Latest Blog in: Opinion


Legalize Weed, Not Reschedule It? - 57% of the Comments on the DEA Website Want Cannabis Desheduled, Not Reschuduled to Level 3

by Reginald Reefer | Friday Jul 26, 2024

While roughly 35% of respondents nodded along with the government's baby steps towards reform, the majority had a more radical idea in mind. A whopping 57% of comments called for complete descheduling of cannabis. That's right, folks – the people aren't just asking for a slightly looser leash; they're demanding the collar be removed entirely.


Why You Shouldn't Vote for Kamala Harris Just Because of Her Position on Cannabis- Banana in the Tailpipe, Again?

by Reginald Reefer | Thursday Jul 25, 2024

Before you pin all your hopes on Harris's cannabis stance, let's take a closer look at her history with the issue and why political promises, especially when it comes to weed, should be taken with a hefty dose of skepticism. After all, in the world of politics, today's firm stance could be tomorrow's convenient pivot.


Which is Better for Sex, Mary Jane or Jack Daniels? - New Study Shows Stoning While Boning is the Best

by Reginald Reefer | Monday Jul 22, 2024

The study, published in Revista Internacional de Andrología, set out to compare the effects of Spain's two most popular drugs - alcohol and cannabis - on sexual experiences. Now, you might think this was just an excuse for some scientists to have a good time, but trust me, it's serious business. Well, as serious as research about getting high and getting it on can be.


Research Access for All - There Should Be Unlimited and Unrestricted Access to Drug Research Papers and Information

by Reginald Reefer | Monday Jul 15, 2024

Since 1971, the landscape of drug research in the United States has been drastically altered, with severe restrictions placed on the study of substances deemed "most dangerous." The Controlled Substances Act (CSA), ostensibly implemented for public protection, has instead created a system that inadvertently benefits pharmaceutical companies by maintaining their monopoly on drug manufacturing and distribution.


A Regulated Cannabis Market vs. Non-Regulated Market - Would the Marijuana Industry Be Better Off Without Any Regulations?

by Reginald Reefer | Saturday Jul 13, 2024

In this article, we'll dive deep into the potential consequences of a "non-regulated marketplace" for cannabis. We'll explore the arguments on both sides, weighing the purported benefits against the potential risks. By examining these contrasting approaches, we aim to shed light on whether a hands-off policy could indeed create a better system for consumers, businesses, and society as a whole.


Canada Legalized Weed 8 Years Ago, Here are 5 Things They Would Do Differently if They Could Get a Redo

by Thom Baccus | Friday Jul 12, 2024

Canada’s decision to legalize recreational marijuana in October 2018 marked a historic moment, making it the second country in the world, after Uruguay, to do so. The goal was to eliminate the black market, protect public health, generate significant tax revenue, and regulate the production, distribution, and consumption of cannabis.


How to Combat the Digital Cannabis Prejudicies Already Hardcoded into AI

by Reginald Reefer | Tuesday Jul 9, 2024

 However, it is through this endeavor that I have begun to notice some concerning issues that have led me to question the broader implications of AI and its relationship to the values and biases of its creators. As I delved deeper into using AI for cannabis-related content, I couldn't help but notice a pervasive prejudice against drugs, particularly cannabis, woven into the very fabric of the AI systems I was using.


Cannabis and the Current Spiritual Evolution - Is Weed Good or Bad for a Spiritual Awakening?

by Reginald Reefer | Saturday Jul 6, 2024

During our conversation, my friend posited that cannabis could be a detriment to one's spiritual evolution, particularly if we develop a strong attachment to it. I found myself nodding along, understanding the validity of his perspective. After all, attachment is often viewed as a hindrance to spiritual progress across various philosophical and religious traditions.


The Weird and Wacky Roll Governor DeSantis is Playing in Legalizing Cannabis and Intoxicating Hemp in Florida

by Reginald Reefer | Friday Jul 5, 2024

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently vetoed a bill that would have severely restricted the sale of hemp-derived products, including those containing delta-8 and delta-9 THC which can produce intoxicating effects. The veto comes despite DeSantis' vocal opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize recreational marijuana in the state.


The 10 Best Twitter (X) Cannabis Handles to Follow for Marijuana News and Updates

by Karhlyle | Wednesday Jul 3, 2024

We shall look at the top 10 Twitter (X) handles that offer exclusive information to cannabis enthusiasts such as yourself. We will also identify three primary key opinion leaders who set trends in the weed culture alongside the responsible use of social media like Twitter.  Elon Musk buying Twitter and making it "X" has been a boom for cannabis culture on the social media platform.