Hiring veterans in the cannabis industry
Hiring veterans in the cannabis industry

Why Veterans Make Great Employees for the Marijuana Industry

Veterans bring a set of core values that is perfect for the cannabis industry

Posted by:
christalcann on Sunday Dec 12, 2021

hiring veterans for the marijuana industry

The value veterans bring to the cannabis industry cannot be underestimated. They can comfortably occupy positions in the marijuana industry. They can become growers, entrepreneurs, dispensary owners, policymakers, CEOs, and advocates; this was a statement by Cherissa Jackson, who once served actively in the US Air Force for 23 years and then retired as a nurse in the Air Force. He survived three combat tours (one in Afghanistan and two in Iraq). He is the Principal Medical Executive of AMVETS and runs the HEAL initiative.

Veterans and Cannabis

For most veterans, consumption of cannabis is a personal thing as they have used the plant at one time or the other. Some have used medical cannabis for treating ailments, and others are advocates.

The Veteran Affairs department in the United States has reported that 30% of the veterans in Vietnam have experienced PTSD, that is, post-traumatic stress disorder, at one time or the other. Recent federal research revealed that cannabis is beneficial in treating PTSD, and this is only one of the rising numbers of researches that show the benefits of the plant. 

The veteran population also experiences a 53 percent suicide rate than those who aren’t veterans. Jackson Cherissa stated that several veterans are suffering, and it is already common knowledge that the cannabis plant has so many valuable benefits that can be harnessed. The common aim and objective are to provide every resource to help, uplift, motivate, and give every Veteran the right to live.

However, the military officials are finding it hard to catch up. Although legislation states that endorsing medical cannabis to veterans is permitted, however, neither veterans nor the Veteran Affairs (VA) doctors have any protection under federal law. Based on the wide range of state jurisdictions, physicians may get a penalty for prescribing cannabis, and the veterans could be penalized for using it. 

Nonetheless, veteran cannabis activists like Derek Cloutier, the founder of the New England Veterans Alliance, have continued to lobby for the rights to medical cannabis. Veterans are solid leaders in the advocacy towards the legalization of cannabis, plus they have some highly desirable skill sets that can make them ideal cannabis employees.

Core Skills That Make Veterans Ideal Cannabis Employees

Veterans possess practical skills and can be transferred easily to the marijuana industry. This is obvious because they exude class and so much experience.

Veterans are also focused and goal-centric. They are risk-takers, authoritarian leaders, that know how to get what they want. We can also say they are loyal to the core, are hardworking, and will continue till the task or mission at stake is complete regardless of how complex the process is. 

Here are some other skills veterans have that makes them ideal employees in the cannabis industry:


There is no surprise that this comes first. Leadership is the ability to manage people and situations to achieve a preconceived goal. It is also the primary determinant of whether an organization will grow or not.

The military teaches every member of its staff to take the initiative and know what to do at the right time. As most cannabis companies are still growing, they require those who will push the organization forward, taking leadership roles.


Brett Puffenbarger is a former military man who is also the Director of Marketing and Sales at FOCUS, stated says that "In the system of the military, the head commander will usually give you a summary of the milestones as well as the expected goal.

How the service members end up reaching the goal is entirely their responsibility." In the cannabis industry, there are lots of start-ups, and these companies are in dire need of autonomous workers who are mission-oriented.

Ability to adapt

The military trains its members of staff several life skills, including the ability to adapt to change at any point in time. They are to expect unforeseen circumstances and what to do at the right time.  With the continuously evolving laws and regulations in the cannabis industry, employees who possess this ability will be helpful.


The success of an organization lies in the ability of team members to collaborate and work for hand in hand. They should be able to cover for weaker team members. The military trains all its members to be team players. This means they must have the ability to work in a group and to help the group succeed as one. This may require executing a role different from your job description. Most cannabis companies are increasing and all employees are expected to put the team first above themselves and take on responsibilities to help the team.


Transparency is one of the core skills that make veterans ideal cannabis employees. The military ensures open communication as well as honesty at all times. Both the success and the safety of a mission rely strongly on transparency.

Transparency is vital in the marijuana industry. It helps build trust, openness, and a workplace established in respectful uprightness to make collaboration smooth. A workroom with honesty and transparency is required in the cannabis industry and any other industry in the world.


Anyone who works in the cannabis industry has a lot of things to learn. As such, they must climb on the shoulders of those who are more knowledgeable. Those who are more knowledgeable may be cannabis growers, activists, patients, and researchers.

The military is one place where the mighty gets humbled. People are trained to open themselves up to a new way of thinking. As stated by Puffenbarger, the military gives a humbling experience even if you think you are made of steel. Veterans with this quality are needed in the cannabis industry.

Final Thoughts

Other skills that a veteran can bring in the industry include fearlessness, passion, and ruggedness. Since the cannabis industry is just being adopted for recreational and medicinal purposes, human labor with the right experience and attitude is key to its growth.








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