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cbd oil quality

How To Find Good Quality Legal CBD Oil

Good Quality CBD Oil is About To Explode

Posted by:
Lemon Knowles on Friday Jun 22, 2018

How To Find Good Quality Legal CBD Oil

quality cbd oil


CBD (cannabidiol) oil has been making headlines over the last few years.

Each day, more people are learning about the miraculous health benefits of CBD oil. From cancer to epilepsy, and even overall health and wellbeing, the therapeutic applications of CBD oil are virtually infinite. Add to that the fact that CBD oil has no side effects, and you have one potent, all-natural medicine that we could all make use of.


The problem is, how do you legally obtain CBD oil? And how do you know if you’re getting the real thing?


There’s no short answer to it.


The Legalities


According to federal laws, CBD is still classified as a Schedule 1 substance.  That could change within weeks as Senator McConnell's 2018 Hemp and Farm bill will legalize CBD from hemp at the Federal level, so stay tuned in the new few weeks for updates.


But certain states have their own rules when it comes to using CBD products.


There is a difference between legal and illegal CBD oil. It all depends on how the product was made. CBD oil, as well as other CBD products, that have been made from the cannabis plant are legal only in states where cannabis is legal, because they tend to contain high THC levels. However, CBD products that have been derived from the hemp plant are legal in all fifty states, provided that they contain less than 0.3% THC. Although cannabis and hemp share many similarities, the difference lies in their cannabinoid profiles.


It’s also important to know that in six states, the entire cannabis plant including CBD remains illegal. These are: South Dakota, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, West Virginia, and Indiana. If you live in any of these states, consuming or buying CBD oil will come with risks. In the other states where cannabis is legal in some form, the consumption of CBD oil is also protected by the same laws.


Other states with no cannabis laws in place have CBD-only laws. These 16 states are Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you live in any of these states, you will have to qualify for a specific medical condition in order to legally use CBD oil. Guam and Puerto Rico have only approved medical CBD use, which means you will need a doctor’s recommendation to use CBD oil. Some states have higher limits, such as Delaware where the CBD oil is legally allowed to contain as much as 5% THC, which isn’t enough to get you high.


While cannabis-derived CBD oil is still illegal, hemp-derived CBD oil is legal. Again, provided that it contains less than 0.3% THC.


In other words, hemp-derived CBD oil that has been made in compliance with state rules is legal. But CBD made from the cannabis plant is only legal in states with medical or recreational cannabis laws in place.


What’s The Difference?


Well, many feel that CBD oil derived from the cannabis plant is better, safer, and healthier. This is because the CBD is produced from whole plant extract, including a superior cannabinoid profile including THC and terpenes. It just works better, because of the entourage effect. But since this kind of product is only legally available in states with medical or adult use laws, not everyone can legally use it.


Hemp-derived CBD oil has its own special medicinal benefits too. When shopping for CBD products online, it’s likely you will be getting hemp-derived CBD oil. But to know if you are getting a quality (and legal) product, check for third party lab results, and a THC content of less than 0.3%.


Does CBD Have Benefits For A Recreational User?


If you’re a recreational user, you’re probably wondering how CBD can benefit you. The truth is that even if you aren’t sick, you can benefit from consuming CBD. In fact, it’s the best antidote for when you’re too high from THC, or if you suffer from paranoia and anxiety. CBD oil can be used for pain relief, skin health, heart health, improved sleep, and even stress.

Consuming CBD oil regularly, or other CBD products for that matter, can also support your overall wellness. It can reduce your risk for developing certain diseases, and help you feel better physically and mentally without getting you high. In fact, integrating CBD oil into your wellness routine is probably the best way to prevent disease and stay healthy without turning to harmful pharmaceuticals.


Shop our safe CBD from hemp store, where all CBD is lab tested, click here to shop.








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