
Planet Earth


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The promised to send someone around. I didn't want to open a hole in the wall from the inside myself. I was afraid of causing the wall to collapse. Of course, everyone had to go up and take a look at the stonework in the pit. Speculation ran wild about the 'new room'.

The mason set up bright work lights and examined the wall in minute detail. He was able to trace out an old arched opening that had been sealed off with stones. Once it was pointed out I could see the tiny variations in the old and newer stone. He agreed to come back remove the sealing stones and make sure the rest of the wall was sound. He strongly advised against installing the lift through the roof of the new room as well.

Jennifer, Jill and Claudia cornered me and dragged me to my father's office. Claudia had been working there because there was a desk and a phone. I didn't like the room because there were many things there that reminded me of Father. They worked their way around the room. For every item that wasn't a shelved book or furniture I had to decide between 'keep' or 'store'. Items to be stored went into cardboard cartons. In a surprisingly short time the room was stripped of all painful reminders. Claudia suggested that updating the furniture would complete the conversion to my office. There were a couple of inside rooms that were used for storage. I grabbed a carton and led the way. Seized by an idea, we went to Mother's work room. It had been intended as a counterpart to Father's office, but had gone from that to sewing room to a cluttered place to put things out of sight. The sewing machine when folded into it's cabinet made a passable desk. I told them to clear it out and it could become Claudia's office.

They happily went to work while I moved boxes of my papers and plans into my office. They caught me there and dragged me to the master bedroom. All personal items including all the clothes were packed away there as well. They stripped my room and moved me in. All in all they spent most of the day making this my house rather than Mother and Father's house.

"In a year or so," said Claudia, "you can go through all that stuff and decide what to keep and what to discard."

I kept back one picture of Mother, Father, and myself as a baby in my mother's arms. I placed in a niche in the living room. The feel of the entire house was changed. I gathered the girls in a group hug, thanking them.

"Now, come with me." Claudia said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the master bedroom. She pushed me back onto the bed and climbed up to sit on my chest.

"I'm going to thank you for my office." she said, "Are you going to take it like a man or do I need to yell for help?"

"You say that like I have a choice." I said and threw her to the bed and straddled her, pinning her arms to her side with my knees.

I edged her shirt up to expose her breasts. I massaged them and playfully tweaked her nipples as she struggled to free herself.

"You bastard!" she said, "just wait till I get loose."

laughing, I rolled off of her, pulling her up to kiss. While she returned the kiss I pushed her shorts and panties down and fingered her hairless slit. She broke the kiss long enough to remove her shirt. Then while trying to suck my tongue out of my head started working on my shirt buttons. I grabbed her ass cheeks, just over a handful each and pulled her up until I could run my tongue through her slit. She moaned softly as I licked and nibbled at her slit and clit. She let herself fall sideways then scrambled around to straddle my face while she worked art my belt and zipper. I wrapped my arms around her narrow hips and gave her the tongue lashing she deserved. She pulled my cock free and began to suck me. I rolled us over and continued driving my tongue into her pussy while making short strokes into her mouth. She worked my pants down to my knees. I worked my arms from under her and got rid of my shirt. She started raising her head to take my cock deeper into mouth and throat. I put two fingers into her pussy, finger fucking her while I nibbled her clit. At the same time I drove my cock into her throat then pulled back to let her take a couple of breaths She was writhing under me moaning and groaning as I fingered her an deliberately drove my cock into her throat over and over. She bucked under me trying to scream around my cock. I bit gently at her clit and she bucked again. I felt my balls tighten and drove my cock down her throat as far as it would reach, holding it there for about thirty seconds as I unloaded into her throat before pulling back. She gasped convulsively and set to work making sure she got every drop of my cum.

I rolled off of her and bodily picked her up, turned her, and laid her on my chest. Our eyes met and she smiled.

"That was pretty good." she said, "but now it's my turn.

She scrambled down my body and sucked me hard again the climbed back up and impaled herself on my cock. She set a rapid pace, not the frantic pace she wanted to use our first time but still fairly fast. She would lift herself almost off me and slam back down. I seized her nipples between thumbs and forefingers, gently twisting. She was riding me like a horse at the downs cackling like a maniac. I was glad she didn't have a riding crop. She froze for a moment screaming her orgasm with me deep inside her and then was off again, pounding for all she was worth. On her third orgasm I filled her with cum. She lay on my chest, panting.

