What is equity crowdfunding and WTF does it have to do with my weed?
Short answer: Nothing yet. But in the future it could be the reason you make money off of the greenrush that you have been predicting for years and none of your straight friends believed you.
Long answer: Equity crowdfunding is the largerscale, more financially oriented element of the rapidly growing crowfunding trend. Crowdfunding, on the model of kickstarter and Indiegogo, is finding funding for your idea, be it a business, a movie, a record, a product…by using the internet to access the specific group of people who would able and willling to contribute to such an endeavor for some sort of either symbolic or practical renumeration.
This means the people who put their money in get a version of the final product, or a tshirt, or a mug, or a chance to meet the inventor.
As the field has grown from"fund my movie" to "fund my business", many of the people putting their hard earned money into these projects are starting to retort with "show me some money". After all, investing in a company that then goes on to make millions andultimately just getting the chance to buy the product like all the other shlubs does not a great business offering make.
Enter "equity crowdfunding" – this allows for investors in online crowdfunding platforms to receive actual shares in the companies they choose to fund. This has taken a while to get through the governmental and regulatory loopholes, because in the past, you had to demonstrate having a certain amount of money before you could become an "accredited investor" and then vie for your piece of the pie.
With the internet acting as the great equalizer, it has become evident that the amount of money you have to invest should not be an obstacle (nor is it anyone's business) to your chances to make a bundle out of your noticing the next big thing. Investing in marijuana is not different.
And this is where your weed comes into play. You've been smoking it for years, heard about vaporizers and grinders before anyone, have spent good money on glass and parephanlia, and now, finally, the entire world is catching up. Everyday you open your web browser and find another article about someone who has made millions with their new weed startup, growers in Oregon who are buying boats and private planes, and a whole slew of major companies who seem to be interested in getting into the cannabis investing game.
How can I get a piece of this, you ask yourself? I knew this was going to happen for years, you've been contributing to it, and now I'm out in the cold? I have to watch stoners around the world make millions of dollars while I keep on paying premium prices for my bud? Well, some people with a little more motivation than you have come up with the solution to this question, with their cannabis flavored entrée into the crowdfunding industry: Herbalfund.
Herbalfund is, according to Co-Founder Avi Cohen, "the ideal solution for buying into the rapid growth of the cannabis industry, and for innovators and businesses, the best way to reach a wide audience of potential investors and supporters for their projects. It came out of us sitting around trying to come up with an idea we could capitalize on the greenrush with…and as we sat around brainstorming, we realized that there are a lot of people doing the same thing…and THAT became the idea"
Additionally, herbalfund is planning on putting itself to it's own test – upon launch they launched a funding campaign for itself, giving first time users and visitors a chance to become owners, as well.
Herbalfund is in its pre – launch stage, they are planning to have an official launch next month, and meanwhile they are selecting and curating projects that they believe in and hope to find funding for, as well as perfecting the site for future users.