I did not really care about the money, I was able to be me and no one knew who I was cause of my stage name and I always wore a masque.
My fiancé called me to tell me he would not be home until late, his cousins and friends were kidnapping him for the night, which was fine I told him I had to go to my second job anyway. He did not know I stripped on the side because he would flip in so many ways god could not stop him. So I decided to keep that a secret until close to the wedding and by then I would have quit and stuck with my nursing.
I get off work, head home to check on kids and get ready for work again although I was tired I had to figure out what I was going to perform in cause it was a big party that the boss assigned me to. I pull up at "Rouge" a sophisticated gentlemen club but none the less a strip club. It was packed yet again and its always packed on the Saturday nights I work. I head into the doors when I looked over to the bar because I always stop and grab a few drinks but I see my fiancé and his crew and damn near dropped my bag.
When the security guard looked at me he asked if I was ok and I asked him "How long those guys at the bar been here?" he looked over to the bar "Oh, them? They been here for about an hour, Is everything ok?" My mouth dropped "Are you fucking serious?!?! SHIT!!!!" I Jetted to the dressing room bypassing the bar. Since I always stop there to get a few shots before performing, the bartender looked puzzled.
I get in the dressing room and of course it smelled like straight pussy, I take a seat at my area and my friend walked over and saw the paleness in my face. "Whats wrong babe, you look like you seen a ghost?" I took a few deep breaths before I answered, "My fiancé is here…" Her eyes bulged out of her head, "OH SHIT!!!! What are you going to do you? Wait, you still have not told him!?!?!"
My head began to hurt, "No, he thinks I pick up at the other nursing facility on Saturdays." I about lost my mind, then Brent our boss comes in and I pulled him to the side out of ear shot, "Hey Jayde you ready for tonight?" I looked at him and flipped. "Brent, you know we been cool for years and we been honest with each other, WHY THE FUCK is J here!?!?!" His eyes widened he was cool with my fiancé and every now and again would ask him to work security on the nights I did not work. "I did not know until he walked in the door and his cousin had the reservation for the party, I figured you were already here. When I saw you bypass the bar and Sacha told me you did not stop there, I thought something was wrong."
My head started hurting worse, "Am I performing that party?" His eyes looked away and that was my confirmation. "What makes this bad Brent, you have me performing and my tattoos are a dead giveaway!!!" he looked and said "I can have one of the other girls do the party." "THE HELL YOU WILL!!!" I spat back "Its bad enough he is here and you want to have one of them do the party, you may as well sign my divorce papers before I even get married cause one of them going to tell him!"
We stood there trying to figure out what to do then an idea popped in my head, "Rana where is your smear proof tan lotion? Looks like I am going to have to make a few cosmetic changes." Brent started laughing and I punched him in the shoulder. "You just made this my last performance ahead of schedule." He stopped laughing. "DAMN!!! I fucked up huh?" he asked. "Not necessarily, so help me if I can’t pull this off without him noticing, I’m snitching." He heard the tone in my voice and knew he would get his last day, hell, I am the master of secrets and deception, I kept his affair with Sacha a secret from his wife for years I can pull this HUGE snag off.
An hour later I managed to cover all my tattoos that were visible and get ready for my date, when I heard the DJ call my stage name to the private room Rana looked at me and mouthed "Good Luck." I smiled and went to the private room. The private room was blue and purple with lights hanging from the ceiling like raindrops. The colors are picked by the person reserving the room in this case his cousin chose our wedding colors, blue was his and purple was mine. The room had a bar so they could enjoy themselves and not have to go back out to the club they get 2 performances 3 if the dancer is in a good mood and they have the room for an hour.
I am in the room getting my props and shit ready for this performance. I decided to use a voice changer, and my props were that of a dungeon, knowing how much he loves being dominate I would give him somewhat a dose of his own medicine. The room also had some hidden rooms where security could look in but the patrons could not see them just in case someone got too out of hand.
I go into the hidden and look at the guard that was assigned and he started laughing, "I heard this was your fiancés party are you ready?" I gave him a cold look and responded "I would be if I had my 2 shots that I manage to go without…" when I stated that he went out and came back a few minutes later with 2 shots of top shelf tequila. "I knew you were my favorite." I chug one down and looked at the stage and started messing with the stage lights and went through my playlist to see which songs I wanted. After standing there thinking I picked "Fire" by Brandon Hines and "You" by Belly. Those were my favorite songs and right for this particular occasion.
When I heard the DJ announce "Will the party for "J" report to private room 3," It was time to meet my maker. I hear his cousins loud mouth at the door and began laughing when Brent walked them in and gave them the rundown of the room, J walked to him and pulled toward the secret room where I happened to be and asked Brent not to tell me he was there. I began to laugh hard but stopped myself. Once Brent walked out of the room, I let them get their drinks and get situated before I announced myself.
Brent walked in the room where I was and asked me if I was ready, my response was the same but I told him "Since this is my fiancé I am breaking the rules no holds bar." He looked at me and laughed. "Ok, just so you know he does not want you to know he is here but you did not hear that from me." We shook hands and began with the show.
