
Planet Earth


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About Me


"For Rain," Shelly said and glanced at the bundle next to the bed. A determined look crossed her face, and Sheldon knew his sister wasn’t talking about the weather.

"Rain?" he asked, as a cold hand ran shivers down his spine. "You sound like you decided to keep it."

Shelly regarded him for a long moment before answering. "Rain. Short for Rainbow, because of her skin. And she is a she, not an it. Like I said, I’m not going to run anymore. I’m going to take care of her and make sure she is raised right. She won’t be evil like her father. I’ll make sure of that."

To Eldon’s ears, it almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that, as much as him. He didn’t know how to respond. Could he be that big of a person? Could he care for a child that was conceived out of such hatred and violence?

He walked over to the bundle and pulled back the fold of the cloth covering it. He barely stifled a gasp as he stared down at the creature. Red, blue, pink, yellow, black, white… He stopped paying attention to what the colors were but understood where Rain’s name originated from. Solid swirls of every color filled the infant’s eyes. There was no pupil that he could see and no whites. Just a mass of swirling colors. Shelly had insisted that it was a she, but he recalled Areth’s pronouncement earlier that it was a hermaphrodite.

Its tiny fist pressed against its little mouth. It made small, sucking noises. It looked so fragile, lying there.

It also looked innocent.

Anger rose up in him as he continued to stare at the newborn. How dare it cause his sister so much pain. How dare it look so carefree and without guilt for its father’s actions! Despite its alien appearance, despite the evil creature that had raped and molested his sister, the little baby lay there without a care in the world. It wasn’t right.

"Sheldon!" his sister’s voice broke through the red haze that was starting to fill his vision. He looked at her, surprised at the heat in her voice. "I’ve been calling your name. Look!" She pointed to the window, and Eldon turned to see what she indicated.

Ants. Ants of every size, shape, and color. Some he recognized, but most he didn’t, covered the window frame, and moved about to allow more to come in.

He moved to place himself between them and his sister, inadvertently also placing himself as protecting the baby.

"I don’t think they mean us any harm," Shelly spoke in a softer voice.

"How can you be sure?" he asked. Ants were always the enemy. Since they were children, they were taught to kill any ant they saw on sight. Any ant could be a spy for King Aecus…

Except Aecus was dead, and this infant behind him was supposed to be their new ruler. Were they here to take the child away?

Despite Shelly’s words, he held his ground. If they wanted the baby, he would hand it over, and good riddance. Shelly acted like she was okay raising it, but she would be better off without this constant reminder of what was done to her.

His tension grew as the ants moved to the floor, then climbed one upon another, forming into a humanoid shape. It towered over him, there were so many different ants. Its head, with its protruding, multi-colored mandibles, bowed as it pressed against the ceiling.

"We come in peace," the giant myrmidon said. Its voice was distinctly feminine. He’d rarely ever faced one of these, but he’d never heard of a female myrmidon. If it breathed out fire at him, there was nothing he’d be able to do to protect his sister. The monster was just too giant. "We have come to pay homage to our new queen."

"Who are you?" Shelly asked, her voice sounding calmer than Eldon felt.

"We are the queens of all the queens," the creature said. "There is one of us for every type of ant in each world."

"Have you come to avenge your last king… um, queen?" Eldon asked.

The thing regarded him for the briefest of moments before turning to face Shelly.

"We mean you no harm, Queen’s Mother." That sounded as much as a title as anything Eldon had ever heard. "We are aware of the feud between Queen Aecus and your father, but there is no feud between us. Our only concern is for our new queen."

Eldon relaxed, but Shelly’s voice rose an octave as she spoke. "You’re not taking my baby!"

Eldon turned to her in shock. He had no idea that she was so adamant about the child.

"Please, be at ease, Queen’s Mother," the ant being said, and bowed low. "We would not separate the newborn from its mother. We are not monsters. We have come only to pay homage, and to offer our services as a nanny."

"Nanny?" Eldon and Shelly asked at the same time.

Again, the creature barely even noticed Eldon’s presence, as it spoke to Shelly. "Our queen will need guidance as she grows to understand our ways. And while we are sure that the Pillar of Earth and the family of the mighty Lyden Snow are very capable, we would prefer to have one of our own around to protect our new queen."

Eldon’s first thought was to reject its offer, but he stopped himself. This wasn’t his decision to make. And he knew that Myrmidon’s were fierce and mighty warriors. Having them on their side would be a great benefit to their cause.