"Had enough?" she asked, as she struggled to lift herself.

"I give, I give!" I cried, laughing.

She chuckled and rolled off me, still panting. We lay there together for a while.

"Damn," she said softly, "I forgot my riding crop."

That set me off laughing again, remembering my thought as she rode me. I laughed and laughed and I couldn't stop! Claudia looked at me in alarm. She jumped off the bed and ran out shouting for Jennifer and Jill. They hadn't been far and all three were back in seconds. I laughed and gasped for breath and laughed more. They took turns kissing me, blocking my mouth. I suddenly burst into tears sobbing and crying, holding them tightly. I cried for my Mother and Father. I cried for my loss. I don't know how long it was before I was cried out and stopped. I must have fallen asleep.

When I woke, Jennifer was sleeping beside me. I hugged her tightly, waking her. Her eyes searched mine for a moment then she relaxed.

"Better now?" she asked softly.

I nodded, "I don't know what hit me."

"Grief." answered Jennifer just as softly.

I relaxed my arms a little but still held her. From the light through the window it must have been early evening. I could feel the tension run out of my body.

"Take a shower and come down." she said, "The others were worried and are waiting to see you."

I showered and pulled on a track suit. I didn't feel up to buttons. Jennifer zipped the jumper and went ahead, down the stairs.

Everyone was in the living room with cups of coffee or tea.

"Sorry guys." I said, "I don't know what came over me."

"It's a fairly common grief reaction," said Cory, "Fortunately you weren't alone when it hit you."

"Cory!" I cried, "When did you get here?"

"About half an hour ago." he said rising and approaching.

He looked at my eyes and took my pulse.

"You'll be okay now." he said, "The girls did the right thing."

"But why are you here?" I asked, "I thought you had classes."

"Your fault." he said with a grin, "I tested out of all my classes, got a provisional diploma, and here I am."

"Well, welcome home." I said but don't you have some super exam to pass."

"I was working at the hospital while I finished some specialty classes," he said, "technically I can call myself a doctor now."

"Well, welcome aboard, Doc." I said.

Also, technically, I'm a 'research consultant'," he went on, "doing independent study."

"Does that mean we can keep you?" asked Claudia.

"I suppose it does." said Cory

"Good!" she said, "starting tomorrow, I'm going to cure you of your silly phobia."

"Phobia?" he asked

"Your unreasoned fear of tiny tits and narrow arses." she cackled.

He threw up his hands in surrender as she plopped into his lap. Jennifer handed me a cup of coffee and a sandwich. The conversation degenerated into a happy babble as they all tried to catch Cory up on the latest developments. I found myself yawning.

"Cory." I said, "One last point before Jennifer drags me off, your salary."

"Yes?" he said.

"Bread and water and all the sex you can handle." I said.

"I accept!" he said.

The room dissolved in laughter. Jennifer led me upstairs and put me to bed. My last conscious memory was Jennifer crawling in beside me.

After breakfast I took a cup of coffee into the office intending to revise and edit my notes on the various facets of the project. I left the door open so people could walk in. My first visitor was Cory.

"I understand we're on hold for some new electronics." He said, "I have a couple of ideas to fill my time till then."

"As long as you don't take her away from her work, it's fine by me." I said

"Huh? What? I didn't mean . . ." he stammered

"I'm joking." I said, "What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking that this band of maniacs needs some medical over site."

"Go on."

"I think you and Jennifer are the only ones with a local doctor."

"That's right, everyone else came up from Swansea."

"I'm not talking about anything invasive, but I think occasional checkups would not be too much."

"We're all young and pretty healthy." I said

"I know that Claudia's condition usually requires at least one of a short list of drugs"

"I didn't know that."

"And the girls should all be on some form of birth control."

"I think they are."

"Your breakdown yesterday could have been averted with a very mild tranquilizer."

"I get it, I get it." I said, "Pick out an appropriate sized room on the first floor and set up your clinic. Let me know what you need and your best guess at costs. You can write pre***********ions?"

"In order," he said, "I will, I'll write you a list, and yes."

I had to mentally replay the conversation to make sense of his answer. I nodded and he went of to find a room. I scratched down a note to tell everybody. Claudia was the next one in.

