was and probably would always be, better than anything I could expect."

He looked at her and then at me, I shrugged, "I opened my mouth one to many times already."

He grinned, "You have no idea how the duke’s militia reacted to this."

I nodded to Mona, "Yes I do."

He grinned and Captain Able cleared his throat, "He just recommended her for the lieutenant’s spot."

Jonathan looked at Mona and grinned again, "We could do worse. The duke will like it, she won’t be tossing his noble bu… backside around the salle."

Sam laughed suddenly and looked at Mona, "You were the one? Wait until I tell momma."

I looked up as Tess and the woman from last night, her mother, stopped at our table. Tess went to Captain Able and hugged him. Her mother hugged me, "I don’t know how to thank you."

When she released me, she saw Sam, "Oh, you poor thing. Why didn’t they take you home? You come with me and we’ll get you out of those man’s cloths."

Sam pulled back shocked, "Mistress, Wait!"

When she stopped pulling, Sam moved closer to me, "I have been spoiled. No noble would take me now, my father would be shamed. The Armsmaster has accepted my offer of common law marriage. He thought to scare me back to my father, but I have accepted my fate and him. He is a good and kind man and… and I don’t deserve him."

Tess’s mother looked at her, wringing her hands, "But it wasn’t your fault. You don’t have to… to do this."

Sam sighed, "Mistress, I am a noble. It doesn’t matter if it was my fault. This match is better than I could have hoped for and now better then I deserve. My… my husband to be will teach me what I need to know."

Tess’s mother looked at the sheriff and he sighed, "Maria, she is probably more right then the Duke and I realized at the time."

She looked at me for a long time before sighing, "If you need anything let me know."

I coughed, "Now that you offer. I was wondering if you had a set of rooms you could rent us?"

She blinked and looked at Tess, "The big suite of rooms next to you is empty."

She looked at me, I knew she was thinking of just giving them to me, "Would two gold pieces a month cover it?"

She shook her head, "I couldn’t."

The sheriff broke in, "Maria accept it. The duke will pick up the bill. He is going to be the duke’s new Kristin."

She smiled and nodded to me. I looked at the sheriff, "When is the duke expecting me?"

Jonathan grinned, "When you get there. He said to wake him, we didn’t get much sleep."

I nodded, "How did it go with the ship?"

He stirred, "It was bad. We took the ship without resistance. The girls that were being held there were… they were not in good shape. The duke ordered the crew hung right there on the ship. He would have ordered the ship burned if it hadn’t been at the dock."

I thought about what the girls might have gone through and quietly squeezed Sam’s hand, "What did he do with the ship?"

Jonathan shrugged, "Nothing yet."

My smile was thin and Mona chuckled. Peter laughed out loud and both Captain Able and Jonathan looked at us funny. I looked at Jonathan, "Take the ship and put it up for sale. Split the money and give it to the girls for a dowry."

Jonathan and Captain Able both laughed and Sam squeezed my hand, "Do it uncle Jonathan."

I looked at Maria, "Maria? How busy does your tavern get? Could you use all the girls that were saved? Maybe teach them cooking, cleaning, sewing. With the guards across the square they would be safe and it might help them get over what happen to them. I think I will ask some of the other shop keepers to help too. The baker and tailor and the like, I have money and could pay you for their meals and anything they might need."

She opened her mouth but Jonathan stirred, "No Charles, it is a kind and generous thing but the duke will want to do that. He was trying to find some way to help them."

Maria smiled at me and then looked at Jonathan, "Have them brought to me. They won’t want to come, but make them come anyway."

She straightened and looked at Tess, "When you and William head up to bed, wake Teresa and send her down. If the duke’s own daughter can face the light of day and what happened to her then she can too."

Tess nodded and pulled the captain to his feet, "We’ll send her down."

I looked at Mona, "You’ve had time to think about it. Do you want to talk it over with Peter?"

She looked at Peter, "No."

She took a breath, "Well lover, will you take me as your wife?"

His face lit up as he smiled, "Yes, but I get to send the notice letter to your father."

He paused and grinned as he looked at me, "And the company."

I grinned as Mona groaned, "I knew there was a reason I was avoiding this."

I stood, "Jonathan? If we get Mona sworn in with the duke, she can get to the important stuff. Like teaching Peter she is still the one in charge."

Everyone laughed and stood, I tried to hand Maria two silver pieces but she waved it off. I held Sam’s hand as we walked and after a while Mona sighed took Peter’s hand as well. I kept my mouth shut, pretending not to notice his smile. When we got to the duke’s manor, the militia guards opened the door as we walked up.

