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Tom looked over and chuckled, and asked if I needed any help. "Thanks, I think
I'll be fine - she's pretty light" I said. Had a great time tonight. We'll probably see you both
tomorrow" I said.

I put my pants and shirt back on (it was easier to wear than to carry them) bundled the remaining
clothes up, and put them on the edge of the chair. I then picked up Cindy, who was more or less
passed out, hefted her over my shoulder in a fireman's carry, and head back to our room. Once we
got back, I put Cindy gently on the bed, and went to the bathroom. When I came back, she was
sitting up, but looked somewhat worse for the wear. Cindy looked at me with bleary eyes, when
all of a sudden they got real big and she ran into the bathroom to drive the proverbial porcelain
bus. She then spent the next half hour in the bathroom, dealing with the consequences of drinking
too much, and finally came back out looking rather embarrassed.

"Ohhh… I drank far too much. Why didn't you stop me?" she asked. "Um, I've never seen you
drink that much and I assumed you knew what you were doing" I said. "And what have I done?
what you must think of me" she moaned. "I think my lady drank too much, and that she'll learn
the error of her ways. But now she should drink a few large glasses of water and go to sleep"
I told her. "Why water?" she asked. "Because alcohol is a diarrhetic, and if you don't, you'll have
a hangover you'll never forget" I said. I went and got her a big glass of water and handed it to
her, and she reluctantly drank it down, plopped down on the bed, and immediately passed out.

She was obviously done, so I put her naked body under the covers, left another big glass
of water on the nightstand next to her, in addition to a few Midols (great pain killers), shut off
the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up, and Cindy was still out cold (but breathing normally). The other glass
of water and Midols were gone, so I assumed she'd at least be in fair shape when she finally
awoke. Since it was close to 9:00am, I got up, left her a note telling her I'd gone downstairs for
breakfast, and shut the door quietly.

I ran into Tom, who was just starting breakfast, and he waved me over. I asked him where Sandy
was, and he said still in bed. I gave him the same answer for Cindy. I ordered breakfast, and upon
finding out that the kitchen would soon be closed I ordered some for Cindy, too, but asked for it to
come when I was just finishing. We chatted through breakfast, and I had several cups of coffee and
a big glass of OJ, and I began to feel pretty good. Cindy's breakfast showed up, so I told Tom we'd
maybe seem them later, picked up Cindy's breakfast and the pitcher of coffee and headed back up
to our room.

Cindy had just wakened when I came in, and looked lovely, despite being clearly hung over. "Here
sweetie, I brought you some breakfast - I hope I chose well for you this morning because the
kitchen is now officially closed". She was still naked from the previous night. She got up, went to
the mirror, shuddered, said "I'll be a few minutes", and went into the bathroom. About 5 minutes
later she came back out looking somewhat better, wearing one of the hotel terrycloth robes, and
sat down at the table. She just quietly ate breakfast, and drank coffee, and I read my book on the
balcony. After she was done, she put the tray outside the door, and came over to the balcony and
beckoned me inside.

She shut the balcony door, buried her head in my shoulder and starting crying hysterically, clinging
to me. "Whoa" I said, "whats all the waterworks for?". "I am so ashamed. Oh my God I am so
ashamed. What you must think of me. How will I ever live this down?" she bawled. "Stop it…
C'mon, stop it. Everything's fine. What's wrong?" I said, trying to console her. "I wouldn't blame
you if you left me" she sobbed "I've been so irresponsible… I am so embarrassed. I'm so..".
I put my finger on her lips, and she looked up at me, and her eyes were red, and she had tears
running out of her eyes. My heart went out to her - obviously she was deeply distressed. So I
pushed her back onto the bed and cradled her head in my arms, and then moved her head into
my lap. She lay there facing into me, her body shaking. "How's your head feel?" I asked her softly.
"Its actually not that bad. That extra glass of water and pills you left me really helped. What were
they?" she asked. "MIdols - they were the only pain relievers in our bags that I could find", I
answered. "Hmmm. When I woke up and felt like I'd been hit by a truck, I just saw them there,
and downed them with the glass of water you left me. They really helped. Now I'm just tired" she
said. "Then why don't you take a nap, and I'll go and read by the pool in the meantime?" I suggested.

