Secret Service Cannabis Rules
Secret Service Cannabis Rules

Trump Is Hiring Stoned Secret Service Agents

Trump Won't Legalize Cannabis But Will Let His Security Force Use It

Posted by:
DanaSmith on Monday Jun 5, 2017

Trump Is Hiring Stoned Secret Service Agents


secret service cannabis rules


Trump hates pot.



But the government needs more people so they’re loosening up their drug policies for hiring Secret Service because they need more on their team?



The irony! But that just says a lot – clearly there are people behind Uncle Sam that are smart enough to know that cannabis use is PERFECTLY OK to use. Last week, new Secret Service director Randolph Alles proposed a new plan to increase the agency’s staff by over 3,000 in the near future.



Alles spoke to reporters in his first press conference, just a little over a month into his new role. The new changes to the drug policy were effective within the last month, basically recognizing that cannabis use is more mainstream than ever, according to officials. This acknowledgement will allow more applicants, including those who have tried cannabis in the past even during their teenage years, to try their hand at working for the Secret Service. In short, previous cannabis use will no longer make an applicant disqualified from the hiring process just because of his use.


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This principle is referred to as the “whole-person concept”, and the Secret Service will now allow individuals to apply even if they’ve admitted to cannabis use. Part of the hiring process however will investigate the last time the applicant has used cannabis.



This more progressive stance from the Secret Service aligns them with similar rules of other federal law enforcement agencies. However, since the Secret Service will still be in close contact with heads of state there will also be other strict rules that will be applied. These include a polygraph test, credit checks, and vision test as critical aspects of the hiring process. Alles recognizes that there team is working round the clock, and more people are needed to cover for individuals who need to go on overtime shifts because of the lack of manpower.



Threat of Terrorism


police on terrorism


We can’t agree more with Alles. The threat of terrorism these days is very real and hits close to home. “We need more people. The mission has changed,” he says, discussing threats that have taken place after 9/11. Alles also adds, “It’s more dynamic and way more dangerous than it has been in years past.”



Trump only met with Alles once before hiring him, and the interview process was the only time that the two ever met in person. US law states that the president’s family requires 24-hour protection, and let’s face it – the orange haired guy owns several properties that also need looking after. “I just think between that and the fact that he has a larger family, that’s just more stress on the organization. We recognized that,” he says. This is how Alles is responding to this threat – and we agree – this is a huge step forward!!! The question now is since they are going to focus on the last time an applicant used weed, what are the rules that Alles will be applying? Is it a month, an hour, or a year? How is this going to make a difference? We’re just going to have to wait and see.



In all honesty, it’s baffling how a harmless plant is even still such an issue in the United States. Anyone can use cannabis responsibly and still be a productive citizen of the country, and even protect the president effectively when needed.



To prove this, look what Israel is doing – they’ve loosened up their own policies on soldiers who are caught using cannabis. There are still strict rules, but it’s not looked down upon as much as it is in the United States. The soldiers will be allowed to smoke cannabis up to 5 times as long as they are off duty when they do so.



If there’s one person who needs cannabis the most anyway, it’s Trump.






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