Mr. Balls Meet A Nice Young Lady
Mr. Balls Meet A Nice Young Lady

Senhor Testiculo Is Real, and You Are Not Tripping Balls...Yet.

Fighting Testicular Cancer, A Picture Says A Thousand Words

Posted by:
Oaktree on Tuesday Feb 9, 2016



A Brazilian testicular cancer awareness group has created a mascot for the cause that is beyond disturbing.

Say hello to Mr. Balls, or “Senhor Testiculo”, the wide-eyed, dual-toothed, rosy-cheeked, mole-sporting scrotum that will cause a lifetime of nightmares for anyone who lays eyes on him.

The little curly hairs are an especially nice touch.(source


This story originally appeared in the NY Daily news here , and my first reaction to the picture was, "How can you not laugh out loud, spray coffee from your mouth, or drench the person you are talking to after taking that sip of water, after seeing this picture.  I mean, we have long pubic hair, short pubic hair, a mole with a tassle of pubic hair, a mount with two chicklets for teeth, etc.

If you saw this guy coming up to you, how could you not think you were "tripping balls"?  If a huge nut sack came up to you and started talking, I would curl up in a little ball and just cover my face and pray for it to end.







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