I got up and looked out at the pool, and saw Tom and Sandy already out catching rays. "We could
just go and hang out by the pool, as an alternative" I suggested. "But what if we see Sandy and Tom?"
she said, and started crying again. "What if we do?" I answered. "You're not getting it - how can I
face them today, or any other day?" she said. I sighed. "If they aren't ashamed, why should you be?"
I asked. That got me no answer, so I offered "Tell you what. How about if we go into town and wander
around. Hamilton is a nice town, and there are a lot of interesting shops and restaurants there. Lets
go there, decompress, and have lunch. We can ride out to the beach later and maybe go for a swim
or something?". Cindy bought that, and decided to take a shower first. So she got up, dropped her
robe, and headed into the bathroom. I took off my clothes and followed her into the shower, after seeing
the outline of her magnificent figure in the frosted glass. As I got in, her figure aroused me, and I pulled
her to me.

Cindy stood there as I lathered her from head to foot and pressed myself to her. She turned around and
put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. She cleansed me all over, got down on her
knees, took me into her mouth, and made oral love to me. I just stood there and enjoyed it, and
whenever I tried to pull out of her to head for the bedroom she held me in place, until my orgasm came
and I emptied my balls into her mouth. She stood, proceeded to rinse us both off, and shut off the
water. We dried each other off, moseyed back to the bedroom, where she lay herself out on the
bed, and I lay down next to her. She looked at me with a little smile, and I leaned down to kiss her.
Cindy put her arms around me, kissed me back, pulled me to her. My cock was becoming aroused
again, and she reached down to stroke me. She then pushed me up, slid underneath me, and guided
my now hard cock to her opening as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me into her. "Make
love to me…" she whispered.

She was looking at me with almost pleading eyes (apparently still upset from the previous night). I
smiled at her as I enjoyed the union of our bodies, feeling her pussy stroking my shaft with her velvety
and wet walls. I started to slowly fuck her, and looked down to see my now wet shaft sliding in and out of
her. Our pace gradually started to pick up, but I wanted this to last so I lowered myself to her onto my
elbows. I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply to ensure she got the message, and again
started to slowly move in and out of her as I grasped her ass to help her move with me. We were
moving together in harmony, as she arched her back in pleasure and clung to me. I picked myself
up, moving down her body quickly so I could pleasure her pussy with my mouth. As I sucked her clitoris
into me her body instantly stiffed and she cried out softly, starting to convulse. I drank the juices
that were flowing out of her, and when she started to shudder I picked myself up and slid my cock
into her. Her body froze as her legs squeezed me, and I watched her tremble as her orgasm
subsided. As soon as she loosened her grip, I started to piston in and out of her, feeling the need
to seed approaching. Cindy looked up at me, smiling, thrusting her hips up to meet me, clenching my
cock with her inner muscles. It all became too mug, and I finally came, injecting hot sperm into her.

I let myself down atop her, and she held me as if it was the last time we would ever be in each others
arms. She then softly asked "Are we ok?". "Of course we're ok" I said, "let me ask you this: did your
having sex with Sandy last night diminish your feelings for me?". And Cindy answered "Absolutely
not". "So, does that realization help you at all?" I asked her. "I'm having a hard time with this, but I see
your point. I'm just trying to internalize it" she said. "C'mon woman - lets get dressed and head into
town, and see some more of the island" I said.

So we got dressed, and walked over to our little motorcycle, waving at Tom and Sandy who were still
at the pool, and took off. We had a great time, as Bermuda has some lovely towns, and the people are
really friendly. We met a couple of Bermudians at a local restaurant who invited us to a party at their
place, so we exchanged numbers and email addresses before heading back to our hotel.