"We need more phones." she said without preamble.

"We have a phone in almost every room."

"I mean more lines." she explained, "right now we have to take turns. But lets say you're talking to some contractor, and I'm making sales calls, Jennifer is talking to suppliers and Jill needs to order paperclips or something."

"So, one of those business systems?" I asked.

"Yes, with at least four lines in."

"Find out what it will cost and when they can install it and let me know."

She bounced out. I scratched another note and Lisa wandered in. Her work was on hold pending the new servers.

"James, we need . . ." I held up a hand.

"Work stations, plotters, printers, graphics tablets, etch-a-sketch . . ." I said

"Well yes, except the last." she said.

"Sorry, but everybody sees something we need." I said. "With the new servers in mind, see what can be used or re-purpose. Map it out and we'll discuss it."

"On it." she said, Tomorrow?"

"Fine." I said as she left.

Another note in the growing list.

Conner and Robert came in together.

"Let me guess." I said, "you want to know when we can get the touchy-feely game going."

"Uh, yeah." said Conner.

"Sorry, I've been getting hammered this morning." I said, "Like most of our work, were waiting on the new hardware."

"So, soon?" he asked.

"I just don't know right now." I said, "How is the ***********ing going?"

"We have a good start on that." said Robert.

"That means you're not ready for software yet." I said, "Oh, crap! I sound like some fucking executive!

They chuckled.

Look, and jump in any time to tell me I'm wrong." I said, "As fun and games department, you guys have a few things to do. Provide ready for market games to Claudia, Integrate the touchy feely stuff into a game, and Write something new and mind blowing. With me so far?"

They nodded.

"I do not want to be some asshole hard assed bastard of a boss." I said, For now, work on the old style games for Claudia, the computers we have should do for that. When you need a break, work on ***********ing for the new game, that should be mostly pencil and paper. I'd like to see something with about an eight hour play through if your character doesn't die. Finally think about triggers for the touchy feely stuff and how the games works without it for kids who don't have the hardware."

"Gotcha, boss," said Conner.

"I am not the boss!" I yelled, "I'm your friend and the poor schmuck who started this avalanche. Oh, one more thing, give your girls a good shagging. They're going nuts too."

They left grinning. More notes and my coffee was cold. Jennifer walked in.

"Oh, for the love of god, what now?" I wailed.

"Uh, just wondering if you need anything." she said quietly.

"Sorry sweetheart, "I said, "this morning has been one damned thing after another."

"It's been a while since you called me that." she said

"Huh? What?" I asked

"Sweetheart." she said.

"Again, I'm sorry." I said, "Do you think we could put a coffee service in here?"

"Why?" she asked.

I handed her my cold cup. She took it, nodded, and walked out. When she came back and set the cup on the edge of the desk, I grabbed her wrist and held on to her while I took a sip. I set the cup down and pulled her into my lap as I spun the chair half around. I kissed her as gently as I knew how. She returned it.

"I thought secretaries got a running start before being chased around the office."she said, grinning.

"Too much work." I said, "How about a slave girl outfit and I chain you to the desk?"

"All that clanking and chaffing?" she said, "No, thank you."

We both laughed

I held her on my lap while I sipped my coffee. Jill came in and pulled a chair to a side table where she spread out some paper and made notes on a pad.

"Everyone else has been in," I said, "what can I do for you, Jill?"

"I just need a place to work." she said.

"Finally, a request I can grant." I said.

"Rough morning?" she asked.

I gave her a rough rundown on my morning so far.

"Sounds like you handled it okay." she said

"Maybe, but it's so damned frustrating."

"It's not easy, waving the baton." she said and turned back to what she was doing.

Jennifer kissed me and left. When I finished my coffee I went downstairs. A man was carefully removing stones from the wall, checking the older stones as he went. I went up the stairs to the garden shed and out to find workers extending the hole to the side away from the new room. The forman came over with drawings pointing out where the lift would go and explaining that they would work with the masons to put header in the wall over the door and all the old stonework would be bonded to the concrete for strength and safety. Electricians were cutting a trench and lying cable for the power upgrade. I walked around the house and in through the front door.

I got another cup of coffee and was able to get my notes in order by lunchtime.

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