
Planet Earth


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About Me

The guy behind me came, grunting loudly, thrusting hard enough to force me forward onto the cock in front, making me gag a little from the surprise of it. Pussy-guy held himself inside for a few more moments, caressing my ass, then gave me a nice, hard smack on my ass and a follow-up squeeze. I yelped in surprise, muffled by the cock in my mouth, then moaned, wiggling back onto him, showing him how happy his appreciation made me. That guy pulled out and was quickly replaced; a thicker, shorter cock sliding easily into my cum-drenched hole, squelching loudly as he started thrusting in and out. Then the first one walked around from behind me, tapping the shoulder of the new guy I was sucking, backing him away and taking his place so I could quickly clean his cock of my cum for him. I moaned happily, deep-throating him all the way and sucking as hard as I could, loving the taste of myself on his cock as he slowly pulled away and let the other guy reclaim his place. And it would only be getting better, I knew! My cum-filled little cunny meant the guys would be getting messier and messier as the night went on, every time a new one came around for me to clean his cock for him after busting the latest load inside of me. I'd trusted Johnny to tell all the guys exactly what they'd be signing up for, to check their STD tests ahead of time and to weed out any who would have a problem with sloppy seconds, or thirds, or however-manyths. I knew he'd been thorough with the tests; simple self-interest guaranteed that. And judging from the speed at which I'd been refilled, he'd been equally effective with the second task as well.

I was in cop-cock paradise. I won't say they began to blur together, because they didn't. I was fully engaged at every moment, and knew exactly what was happening to me, even if I didn't always know exactly who was doing what. I did, however, completely lose all sense of time. I knew that I'd made seven guys cum with my pussy, but only six with my mouth. That wasn't counting the ones who'd been masturbating to the sight of me while waiting their turns, and who had just tagged in briefly to feed me an extra load, of course. Still, I thought it was interesting. I knew I was good with both my pussy and my mouth, I'd been told so often enough that I knew the guys saying it weren't just trying to feed my ego. But I'd never been in a position to know how good before, one hole compared to the other. I was wondering if the discrepancy was just because I kept taking time out to clean the guys who had just finished inside my pussy, and to swallow the loads of the guys who were masturbating, or if it was accurately indicative of my skill. I was pondering, and trying to make a special effort for the Latino guy currently in my mouth (not Johnny, this one's cock was almost two inches smaller, though still above average), when I suddenly heard a new, angry, and female voice.

"What the fuck is going on in here!" she bellowed, and suddenly I was empty on both ends, the first time in I didn't even know how long. I twisted around, as much as I could with the chains on my collar, to see a pissed off redhead with sergeant's stripes staring from eye to eye to eye, as my boys covered their junk with their hands, or tried to tuck themselves back into their pants if they were still wearing any.

"Hello, Sergeant." I said meekly. My mind was running a million miles a minute, but I had no idea what to do. I just knew I needed to protect my boys. They were doing this for me... it would be a poor thank-you indeed if I let anything happen to them as a result!

"Nobody moves!" The redhead bellowed. Then she took a hesitant step forward, her voice and expression softening as she addressed me directly. "Miss? Are you okay?"

She was actually kind of attractive, I thought suddenly. She was a bit older than me, maybe thirty, thirty-two. And she had balls, there was no doubting that! I may not have known any of the guys Johnny had invited for me before that night, but you can't be a badge bunny like me without understanding rank insignia. There were at least two sets of sergeants' stripes in the room with us, not counting Johnny himself, and one set of lieutenant's bars. And those were just the ones I'd seen for sure. I had a feeling that there might be one or two guys who had so far been spending all their time behind me, back where I couldn't get even a glimpse of them, so who knew what those two might have on their collars! If they were really there at all, that was. If so, then they'd moved off to the wrong side when I'd started to twist around, so I still couldn't get a good look at them without drawing attention to what I was doing, which I wasn't about to do. I took another look at the female sergeant, and suddenly I understood exactly what I was going to have to do if was going to keep my boys out of trouble.

"I was doing okay, Sergeant... until you interrupted us." I kept my voice meek, with just the slightest touch of annoyance seeping in. Couldn't risk overdoing it.

"You mean... you're here voluntarily?" she asked, as if she couldn't quite bring herself to believe it.

"Well, of course I am!" I said, laughing like I couldn't quite believe her lack of belief. "What, did you think these boys kidnapped me, or something?" I shook my head. "Christ, I had to beg for them to agree to do me here in the precinct! That was part of the fantasy, you know!"