Cindy wanted to lie out in the sun, and I felt like taking nap (as it was early-mid afternoon), so she put
her bikini on and headed for the pool while I lay out of the chaise on our balcony and read.

Sandy waved at Cindy when she showed up at the pool, as she was still sunbathing. Tom had
apparently run into a business acquaintance and had just taken off for the afternoon to play 18 holes
of golf. They lay about and chatted when a breeze came up and made the poolside area cool way
down, so they packed up their stuff to head back in. Once inside, they ran into one of the hotel maids
who had just been outside as well, and noted the sudden drop in temperature. She suggested that
they try the new roof deck, and asked the ladies if they wanted to see it. They looked at each other and
said "Sure" and up the stairs they went.

When they got to the roof level and the maid opened the door there was a lovely walkway, lined with
flowers. And when they got around the corner, there was a walled-in area with two large, upholstered
chaises that were protected from the wind, so it was much warmer. And, if they wanted to look at the
view all they had to do was step out of the walled area, where a deck had been built, for a lovely view
of the harbor. The maid told them that the deck and sunbathing area was theirs to use, and since no
other guests were due, it would be most private.

So Sandy looked at Cindy, and said "looks good to me". Cindy apparently looked reluctant, so Sandy
suggested they just sit and chat. They both sat down, and Sandy asked if Cindy was uncomfortable for
some reason, to which Cindy nodded and said "yes". "Did it have anything to do with the other night?"
Sandy asked. "Yes" said Cindy.

"So whats the problem?"

"Well, I hadn't done anything like that before, and I'm feeling a lot of regret".

"Why, did Greg not approve?"

"No - Greg seems ok - I'm just not comfortable myself. And, I had a terrible hangover".

"Well, that isn't the fault of having sex with me, is it?"

"No, but that might've been what caused me to… let go".

Sandy smiled at her. "You seemed to really enjoy it. Your mind might've been saying no, but your
body certainly said 'yes'. You did enjoy it - didn't you?".

Cindy sighed. "Yes, I suppose I did, but what would my daughter think?"

"Do you tell your daughter the details about every time you have sex? Does she ask you or tell you
about your or her activities?".

"No. Of course not."

"So whats the problem? You don't tell people what they don't have to know. I never do, and wouldn't
dream of it. That only causes more problems than its worth. Anyway, you're starting to get a little pink, have
you put any sunblock on?"

"Whoops, no. Could you hand me my little bag? - its right next to you".

Sandy handed Cindy her bag, and she fished out her sunblock, and starting applying it liberally all over
herself. Then she got stuck dealing with the middle of her back, so Sandy offered to put it on for her.
Cindy seemed reluctant, so Sandy said "I promise not to bite - come on, lets be adults here." Cindy
relented and Sandy squirted some sunblock onto her hands, and started to rub it into Cindy's back.

Cindy was really tense, and that certainly drew Sandy's attention, so she suggested that Cindy lie face
down on the chaise. Cindy, after some cajoling, finally relented and lay down. Sandy started to work
her over, starting at the base of her neck (which she really likes), over her shoulders, and methodically
down the rest of her body. Sandy became aroused by Cindy's toned body - she was indeed gifted with
having a youthful figure that a lot of far younger women envied. She could feel herself getting wet, and
her nipples hardening. But she knew Cindy had already put sunblock on the rest of her body, so she
asked Cindy if she would mind putting some sunblock on her back.

Cindy got up and turned herself over to sit up just behind Sandy. Sandy handed her the bottle and
Cindy asked "where do you want it?". Sandy said "just do my back please", and as Cindy finished her
lower back and moved up a bit, Sandy reached around and unsnapped the bikini top and let it hang
on her shoulders so as to not alarm Cindy. Cindy hesitated, but then continued to apply sunblock. She
found herself enjoying the feeling of Sandy's skin underneath her hands. Sandy was now quite wet, and
asked Cindy if she minded if she sunbathed topless. Cindy, who was now becoming aroused but was
trying not to show it said with a reluctant tone of voice "Ok…".

