Deana Martin, the Marijuana Mom, and founder of Northern Herb, recently pleaded with the US Federal government and received a 4-year Federal prison sentence for income tax evasion, money laundering, payroll tax evasion, and selling marijuana without a license.
Watch one of your first interviews after sentencing as we talk about her journey in cannabis, what got her started, how she got caught, how shady Weedmaps was while she was in illegal seller on their site, and what the movie rights to her book might be going for down the road.
Deana Martin is a well-spoken intelligent woman who does not hold back on her story, or the players involved now that her agreement has been reached with the federal government. We explore such topics as:
How did you get started in the illegal marijuana delivery business?
What motived you to get involved with cannabis to begin with?
How big did Northern Herb get, how much money was she making?
How did she get caught?
If she could change one thing over the past 3 years, what would it be?
How did Weedmaps process payments, was it all cash and pre-paid debit cards in the back office?
What does she hope for after her prison sentence is complete?
Pro Cannabis Media’s David Rabinovitz and’s Curt Dalton lead an action packed 90 minutes of questions, banter, and comments from some of the marijuana industries best experts on veterans’ affairs, media, and delivery startups and weed platforms.
If you missed the live show, just click the YouTube link here, or the video at the top of the article to watch the Deana Martin Green Rush LIVE show!