"Oh, uh..." The redhead mumbled, clearly unsure what to do next. It was the innocent expression that was doing it to her, I knew. If I'd acted embarrassed, or ashamed, it all would have fallen apart. I took a deep breath; it was time.

"You know..." I said, tilting my head like I'd just realized something I'd never considered before. "I've only ever had cop-cock, before now. But I take my badge bunny duties seriously! I'm happy to try some cop-cunt, if you want to take off your pants and hop up on my bench here in front of me..."

"What? No, I... No!" she said, suddenly blushing a deep, deep red.

"Are you sure?" I asked, keeping my face blank and innocent. "Because really, I don't mind! You deserve some relief just as much as the boys do! And they'll be happy to let you skip the queue, since they're all off duty, and you have to get back to work soon. They'll even go wait in the hallway, if you want. They wouldn't like that... I'm sure they'd all much rather watch me eating you out! But they'll understand if you'd rather they not see you without your pants on."

"No, I..." She said, vigorously shaking her head, backing away. "You all just... you all just make damned sure you get her out of here before shift change, okay? And clean up after yourselves, too!"

"Yes, Sergeant, we will. We promise." I said for us all, obediently and seriously nodding my head, with accompanying murmurs of agreement coming from all around me.

And then, she was gone.

It took a few moments for the guys to really believe they'd just gotten away with it, then they were touching me, thanking me, congratulating me... even leaning down and kissing me! I was surprised... but grateful for the way it had turned out. I'd been totally prepared to eat her out, if that was the price for keeping my boys out of trouble... but I hadn't really wanted to! Not that I'm opposed, exactly... it's just that pussy doesn't really do anything for me, not the way cock does! I've never even touched one before, other than my own; I'd certainly never eaten one! I would have, without the least bit of complaint, if that's what I'd needed to do... Like I'd told her; she was a cop, too, and she deserved every bit of attention the boys did, if she wanted it!

But I was just as glad she'd decided she didn't.

I giggled and preened for a bit longer under the boys' attention, then just opened my mouth and said 'Ahhh!', reminding them of the kind of thanks I really wanted. They laughed, but it didn't take long for the two I'd been in the middle of servicing to reclaim their positions. I had to hope Johnny and the others were watching the time, to make sure we got out of there before shift change like I'd promised; I was having far too much fun to even think about trying to keep track for myself!

Some while later, I was starting to think I'd finally nailed my number down to twelve, but I still wasn't a hundred percent sure. I'd completely lost track of the number of times they had made me cum, but I estimated it at somewhere north of thirty, an average of a little more than two and a half per guy. I'd been slower than my usual to start, a bit overwhelmed by thoughts of what I was facing I think, but once the boys got me going I sped right up and never slowed down. Anyway, I'd just taken Johnny's load in my pussy, my twelfth of the night. I still had another one in my mouth at the time, and couldn't turn back to see him, but I'd know that cock anywhere. I knew I'd seen twelve cocks, I could describe each one in loving detail. I'd seen one of my previously theoretical mystery-men, too, another lieutenant, only this one with shaggy hair, a goatee, and a cock every last bit as impressive as Johnny's. The lax grooming standards meant he was somebody special, maybe working undercover, or in the gangs taskforce, something like that. I wasn't surprised he'd been hiding out behind me for so long; a job like that, staying out of sight when possible would have become second nature to him a long time ago. He'd prompted me to make my only direct request of the evening. He'd been balls deep inside me, my eighth of the night, slamming my cunt for everything I was worth. His cock was so big, and nice... I simply had to feel what it was like to have Johnny in my mouth at the same time!

The guy I'd been sucking at the time had graciously stepped back to wait his turn at my request, without a hint of complaint at the interrupted blowjob. I think the guys were all nearly as excited as I was to watch me taking two such massive cocks at the same time. I was seriously tempted to ask them to take out my tail, and to let them double-penetrate my ass and pussy instead... but I knew I couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair to give some of the boys my ass, if I wasn't going to offer it to all of them. Still, it was heaven, the two huge, thick cocks going at me from both ends. The mystery-guy in my pussy, especially, was bouncing me vigorously back and forth between them with the force and depth of his fucking, my full, heavy tits slapping loudly against each other under my chest. I'm real proud of how firm my tits are, especially given their size and the fact that I'm a hundred percent natural... but not even the firmest, fakest ones you've ever seen could have stood up to the pounding I was getting without bouncing around like crazy! The boys finished within just a couple of seconds of each other, and it was glorious feeling them fill my mouth and pussy with big, hot loads of their cum. That was the first time I'd actually seen my wonder-cock lieutenant, when he came around in front of me to have me lick his cock clean for him, before he tucked it back into his pants and the guy Johnny had temporarily displaced moved in again and stuck his cock back into my mouth.