The large mass of roiling ants finally turned and faced him. "No, brother to the Queen’s Mother. We will not fight for your cause unless commanded to by our queen. We will, however, ensure that she is kept safe, no matter the danger."

Why does it seem like most females can read minds? Eldon wondered to himself. He also wondered if it was all queen ants or only some that could see into his thoughts. If she was still digging through his mind, she didn’t respond to his musings.

The baby started to fuss, and before anyone could react, the giant ant-creature scooped it up and handed it to Shelly. She looked as shocked as Eldon felt, but she recovered faster than he did.

She pulled aside a flap in her blouse, and he caught a quick glimpse of nipple before the baby latched onto it. He also noticed what looked like welts, and didn’t miss the way Shelly grimaced at first.

"She has small pinchers," she responded to his concerned look. "She also tends to be a little aggressive when she first starts but calms as soon as the milk starts flowing. Now, do you mind giving me some privacy as I feed my little Rain?"

He glanced at the sizeable shimmering creature in the room with them, unsure if he should leave, or just turn his back.

"Shoo," Shelly insisted, using one hand to wave him away. "If she meant us any harm, I’m sure we’d already be dead."

He didn’t necessarily agree with that statement, but he wasn’t in the mood to argue. He also had to admit that part of his issue was his ego, and not wanting to admit that this thing might be able to take him out quickly.

"Do you want me to send Sonia in if I see her?" he asked before slipping back out.

The way she grimaced told him volumes more than her words did. "No, I’m good."

Apparently, Sonia and Shelly were having issues. Knowing that he was the last person to try and offer her relationship advice, he left the room.

"How was she?" Shlee asked as she stepped up to him, Mandy right behind. The two women were holding hands, and despite everything, that made him feel warm inside. Knowing that his wife and girlfriend were still close reminded him that he was acting selfishly for feeling rejected by the werewolf. She had her reasons, and he understood them. She hadn’t rejected him, but rather the idea of marriage at this time. After what that prick vampire did to her, he should be grateful that she stayed with him, instead of shutting her heart down altogether.

"She’s…" he trailed off, trying to figure out how to explain the Queen Myrmidon. "She has a new companion."

"That’s a weird way to describe a baby," Megan said.

"Not the baby," he corrected her, giving her a frown. Why was that woman still here? "The ant queens have all come to honor the baby as their new ruler." He spent the next few minutes describing the queen and recounting the conversation.

"I’m going to hunt," Mei said, pulling away from the wall. "Let me know when it’s time to leave for the other world."

"You’re coming with us?" he asked his half-sister. As far as he knew, she rarely ever left this world. Only to act as protection when they were expecting violence. He thought it would be just him, his dad, and Shlee going on the diplomatic mission to try and stop whatever legislation the Paladonic Knights were trying to enact. She didn’t answer before rounding a corner.

"As am I," Megan cut into the conversation again.

He turned with a sigh to ask her why, but Mei spoke before he could. "After your last encounter with the American government and the Paladonic Knights, I decided I needed to be around to protect Dad."

Eldon remembered that night with a shudder. That was the night the P.K.’s bombed the Whitehouse, and that Becky died. He took it as a slight that his half-sibling didn’t think he could protect their father, but then he recalled that his body was no longer permanent. He could be killed, and every bit of help he had should be welcomed.

Except for Megan. He turned back to the redhead and tried to look calm as he asked, "And why are you coming along? Shouldn’t you be getting back to your ranch, or whatever?"

Elbows from both sides poked into him, making him grunt, but he ignored them, keeping his eyes on the other woman.

To his surprise, she smiled at him. "Curiosity? Boredom? Maybe I just want to spend some more time with a man who is rude, but blunt. Or maybe I think that I can help make a difference in the world in a way that I never could in Texas. Or maybe a hot, half-dragon/half-human woman with a shred of courtesy invited me along to help." She stepped up close to him, her face inches away from his, her chocolate brown eyes challenging as she stared at him. "Or perhaps I want to see if you’re worth the time to get another taste of my pussy."

He stared at her, wondering if she realized what she’d just said. He was used to people speaking more than they meant to when Mandy was around. She met his gaze, not flinching.

"Huh," she said after the moment started to grow uncomfortable. She turned to look at Mandy, and then Shlee as she asked, "Does he often go quiet when challenged like that? I at least expected him to come back with a snide remark when I commented on my pussy."

Shlee was the first to burst out laughing, soon followed by the rest in the room, excepting Eldon. He couldn’t understand this woman. At first, she acted like a stalker, but then challenged him as though he wasn’t good enough for her.