Sandy let her top drop off, and turned around to look at Cindy. Cindy's eyes went to Sandy's firm
breasts, who's nipples were clearly swollen and hard. Sandy took a little squirt of sunblock and started
to rub it thoroughly onto her breasts, obviously lingering on them as she watched Cindy's reaction.
Cindy's gaze was on Sandy's breasts, when Sandy said "well, are you going to join me?". Cindy sighed,
feeling the wetness below starting to grow, and gave in. She unsnapped her bikini top and applied some
sunblock to her breasts. Cindy found it oddly arousing that she would be massaging her breasts in
front of another woman, yet here she was.

So they both lay back on the chaise and just chatted about life and other topics as they arose, eventually
forgetting that they were both naked except their bikini bottoms. At one point they were laughing at
some pun, when the bottle of sunblock fell off the chaise and they reached for it, knocking it further out
of reach. They both reached for it again, laughing, when their bodies collided and they both froze.
Cindy's mouth was wide open, and Sandy leaned down to kiss her full on the mouth. Cindy looked
stunned, but remained where she was. Sandy looked at her, leaned in again, kissed her slowly, and
snaked her tongue into Cindy's mouth. Cindy, now aroused even more, and noticing her wetness, found
herself kissing Sandy back. They both rolled onto their sides, facing hear other, their tongues dueling.
Sandy reached up, and started rolling Cindy's nipples between her fingers. Cindy was seriously
aroused, and still reluctant, but Sandy's fingers working on her nipples transmitted an electrifying
sensation straight down south, centering on the cleft between her legs.

She reached over and pulled Sandy closer, and then traced her hand down Sandy's body. Sandy reached
down and grasped Cindy's ass. Cindy rolled onto her back, pulling Sandy on top, and Sandy ground her
pussy into Cindy's. The two of them kissed frantically, and Sandy started working her way down Cindy's
body. She got to the bottom of her torso, moved her fingers under the elastic at the top of Cindy's bikini
bottom, and pulled it down so that she could kiss and tongue below her bikini line. Sandy took note of
Cindy's landing strip, and concentrated on following it down to the target of her desire. With her other hand,
she moved Cindy's bikini seat to the side, and stroked her tongue from the bottom to the top of her pussy.

Cindy's body tensed when she felt Sandy's tongue on her pussy. She felt her body shudder as her tongue
circled her clitoris. Sandy reached up with both hands, worked her fingers under each side of the bikini
and tugged. Cindy lifted her hips, and Sandy pulled them down, off, and put them aside. Sandy then
spread Cindy's thighs and pushed them up, digging her tongue into Cindy's wet pussy. Cindy's body
responded, and her legs wrapped around Sandy's back. Sandy slowly sucked each of Cindy's inner pussy
lips into her mouth, and gently sucked them in, drinking the juices that now flowed freely out, intermittently
digging her tongue deeply into her opening, and tongue fucking her as her body writhed and back arched
in pleasure. Sandy looked up, and watched as Cindy's head turned back and forth as she moaned with
lust and pleasure. Sandy could now feel her cunt obviously very wet inside her own bikini bottom, so she
wormed her way out of it while she fed on Cindy's pussy.

Cindy's body tensed, and her hands grasped Sandy's head while her body convulsed, and she came.
Sandy eagerly drank her juices in, and when Cindy released her, she stood up over Cindy looking down
at her. Cindy looked up, and Sandy reached down to help her up, and Cindy gave her her hands. Sandy
then pulled her up, and putting her hands on either side of Cindy's head, pulled it to her, guiding her lips
towards her very wet pussy. Cindy stuck her tongue out, and pushed Sandy's legs apart as she got onto
the floor, on her knees. Sandy's hands ran through her hair as she felt Cindy's tongue digging into her.
Soon her legs and hips were pumping to the rhythm of Cindy's tongue.