But I digress! As I was saying, I'd just finished being mounted by my twelfth of the night, Johnny, and was really starting to think that was the last of them, and that they'd be onto their second turns if they wanted to keep going. (Which I desperately hoped they would!) But then, suddenly, it became absolutely clear that my second mystery-man was real after all. He was behind me, and he was enormous! Bigger by far than even Johnny or my undercover lieutenant, easily bigger than any guy I'd ever been with, maybe bigger than any guy I'd ever even seen, judging from the way he felt! Thank God he'd waited for last, when I was as stretched out and prepared as I was going to get! I started gasping and moaning onto the cock in my mouth, hardly able to believe the size of what was slowly being shoved up inside of my tight, tiny little cunt! He eventually bottomed out, and he must have been eleven inches at least, and thick, thicker than a baseball bat for sure! I could feel him leaning forward over my back, reaching down, taking hold of my tits. He squeezed, hard, almost too hard, but just on the right side of it, keeping it pleasurable. And then he used my tits like handles as he started fucking me, slow and gentle at first, but faster and harder, his big, heavy balls slapping roughly against my clit as he became convinced I could take it. I wasn't convinced, not yet... but he knew what he was doing. It felt incredible, easily the best fucking I'd ever had, and I've had some wonderful ones, believe me!

The guy in my mouth finished (Also my twelfth of the night, I'd nearly caught up to what I'd been doing with my pussy!), and for once nobody replaced him, not even Johnny to get his cock cleaned after fucking me. They were all too impressed, or intimidated, or just plain in awe of the fucking I was getting. I was good with that. A fucking like that, a girl needs to be able to scream a little! Especially when he made me cum, which he did, repeatedly. I guess I could have twisted around and looked at him, since I no longer had a cock in my mouth... but I didn't. I was having too much fun being used anonymously, and I wanted to preserve the mystery until after he was done with me. He lasted longer than any of the other guys, too, and when he finally came I thought his cock was going to tear its way straight out of my belly, he was thrusting into me so hard! I could feel him pulsing as he filled me with wave after wave of his cum, squishing deep up inside of me! He stayed in me a long time, fondling me softly, caressing me from tits to ass and back again, silently calming and comforting me after the ordeal his cock had put me through. He finally pulled out, moving around and coming to his knees beside me, leaning down to softly kiss my cheek.

"Give me a call, baby girl. You and I should start doing this more often!" He whispered right into my ear, so quietly that I knew no one else possibly could have heard him, fondling my tit and my ass as he said it. I froze. Not because of the words, but because of the voice. I turned slowly, seeing the eyes, the face, that I knew so well. Captain Roberts. Captain Dashaun Roberts. My uncle Dashaun, my dad's old partner. The man who'd been like an uncle to me since before I could even remember. The man who'd let me cry all over his best uniform at Daddy's funeral, the man who had probably watched Daddy changing my diapers when he came over to the house, for Christ's sake! The man who'd just fucked my well-used pussy better than I'd ever been fucked before in my entire life, and who had just sent an absolute flood of his hot, sticky cum gushing up into my womb!

Johnny didn't know about 'Uncle Dashaun'. He only knew Captain Roberts. And he'd been trying to find guys I'd enjoy, so if he'd heard rumors about what he was packing then of course he'd have made the effort to invite him for me! There was no way in hell he could have resisted the idea of watching me take on that absolute monster of a cock! Johnny'd just had no idea he'd be offering me up to have sex with the man who was basically my uncle! But Uncle Dashaun knew! Johnny had nudie-pics of me on his phone, and I'd told him to use them to entice the guys he was going to ask to participate. So Uncle Dashaun had known it was me he was signing up to have sex with, not just some random piece of ass. He'd seen my pictures, and had learned that his unofficial niece was a notorious badge bunny who'd been fucking her way from precinct to precinct the last four years running, ever since I'd turned eighteen. And his reaction hadn't been one of shock, or revulsion... no, instead he'd decided that he wanted to try out my tight little cunt for himself! And now he had. He'd fucking impaled me on that enormous cock of his! Fucked me so hard I'd been half convinced he was going to kill me with it! And after he came in me, after he'd filled me near to bursting with his hot, creamy seed, and he'd finally let me see who he was... he'd told me he wanted to do it again! More often, he'd said, like he wanted it to become a regular thing!