The duke’s chamberlain showed us into a small study and said the duke would be there shortly. Sam had seemed to move closer to me as we came in. We were only in the room a few moments when the door opened and an older version of Sam came in. A quick look and she headed straight for Sam, "Samantha, what is this nonsense. You come with me this instant."

I felt Sam trembling as she held my arm, "No momma."

The Duchess stopped in front of her, "Samantha!"

Sam shook her head, "You know I can’t momma, please don’t. I love you, but I can’t."

She tapped her foot and looked at me, "You’re the one that started this?"

I shrugged, "I didn’t kidnap her. I thought that after what she had been through she would… I guess in a way I am. I didn’t think she would go through with it, but to tell the truth I am glad she did."

She frowned, "You know she is the last in line to inherit?"

I smiled and shrugged again, "You could remove her and I would be happier. After watching my grandfather and my uncle, I think being a noble is more trouble then it’s worth."

She blinked and then smiled, "I like you, you seem to have some sense."

She sighed and looked at Sam, "At least let me check you."

Sam’s fingers tightened on my arm, "I… Charles already…"

I looked at Sam and then at Jonathan, "Jonathan, would you give my apologies to his grace?"

I looked at the duchess, "Where?"

She looked from Sam to me and finally nodded to herself, "This way."

The room she took us to was a small bedroom. (Sam’s bedroom) After she closed the door, I led Sam to the bed. I quietly unbuttoned her shirt as she blushed. After I had slipped it off, I got a good look at all the bruises. I shook my head and pulled my satchel off, "The light here is much better. Hold still Sam, this cream will feel cold."

Her mother watched as I gently rubbed the same cream I had used the night before into the bruises on her upper body. I removed her pants and started on the fresh bruises I found, when I finished I looked into her face, "Better?"

She smiled and nodded as her mother cleared her throat. I turned to her blushing, she was not the only one there. I couldn’t believe I had been so distracted as to not notice the duke coming into the room, "Sorry, I was distracted."

The duchess smiled, "somehow I think you just did a better job than I could have."

She looked at the duke and sighed, "You were right."

Getting clothes back on Sam proved as difficult as before. I finally put a stop to it, "Enough Sam, put the pants and shirt back on and have the dresses sent to our rooms at the Guards Tavern. Do it or I will put you over my knee and spank you right now. I don’t have time for you to argue and neither do your parents."

Sam stopped suddenly, "Yes my husband."

Her mother looked at me and I just shook my head. The duke walked us back to his study, the sheriff was still waiting with Mona and Peter. The duke accepted my oath and had just sworn Mona in as an officer when a loud argument broke out on the other side of the door. The doors were thrown open and a man dressed like a southern noble strode in with two bodyguards following, "What do you think you’re doing!"

My reactions were swift, my fighting knife came out and around, stopping at his throat. His guards reached for weapons and I pressed harder, "Pull them and he’s dead. You two get out now or I won’t wait to see if the duke wants to speak to your lord."

They hesitated and then backed out of the room as more of the duke’s guards arrived. When the door closed, I looked at the noble, "I don’t like southerners. You threaten his grace again or so much as whisper disrespectfully to him and I will send your head back as a warning."

I pulled my knife back and slid it back into its sheath. He glared at me, "You’re dead."

I smiled, "Some of your kinsmen said that once on the plains of Albia."

He paled as he looked at me, his whisper was to himself but everyone in the room heard. "Armsmaster Winston."

I nodded to the duke as he stepped closer, "What do you want prince?"

The prince looked at him and glared, "You boarded one of my ships and murdered its crew."

The duke looked at him, "Your ship and crew were part of a slavery ring. The ship has been confiscated and will be sold to compensate the women."

The prince puffed up and I turned to him, "One of the duke’s daughters, my wife, was taken. If I find out it was more than the crew of your ship…"

He paled, "Are you threatening me?"

I smiled a thin smile, "If you are involved, you can take it as a threat. If you aren’t involved then you can take it is a warning. I have been hearing about your veiled threats to the duke. I will be sending messages to some… friends. If you want to get aggressive here in the north, you go right ahead."

He blanched as the duke suddenly smiled, "You can leave now prince, before my new Kristin changes his mind."

We watched as he left, shoving his men out of his way. The duke looked at me, "You know he will send messages south as well as to the king."

I smiled, "Let him, nothing will come of it. Send a letter to the king explaining what happened."

I looked at Sam and back to her father, "If you will excuse me, I have some shopping to do."

I looked at Mona, "You’re done playing your tricks on his grace, but now I am going to use your special… skills to teach Sam, Samantha."

Mona grinned, "It will be my pleasure lord Kristin."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






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