Sandy then pulled Cindy up, pushed her down onto the chaise, set the backrest level, climbed over
her straddling her face, settled her pussy down onto Cindy's lips, and leaned forward to eat her snatch.
The two of them were now together as one, drinking each other, and moaning with pleasure when I
showed up.

Given Cindy's and my discussion earlier in the day, I was somewhat taken back, but was certainly glad that
the maid had told me about the deck on the roof. I stood there watching them, when Sandy noticed me
and gave me the "come here" signal with her fingers. I dropped my swimsuit as I walked over, knelt down
in front of Sandy and slid my cock into Cindy's pussy. I heard a satisfying gasp come out of Cindy as I
bottomed out inside her womb. As I pulled out Sandy licked the shaft of my cock and Cindy's clit. I moved
in and out of her enjoying seeing Cindy's hands on Sandy's ass, holding on for dear life as she ate Sandy
and got fucked and eaten at the same time.

I pulled my cock all the way out Cindy, as Sandy opened her mouth, so I slid my dick into her mouth. I felt her tongue working its way and down my shaft, and over and around the head as she sucked Cindy's wetness off of me. Then I slid it back into Cindy again, and we repeated that several times before I stood up, and walked around to the other end of the chaise and stuffed my cock into Sandy's pussy while Cindy sucked her clit. Sandy cried out as her body stiffened and she came all over Cindy's face, while her pussy nipped and grasped at my cock, as I unloaded the contents of my balls into her. Cindy sucked my cum out of Sandy, as Sandy convulsed with pleasure. Sandy then got up, and sort of staggered over to the other chaise and lay down on it, looking over towards Cindy and I. I got up on top of Cindy and slid my cock into her, and kissed her, tasting myself and Sandy's juices. Cindy held onto me, wrapped her legs around me, and we simply had raw sex, screwing wildly until she came. As she did, her pussy muscles squeezed my cock and drove me closer to yet another orgasm. I kept pumping my cock in and out of her, now up on my arms, elevated above her so I could watch my pole sliding in and out of her, as I watched her muscles flex as
she responded to my trusts. Finally, I could hold out no more and came - pumping whatever was left in
me into her womb.

I collapsed on top of her, and lay there until I caught my breath. Finally I sat up, and saw Sandy smiling at
us both, with a few fingers buried in her pussy. I swung my feet to the floor, and propped myself up on my arms. "Wow, it's so much fun watching you two" said Sandy, "you've both got so much energy. But I can't see letting anything go to waste…". She got off her chaise (only a few feet away), crawled over, and took my cock in her mouth, while she took her fingers with her pussy juice all over them and stuck them in my mouth.

She cleaned my cock thoroughly, while I sucked her juices off her fingers. She then cleaned Cindy's
pussy thoroughly with her tongue. Her phone then beeped, so she pulled it out of her satchel and looked
at it, announced that Tom was on his way back, and had to go. We watched her pull her bikini back on,
gather her towel and belongings, gave us both a kiss and said she'd probably see us later. Cindy and I
decided to head back to our room as the afternoon was coming to an end, put our suits back on, and were
soon back in our room.

After using the toilet, we turned on the shower, both got in, and soaped/lathered each other down. Before
rinsing off, we held each other close and kissed deeply. We finished in the shower, dried each other off,
and got on the bed to relax together.

"So, I thought you were feeling some serious guilt because of your having sex with Sandy, but I gather
you go over that" I whispered to Cindy. She answered, "Yes, I suppose I did. For some reason I became
comfortable with her, and all of a sudden we were having sex. When you joined in, that really did it for me.
It was so sexy to feel you inside me while she was eating me - that was incredible. I was initially upset
when you walked around and put your cock in her, but she came so quickly as we both worked her over, it
was really fun. Lucky for you, you had enough energy left over for me afterwards".

"I can't see not having energy for you" I told her "you so turn me on…".

Home Again.