We were done, after that. I don't blame the guys in the slightest. Who would want to follow a performance like that? Truth was, I was pretty done too, just flat-out exhausted from what they'd all done to me, especially Uncle Dashaun. Johnny released my chains, not from my collar, but from whatever they'd been attached to under the bench, letting them dangle free down over my tits. I was shaky as hell, but the guys were supporting me, kissing my cheeks, getting in a last little fondle as they thanked me and told me how wonderful I'd been. I was reading their tags, finally associating names with the cocks I'd been enjoying so much. And I got my hands on those cocks for the first time all night, making sure that everyone got a thankful stroke and a squeeze while I told them all, as a group and individually, how much I'd enjoyed what they'd done to me. I wanted to make sure that nobody could feel left out or unappreciated, which could have been tricky, but I was helped by the fact that I didn't have to lie. They'd all been wonderful to me, and I was sincerely grateful to them for helping me fulfill my biggest fantasy.

I tried my best to give them each at least a few moments of my undivided attention, one after another, smiling warmly and looking them in their eyes while fondling their cock and balls. I made a point of thanking them each for all the little details I'd noticed, the way one had squeezed my ass with just the right pressure, the attention another had paid to my nipples at just the right moment to make me cum really hard, the way a third had lovingly stroked my cheeks while he'd been fucking my mouth. Each of them had done something, usually more than one thing, deserving of recognition. I wanted them to feel special, each in their own way, because they were special to me. In my experience, guys don't much like the idea of sticking their dicks into holes full of other guys' cum. But these guys had overcome that dislike, for me, because they knew that, specifically, had been a big part of my fantasy. So I wanted them each to know how much I appreciated them, and their willingness to go along with what I wanted. Plus... they'd all been really good fucks! Some a bit better than others, sure, and obviously Uncle Dashaun was in a league all of his own. But none of them had been the least bit disappointing. I had to wonder how Johnny had arranged to only invite cops with above-average cocks for me to enjoy. Had he created some sort of a questionnaire, or something? Camped out in the showers looking for the ones he thought I'd like? Maybe talked to a bunch of other badge bunnies and asked who their favorites were? Whatever he'd done, he'd sure as hell found some lovely cocks for me to fuck!

There were thirteen of them, including Johnny and my uncle Dashaun. Which by my count meant that everybody had gotten a turn in my pussy, and everybody but uncle Dashaun had also gotten a turn in my mouth. All the extra loads I'd swallowed, from their masturbation, had been a yummy, creamy bonus, but I wasn't really counting those, since I hadn't been the one doing the work to earn them. The important thing to me was that I'd reached my goal of making each of them cum at least twice, once with my pussy and once with my mouth... except for Uncle Dashaun, of course, but that wasn't my fault. He'd obviously been worried how I might react, if I'd seen that he was there, so he'd never taken a turn in my mouth. He'd stayed out of sight, waiting, knowing that with a cock like his he needed to go last. And then he'd fucked me absolutely senseless without ever letting me know it was him, until after he'd finished filling me with his cum and it was too late for me to even think about saying 'no'.

Johnny and my big-cocked mystery-lieutenant, who I could now identify as Lieutenant Samuelson, undid my handcuffs, then stripped the rest of the way naked themselves and carried me into the shower to clean me up. I'd say 'to help me clean up', but honestly, I was so out of it by that point that they had to do it all on their own, taking off my collar, pulling out my plug, undoing my pigtails and taking off my mask. It had only been important for holding up my ears, anyways; not like I was worried about hiding my identity from any of these boys! They were gentle and sweet, one of them holding me up while the other washed me, softly fingering me to coax my pussy into squeezing out as much cum as I could. I regretted that, but I knew it was necessary so I wouldn't leak all over the place and make myself dirty again the moment I took a step; I was a very cummy little bunny! My eyes were closed, a huge, satiated smile on my face, and I wasn't even sure which of them was doing what. The rest of the guys got themselves sorted out and dressed (not as easy as it sounds, with the way their uniforms had ended up strewn all over the place), and took care of things in the locker room, taking my bench back to wherever they'd gotten it from and giving the area a quick cleaning before taking off. Uncle Dashaun was already gone; a captain's prerogative to avoid cleanup duty, I guess. Either that, or maybe he was afraid I might slip up and accidentally call him Uncle in front of the others, if he stuck around.