Why couldn’t she get the hint that he wasn’t looking for another woman? He loved Shlee and Mandy, and they were enough for him. Sure, he still had feelings for Gloria, but she’d rejected him.

And besides all that, he was working to save the entire freaking universe from Jessica destroying it! He didn’t have time to consider convincing her of anything.

"Do what you want," he finally told her. "I now know you can look after yourself, and I don’t think you’ll be slowing us down. Just…" he trailed off as her smile grew wider. With a shake of his head, he left his thoughts unsaid. He was about to ask her to leave him alone, but if she were going to be watching his back, he decided it was best not to do so. Besides, she might take it as a return challenge, and chase him even harder.

"Glad to see you’re paying attention," Megan said, then surprised him by stepping up and giving his cheek a soft peck.

Of all the brazen… Right in front of Eldon’s girlfriend and new wife! He didn’t feel guilty for the other woman’s actions, but it still felt weird to him.

"He’s finally learning," Mandy said and kissed his other cheek.

"Marriage seems to agree with him," Shlee grinned and kissed a spot lower than Megan had.

Women are nuts! he thought. All of them!

"No, Mr. Lance," the Myrmidon said from the other room, "we just think a little differently than men do."

He realized that he was surrounded by only women, and they were all giving him an odd look. Before he had a chance to respond, or even think up a response, Gaia formed up out of the ground, looking a lot better than she had when she left. His dad and mom came down the hall a bit later, looking disheveled with Areth humming happily after.

"Good. You’re all here," Gaia said as Sheila tried to fix her master’s rumpled hair. Eldon did his best not to think about what they’d obviously been doing.

"What’s going on?" Mandy asked.

"It’s time for those heading to Earth to leave," Gaia said without any further preamble. "It’s been over two months since you were last in that world, and the Paladonic Knights haven’t wasted any time. If you’re going to reach the summit in time, you need to leave sooner rather than later."

Eldon realized that he hadn’t taken any time to prepare. He wasn’t confident what awaited them, though he had to admit that he was a little trepidatious about seeing the President of the United States again. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be looking for a tryst with him. Unbidden, his eyes went to Megan, and then his dad. How did he manage so many women in his life?

"I summoned my car earlier, just in case," Lyden said. "It should be here by now."

Eldon had forgotten that the Orange Bubble was in this world. It would make traveling a lot quicker.

"I also have news," came the Myrmidon’s voice as it entered the hallway. Of course, Lyden took one look at the giant, multi-hued ant creature and started looking for a weapon that wasn’t there. He stepped in front of Sheila at the same time Areth began gathering water between her palms.

"Whoa!" Eldon stepped between them before any actual violence could break out. "She’s on our side. Well, on the baby’s side at any rate. Dad, Mom, meet the new… um… nanny for Rainbow."

"Rainbow?" He heard Mandy ask behind him. It occurred to him that few had seen the new baby, or knew much about it.

"Oh, poo!" Areth grumped as she dropped her hands. She giggled a moment later as the water that she’d gathered fell on Lyden’s head, soaking him. "Ha! I think you’re wetter now than you were after Gaia and I—"

"Not now, Areth," Lyden growled. The fairy closed her mouth, but it is evident that she continued to laugh.

At the very least, her antics defused the tension in the room.

"You said you had news?" Eldon turned to ask the creature. Despite his words, it still felt odd to calmly converse with a being that not long ago was a mortal enemy.

"Yes," the thing nodded her head. "Some flying ants have spotted Jessica in the Pillar of Air’s domain. They are uncertain of her intentions, but from what we’ve gathered from your minds, she might be after the Pillar of Air. Though we do not know how she would attack her."

"She’s after Lysa?" Lyden growled. "We have to stop her!"

"No," Gaia said. Even though her voice was calm and level, it cut Lyden off and drew all attention to her. "Others will go and protect your daughter, but you must go to the summit and defeat the Paladonic Knight’s plans."

Lyden looked around, ready to argue until his eyes landed on Eldon. "Eldon can go in my place. He can change into my form and pretend to be me."

"Again, no," Gaia rebuffed him. "While your son is a capable man, he does not have your wisdom, nor your time and experience as an ambassador. It must be you. Eldon is too much of a hothead."

Eldon heard Megan and Areth snicker at that, but ignored them.

Mei returned then, gnawing on the remains of some small, furry animal. She swallowed what was in her mouth before speaking. "Lysa and I are good friends," she said. "Mom and my siblings will go to protect her, Dad. We’re the best suited to do so in Lysa’s Air domain.