"Why hello gentlemen" I announced behind the door with the voice changer. "Welcome to Rogue, I am your entertainer for the hour my name is "Star", a couple of rules I like to give you attractive men, Rule number 1. Unless I give you permission you do not touch me, Rule number 2. If you have a problem with me touching you, feel free to stand by the bar located behind you, that is the "Do not Go" zone. And finally rule #3 enjoy yourself." Once I was finished I started "Fire" and walked out of the room.
While the song played I walked behind him and his cousins, dancing on each one getting them hard. When I made it to him I straddled him with my back facing him and grinded him until he got hard and bent over where my pussy was in plain view, I felt him blow it and it made me jump a little. When the song was over I walked behind the curtain and went back to the room. "I hope you gentlemen enjoyed, take this time to get yourselves RE-adjusted, but before you do, I noticed when I came in the room that there are 2 distinct colors what’s the occasion?" His cousin pointed in his direction and stated "My cuz over here is getting married FINALLY and we want him to have a good time one last time."
"Well, whomever your soon to be wife is she is one lucky bitch, I will make sure you make it home in one piece."
I let them get re-adjusted and get a few more drinks, I changed into a pair of leather tights with the croch cut out, and matching bra before I started. "Since this is a special occasion will the groom stand up and go to the stage please," he got up and walked over to the stage and I instantly got wet cause I did not see him before he left and he was looking good.
I turned on "You" and walked out of the room and walked up toward the stage and opened the curtain I walked him to the cross looking him up and down then pushed him back and started hooking him up. Because the cross was already high I had to use the bench to get his wrists. While I was standing in front of him I felt his tongue go across my nipple and I grabbed his cheeks. I kneeled down to eye level and whispered "No Touching" and let his face go.
The cross could be rotated but I wanted him just like that, while I performed in front of him I wanted him hard as a rock, so I started removing one piece of my clothing one at a time until I was all the way naked, none of my tattoos were showing so I was good. I placed my had down his pants to feel his how hard he was and to my amazement he was stiff as a board. Then I turned around and put my ass and pussy in his face he nibbled my ass cheek and blew on my clit. "You wanna taste? You have to beg for it"
I get down and licked his face and while everyone was watching I undid his pants to let his dick out and placed it in my mouth. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I heard his cousin behind me clapping. I take him all the way down my throat until he was close then I stopped, when I was done teasing him I zipped his pants up and removed the cuffs and finished my routine. He was breathless and in shock, when I walked off, everyone started clapping and yelling. He made a straight line to the mens room to clean up.
When he came out and was at the bar I made my final announcement "That was exciting wasn’t it? Now you can enjoy the remainder of the party I will come around do a few lap dances before you guys leave. I take off the voice changer and place the music that was on in the club to the room. I went around doing lap dances when my fiancé walked over to me and asked was there a room we could go too and talk, I kept quiet and guided him to the secluded room that is only used for a more private setting.
I shut the door and he looked and me and smiled, so you going to finish what you started mam, I know I am getting married but you left me wanting more. I looked at him and got on my knees and pulled his dick out again and started sucking him hard. I crawled forward like a dog walking him back to the couch in the room for him to sit down on.
Once he sat down he grabbed my hair and looked at my masque, "Why don’t you take that off so I can see your face" I took my finger and waved it side to side indicating "NO". I keep sucking his dick then I got up and laid him on the couch and sat my pussy on his face and let him lick it while I continued. He nibbled on my clit causing me to moan, as he is licking my pussy got wetter, ready for him.
He turned me around and laid me on the couch and took my legs to the air and slid inside fucking me while holding my legs in place. He put my legs down and flipped me on all fours and started beating my pussy from behind, then he pulled out and put his dick in my ass and started fucking me even harder that way.
We hear a knock on the door and it was one of the cousins and he damn near hit the floor, he stood there and I waved him over in front of me and unzipped his pants and began sucking his dick while my fiancé was fucking me in my ass. The two of them came on my face and body. I got up and went to the nearest bathroom and cleaned up so I could finish this party and head home.
Once the party was over and the club was about to shut down my fiancé texted me letting me know he was home and would be waiting for me to get home. Brent came to me and laughed "You really did it you pulled it off and got you some in the process." I laughed "Yea, but now I gotta get this shit off my body and he is already home waiting on me."
I pulled up to the house and went inside, he was sitting on the couch watching TV, "How was work?" I look at him puzzled "It was ok, I’m stinky I am about to take a shower." I walked into the bathroom and started the water, "How was your night? What did yall end up doing?" hoping he would tell me, he walked in the bathroom and explained that he went to a club and had a good time. I finished my shower and walked into the bedroom where he laid in the bed naked I climbed in and because I did not cum I wanted more.
He turned over and gave me a kiss I went down and started sucking his dick again, he began to moan and started getting hard, not knowing I did not get all the makeup off my body while I was in the shower, he noticed my tattoo on my back was missing, While he laid there and I was about to get on top of him he looked at me with a grin on his face. "What’s wrong?" I asked not knowing I was caught, "I really enjoyed myself tonight but I would have enjoyed it a lot better if you would have taken your masque off." My eyes widened thinking "OH SHIT!!! I’m busted!!!" but instead of an argument I asked "Would you like an encore?"
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: