Why are People Getting Arrested for Driving Legal Hemp around the Country?
What the latest law enforcement “cannabis blunder” can teach us about Drug Prohibition
Imagine going about your way in a U-Haul, driving along the Interstate when a random traffic stop changes your life. Firstly, in the back of your U-Haul are roughly 3,000 pounds of legal hemp. Secondly, you’re in Texas and thirdly, your name is Aneudy Gonzalez.
How do you think this story finishes? Cops shook his hands and bid him along his way? Of course not! They took this “Mexican Drug Pusher” and threw his ass in jail! Afterward, a celebratory “Largest Bust in Recent History” picture was posted on their social media pages!
But we can’t put it all on the Texas State Troopers, who called in the D.E.A to assist after finding multiple boxes stuffed to the brim with “what they believed were marijuana at the time”.
The D.E.A later commented that “they were unaware of the state law and confused about the THC content rules…” In other words, “We presumed he was guilty from the start…”
In an even later statement by Texas DPS, “The trooper arrested Mr. Gonzalez, and following further questioning by a DEA Task Force Officer, the DEA Officer adopted the investigation and took custody of Mr. Gonzalez and all evidence…” - Source
Despite the blame-shift game by authorities - Mr. Gonzalez spent a month in Jail and after this period, was released by reason of the state “moving to dismiss all charges against Mr. Gonzalez.” Why? Because of the whole...he didn’t have any weed, to begin with, “thing”. You know, not breaking any laws…
And it is on this note that we move on to the next part of the article.
Why the Drug War is Retarded!
The literal definition of the word retard means, “delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment” which, perfectly sum up modern drug policies.
Firstly, we understand today that one cannot arrest drug addiction away. Considering all available data on “drug policy”, we see that a humanitarian approach is far more effective than a militaristic approach. In the United States for example, despite having spent more than a Trillion Dollars, and having to arrest more than twenty million people for drug-related offenses – Cartels are still laundering billions through legitimate banks and beating law enforcement at every corner.
People are still buying drugs with little to no difficulty and the illicit market is thriving more than ever.
Compare this to places like Portugal where all drugs are decriminalized, a public health approach is the primary means of dealing with addicts and as a result; the median age of a drug addict is on the rise (this is good), sexually transmitted diseases are down, less crime, etc.
The same holds true for the Swiss model, where they are giving people heroin (with the only restriction that they can’t have a “lethal dose” and that they have to inject themselves) for free. There is no judgment, and there is no punishment.
The Swiss figured out that “providing clean, cheap, heroin” within a controlled environment reduced the need for addicts to steal to get their fix. This reduced incidents of crime related to drug addiction. This also inadvertently cut into black market profits – since you can hardly compete with “Free”.
As a result, they have done wonders on shrinking black market activities.
After 50+ years of trying to beat addiction out of the masses, perhaps it’s time we stop punishing people for altering their own chemistry. Especially if you expect them to defend your borders from “terrsts”.
Secondly, with the prime example of “mistaken identity” as claimed by the Texas PD and the DEA, more than ever must we abolish outdated and…yes… retarded laws!
With the Epstein [who didn’t kill himself] Revelation, shouldn’t we be tracking down these Ultra Rich pedophiles who fly on airplanes fucking young girls while implementing “tougher drug laws” to “combat crime” in the “name of Tegridy” and “Good Morals”?
Shouldn’t raping kids be a much higher law enforcement priority than…let’s say…rolling some weed into the shape of a cigar and lighting it on fire? Hell, even injecting yourself with Viper Venom should be far lower on law enforcement priorities than child rape.
Why are we listening to psychopaths?
One thing that has been bugging me a lot lately is the fact that we’re actually following laws; created by a close-knit group of child-fuckers who are utilizing law enforcement to persecute individuals who – happen to either smoke, eat, snort or inject, things that were put on a “no-no list” because a racist-anti-Semitic and convicted-criminal, needed an excuse to stop people from utilizing their right to protest.
Then, just looking at who Epstein hung out with, those assholes continued the tradition and increased the severity of the laws to undermine absolutely every principle of freedom along the way.
And what did we do? We let them like a bunch of idiots!
Let the Texas PD/DEA Marijuana (oops no it’s actually hemp) debacle be one of the last idiotic headlines we read in the near future. When are we going to stop doing what pedophiles tell us to do...I mean – if that’s our standard for morality I don’t know how we’re not going to end up killing ourselves.