Eldon had to agree with her. He’d visited there a couple times when he was younger, and the Pillar of Air’s demesne was no place for land-bound creatures.

"Keep her safe," Lyden stepped up and pulled his daughter by Blue into a hug. The draconic woman seemed uncomfortable by public affection.

"Wait!" Shelly called from her room. "I’m coming with you."

"Like hell, you are!" Sheila shouted, surprising everyone with her vehemence. "You just gave birth! You’re in no shape to…" She trailed off as Shelly limped out of the room, fully clothed. She was pale and had to lean against the doorway to remain upright.

Eldon saw the steely determination in her eyes and knew she was impossible to argue with when she had that look.

"But what about Rain?" Sheila asked, knowing that look as well. "You can’t just leave her." Apparently, Shelly had told their parents that she was keeping the baby. He still didn’t understand her reasoning for changing her mind, but he also didn’t like the idea of his sister going to face off against Jessica.

"Rain needs her mother," Eldon reinforced their mother’s argument. Logic rarely worked when Shelly grew stubborn, but perhaps her emotional attachment to the little one would sway her.

"We can accompany her with our new queen, and keep them both safe," the Myrmidon announced.

Eldon tried to come up with another argument, but all eyes turned as a new voice spoke up.

"I agree with your family, Shelly, but if you insist on this foolishness, then I will go as well." No one had seen or heard Sonia enter the hallway, but from her stance, she wasn’t willing to accept any further arguments, one way or another.

"No more running," Eldon heard his sister mutter, before nodding and giving the android an appreciative smile. Once again, he wondered what was going on between the two, and once again, he decided to keep his nose out of it.

"Well, I still don’t like it," Lyden said. "If you think for one minute that I’m going to—" He was cut off as Gaia waved her hand and the ground lifted to swallow him whole. Before anyone could react, Eldon felt the ground beneath his feet soften, then rise up and swallow him in darkness.

It only lasted for a couple seconds before the cocoon of earth fell away, and he found himself outside. He looked around in time to see an egg-shaped mound each fall away from Megan, Shlee, and Mei. The Orange Bubble was right there with them, purring softly as though happy to see its master after a long absence. The ancient orange Volkswagen Beetle possessed a portion of the Pillar of Fire’s soul from before she took on the mantle of Fire’s power and was sentient in its own way. Angela was a succubus at the time, which allowed the car to use illusion and evasion magics, as well as incredible speed.

"I guess that’s one way to lose an argument," Lyden groused as he regarded his car. Shelly wasn’t with them. He glanced around and then jumped back as the passenger door opened on its own.

Brooke stepped out, dressed in a dark, tight-fitting outfit. The mermaid had two shimmering blue blades at her hips and looked for all the world like she was ready for battle.

With a groan, Eldon realized that all the women with them were redheads. At least Areth was left behind. Her antics would only cause issues on their delicate mission.

"Brock and Oberon are waiting inside," Brooke said and held the door for them to enter.

"Brock?" Megan asked. "Isn’t he the large merman with the huge mechanical legs? How are we all going to fit inside that little car?"

Eldon grinned and ignored her. She’d learn.

Sure enough, the woman gasped as she ducked to enter the doorway and saw the dimensionally larger space inside.

Shlee started gabbing about some ancient television show and explaining how it was bigger on the inside.

Eldon thought about going into the back where there was a large bed but saw his father and Brooke reaching it first. Brock stood to the far side by the fountain, able to stand up entirely within the car, with Oberon sitting on his shoulder, snoozing. For such a little creature, he sure could snore!

He heard his father complaining to his mermaid wife about his treatment by Gaia and decided that he wanted to be in the front. The windshield showed a significantly distorted view of the world and pulled the curtain across it as he got into the driver’s seat. He wouldn’t be doing any driving; the car would take them to their destination on its own.

"Can we talk?" Shlee asked just as he let his head fall back and eyes close. He wasn’t particularly tired but didn’t know when the next chance they’d get to rest would be.

He looked at his lover and smiled. "I will always have time for you," he told her and meant it.

The smile that lit her blue eyes warmed him up inside. He knew their relationship wasn’t perfect, but he still loved her.

"We really haven’t had a chance to talk since you asked me to… or since the wedding, and I wanted to make sure we’re okay." He could hear the worry in her voice, and it tore at his heart. "I could smell your concern earlier when I hugged you, and I can see the pain in your eyes sometimes when you look at me."