Dan, my mystery-lieutenant introduced himself as, Lieutenant Dan Samuelson, after he and Johnny had gotten dressed themselves. They bundled me back into my jacket before Johnny swept me up into his arms, carrying me out the back door. He was taking me back to his place to sleep for about a week, and Dan was coming as far as the doorway to carry my stuff; I was still far too floppy to be of any help, so Johnny needed both his arms just for me. Any other night, I'd have asked Johnny if Dan could join us so the two of them could DP me with those big, thick cocks of theirs... but I was too exhausted to even consider it right then.

I collapsed heavily into Johnny's bed, grateful I'd had the foresight to arrange ahead of time for a substitute for my class the next day. He got undressed and climbed in after me, kissing me, deeply and passionately and lovingly, and cuddling me as I turned over onto my front and melted into the sheets.

"Thank you, Johnny!" I murmured sleepily, eyes closed with exhaustion. "Tonight was amazing! Even better than I dreamed!"

"You're welcome, gorgeous." he murmured back, moving my hair off to the side and kissing me between my shoulder blades, his hand stroking down to my lower back.

"I want to say thank you properly..." I continued, breaking off in a giggle. "But I don't think I can move! You can have my ass though, if you want... as long as you're okay with me just laying here, while you do it!"

"Don't mind if I do!" he chuckled, as I'd known he would, his hand sliding lower. He could never resist my ass. Which was a very good thing indeed, because even as exhausted as I was, having my bunny tail butt plug in there all evening had left me craving an ass fucking! And straight anal, unlike a DP, meant I could just lay there and take it. Johnny rumbled around in his nightstand a little, and I knew he was searching for where we'd left my favorite lube. I should buy stock in that lube company, I've bought so much of it and left it in nightstands around the city! Then he was on top of me, knees on either side of my hips, and I was feeling the cool, slippery sensation of his finger as he prepped me for his cock.

Johnny knows my body well. So well, I knew I could trust him to take care of everything, leaving my mind to wander as he worked his way slowly into my ass, all the way inside, then gently started increasing his pace. I prefer anal when it's nice and hard and deep, but Johnny knew I needed some build up, first, before he could really start giving it to me the way I like most. I was hardly even paying attention, already dreaming of the next time I could see Uncle Dashaun. No wonder he'd never gotten married! There can't be many women out there who would be prepared to deal with a monster like his every night! But I could, I knew I could! In fact, with a cock like that at my beck and call... maybe being a one-man kind of a woman wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility for me, after all!

Or at least... maybe being mostly a one-man kind of woman, until the next time that Uncle Dashaun felt like he wanted to share! I could just imagine him using me as an extra-special reward whenever the boys under his command did something especially good... I trembled with anticipated pleasure, a huge, predatory smile on my lips. Yeah... definitely something I would have to suggest! I'd already decided that I was going to skip giving him a call like he'd asked, and just be waiting outside his place when he got off shift, in my bunny outfit again under my sexy leather coat. I still owed him a blow job... and I was dying to see if he tasted as good as he felt! And after I was done, well... we'd just see where it went, after that. I'd still have a good twelve hours left on my birthday by the time I woke up... and I was sure I could convince him to help me 'celebrate'! Which meant I'd have to remember to call my substitute, and ask her if she'd be willing to stay and work for me an extra day or two. I was confident that I'd be able to adjust, eventually... but after what I was going to beg Uncle Dashaun to do to me, I doubted I'd be walking very well for the next couple of days! Certainly not well enough to ride herd on a rambunctious bunch of seven year olds! The thought of what I'd soon be doing again instead of chasing after those kids had me more than a little nervous, I'll admit... but in a good way! I could hardly wait for Uncle Dashaun to make me his plaything again! And again... and again!

I sighed happily, visions of my uncle's enormous black cock dancing through my mind as Johnny gripped my hips, pounding my ass with his own impressive tool. I came when he did, the feeling of his hot, wet spunk gushing up inside of me pushing me over the edge along with him. He went to go wash, considerately coming back to bed with a wet cloth so he could take care of me, too, since I was still in no condition to move on my own. He lay down on his back and helped me snuggle close, my head on his chest, my leg draped over his. It was my favorite way to fall asleep, as he knew, and the perfect way to end the perfect night. My perfect badge bunny birthday!

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