Cindy and Sandy had one more session together while I was off scuba diving, and Tom was apparently
off playing golf. I got back to the hotel just as Sandy was getting ready to leave our room, and was
putting her clothes back on. When I walked into the room the smell of sex was in the air, and Cindy's hair
was all mussed up (causing my cock to stiffen). She had just put on a robe, which I promptly untied
the sash of, and while leering at her, pushed her softly back onto the bed. As Sandy put her clothes
back on, I took mine off, and sank my stiff shaft into Cindy's already soaked pussy. She and I both
groaned with pleasure as I bottomed out, and started to move as her body reacted.

Sandy stood there watching us as Cindy and I made lust to each other, and dropped her shorts she had
just put on. Cindy, already aroused, came pretty quickly and moved me onto my back so that she could
be on top. She came again, and then moved up to straddle my face. As she lowered herself onto my face
and willing tongue, I felt the familiar hot wetness of a blow job on my cock, and realized that Sandy decided
to stay a little while longer for dessert. My cock was soon restored to full hardness, when I felt her impale
herself upon me. I looked up, and Cindy was leaning back into Sandy, her breasts were being cupped
from behind as they both rode themselves to another set of orgasms.

Mine quickly built up as the sense of deja-vu struck me. I soon felt a few jets of hot sperm inject deeply
into Sandy's womb in a beautiful climax to the days (and weeks!) events.

The three of us untangled ourselves, and I asked Sandy if she wanted to join us for a shower, but she
declined saying that she was going back to her room, as she had to get ready for a dinner with Tom, his
golf buddies, and their wives and/or girlfriends. She kissed us both goodbye, and off she went.

Cindy and I stepped into the shower, cleaned each other thoroughly, and dried each other off (we both
really enjoy showering together when we're unconstrained for time). We made a reservation at one
of the local seafood places and rode off on our motorcycle for a wonderful dinner. When we returned
we put our bathing suits on, sat in the hot tub for a while, and made love under the stars.


We ran into Tom and Sandy a few more times during our stay in Bermuda, but all good things must come
to an end. We exchanged e-mail addresses, said we'd all meet again, and so on, but I didn't have any
serious expectations.

Cindy and I flew home, and while doing so Cindy decided that allowing Jen and Diane to move in together
was probably the better alternative, especially given that Jen's roommate was now having threesomes only
a few feet away from her bed in a tiny dorm room. Cindy noted wryly, that if you're going to have threesomes, at least you shouldn't be directly interfering with the lives of others. And of course, I was sworn to secrecy regarding her relationship with Sandy in Bermuda (not that I'd bring that up to anyone in the normal course of conversation anyway).

I noted that Tom had told me that Sandy almost never let him participate when she had sex with women,
but Sandy apparently had no problem having me joining in with her and Cindy. The topic never came up,
and since Cindy didn't ask I wasn't going to offer any information. As far as I was concerned, however
Sandy dealt with Tom was their business. But she was beautiful, hand a killer figure, gave great head and
fucked like a wildcat. I believed that I would remember our Bermuda adventure fondly at the time.

At the beginning of the next month we hired a trailer and helped Jen move into Diane's apartment after
her roommate moved out. Cindy and the girls went out shopping for items Cindy determined were
necessary to make things a little more home-like (Diane's parents seemed strangely out of the loop on
stuff like this, but we didn't inquire), while I fixed a few things and set up Jen's bed. Then we spent a day
helping the two of them get things reorganized.

As we were driving home, Cindy noted that we might now see a bit less of Jen, now that she had a
real apartment as opposed to a dorm room. This did turn out to be true to some extent, because now
Jen was able to actually cook (she discovered what a revelation it is to have a real kitchen at your
disposal), but she still came to the house to do her laundry and just get away. After the first month, she
sent me an email noting that I hadn't been over to visit the two of them. Cindy was going to have yet
another trip in another few weeks, so I dropped her a note suggesting we all have dinner then - and
we could either eat at their place, or I'd take them out to one of the local restaurants.

Jen thought that was a great idea, so I just left it at that as I returned to concentrating on my work.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:











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