He reached out at took her hands in his. "I love you, Shlee. I’ll be honest and admit that it felt like you were rejecting me when you turned me down, but Mandy helped me see how selfish I was being. I didn’t consider your feelings or what you went through when I asked you to marry me. Hell, your last fiancée tried to kill us! I will wait for you to be ready. And if it never happens, then so be it. My parents aren’t married, and they’re happy together. It was an impulsive gesture on my part, and—oomph."

He cut off as Shlee leaned in and kissed him. Her tongue snaked around his lips, never trying to enter, but teasing for a moment before she pulled back.

"You were starting to babble," she accused him, but with a wolfish grin. "But thank you, Eldon. I do love you, and I wish Mandy were here so there could be no doubt. I—"

This time he cut her short with a quick kiss. "I don’t need my wife to tell me that you love me," he said with a smirk as he pulled away. "I can see it in the way you smile when our eyes meet. In the way your voice changes slightly when you talk to me versus others. And in the actions you take. You’re here with us now, instead of mourning your loss. You’re coming with us when I know your heart is still broken over Dimitri’s betrayal. You’re a strong woman, with a great heart, Shlee, and I love you dearly. I wish I could take your pain away, but since I can’t, I hope you know that I’m here for you if you need me."

She met his grin with one of her own, before dodging her head forward and giving his cheek a quick lick. "I was afraid you were going to start rambling again," she said. Then before he could come up with a response, she dipped back in and pressed her firm lips to his. This time her tongue came out to play, slipping between his teeth and dancing happily with his.

"Ooh," Oberon’s voice cut in above their heads. "Can we start another orgy in here? That’d be a great way to pass the time!"

"Knock it off, dear," Brock commanded from further back in the car as Shlee and Eldon pulled away. "I already told you, there weren’t going to be any orgies during this trip."

Eldon grimaced as he recalled the fuzzy memories from the mind-controlled group-sex that Oberon was referring to. That hadn’t been their decision, and he was more than happy to never have another.

Just as he opened his mouth to let Oberon know which hole he could shove that suggestion into, the Orange Bubble lurched.

"What the…" Lyden announced from the back as the magical car jerked again.

Shlee sprawled into his lap, and Eldon struggled to help her get upright when the car flipped onto its driver’s side, and a horrendous screech sounded next to him.

"What happened?" Eldon asked as Shlee and he disentangled from each other. The car had come to a stop, but his head rang from a blow he took in the process.

"I don’t know," his father said, concern thick in his voice. "The Orange Bubble is almost always smooth to ride in, unless… What’s that?"

Eldon rubbed at his ears, trying to will away the ringing, but it was Shlee who answered as the car shook again.

"It sounds like explosions. Can we be under attack?" She had a small cut on her left cheek, but it appeared to be minor. The way her left arm hung limply at her side, however, was another matter.

"You’re hurt," Eldon worried over her, but she shrugged him off. He watched as her arm righted itself, and Lyden answered her question. She was a fast healer, which he should have recalled from her being a werewolf, but his head was fuzzy.

"The car is magical. It’s not supposed to be detectable by any ordinary means when traveling. It’s why I never had to worry about speeding tickets, or the paparazzi when I’m traveling around on Earth."

Eldon felt at his head, noting a tender but large lump in the back. He must have struck it hard against the windows when they crashed. As he looked around, he found the interior of the car was lit from daylight outside, but dim otherwise. The Orange Bubble’s interior lights were dark.

"Brock?" Brooke called out, then shouted, "Brock!" She sounded dazed, but panic soon filled her voice. "Lyden, he’s not breathing!"

"Whoa…" Oberon’s voice wobbled as much as Eldon’s head as he tried to stand. "What a bad trip. Brock? Bridgette?" There was a pause, and Eldon saw the small fairy king stumble around. One of his wings was broken, hanging oddly from his back, and the other had a terrible tear in it. Then he spotted his lover. "Oh, fuck! Lover!" He leaped into the air and landed next to Brock’s prone body.

Brock’s mechanical legs were tipped over. The water that usually rested in the bowl that he swam in soaked the carpet beneath. Eldon knew he needed constant water, though he also knew it wasn’t required for him to breathe.

Pounding sounded from outside the car, on the door that was directly over Eldon’s head. The voice that yelled in was full of authority and sent chills down Eldon’s spine.

"By order of the righteous and human society of the Paladonic Knights, we order you to come out and face justice, foul abomination, and betrayer of humanity, Lyden Snow."

Eldon turned to look at his father, color draining from their faces as they recognized that voice.

"I thought only men were part of the Paladonic Knights," Megan said as blood dripped from a cut on her chin.

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